55 research outputs found

    Histoire et recherche pour la paix. Expériences autour de la Méditerranée

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    Ce travail aborde une série d’apports théoriques et méthodologiques que nous considérons intéressants pour la recherche historique. Parmi les premiers, il convient de souligner un tournant ontologique et épistémologique qui permet de situer la paix au cœur de notre recherche. Parmi les seconds, la proposition d’une matrice unitaire et compréhensible composée de cinq axes reliés : une théorie générale des conflits ; la réflexion autour d’une paix imparfaite ; la déconstruction de la violence ; la distinction entre les médiations et les interactions systémiques entre conflits, paix et violence ; et l’empowerment pacifiste. Suivant cette approche, nous abordons trois aspects du présent : l’évolution de l’Indice de Développement Humain, les mouvements des indignés et le printemps arabe et la participation au sein de la plateforme Avaaz.org. Les résultats indiquent que maintenant, et malgré les violences générées, la Méditerranée est une réalité historique plus pacifique qu’il y a trente-cinq ans.In this paper, we focus on a set of theoretical and methodological approaches that we consider relevant for History. From a theoretical point of view we emphasize the necessity of an ontological and epistemological turn which permit us to place peace in the core of our research. From the methodological one, we propose a comprehensive and integrative matrix shaped by five intertwined focuses: a general theory of conflicts; a reflection on an imperfect system of peace; a deconstruction of all forms of violence; a distinction between power of mediations and systemic interactions between conflicts, peace and violence; and pacifistic empowerment. Following this approach, we make a preliminary analysis of three aspects of contemporary Mediterranean: the evolution of the Human Development Index, the social movements known as indignados (indignants) and Arab Spring, and the participation in Avaaz.org. Our results show that in spite of the multiple violences generated through the Mediterranean Sea, this historical region is more pacific now than it was 35 years ago

    Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Pruritus and Quality of Life: Learning from Our Patients

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    Chronic kidney disease; Haemodialysis; Opioid system; PruritusEnfermedad renal crónica; Hemodiálisis; Sistema opioide; PruritoMalaltia renal crònica; Hemodiàlisi; Sistema opioide; PruritChronic kidney disease-associated pruritus is itching directly related to kidney disease that cannot be explained by any other condition. Despite technological advances in the different aspects of dialysis sessions and the best treatment for chronic kidney disease patients, it is still a common problem in our patients. The many complex physiological mechanisms involved, the different hypotheses made over the years on the aetiology of the condition, and the great clinical variability may partially explain the limited knowledge about this problem and the difficulties in treating it. The presence of all these factors leads to the persistence of unpleasant symptoms, which must affect the disease burden and quality of life of kidney patients. Through the presentation of an illustrative clinical case, the aim of this review article is to highlight the need for adequate diagnosis and an improved approach to all aspects of chronic kidney disease-associated pruritus, in view of the heavy burden of the disease and the huge impact on the patient's quality of life

    Palynological investigations in the Orce Archaeological Zone, Early Pleistocene of Southern Spain

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    Palynological investigations in the Orce Archaeological Zone (OAZ) (Guadix-Baza Basin, Granada, Spain), Venta Micena 1 (VM1), Barranco Leon (BL) and Fuente Nueva 3 (FN3) are presented. This archaeological region is con-nected with the first Homo populations in Western Eurasia during the Early Pleistocene. The VM1 pollen record is characterized by Ephedra, and to a lesser extent, Pinus, Juniperus and evergreen Quercus, occassionally accompa-nied by Olea, Genisteae, Erica, deciduous Quercus, Alnus, Castanea, Fraxinus, Salix and Phillyrea. BL is dominated by Juniperus, Olea, Pinus, Poaceae, and evergreen Quercus. FN3 is characterized by an open Mediterranean woodland dominated by evergreen Quercus, Pinus, Juniperus and Olea, accompanied by deciduous Quercus, Castanea, Populus, Salix, Ulmus, Fraxinus, Pistacia, Phillyrea, Genisteae, Erica, Cistus, and Ephedra fragilis. Relic Tertiary taxa in OAZ include Carya, Pterocarya, Eucommia, Zelkova, and Juglans. The Early Pleistocene OAZ vegetation is a mosaic of different landscapes embracing mesophytes, thermophytes, xerophytes, xerothermophytes, and Mediterra-nean elements. These finds are compared with former pollen analyses in the region and beyond within the Ibe-rian Peninsula. (c) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Peer reviewe

    Taphonomic and spatial analyses from the Early Pleistocene site of Venta Micena 4 (Orce, Guadix-Baza Basin, southern Spain)

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    Venta Micena is an area containing several palaeontological sites marking the beginning of the Calabrian stage (Early Pleistocene). The richness of the fossil accumulation including species of Asian, African and European origin, makes Venta Micena a key site for the the palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental study of southern Europe during the Early Pleistocene. Thus, research has been focused on Venta Micena 3, which was originally interpreted as a single palaeosurface associated with a marshy context, in which most of the fauna was accumulated by Pachycrocuta brevirostris. Recent excavations have unearthed a new site, Venta Micena 4, located in the same stratigraphic unit (Unit C) and in close proximity to Venta Micena 3. Here we show the first analyses regarding the taphonomic and spatial nature of this new site, defining two stratigraphic boundaries corresponding to two different depositional events. Furthermore, the taphonomic analyses of fossil remains seem to indicate a different accumulative agent than Pachycrocuta, thus adding more complexity to the palaeobiological interpretation of the Venta Micena area. These results contribute to the discussion of traditional interpretations made from Venta Micena 3.Peer reviewe

    New stratigraphically constrained palaeoenvironmental reconstructions for the first human settlement in Western Europe : The Early Pleistocene herpetofaunal assemblages from Barranco Leon and Fuente Nueva 3 (Granada, SE Spain)

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    The Early Pleistocene sites of Barranco Leon and Fuente Nueva 3 (Guadix-Baza Basin, SE Spain) have yielded abundant Oldowan lithic artifacts and one hominin tooth (Homo sp. in level D1 or D2 of Barranco Leon), today considered to be among the earliest evidence for a hominin presence in Western Europe, at ca. 1.4-1.2 Ma. Here, for the first time, the stratigraphic succession of these two sites are studied more precisely from a palaeoenvironmental point of view, taking into account the different levels of the depositional sequences to analyze the successive fossil assemblages of amphibians and reptiles. Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions are carried out by applying the "habitat weighting" method, which uses the modern distribution by habitat of amphibian and reptile species in order to interpret past landscapes. The successive herpetofaunal assemblages from Barranco Leon show a certain tendency towards more arid conditions from level D1 to level E, whereas in Fuente Nueva 3 environmental reconstructions reveal oscillating conditions, with a tendency towards more arid conditions in the basal part of the sequence, up to level 5, where the tendency shifts back to more humid conditions. Our results show that the layers included in this study with the highest density of anthropic evidence (such as level 5 in FN 3 and levels D1 and D2 in BL) are situated within the late Early Pleistocene climatic and environmental cyclicity, yielding different environmental conditions: a humid, wooded biotope for BL, and a more open and drier biotope in FN 3. This suggests that the hominins of the late Early Pleistocene, although conditioned to some extent by climatic factors, were able to cope with changing environmental conditions, both "interglacial" and "glacial", in the southwestern extremity of the European continent. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene climate history in the Guadix-Baza Basin, and the environmental conditions of early Homo dispersal in Europe

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    The Guadix-Baza Basin (GBB) in Andalucia, Spain, comprises palaeontological and archaeological sites dating from the Early Pliocene to the Middle Pleistocene, including some of the earliest sites with evidence for the presence of early humans (Homo sp.) in Europe. Thus, the history of climate and environments in this basin contributes significantly to our understanding of the conditions under which early humans spread into Europe during the Early Pleistocene. Here we present estimates of precipitation and primary productivity in the GBB from the Pliocene to the Middle Pleistocene based on dental ecometrics in fossil communities of large herbivorous mammals, and perform an ecometrics-based distribution modelling to analyse the environmental conditions of Early and Middle Pleistocene human sites in Europe. Our results show that Early Pleistocene humans generally occupied on average relatively diverse habitats with ecotones, such as woodlands and savannas, but avoided very open and harsh (cool or dry) environments. During the Middle Pleistocene in Europe, humans occupied a comparatively much broader range of environments than during the Early Pleistocene, but were on average more concentrated in environments where the dental ecometric of mammals indicate wooded palaeoenvironments. In the earliest human occupation sites of the GBB, Barranco Leon and Fuente Nueva 3, the mean annual precipitation and net primary production estimates indicate climatic conditions close to modern Mediterranean sclerophyllous woodland environments, but with slightly higher primary productivity, indicating some similarity with East African woodlands. On the other hand, the environments did not resemble African grassland savannas. The browse-dominated diets of ungulates from Barranco Leon and Fuente Nueva 3 further suggest palaeoenvironments where grasses were a minor component of the vegetation. In the slightly older site of Venta Micena that has no evidence for the presence of hominins, dental ecometric estimates indicate climate and environments similar to Mediterranean "forest steppe" environments existing in the surroundings of Baza today. Grasses were prevalent in the diet of some taxa, especially equids, in Venta Micena, but most of the species show browse-dominated diets even there. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe

    Paleofitogeografía de los pinares en las montañas periféricas de la cuenca del Duero

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    En las dos últimas décadas se han obtenido numerosos resultados procedentes de diferentes trabajos paleobotánicos (Cuaternario final) realizados en los territorios montanos periféricos de la depresión del Duero. Las metodologías empleadas han sido diversas y tienen que ver con los diferentes tipos de yacimientos y de muestras biológicas seleccionadas para su estudio; entre ellas destacan las técnicas de microscopía óptica para la identificación de maderas subfósiles, la morfología comparada de macrorrestos y los estudios dendrocronológicos en árboles longevos y maderas subfósiles. En esta comunicación se reúnen y resumen los trabajos más importantes, haciéndose una síntesis de las conclusiones obtenidas en los trabajos paleofitogeográficos realizados hasta el momento; se hace hincapié en la información proporcionada por los macrorrestos (maderas, estróbilos) así como por la recogida en los registros dendrocronológicos (con extensión a la dendroecología). Otro de los objetivos de la comunicación es la síntesis de las conclusiones obtenidas en los trabajos paleofitogeográficos realizados hasta el momento. Uno de esos resultados es que el comportamiento de los pinares a lo largo del Holoceno presenta diferentes modalidades en cada una de las cordilleras que bordean la cuenca del Duero; desde casos con marcada estabilidad a otros en que se muestran variaciones temporales apreciables (con patrones de heterogeneidad en función de un eje N-S y/o O-E

    Metabolomics analysis of type 2 diabetes remission identifies 12 metabolites with predictive capacity: a CORDIOPREV clinical trial study.

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is one of the most widely spread diseases, affecting around 90% of the patients with diabetes. Metabolomics has proven useful in diabetes research discovering new biomarkers to assist in therapeutical studies and elucidating pathways of interest. However, this technique has not yet been applied to a cohort of patients that have remitted from T2DM. All patients with a newly diagnosed T2DM at baseline (n = 190) were included. An untargeted metabolomics approach was employed to identify metabolic differences between individuals who remitted (RE), and those who did not (non-RE) from T2DM, during a 5-year study of dietary intervention. The biostatistical pipeline consisted of an orthogonal projection on the latent structure discriminant analysis (O-PLS DA), a generalized linear model (GLM), a receiver operating characteristic (ROC), a DeLong test, a Cox regression, and pathway analyses. The model identified a significant increase in 12 metabolites in the non-RE group compared to the RE group. Cox proportional hazard models, calculated using these 12 metabolites, showed that patients in the high-score tercile had significantly (p-value < 0.001) higher remission probabilities (Hazard Ratio, HR, high versus low = 2.70) than those in the lowest tercile. The predictive power of these metabolites was further studied using GLMs and ROCs. The area under the curve (AUC) of the clinical variables alone is 0.61, but this increases up to 0.72 if the 12 metabolites are considered. A DeLong test shows that this difference is statistically significant (p-value = 0.01). Our study identified 12 endogenous metabolites with the potential to predict T2DM remission following a dietary intervention. These metabolites, combined with clinical variables, can be used to provide, in clinical practice, a more precise therapy. ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT00924937.The CORDIOPREV study is supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain, under the grants AGL2012/39615, PIE14/00005, and PIE14/00031 associated to J.L.-M.; AGL2015-67896-P to J.L.-M. and A.C.; CP14/00114 to A.C.; PI19/00299 to A.C.; DTS19/00007 to A.C.; FIS PI13/00023 to J.D.-L., PI16/01777 to F.P.-J. and P.P.-M.; Antonio Camargo is supported by an ISCIII research contract (Programa Miguel-Servet CPII19/00007); Marina Mora-Ortiz has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 847468; ‘Fundacion Patrimonio Comunal Olivarero’, Junta de Andalucía (Consejería de Salud, Consejeria de Agricultura y Pesca, Consejería de Innovacion, Ciencia y Empresa), ‘Diputaciones de Jaen y Cordoba’, ‘Centro de Excelencia en Investigación sobre Aceite de Oliva y Salud’ and ‘Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino’, Gobierno de España; ‘Consejeria de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa, Proyectos de Investigación de Excelencia’, Junta de Andalucía under the grant CVI-7450 obtaiend by J.L.-M.; and we would also like to thank the ‘Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)’.S