1,553 research outputs found

    Principios para Tarificar la Transmisión Eléctrica

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    Este artículo establece que cuando los precios de la energía son regulados usando peakload pricing, los costos del sistema de transmisión deben recaer sobre quienes se benefician de él. La transmisión cumple tres funciones: transportar energía, sustituirIndustria eléctrica, tarificación de la transmisión

    Price discrimination factors for competitive non-regulated taxi markets

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    The lack of information on price discrimination regarding which characteristics of the client are used and how they influence the definition of the initial price offered in a competitive non-regulated taxi market is the main problem that encouraged this investigation. The study differs from other studies in its use of an experimental research method which allowed analysis of the problem as close as possible to the natural context of the phenomenon. Interviews with 10 taxi drivers produced six variables affecting the process of price definition. A group of 16 people matching those variables collected rates offered by a random sample of taxi drivers. Due to the lack of normality in the distribution of the prices collected, an ordered regression model was implemented. The findings are that price discrimination exists in a nonregulated market such as that of taxis in Lima and that phenotype and the accent of the client are individual characteristics that have a significant influence on the initial price offer. The results confirm that price discrimination is applied in a context like the one of the study, but the question remains as to why it is naturally present and what conditions make it workTesi


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    The performance of swimmers competing in all events at the First World Short Course Championships and at the XXXVII Winter Spanish Championship were videotaped and analyzed to determine stroke length (SL), stroke rate (SR), average velocity (v) and stroke index (SI); relationships were then taking into account the final time (FT), level, gender, swimming style and event distance. Results revealed significant correlation between SI and FT at both championships in all the butterfly race distances. SI may be used as performance index being significantly greater in male swimmers than female in all the events, independently of their level. The freestyle had the greatest SI followed by the backstroke, butterfly and breaststroke. The general tendency indicates that as the distance of the race increases the SI decreases

    An Interview with Richard Rorty

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    Nitric Oxide and Respiratory Helminthic Diseases

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    Nitric oxide (NO) is a very simple molecule that displays very important functions both in helminths (mainly those involved in respiratory pathology) and in mammalian hosts. In this paper we review four issues related to interaction of NO and lung helminthic diseases. Firstly, we evaluated data available on the NO synthesis and release by helminths and their biological role. Next, we summarized the effect of antigens obtained from different phases of the biological cycle on NO production by host mammalian cells (mainly from human sources). Thirdly, we revised the evaluation of NO on the biological activities and/or the viability of respiratory helminths. Lastly, the deleterious consequences of increased production of NO during helminthic human infection are detailed

    The Revolutionary Media Education Decade: From the UNESCO to the ALFAMED Curriculum for Teacher Training

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    Nations across the globe are immersed in a technological revolution—intensified by the need to respond to COVID-19 issues. In order to be critical and responsible citizens in the current media ecosystem, it is important that students acquire and develop certain skills when consuming and producing information for and when communicating through the media. This is a major challenge that educational systems worldwide have to face. Hence, new curricula in media education to guide future teachers towards the successful acquisition of new media skills have been proposed. The aims of this work are to conduct a theoretical approach to this worldwide technological and media evolution in the past decade, to make an indepth comparison between the Curriculum for teachers on media and information literacy published by the UNESCO (2011) and the publication of the new AlfaMed Curriculum for the training of teachers in media education (2021). This framework starts by providing an extensive analysis of the key elements of both curricula and of their corresponding modules, establishing, thus, a constructive comparison while updating them, according to the needs, changes, and realities that have taken place regarding digital literacy in the past decade. Finally, the chapter concludes with the detailing of the challenges and with proposals for teacher training in media and information literacy.This work is framed under the development of the framework of Alfamed (Euro-American inter-university research network on media literacy for citizenship), with the support of the R+D Project: “Youtubers and Instagrammers: Media Competence in Emerging Prosumers” (RTI2018-093303-B- I00), financed by the State Research Agency of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Also, some results are derived from the project: The construction of digital identity in older adults. Designing personalised learning trajectories in blended learning scenarios. Reference: PIC2-2020-18, from the University of Salamanca

    Small particle-size talc is associated with poor outcome and increased inflammation in thoracoscopic pleurodesis

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    Rationale: Talc is very effective for pleurodesis, but there is concern about complications, especially acute respiratory distress syndrome. Objectives: It was the aim of this study to investigate if talc with a high concentration of small particles induces greater production of cytokines, and if pleural tumor burden has any influence on the local production and spillover of cytokines to the systemic circulation and eventual complications. Methods: We investigated 227 consecutive patients with malignant effusion submitted to talc pleurodesis. One hundred and three patients received 'small-particle talc' (ST; containing about 50% particles <10 ¿m) and 124 received 'large-particle talc' (with <20% particles <10 ¿m). Serial samples of both pleural fluid and blood were taken before and 3, 24, 48 and 72 h after thoracoscopy. Also, mesothelial cells were stimulated with both types of talc in vitro. Measurements and Results: Interleukin-8, tumor necrosis factor-¿, vascular endothelial growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor and thrombin-antithrombin complex were measured in all samples. Early death (<7 days after talc) occurred in 8 of 103 patients in the ST and in 1 of 124 in the 'large-particle talc' group (p = 0.007). Patients who received ST had significantly higher proinflammatory cytokines in pleural fluid and serum after talc application, and also in supernatants of the in vitro study. Pleural tumor burden correlated positively with proinflammatory cytokines in serum, suggesting that advanced tumor states induce stronger systemic reactions after talc application. Conclusions: ST provokes a strong inflammatory reaction in both pleural space and serum, which is associated with a higher rate of early deaths observed in patients receiving it.Instituto de Salud Carlos III FIS 04/028

    Transferencia de operación de manufactura de EE. UU. a México. Estudio de caso

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    Companies are continuously looking for resources and skills which lead them to a higher performance. Companies should manage not only the resource access, but a collaborative strategy as well, which maximizes the benefits of a healthy and constructive interaction expected between customer and provider. This paper analyzes the case of a company accustomed to operate with a traditional business model, and the paradigm shift that was necessary as a result of its exposure to the new customer’s requirements and demands for total openness, cooperation and transparency.Las empresas están permanentemente en búsqueda de recursos y capacidades que las habiliten hacia un nivel superior de desempeño. Es necesario que la empresa administre la estrategia colaborativa que maximice los beneficios de esa interacción sana y constructiva que se espera entre cliente y proveedor. En este documento se analiza el caso de una empresa acostumbrada a operar con un modelo de negocios tradicional, y el cambio de paradigma que fue necesario adoptar, como resultado de su exposición a los nuevos requerimientos y exigencias del cliente, que demanda apertura, colaboración, y transparencia

    Protests, social movements and media legislation in Mexico 2012- 2014

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    El objetivo de esta comunicación es describir y analizar el uso y apropiación de las TIC por parte de movimientos sociales como #YoSoy132 y el movimiento de Ayotzinapa, sí como el alcance de los conceptos de movimiento social, movilizaciones y protesta, pues estas tecnologías no sólo han consistido en un medio de organización y de convocatoria sincrónico y masivo, sino que ante la tendencia de exclusión social en la legislación de medios mexicana, las plataformas de redes sociales virtuales se han convertido en los medios de comunicación alternativos.The aim of this communication is to describe and analyze the use and appropriation of ICTs by social movements such as #YoSoy132 and the movement of Ayotzinapa, yes as the scope of the concepts of social movement, mobilizations and protest, because these technologies not only have been a means of organization and call synchronous and massive, but before the tendency of social exclusion in the Mexican media lawthe virtual social networking platforms have become the alternative media

    Difusión y recuperación en la Web de textos legislativos haciendo uso de la tecnología XML

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    El texto corresponde a una comunicación aceptada y presentada en el Congreso Internacional Info'2002 celebrado en la Habana, Cuba, dentro del Encuentro sobre Infoética y Derecho. La comunicación no se incluyó en las actas (editadas en CD-ROM por el Instituto de Información Científica y Tecnológica, IDICT, del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente, de la República de Cuba) debido a un error, motivado probablemente por la similitud de título y coincidencia del primer autor con otra comunicación sí publicada, "Difusión y recuperación en la Web de textos jurisprudenciales haciendo uso de la tecnología XML".Esta conferencia se articula en torno a la respuesta que ofrece la Web a aquellos aspectos propios de los documentos legislativos frente a las opciones que proporcionan las bases de datos convencionales. Si para cualquier documento la difusión es importante, en el caso de las normas emanadas del poder legislativo o del ejecutivo es fundamental puesto que hasta que el texto no sea publicado la norma no entrará en vigor. Además, en el caso de los documentos legislativos las personas interesadas son todas aquellas que residan en el territorio cuyo ámbito quede regulado por aquellos (estado, autonomía, municipio, etc.) y no un grupo definido por intereses económicos o sociales concretos. Tanto el aumento de número de documentos publicados en la World Wide Web como el incremento progresivo de usuarios hacen de ella el medio de difusión de la información con mayor progresión. Los textos legislativos no deben entenderse como documentos aislados sino como un conjunto de documentos, el ordenamiento jurídico, en continuo crecimiento como reflejo de los cambios habidos en las sociedades que regula. Las normas se caracterizan por estar fundamentadas, desarrollar, modificar o derogar a otras o partes de otras, quedando éstas identificadas de forma explícita por medio de un referencia. La Web como sistema hipertextual ofrece la posibilidad de acceder a cualquier norma que esté referenciada y desde el lugar en el que se realiza la relación por medio de la definición de enlaces. No es necesario extraer las referencias del texto para incluirlas en un campo determinado en el que se perderá la información que ofrece el contexto y que justifica la relación. Por otra parte la hipertextualidad de la Web se define por medio de lenguajes de marcado (HTML o XML/Xlink) lo que permite identificar cada una de las partes lógicas que forman el documento (título, preámbulo, articulado, etc.). Este marcado posibilita la posterior reutilización de las partes para formar otros documentos (índices) , las distintas visualizaciones de un documento al mostrar diferentes partes del mismo o la posibilidad de precisar las búsquedas. La práctica jurídica necesita conocer todas aquellas normas, o partes de ellas, que regulen una actividad y que estén vigentes en momento de ser realizada. Esto supone que en ocasiones sea necesario localizar normas que en la actualidad no sean vigentes. O incluso, conocer toda la evolución que ha sufrido la regulación de un aspecto. La posibilidad de textos refundidos que ofrecen algunas bases de datos convencionales no incluye la opción de variar fácilmente la visualización para mostrar sólo el texto vigente, el histórico (incluyendo todas las modificaciones, inclusiones o derogaciones) o el estado de vigencia en una fecha determinada