166 research outputs found

    Extragalactic Source Counts and Contributions to the Anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background. Predictions for the Planck Surveyor mission

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    We present predictions for the counts of extragalactic sources, the contributions to fluctuations and their spatial power spectrum in each channel foreseen for the Planck Surveyor (formerly COBRAS/SAMBA) mission. The contribution to fluctuations due to clustering of both radio and far--IR sources is found to be generally small in comparison with the Poisson term; however the relative importance of the clustering contribution increases and may eventually become dominant if sources are identified and subtracted down to faint flux limits. The central Planck frequency bands are expected to be ``clean'': at high galactic latitude (|b|>20), where the reduced galactic noise does not prevent the detection of the extragalactic signal, only a tiny fraction of pixels is found to be contaminated by discrete extragalactic sources. Moreover, removal of contaminating signals is eased by the substantial difference between their power spectrum and that of primordial fluctuations.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, mn.sty, 8 figures included, MNRAS, in the press. Minor changes in the text. Sections 3.1 and 3.2 have been expanded. Source counts in Table 2 have been slightly changed. Figure 1,2,7 and 8 have been replaced by new version

    Exploring pressure effects on metallic nanoparticles and surrounding media through plasmonic sensing

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    The sensing capabilities of gold nanorods under high-pressure conditions were investigated in methanol-ethanol mixtures (up to 13 GPa) and in water (up to 9 GPa) through their optical extinction. The longitudinal SPR band of AuNR exhibits a redshift with pressure which is the result of two main competing effects: compression of the conduction electrons which increases the bulk plasma frequency (blueshift) and increase in the solvent density (redshift). The variation in de SPR peak wavelength allows us to estimate the bulk modulus of the gold nanoparticles with a precision of 10 % and to obtain analytical functions providing the pressure dependence of the refractive index of water in three phases: liquid, ice VI and ice VII. Furthermore, the SPR band shows abrupt jumps at the liquid to ice phase VI and ice phase VII transitions, which are in accordance with the first-order character of these transitions.Financial support from Project PGC2018-101464-B-I00 (FEDER) and MALTA-Consolider Team (RED2018-102612-T) of the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades is acknowledged

    Pressure-Induced Phase-Transition Sequence In Cof 2 : An Experimental And First-Principles Study On The Crystal, Vibrational, And Electronic Properties

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    We report a complete structural study of CoF2 under pressure. Its crystal structure and vibrational and electronic properties have been studied both theoretically and experimentally using first-principles density functional theory (DFT) methods, x-ray diffraction, x-ray absorption at Co K-edge experiments, Raman spectroscopy, and optical absorption in the 0–80 GPa range. We have determined the structural phase-transition sequence in CoF2 and corresponding transition pressures. The results are similar to other transition-metal difluorides such as FeF2 but different to ZnF2 and MgF2, despite that the Co2+ size (ionic radius) is similar to Zn2+ and Mg2+. We found that the complete phase-transition sequence is tetragonal rutile (P42/mnm) → CaCl2 type (orthorhombic Pnnm) → distorted PdF2 (orthorhombic Pbca)+PdF2 (cubic Pa3¯) in coexistence → fluorite (cubic Fm3¯m) → cotunnite (orthorhombic Pnma). It was observed that the structural phase transition to the fluorite at 15 GPa involves a drastic change of coordination from sixfold octahedral to eightfold cubic with important modifications in the vibrational and electronic properties. We show that the stabilization of this high-pressure cubic phase is possible under nonhydrostatic conditions since ideal hydrostaticity would stabilize the distorted-fluorite structure (tetragonal I4/mmm) instead. Although the first rutile → CaCl2-type second-order phase transition is subtle by Raman spectroscopy, it was possible to define it through the broadening of the Eg Raman mode which is split in the CaCl2-type phase. First-principles DFT calculations are in fair agreement with the experimental Raman mode frequencies, thus providing an accurate description for all vibrational modes and elastic properties of CoF2 as a function of pressure

    A Bayesian method for point source polarization estimation

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    The estimation of the polarization PP of extragalactic compact sources in Cosmic Microwave Background images is a very important task in order to clean these images for cosmological purposes -- as, for example, to constrain the tensor-to-scalar ratio of primordial fluctuations during inflation -- and also to obtain relevant astrophysical information about the compact sources themselves in a frequency range, ν∼10\nu \sim 10--200200 GHz, where observations have only very recently started to be available. In this paper we propose a Bayesian maximum a posteriori (MAP) approach estimation scheme which incorporates prior information about the distribution of the polarization fraction of extragalactic compact sources between 1 and 100 GHz. We apply this Bayesian scheme to white noise simulations and to more realistic simulations that include CMB intensity, Galactic foregrounds and instrumental noise with the characteristics of the QUIJOTE experiment Wide Survey at 11 GHz. Using these simulations, we also compare our Bayesian method with the frequentist Filtered Fusion method that has been already used in WMAP data and in the \emph{Planck} mission. We find that the Bayesian method allows us to decrease the threshold for a feasible estimation of PP to levels below ∼100\sim 100 mJy (as compared to ∼500\sim 500 mJy that was the equivalent threshold for the frequentist Filtered Fusion). We compare the bias introduced by the Bayesian method and find it to be small in absolute terms. Finally, we test the robustness of the Bayesian estimator against uncertainties in the prior and in the flux density of the sources. We find that the Bayesian estimator is robust against moderate changes in the parameters of the prior and almost insensitive to realistic errors in the estimated photometry of the sources.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, submitted to A&

    Scalar arguments of the mathematical functions defining molecular and turbulent transport of heat and mass in compressible fluids

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    The advection–diffusion equations defining control volume conservation laws in micrometeorological research are analysed to resolve discrepancies in their appropriate scalar variables for heat and mass transport. A scalar variable that is conserved during vertical motions enables the interpretation of turbulent mixing as ‘diffusion’. Gas-phase heat advection is shown to depend on gradients in the potential temperature (θ), not the temperature (T). Since conduction and radiation depend on T, advection–diffusion of heat depends on gradients of both θ and T. Conservation of θ (the first Law of Thermodynamics) requires including a pressure covariance term in the definition of the turbulent heat flux. Mass advection and diffusion are universally agreed to depend directly on gradients in the gas ‘concentration’ (c), a nonetheless ambiguous term. Depending upon author, c may be defined either as a dimensionless proportion or as a dimensional density, with non-trivial differences for the gas phase. Analyses of atmospheric law, scalar conservation and similarity theory demonstrate that mass advection–diffusion in gases depends on gradients, not in density but rather in a conserved proportion. Flux-tower researchers are encouraged to respect the meteorological tradition of writing conservation equations in terms of scalar variables that are conserved through simple air motions.The authors received funding support from Andalusian regional government project GEOCARBO (P08-RNM-3721), the National Institute for Agrarian Research and Technology (INIA; SUM2006–00010-00–00), the Spanish flux-tower network CARBORED-ES (Science Ministry project CGL2010- 22193-C04–02), and the European Commission collaborative project GHG Europe (FP7/2007-2013; grant agreement 244122)

    Symbiosis of the endangered Lupinus mariae-josephae lupin especies: Successful "in situ" propagation with rhizobial inoculation

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    Region, in Eastern Spain. This lupine thrives in alkaline soils with high pH, a unique habitat for lupines. In these soils, Lmj grows in just a few defined patches, and previous conservation efforts directed towards controlled plant reproduction have been unsuccessful. A legislative decree (70/2009, page 20156 Anex I) published in the el 'Diario Oficial de la Comunitat Valenciana' shows Lmj in a category corresponding, in the latest version of the Red List of IUCN (IUCN, 2012) (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Nature Resources), to an ?Endangered? legume species not extinct in the wild. Most current IUCN criteria used to define rare, small-range legume species, are based on history of reproductive traits such as number of pods and seeds. We have previously shown that Lmj plants establish a specific root nodule symbiosis with bradyrhizobia present in those soils, and we reasoned that the paucity of these bacteria in soils might contribute to the lack of success in reproducing plants for conservation purposes. Greenhouse experiments using Lmj trap-plants showed an absence, or very low concentration, of Lmj-nodulating bacteria in ?terra rossa? soils of Valencia outside of Lmj plant patches. No Lmj endosymbiotic bacteria were found in ?terra rossa? or alkaline red soils outside the Valencia Lmj endemism region in the Iberian Peninsula or Balearic Islands. Among the rhizobia able to establish an efficient symbiosis with L. mariae-josephae plants, two Bradyrhizobium sp. strains, LmjC and LmjM3, were selected as inocula for seed coating. Two planting experiments were carried out in consecutive years under natural conditions in areas with edapho-climatic characteristics identical to those sustaining natural Lmj populations, and successful reproduction of the plant was achieved. Interestingly, the successful reproductive cycle was absolutely dependent on seedling inoculation with effective bradyrhizobia, and optimal performance was observed in plants inoculated with LmjC, a strain that had previously shown the most efficient behavior under controlled conditions. These results define conditions for L. mariae-josephae conservation and for extension to alkaline-limed soil habitats, where no other known lupine can thrive. Broadly speaking, the work singularly identified the rhizobial symbiosis as a factor affecting the conservation of legumes and often being exceedingly vulnerable to threats. Our results also indicate that seed inoculation with N2-fixing, efficient Rhizobium strains is a strategy to consider in the conservation of endangered legume specie

    Endangered Lupinus mariae-josephae species: conservation efforts

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    A lupin endemism, Lupinus mariae-josephae (Lmj), singularly has been identified in the Valencia province, in Eastern Spain. This lupin thrives in alkaline-limed soils with high pH, a unique habitat for lupins, from a small area in Valencia region. In these soils, Lmj grows in just a few small, defined patches, and previous conservation efforts directed towards controlled plant reproduction have been unsuccessful. This lupin was thought to be extinct in Valencia until 2007, when it was discovered in a limestone patch. The reasons behind Lmj endangered status are presently unknown. This study will focus on the symbiosis between Lmj and rhizobia, and how this relationship might impact the population size of Lmj. We have previously shown that Lmj plants establish a specific root nodule symbiosis with bradyrhizobia present in those soils, and we reasoned that the paucity of these bacteria in soils might contribute to the lack of success in reproducing plants for conservation purposes

    Rhizobium leguminosarum HupE is a highly-specific diffusion facilitator for nickel uptake

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    Bacteria require nickel transporters for the synthesis of Ni-containing metalloenzymes in natural, low nickel habitats. In this work we carry out functional and topological characterization of Rhizobium leguminosarum HupE, a nickel permease required for the provision of this element for [NiFe] hydrogenase synthesis. Expression studies in the Escherichia coli nikABCDE mutant strain HYD723 revealed that HupE is a medium-affinity permease (apparent Km 227 ! 21 nM; Vmax 49 ! 21 pmol Ni2+ min"1 mg"1 bacterial dry weight) that functions as an energy-independent diffusion facilitator for the uptake of Ni(II) ions. This Ni2+ transport is not inhibited by similar cations such as Mn2+, Zn2+, or Co2+, but is blocked by Cu2+. Analysis of site-directed HupE mutants allowed the identification of several residues (H36, D42, H43, F69, E90, H130, and E133) that are essential for HupE-mediated Ni uptake in E. coli cells. By using translational fusions to reporter genes we demonstrated the presence of five transmembrane domains with a periplasmic N-terminal domain and a C-terminal domain buried in the lipid bilayer. The periplasmic N-terminal domain contributes to stability and functionality of the protei

    Pressure-induced phase-transition sequence in CoF2: An experimental and first-principles study on the crystal, vibrational, and electronic properties

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    We report a complete structural study of CoF2 under pressure. Its crystal structure and vibrational and electronic properties have been studied both theoretically and experimentally using first-principles density functional theory (DFT) methods, x-ray diffraction, x-ray absorption at Co K-edge experiments, Raman spectroscopy, and optical absorption in the 0–80 GPa range. We have determined the structural phase-transition sequence in CoF2 and corresponding transition pressures. The results are similar to other transition-metal difluorides such as FeF2 but different to ZnF2 and MgF2, despite that the Co2+ size (ionic radius) is similar to Zn2+ and Mg2+. We found that the complete phase-transition sequence is tetragonal rutile (P42/mnm) → CaCl2 type (orthorhombic Pnnm) → distorted PdF2 (orthorhombic Pbca)+PdF2 (cubic Pa3¯) in coexistence → fluorite (cubic Fm3¯m) → cotunnite (orthorhombic Pnma). It was observed that the structural phase transition to the fluorite at 15 GPa involves a drastic change of coordination from sixfold octahedral to eightfold cubic with important modifications in the vibrational and electronic properties. We show that the stabilization of this high-pressure cubic phase is possible under nonhydrostatic conditions since ideal hydrostaticity would stabilize the distorted-fluorite structure (tetragonal I4/mmm) instead. Although the first rutile → CaCl2-type second-order phase transition is subtle by Raman spectroscopy, it was possible to define it through the broadening of the Eg Raman mode which is split in the CaCl2-type phase. First-principles DFT calculations are in fair agreement with the experimental Raman mode frequencies, thus providing an accurate description for all vibrational modes and elastic properties of CoF2 as a function of pressure

    Pressure-and temperature induced phase transitions, piezochromism, NLC behaviour and pressure controlled Jahn–Teller switching in a Cu-based framework

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    In situ single-crystal diffraction and spectroscopic techniques have been used to study a previously unreported Cu-framework bis[1-(4-pyridyl)butane-1,3-dione]copper(II) (CuPyr-I). CuPyr-I was found to exhibit high-pressure and low-temperature phase transitions, piezochromism, negative linear compressibility, and a pressure induced Jahn?Teller switch, where the switching pressure was hydrostatic media dependent.The support by the Spanish Ministerio de Econom´ıa, Industria y Competitividad (PGC2018-101464-B-I00), and INNVAL 18/28 is also acknowledged
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