165 research outputs found
Correlación entre la inflexibilidad psicológica y el consumo problemático de alcohol en adultos de Lima Metropolitana
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la correlación que existe entre la inflexibilidad psicológica y el consumo problemático de alcohol en población adulta de Lima Metropolitana. Este estudio se realizó aplicando los instrumentos Cuestionario de Aceptación y Acción II (AAQ-II) y Prueba de Identificación de Desórdenes del Uso de Alcohol (AUDIT) en una muestra total de 330 participantes (53% femeninos, 47% masculinos, edad mediana de 33.0, rango intercuartil 16.0). La correlación de Spearman fue utilizada como la estrategia de análisis correlacional. A nivel de resultados, correlaciones estadísticamente significativas no fueron identificadas entre las variables a nivel la muestra total (r = .106, p > .05) ni en la femenina (r = .046, p > .05). En el caso de la muestra masculina, se identificó una correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa de tamaño del efecto débil (r = .232, p .05) or its female component (r = .046, p > .05). However, a weakbut statistically significant correlation was found in the male population (r = .232, p < .05)
Evaluation of displacement ventilation for use in high-ceiling facilities
Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2000.Includes bibliographical references (p. 113, 1st group).A experimental study was conducted to assess the performance of displacement ventilation in high ceiling facilities found in North America. Such areas include commercial and industrial manufacturing facilities often featuring high internal heat loads and contaminants associated with heat sources. These areas can range from 5 to 20 meters in height. Very little performance data exists for displacement ventilation installations in high-ceiling areas, particularly any which account for the influence of wall temperature. More performance data is needed to support design guidelines for displacement ventilation in such buildings. In this study, several experiments were conducted in a room equipped with both a high ceiling (6.5 meters) and a displacement ventilation system. The performance of the system in the presence of a variety of modeled loads was evaluated by use of strategically placed temperature, tracer gas, and velocity measurements. The modeled loads consisted of traditional person, computer, and lighting loads found in offices as well as simulators constructed to represent generic welding, engine exhaust and control panel enclosures in a manufacturing environment. Wall, floor, and ceiling temperatures were recorded in these experiments. The resulting data has been used to judge the suitability of displacement ventilation for a building equipped with each process. These experimental results are also used to test existing guidelines for displacement ventilation. Walls in this high ceiling room were found to have significant impact by generating large plume flows and contributing substantially to the total radiative incident loading to the floor. Experimental results could not justify the use of a constant temperature gradient assumption to estimate the temperature difference between head and foot levels. Plume modeling was found to work well in estimating the room stratification heights. Distance from the supply diffusers was found to have an impact upon air temperature near the floor as well as the temperature difference between the head and foot levels. A five node temperature model was found to work quite well in predicting five key temperature values in this high ceiling space. A design guideline was proposed for displacement ventilation in high spaces which incorporates the five node temperature model, plume modeling, and the fractional coefficient method. Results of the experimental data are being used to validate a CFD program previously validated for small office and classroom simulations with a ceiling height of 2.4 meters.by Anthony D. Arens.S.M
Is a Block of the Femoral and Sciatic Nerves an Alternative to Epidural Analgesia in Sheep Undergoing Orthopaedic Hind Limb Surgery? A Prospective, Randomized, Double Blinded Experimental Trial
Peripheral nerve blocks are commonly used in human and veterinary medicine. The aim of the study was to compare the analgesic efficacy of a combined block of the femoral and sciatic nerves with an epidural injection of ropivacaine in experimental sheep undergoing orthopaedic hind limb surgery. Twenty-five sheep were assigned to two groups (peripheral nerve block; sciatic and femoral nerves (P); epidural analgesia (E)). In group P 10 mL ropivacaine 0.5% was injected around the sciatic and the femoral nerves under sonographic guidance and 10 mL NaCl 0.9% into the epidural space while in group E 10 mL ropivacaine 0.5% was injected into the epidural space and 10 mL NaCl 0.9% to the sciatic and the femoral nerves. During surgery, heart rate, respiratory rate and mean blood pressure were used as indicators of nociception. In the postoperative phase, nociception was evaluated every hour by use of a purposefully adapted pain score until the animal showed painful sensation at the surgical site. The mean duration of analgesia at the surgical wound was 6 h in group P and 8 h in group E. Mean time to standing was 4 h in group P and 7 h in group E. In conclusion time to standing was significantly shorter in group P while the duration of nociception was comparable in both groups. The peripheral nerve block can be used as an alternative to epidural analgesia in experimental sheep
Das Selbstkonzept im Schulfach Musik. Einbettung in die Forschung zum akademischen Selbstkonzept
Die vorliegende Studie untersucht das Selbstkonzept im Schulfach Musik im Kontext der aktuellen Forschung zum bereichsspezifischen akademischen Selbstkonzept. Dazu werden die Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Selbstkonzept im Schulfach Musik und (1) Selbstkonzepten in weiteren Schulfächern und bezogen auf Schule allgemein, (2) Noten und (3) intrinsischen Werten in verschiedenen Schulfächern geprüft. Weiter werden Unterschiede in der Struktur und in den Mittelwerten verschiedener akademischer Selbstkonzepte mitsamt dem Selbstkonzept für das Schulfach Musik zwischen Jungen und Mädchen sowie zwischen musikalisch aktiven und nicht-aktiven Schülerinnen und Schülern untersucht. Das Selbstkonzept im Schulfach Musik zeigte einen höheren Zusammenhang zu Selbstkonzepten verbaler Schulfächer als zu Selbstkonzepten mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlicher Schulfächer.Weiter zeigte das Selbstkonzept im Schulfach Musik höhere Zusammenhänge zur Note und zum intrinsischenWert im selben Fach als zur Note und zu intrinsischenWerten anderer Schulfächer. Musikalisch aktive und nichtaktive Schüler unterschieden sich nicht in der Struktur, aber in den Mittelwerten der akademischen Selbstkonzepte. Das gleiche galt für Jungen und Mädchen, wobei der Geschlechtseffekt im Mittelwert für das Selbstkonzept im Schulfach Musik zugunsten der Mädchen auf die ungleiche Geschlechtsverteilung in der musikalischen Aktivität zurückging. Die Ergebnisse lassen den Schluss zu, dass sich bekannte Phänomene des akademischen Selbstkonzepts auf das Selbstkonzept im Schulfach Musik übertragen lassen. (DIPF/Orig.
Hemodynamic and Monitoring Considerations in a Total Artificial Heart Recipient
Presented as a poster at Indiana Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting 2021
Venous injection of a triphasic calcium-based implant in a sheep model of pulmonary embolism demonstrates minimal acute systemic effects.
Implant leakage is the most common complication of vertebral augmentation. Alternative injectable materials must demonstrate intravascular safety comparable to or better than polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). This study assessed the systemic effects of a triphasic calcium-based implant or PMMA injected directly into the femoral vein in a large animal model designed to mimic severe intravascular implant leakage.
Six skeletally mature female sheep were randomly assigned (n = 3) to either the PMMA or the triphasic implant (AGN1, composition: calcium sulfate, β-tricalcium phosphate, brushite) treatment group. Femoral veins of each sheep were directly injected with 0.5 mL of implant material to mimic leakage volumes reported during PMMA vertebroplasty. To compare acute systemic effects of the materials, cardiovascular parameters, laboratory coagulation markers, and calcium and sulfate serum levels were monitored for 60 min after implant injection. Thrombotic and embolic events were evaluated by radiologic imaging, necropsy, and histopathology.
Heart rate, systemic arterial blood pressure, arterial oxygenation, arterial carbon dioxide content, and coagulation markers remained within physiological range after either AGN1 or PMMA injection. No blood flow interruption in the larger pulmonary vessels was observed in either group. Lung histopathology revealed that the severity of thrombotic changes after AGN1 injection was minimal to slight, while changes after PMMA injection were minimal to massive.
Acute systemic effects of intravascular AGN1 appeared to be comparable to or less than that of intravascular PMMA. Furthermore, in this preliminary study, the severity and incidence of pulmonary histological changes were lower for AGN1 compared to PMMA
Cluster values for algebras of analytic functions
[EN] The Cluster Value Theorem is known for being a weak version of the classical Corona Theorem. Given a Banach space X, we study the Cluster Value Problem for the ball algebra A(u)(B-X), the Banach algebra of all uniformly continuous holomorphic functions on the unit ball B-X; and also for the Frechet algebra H-b(X) of holomorphic functions of bounded type on X (more generally, for H-b(U), the algebra of holomorphic functions of bounded type on a given balanced open subset U subset of X). We show that Cluster Value Theorems hold for all of these algebras whenever the dual of X has the bounded approximation property. These results are an important advance in this problem, since the validity of these theorems was known only for trivial cases (where the spectrum is formed only by evaluation functionals) and for the infinite dimensional Hilbert space.
As a consequence, we obtain weak analytic Nullstellensatz theorems and several structural results for the spectrum of these algebras. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This work was partially supported by projects CONICET PIP 11220130100329CO, ANPCyT PICT 2015-2299, ANPCyT PICT-2015-3085, ANPCyT PICT-2015-2224, UBACyT 20020130300057BA, UBACyT 20020130300052BA, UBACyT 20020130100474BA and MINECO and FEDER Project MTM2014-57838-C2-2-P.Carando, D.; Galicer, D.; Muro, S.; Sevilla Peris, P. (2018). Cluster values for algebras of analytic functions. Advances in Mathematics. 329:157-173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2017.08.030S15717332
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Low-flow assessment of current ECMO/ECCO2R rotary blood pumps and the potential effect on hemocompatibility
Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (ECCO2R) uses an extracorporeal circuit to directly remove carbon dioxide from the blood either in lieu of mechanical ventilation or in combination with it. While the potential benefits of the technology are leading to increasing use, there are very real risks associated with it. Several studies demonstrated major bleeding and clotting complications, often associated with hemolysis and poorer outcomes in patients receiving ECCO2R. A better understanding of the risks originating specifically from the rotary blood pump component of the circuit is urgently needed.
High-resolution computational fluid dynamics was used to calculate the hemodynamics and hemocompatibility of three current rotary blood pumps for various pump flow rates.
The hydraulic efficiency dramatically decreases to 5–10% if operating at blood flow rates below 1 L/min, the pump internal flow recirculation rate increases 6–12-fold in these flow ranges, and adverse effects are increased due to multiple exposures to high shear stress. The deleterious consequences include a steep increase in hemolysis and destruction of platelets.
The role of blood pumps in contributing to adverse effects at the lower blood flow rates used during ECCO2R is shown here to be significant. Current rotary blood pumps should be used with caution if operated at blood flow rates below 2 L/min, because of significant and high recirculation, shear stress, and hemolysis. There is a clear and urgent need to design dedicated blood pumps which are optimized for blood flow rates in the range of 0.5–1.5 L/min
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Associations of variants In the hexokinase 1 and interleukin 18 receptor regions with oxyhemoglobin saturation during sleep
Sleep disordered breathing (SDB)-related overnight hypoxemia is associated with cardiometabolic disease and other comorbidities. Understanding the genetic bases for variations in nocturnal hypoxemia may help understand mechanisms influencing oxygenation and SDB-related mortality. We conducted genome-wide association tests across 10 cohorts and 4 populations to identify genetic variants associated with three correlated measures of overnight oxyhemoglobin saturation: average and minimum oxyhemoglobin saturation during sleep and the percent of sleep with oxyhemoglobin saturation under 90%. The discovery sample consisted of 8,326 individuals. Variants with p −6 were analyzed in a replication group of 14,410 individuals. We identified 3 significantly associated regions, including 2 regions in multi-ethnic analyses (2q12, 10q22). SNPs in the 2q12 region associated with minimum SpO2 (rs78136548 p = 2.70 × 10−10). SNPs at 10q22 were associated with all three traits including average SpO2 (rs72805692 p = 4.58 × 10−8). SNPs in both regions were associated in over 20,000 individuals and are supported by prior associations or functional evidence. Four additional significant regions were detected in secondary sex-stratified and combined discovery and replication analyses, including a region overlapping Reelin, a known marker of respiratory complex neurons.These are the first genome-wide significant findings reported for oxyhemoglobin saturation during sleep, a phenotype of high clinical interest. Our replicated associations with HK1 and IL18R1 suggest that variants in inflammatory pathways, such as the biologically-plausible NLRP3 inflammasome, may contribute to nocturnal hypoxemia
Разработка комплексной системы управления складом для интернет-магазинов
В результате исследовательской работы была спроектирована и разработана комплексная система управления складом для интернет-магазинов. Система позволяет интегрировано вести учет и визуализировать расположение продукции на складе, регистрировать расходы, управлять ресурсами и отображать финансовую статистику бюджета компании.As a result of the research work, a comprehensive warehouse management system for online shopping stores was designed and developed. The system allows integrated accounting and visualization of the location of products in the warehouse, recording expenses, managing resources and displaying financial statistics of the company's budget
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