50 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Di dalam kurikulum pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani baik di sekolah menengah pertama maupun menengah ke atas, materi beladiri pencak silat masuk di antara rentetan beberapa cabang olahraga yang diajarkan kepada peserta didik, dan dinilai mudah untuk dipelajari serta diajarkan dari segi teoritis maupun praktisnya di lapangan. Pencak silat merupakan seni beladiri asli nusantara yang dipengaruhi oleh nilai-nilai spiritual dan budaya bangsa, adapun guru memiliki peranan penting untuk mentransfer kepada generasi penerus bangsa guna membangun kepribadian dan moral yang baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni untuk mengetahui keterlaksanaan pembelajaran mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani materi olahraga beladiri pencak silat di SMA Swasta Surabaya dan juga untuk mengetahui kendala bagi guru PJOK SMA swasta se-Surabaya dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani materi beladiri pencak silat. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode simplerandom sampling. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan, Keterlaksanaan pembelajaran mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani materi beladiri pencak silat di SMA Swasta se Surabaya, dapat diketahui bahwa 80 % guru PJOK secara umum belum menjalankan materi pencak silat kedalam pembelajaran penjas. 73% kendala bagi guru PJOK SMA Swasta se Surabaya dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani materi beladiri pencak silat terletak dari kurangnya ketersediaan bahan ajar materi pencak silat dasar. Kata Kunci: Pencak Silat, Identifikasi Pembelajaran, Pendidikan Jasmani Abstract Pencak silat is a martial art from Indonesia which is influenced by spiritual values and local culture of Indonesia. Furthermore, it is a topic in the physical education curriculum on both junior high school and senior high school. It has both theoretical and practical to be taught. Moreover, it could be easily learned by student. Physical education teacher has an important role to transfer pencak silat to the next generation in order to build good personality and morals. The aims of this study are to find out the implementation in physical education with pencak silat’s martial art topic in the private senior high schools in Surabaya and to find out the difficulties of physical education teachers in private senior high school in Surabaya when implementing pencak silat martial art. In addition, this study belongs to descriptive-qualitative research by using simple random sampling method. Based on the result of this study, the implementation in physical education with pencak silat’s martial art topic in all private senior high school in Surabaya, it is found that generally 80% physical education teachers had not taught the subject of pencak silat in the physical lesson. Moreover, 73% difficulties of the physical education teachers in all private senior high school in Surabaya when implementing the physical education learning with the subjects of Pencak Silat’s martial art were the lack of teaching material to teach basic Pencak Silat. Keywords: Pencak Silat, Identification of Learning, Physical Educatio


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    Minority groups often get discriminatory treatment from the surrounding socio-political environment .Therefore, They always fight for their right through political path. This study examines the role of an actor in fighting for the minorities’ right in parliament by highlighting the case of Jalaludin Rakhmat when he was a member of the House of Representatives Council in 2014-2019. The focus of this study is highlighting the political role of Jalaludin Rakhmat in fighting for the interests of the Syiah Group in the DPR, including describing the various dynamics along with it. The method used in this study is qualitative by collecting in depth-interview data with Jalaludin Rakhmat, several PDIP politicians, Syiah figures in West Java, and socio-political observers. The documents reading related to Jalaludin Rakhmat’s activities in both scientific journals and national news was also carried out to deepen the context and issues of Syiah in Indonesia. The results of this study revealed that Jalaludin Rakhmat’s role in legislative represents an actor-centered effort to intervene in the political process which aims to provide space for Syia groups to fulfill their various interests. However, from its political intervention efforts, it turned out that there were not many pro-Syia policy products.The success of Jalaludin Rakhmat’s intervention can not be determined only by the ability of the actor, but also by the political structure in the DPR. In addition, the identity attached to an actor also affects the success of his achievements in fulfilling his interests. Minority interest issues are still considered politically disadvantageous for political parties. This study concludes that minority actors who make it into parliament do not necessarily correlate with the opening of the political system to the struggle of minority groups


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    Kesehatan merupakan bagian terpenting bagi kita dimana pengaruh atau datangnya penyakit melalui pola makan, terlebih bagi kita yang memiliki kesibukan yang luar biasa padatnya tentu saja tidak ada waktu untuk sarapan dan lebih memilih makanan cepat saji yang tersedia banyak di kantin atau kafe. Hal ini bukan berarti makanan cepat saji tidak sehat, hal ini akan menjadi masalah jika terlalu berlebih dan tidak memperhatikan takaran saji atau kandungan nutrisi yang ada pada makanan tersebut. Beberapa cara bisa dilakukan dengan menjaga sikap  pola makan misalkan dengan diet atau menggunakan aplikasi perhitungan nutrisi yang ada di pasaran dan gratis untuk diunduh. Jenis aplikasi ini masih kurang efektif dimana aplikasi tersebut masih merupakan perkiraan saja dan tidak bisa digunakan secara realtime. Penelitian sebelumnya bisa menggunakan teknik computer vision dengan menggunakan image sebagai alat pembaca dari makanan yang akan kita santap. Aplikasi tersebut mampu membaca kandungan nutrisi sekaligus  harga makanan, teknik pengolah image yang digunakan menggunakan metode Deep Learning Neural Network, algoritma ini terbukti memiliki akurasi dan pembacaan data yang tinggi dibandingkan algoritma yang lain. Aplikasi dengan Neural Network yang berbasis image bisa diimplementasikan pada mesin kasir di kantin atau cafe dan bisa dibuat dalam bentuk perangkat mobile sehingga lebih mudah digunakan. Teknik komputerisasi dengan Deep Learning Neural Network terbukti bisa diterapkan di kantin dan ca


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    Efforts to increase sales productivity and effectiveness for UMKM in Cimande Village through attractive product packaging and marketing innovations. The development of this innovation aims to make business actors, especially in Cimande Village, get maximum results from selling or the production process of their business. Especially in the current modernization era, it will greatly help them in making sales online, be it on the Marketplace or Social Media. Besides that with the existence of attractive product packaging than before, it will make it easier for consumers to get to know the type of UMKM product

    Distribution and clinical associations of integrating conjugative elements and cag pathogenicity islands of Helicobacter pylori in Indonesia

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    The clinical associations and correlations with other virulence factors such as cag pathogenicity island (PAI) of the Integrating Conjugative Elements Helicobacter pylori TFSS (ICEHptfs), a new type IV secretion system (TFSS) in H. pylori has not been described. Among 103 studied strains from Indonesia, almost all strains (99.0%) contained cag PAI with more than half (55.8%) were intact cag PAI. Patients infected with intact cag PAI strains showed significantly higher antral activity, inflammation and atrophy as well as corporal inflammation than those with non-intact cag PAI strains, confirming the virulence of cag PAI. Over half of strains (53.8%) contained ICEHptfs, predominantly consisted of ICEHptfs3-tfs4a (42.8%) and ICEHptfs3 (16.3%). Although patients infected with ICEHptfs-positive strains had lower H. pylori density, those with the complete ICEHptfs4b strains tended to have higher antral activity than the negative one. In combination, patients infected with combination of intact cag PAI-ICEHptfs-positive strains had more severe inflammation than those with non-intact cag PAI-ICEHptfs-negative, suggesting a possibility of a mutual correlation between these TFSS(s)