344 research outputs found


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    Il presente lavoro di tesi concerne lo sviluppo di un resistogetto a bassa potenza alimentato a Xeno da impiegare su satelliti di piccole dimensioni per missioni in orbita bassa attorno alla Terra, oppure come propulsore ausiliario su satelliti che montano un propulsore principale ad effetto Hall.-----------------------------------ABSTRACT: The present work concerns the development of a low power Xenon resistojet to be employed on small spacecrafts missions on low Earth orbit, or as an auxiliary thruster on spacecrafts equipped with Hall effect thruster. Due to high propellant molecular weight reducing performance, the resistojet must be developed so as to maximize thermal efficiency, i.e. limiting loss and promoting thermal exchange between heater and propellant

    Nicola Catalano (1910-1984) : eurolawyer extraordinaire

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    Over the last seventy years, ‘Eurolawyers’, i.e. jurists with a particular expertise in Community law, have contributed to the European integration process in different capacities, e.g. as treaty drafters, members of the ECJ, legal advisors to the European institutions, private lawyers, pro-European activists, legal scholars, etc. Nicola Catalano, however, is rather unique in that has served in all of those capacities and can thus be regarded as a ‘Eurolawyer extraordinaire’. This paper outlines his biography and seeks to assess his contribution to the European integration process, notably in three areas: the autonomy of Community law, the primacy of Community law, and the EEC preliminary ruling procedure

    CFD Analysis and optimization of the DEMO WCLL central outboard segment bottom-Cap elementary cell

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    In the design of magnetic confinement nuclear fusion power plants, the Breeding Blanket (BB) plays a crucial role, since it must fulfil key functions such as tritium breeding, radiation-shielding and removing of the heat power generated by the plasma. The latter task is achieved by the First Wall (FW) and Breeding Zone (BZ) cooling systems, that in the Water-Cooled Lithium-Lead (WCLL) BB employs pressurized water. Different arrangements of BZ coolant conduits have been investigated in the recent past to identify an efficient layout, which could meet the structural materials operational temperature constraint and that could provide the optimal coolant outlet temperature. However, most of the Computational Fluid-Dynamic (CFD) analysis carried out until now have been focused on the equatorial WCLL elementary cell of the Central Outboard Segment (COB). The aim of this work is to broaden the analysis to other relevant locations in the blanket. An assessment of the design of the cooling system of the COB bottom-cap elementary BZ cell has been identified as the top design priority due to its different geometry and thermal loads. The cooling efficiency of the BZ and FW systems is investigated to assess if the coolant appropriate design conditions are matched and the temperature distribution in the cell is analyzed to identify the onset of hot spots. Different layouts of the FW systems are proposed and compared in terms of thermal-hydraulics reliability

    An Overview on the Current Status and Future Perspectives of Smart Cars

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    In recent years, the smart car sector has been increasing enormously in the Internet of Things (IoT) market. Furthermore, the number of smart cars seems set to increase over the next few years. This goal will be achieved because the application of recent IoT technologies to the automotive sector opens up innovative opportunities for the mobility of the future, in which connected cars will be more and more prominent in smart cities. This paper aims to provide an overview of the current status and future perspectives of smart cars, taking into account technological, transport, and social features. An analysis concerning the approaches to making smart a generic car, the possible evolutions that could occur in the coming decades, the characteristics of 5G, ADAS (advanced driver assistance systems), and the power sources is carried out in this paper. Document type: Articl

    Malignant epithelioid neoplasm of the ileum with ACTB-GLI1 fusion mimicking an adnexal mass

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    Background: Malignant epithelioid neoplasm with ACTB-GLI1 fusion are considered different from the more common pericytic lesions, such myopericytoma, because they have a spectrum of different genetic abnormalities. They appear to pursue a benign clinical course in young adults, although in sporadic cases lymph node metastasis were described. The categorization of this new type of tumor may also lead to new therapeutic strategies, because they might be sensitive to SHH pathway inhibitors. Case presentation: The case involves a 72-years-old multiparous woman who accessed our department after an incidental finding of a right adnexal mass of 43 mm with contrast-enhancement on a control computed tomography scan made for suspected diverticulitis. Our intervention was a detailed ultrasound description of the suspected neoplasm; a diagnostic laparoscopy and the contextual laparotomic removal of abdominal mass; its histological and immunohistochemical analysis. Our main outcome measure is the definition and future recognition of new pathologic entity called malignant epithelioid neoplasm with ACTB-GLI1 fusion. Conclusions: We described for the first time the ultrasound characteristic of this type of lesion using standardized terminology and we believe that it may be the first step to improve the acknowledgement of this novel pathologic entity defined as malignant epithelioid neoplasm with GLI-1 fusions

    Advancements in Designing the DEMO Driver Blanket System at the EU DEMO Pre-Conceptual Design Phase: Overview, Challenges and Opportunities

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    The EU conducted the pre-conceptual design (PCD) phase of the demonstration reactor (DEMO) during 2014–2020 under the framework of the EUROfusion consortium. The current strategy of DEMO design is to bridge the breeding blanket (BB) technology gaps between ITER and a commercial fusion power plant (FPP) by playing the role of a “Component Test Facility” for the BB. Within this strategy, a so-called driver blanket, with nearly full in-vessel surface coverage, will aim at achieving high-level stakeholder requirements of tritium self-sufficiency and power extraction for net electricity production with rather conventional technology and/or operational parameters, while an advanced blanket (or several of them) will aim at demonstrating, with limited coverage, features that are deemed necessary for a commercial FPP. Currently, two driver blanket candidates are being investigated for the EU DEMO, namely the water-cooled lithium lead and the helium-cooled pebble bed breeding blanket concepts. The PCD phase has been characterized not only by the detailed design of the BB systems themselves, but also by their holistic integration in DEMO, prioritizing near-term solutions, in accordance with the idea of a driver blanket. This paper summarizes the status for both BB driver blanket candidates at the end of the PCD phase, including their corresponding tritium extraction and removal (TER) systems, underlining the main achievements and lessons learned, exposing outstanding key system design and R&D challenges and presenting identified opportunities to address those risks during the conceptual design (CD) phase that started in 2021

    Embrittlement of WCLL blanket and its fracture mechanical assessment

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    In the European fusion programme, the Water Cooled Lithium Lead breeding blanket (WCLL BB) uses EUROFER as a structural material cooled with water at temperatures between 295 °C–328 °C and a pressure of 155 bar. The WCLL BB will be significantly irradiated (>2 dpa), while some parts will not receive significant heat loads, e.g. the sidewalls or the back-supporting structures. The irradiation, together with the irradiation temperature of EUROFER below 350 °C, produces a shift of the ductile-to-brittle-transition temperature (DBTT) to levels above room temperature at neutron doses, causing material damage as low as 2–3 dpa. Even though the DBTT does not reach the operating temperature level, brittle/non-ductile fracture is a concern during in-vessel maintenance when the BB temperature is below the DBTT. Two loading scenarios were identified as severe in this respect: (i) re-pressurization of the WCLL BB cooling loop after in-vessel maintenance, and (ii) dead weight loads during lifting of the BB segment. The embrittlement of the WCLL BB was investigated by quantifying the local DBTT shift in its parts based on current knowledge of the embrittlement behaviour of EUROFER under neutron irradiation. Therefore, a suitable, not overly conservative procedure was derived considering dpa damage and transmuted helium effects. The results demonstrate the ability to identify the 3D spread of the severely embrittled zones in the structure whose impact on the structural integrity was assessed considering the risk of brittle/non-ductile fracture. Thereby, the fracture mechanics approach established in nuclear codes was applied assuming its applicability to EUROFER. The embrittled zones in the first wall (FW) and its sidewalls pass the criteria when assessing the relatively low stresses resulting from the coolant pressure. The assessment was then continued considering stresses appearing in the FW during maintenance, in particular, when lifting the BB segment and transporting it out of the vacuum vessel. In this context, the maximum tolerable flaw sizes were determined in a parameter study considering designs of the FW with different cooling channel wall thicknesses
