20 research outputs found

    Gamma diversity: derived from and a determinant of alpha diversity and beta diversity. An analysis of three tropical landscapes

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    Using three taxonomic groups of beetles we examine how alpha and beta diversity influence the species richness of a landscape (gamma diversity), and vice versa. That is, how the species richness of a  landscape – which is a historical and biogeographical phenomenon –  contributes to the values of alpha diversity (1) at a given site, (2) in a community, (3) in terms of cumulative species richness by community, and also contributes to (4) the intensity of species exchange between  communities. To explore this question, we used two subfamilies of  Scarabaeoidea: Scarabaeinae and Geotrupinae, and the family  Silphidae. In all analyses these three taxonomic groups are considered  as a single indicator group: the copronecrophagous beetles.  Information is also included on the subfamily Aphodiinae  (Scarabaeoidea), coprophagous beetles not included in the indicator  group. Several types of vegetation located in three landscapes (tropical, transition and mountain) were studied, and these are located along an  altitudinal gradient in the central part of the state of Veracruz, Mexico.  We base this study on the following concepts. The alpha diversity of an  indicator group reflects the number of species that use a given  environment or resource in a given place or community. Spacial beta  diversityis related to the response of organisms to spatial  heterogeneity. Gamma diversity depends primarily on the historical and  geographic processes that operate on the mesoscale level and is  also affected by alpha and beta diversity. It is on this scale of landscape  that human actions, such as the modification and fragmentation of  vegetation, have their most important effects. These are, however, often  beyond the scope of ecological analyses carried out on a local  scale. In the three landscapes, sampling was carried out regularly at 67  sites, with complementary sampling at another 69 sites. Twenty-six  types of vegetation communities were studied. A total of 16,152  specimens representing 60 species were captured (52 species of  Scarabaeinae, 4 Geotrupinae and 4 Silphidae). In the tropical landscape  the community richest in species was low deciduous forest. In the  transition landscape, cloud forest was the richest. Each of these  communities is the most representative of their respective altitudinal  bands. In contrast, the greatest species richness in the mountain  landscape occurred in the mountain grasslands and pastures; types of  community favoured by or even created by human intervention. This is  explained by the expansion of heliophilous species from the Mexican  High Plateau into these areas. In the tropical landscape the species  richness of the pastures is similar to that of its forests, but with a  partially different composition which is characterized by the dominance  of heliophilous and coprophagous species; the latter, in addition to the  more ubiquitous species that are shared with the tropical forest. In the  transition landscape the cloud forest and the coffee plantations with  polyspecific shade are important in the context of conserving the fauna. This type of community offers arboreal cover and occupies the majority  of this landscape, allowing the groups of insects studied to move  between remnant fragments of cloud forest. On the landscape scale but  not locally, the fragmentation of natural communities does not  appear to have reduced the number of species for the beetles of the  indicator group. In each landscape disturbance by human activity  appears to have been overcome for distinct reasons. In the tropical  landscape we find the heliophilous beetle fauna characteristic of  pastures, and this has increased by two species of recent invaders. In  the transition landscape, the coffee plantations with polyspecific shade  create a communication matrix, while in the mountain landscape the  expansion of the mountain pastures has made conditions more  favourable for heliophilous species. These results are not necessarily  expected for other groups of organisms. Utilizando tres grupos taxonómicos en este trabajo examinamos como las diversidades alfa y beta influyen en la riqueza de especies de un  paisaje (diversidad gamma), así como el fenómeno recíproco. Es decir,  como la riqueza en especies de un paisaje (un fenómeno histórico-biogeográfico) contribuye a determinar los valores de la diversidad alfa  por sitio, por comunidad, la riqueza acumulada de especies por  comunidad y la intensidad del recambio entre comunidades. Los grupos utilizados son dos subfamilias de Scarabaeoidea: Scarabaeinae y  Geotrupinae, y la familia Silphidae. En todos los análisis los tres grupos  taxonómicos son manejados como un grupo indicador: los escarabajos  copronecrófagos. De una manera lateral se incluye información sobre la  subfamilia Aphodiinae (Scarabaeoidea), escarabajos coprófagos no  incorporados al manejo del grupo indicador. Los paisajes estudiados  son tres (tropical, de transición y de montaña), situados en un gradiente altitudinal en la parte central del estado de Veracruz. Partimos de las  premisas siguientes. La diversidad alfa de un grupo indicador refleja el  número de especies que utiliza un mismo ambiente o recurso en un  lugar o comunidad. La diversidad beta espacial se relaciona con la  respuesta de los organismos a la heterogeneidad del espacio. La  diversidad gamma depende fundamentalmente de los procesos  histórico-geográficos que actúan a nivel de mesoescala y está también  condicionada por las diversidades alfa y beta. Es a nivel de paisaje o  mesoescala donde las acciones humanas como cambio y fragmentación  de comunidades, tienen sus efectos más importantes,  efectos que en muchas ocasiones escapan al análisis ecológico puntual.  En el conjunto de los tres paisajes se realizaron muestreos  regulares en 67 sitios, más muestreos complementarios en 69 lugares  más. Se estudiaron 26 tipos de comunidades vegetales. Se capturó un  total de 16,152 ejemplares de 60 especies, 52 especies de Scarabaeinae,  4 de Geotrupinae y 4 de Silphidae. En el paisaje tropical  la comunidad más rica en especies es la selva baja caducifolia; en el  paisaje de transición es el bosque mesófilo. Ambas, son las  comunidades naturales más importantes de sus pisos altitudinales. Por  el contrario, en el paisaje de montaña la mayor riqueza se encuentra en  praderas y potreros, un tipo de comunidad favorecido o incluso creado  por la intervención humana. Esto se explica por la expansión a estos  lugares de especies heliófilas del Altiplano mexicano. En el paisaje  tropical los potreros presentan una riqueza en especies próxima a la de  las selvas, pero una composición parcialmente diferente, caracterizada  por la dominancia de especies heliófilas y coprófagas, a las que se  suman las especies más ubicuistas compartidas con la selva. En el  paisaje de transición se puso en relieve la importancia para la  conservación de la fauna del bosque mesófilo, de los cafetales de  sombra poliespecífica. Estos cafetales, el tipo de comunidad con  cubierta arbórea que ocupa la mayor superficie en este paisaje,  permiten a los grupos estudiados la intercomunicación entre los  fragmentos remanentes de bosque mesófilo. Para los escarabajos que  constituyen el grupo indicador, a nivel de paisaje (no puntualmente) la  fragmentación de las comunidades naturales no parece haber ocasionado pérdidas en el número de especies. Aparentemente, la  perturbación humana ha sido superada por razones distintas en cada  paisaje. En el tropical porque existe una fauna heliófila característica de  los potreros, fauna que incluso ha aumentado con dos especies  invasoras recientes. En el paisaje de transición por el efecto de los  cafetales de sombra poliespecífica que crean una matriz de  intercomunicación. En el de montaña porque la expansión de las  praderas ha ampliado las condiciones favorables para las especies heliófilas. Estos resultados no tienen forzosamente que repetirse con  otros grupos de organismos.&nbsp

    Evaluación de Parámetros Hematológicos del Búfalo de Agua (bubalus bubalis) de la Empresa Palmicultora Palmar del Río en la Región Amazónica.

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    The present research, titled ``Evaluation of Hematological Parameters of Water Buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis) from the `Palmar Del Rio Palm Grower Company in the Amazon Region´´, aims to evaluate the behavior of biometric and biochemical values of the animals in the study region, and the comparison with trust sources that show real problems data in our country. Twenty-eight samples of animals, distributed according age and sex, were processed and the results were analyzed using T from one variable. T student was used in the evaluation by sex for general parameters of biometry and biochemistry; for the age variable an ADEVA with a Factorial Complete Random Design (DCA) with the statistical difference Duncan 0. 05% in the INFOSTAT statistical system, we can determine a average of Biometry parameters describing Hematocrit 41,31±0,89 %, Hemoglobin 14,53±0,35 g/L, Average cell hemoglobin concentration 35.14±0.2 g/dL, Leukocytes 5.31±0.15 K/µL, Granulocytes 2.13±0.14 %, Lymphocytes 3.19±0.17 x10 ^9/L, %, Platelets 207.89±8.11 K/μL. In the biochemistry parameters we got: Glucose 57.14± 2.07 mg/dL, Creatinine 1.66± 0.09 mg/dL, Blood Urea Nitrogen 11.07± 0.47 mg/dL, BUN/Creatinine ratio 7.07± 0.25, Total Protein 9.18± 0.31 mg/dL, Albumin 3.29± 0.08 mg/dL, Globulin 5.87± 0.25 mg/dL, Albumin/Globulin ratio 0.58± 0.03, Alanine aminotransferase 86.5± 4.97 U/L, Alkaline phosphatase 250.79± 33.03 U/L. By comparing, it was obtained that the parameters were in relation with another researches. The present research show new values of biometric and biochemical parameters that serve as reference; Granulocytes 2.13±0.14 K/μ, Glucose 57.14± 2.07mg/dL, Blood Ureic Nitrogen 11.07± 0.47 mg/dL, BUN/Creatinine ratio 7.07± 0.25, Alanine aminotransferase 86.5± 4.97 U/L.La presente investigación, con el nombre ``Evaluación de Parámetros Hematológicos del Búfalo de Agua (Bubalus Bubalis) de la Empresa Palmicultora Palmar Del Río en la Región Amazónica´´, tiene como objetivo evaluar el comportamiento de los valores biométricos y bioquímicos en los animales de la región de estudio y la comparación con fuentes cercanas que reflejen datos reales sobre la problemática de nuestro país. Veintiocho muestras de animales, distribuidos por edad etaria y sexo, fueron procesadas sobre las cuales se analizó los resultados utilizando T de una variable. T student fue utilizada en la evaluación por sexo para parámetros generales de biometría y bioquímica; para la variable edad una ADEVA con un Diseño Completamente al Azar (DCA) Factorial con la diferencia estadística Duncan 0.05% en el sistema estadístico INFOSTAT, de lo cual se pudo determinar una media de los parámetros de Biometría describiendo Hematocrito 41,31±0,89 %, Hemoglobina 14,53±0,35 g/L, Concentración de hemoglobina celular media 35,14±0,2 g/dL, Leucocitos 5,31±0,15 K/µL, Granulocitos 2,13±0,14 %, Linfocitos 3,19±0,17 x10 ^9/L, %, Plaquetas 207,89±8,11 K/μL. En los parámetros de bioquímica tenemos: Glucosa 57,14± 2,07 mg/dL, Creatinina 1,66± 0,09 mg/dL, Nitrógeno Ureico en Sangre 11,07± 0,47 mg/dL, relación BUN/Creatinina 7,07± 0,25, Proteína Totales 9,18± 0,31 mg/dL, Albumina 3,29± 0,08 mg/dL, Globulina 5,87± 0,25 mg/dL, relación Albumina/Globulina 0,58± 0,03, Alanina aminotransferasa 86,5± 4,97 U/L, Fosfatasa alcalina 250,79± 33,03 U/L. En la comparación se obtuvo que los parámetros se encontraban en relación con otras investigaciones. La presente investigación deja nuevos valores de parámetros biométricos y bioquímicos que sirven como referente; Granulocitos 2,13±0,14 K/μ, Glucosa 57,14± 2,07mg/dL, Nitrógeno Ureico en Sangre 11,07± 0,47 mg/dL, relación BUN/Creatinina 7,07± 0,25, Alanina aminotransferasa 86,5± 4,97 U/L

    Desafios para a manutenção de serviços ecossistêmicos em parque municipal no sul do Brasil

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    The Lagoa do Peri Municipal Park was created in 1981 to protect the Lagoa do Peri Watershed, which contributes to the supply of water in Florianopolis, Brazil. We analyzed historical aspects of human occupation in the region and identified services provided by the Park, as well as direct and indirect drivers of production and maintenance of ecosystem services. Our results evidenced the social and environmental relevance of the Park to the local community, especially with regard to support and cultural ecosystem services. However, preterit and current driving forces, most of them of anthropogenic origin must be addressed, especially those associated with irregular land use in the vicinity and within the protected area. In addition, biomass increase of potentially toxic cyanobacteria, which has accelerated in recent years due to the reduction of the water volume of the lagoon, is of special concern. These drivers must be addressed through the involvement of different actors in a board with good representation in favor of maintaining the functioning of ecosystems protected by the park, generating beneficial ecosystem services to all.Keywords: water supply, phytoplankton, drivers of change, environmental management, responses, protected area.O Parque Municipal da Lagoa do Peri foi criado em 1981, visando à proteção da Bacia Hidrográfica da Lagoa do Peri, que contribui para o fornecimento de água em Florianópolis, Brasil. Neste trabalho, são analisados aspectos históricos da ocupação da região, os serviços ecossistêmicos gerados pelo Parque, e identificadas forças motrizes relacionadas à geração e manutenção de serviços ecossistêmicos. Fica evidente a relevância socioambiental do Parque Municipal da Lagoa do Peri para a comunidade local, especialmente no que diz respeito aos serviços ecossistêmicos de suporte e culturais. Entretanto, forças motrizes pretéritas e presentes, diretas e indiretas e de origem antrópica, especialmente aquelas associadas ao uso irregular do solo no entorno e no interior da unidade de conservação, devem ser enfrentadas. Destaca-se também a relevância do aumento crescente da biomassa de cianobactéria potencialmente tóxica, que se acentuou nos últimos anos por conta da redução do volume de água da Lagoa. Essas forças motrizes devem ser enfrentadas por meio do envolvimento de diferentes atores em um Conselho com boa representatividade, em prol da manutenção do funcionamento dos ecossistemas protegidos pelo Parque, gerando serviços ecossistêmicos benéficos a todos.Palavras-chave: abastecimento de água, fitoplâncton, forças motrizes, gestão ambiental, intervenção, unidade de conservação

    The value network of an organization of dairy cattle producers in the municipality of Xico, Veracruz, Mexico

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    Objective:Characterize the growers and the dairy cattle value network in the municipality of Xico, Veracruz, based on interviews with key actors to analyze the concerns and issues and the identification of opportunity areas to improve cattle ranchers competitiveness. Design/methodology/approach:Interviews to 30 cattle ranchers selected by targeted sampling and snowballing, semi-structured interviews with key actors, and revision of documentary information were performed, to identify producer profiles and the structure of the value network. Results:Milk producers in Xico are the third generation dedicated to that activity; they are classified as small (83%) and medium (17%) cattle ranchers, with a mean age of 56.0 ± 12.1 years, and 30.0 ± 15.1 years of experience; they have 55.0 ± 33.8 heads per producer, producing 241 ± 156.8 L day-1; 57% of them have mechanical milking and cold tank storage. Their marketing channels are Nestlé and Liconsa, regional cheese factories, and direct sales to consumers within the municipality. Growers interact with the Local Xico Livestock Association (LXLA) for paperwork related to cattle management and for supplies purchase. Limitations/implications: Successors must be prepared to maintain the active in the region. Findings/conclusions: Producers have the experience, vocation, resources, and infrastructure to produce milk offered for sale, primarily to Nestlé and Liconsa. The LXLA is the center of the network and it has the capacity to promote dairy activity to generate benefits for the chain of actors in the value network. Keywords:value network, key actors, union organization, productive chain, associativity.Objective: To characterize the producers and the dairy cattle value network in the municipality of Xico, Veracruz, Mexico, through interviews with key actors with the aim of analyzing the problem and identifying areas of opportunity that improve the competitiveness of ranchers. Design/methodology/approach: Interviews were conducted with n=30 ranchers selected by targeted and snowball sampling. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with key actors. The documentary information was reviewed, resulting in the identification of the profile of the producers and the structure of the value network. Results: Dairy producers in Xico are the third generation devoted to this activity. They are small- (83%) and medium-sized (17%) ranchers. They are 56.0 ± 12.1 years old and have 30.0 ± 15.1 years of experience. They have 55.0 ± 33.8 animals and produce 241 ± 156.8 L day-1. Fifty-seven percent have mechanical milking and cooling equipment. They sell their product to Nestlé and Liconsa, regional cheese factories, and directly to consumers within the municipality. The producers constantly interact with the Asociación Ganadera Local de Xico (AGLX) for matters related to cattle management and input purchase. Limitations/implications: If the regional activity is to be maintained, the generational replacement must be prepared. Findings/Conclusions: The producers have the experience, calling, resources, and infrastructure to produce and sell milk, mainly to Nestlé and Liconsa. The AGLX is the hub of the network and can promote dairy activity to generate benefits for the actors of the value chain and network

    Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in grazing lands of the Neotropics: A review of patterns and research trends of taxonomic and functional diversity, and functions

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    Dung beetles are one of the most representative groups of insects associated with livestock, as they take advantage of the manure of livestock for food and reproduction. They have been widely used as a bio-indicator group to evaluate their responses to land-use change and other environmental disturbances by analyzing species diversity at different spatial and temporal scales. However, the impacts of livestock management practices, forms, and history on dung beetle diversity are still poorly understood. This paper is an exhaustive and systematic review of the existing peer-reviewed and indexed literature on the taxonomic diversity (species richness and composition), functional diversity, and ecological functions of dung beetles from different provinces and biogeographic domains in tropical grazing lands of the Neotropics. We analyzed the timeline of the studies conducted so far, and we detected increasing literature produced mainly in South America. We included the most frequent objectives, tendencies, software, and statistical analyses. Given the significant heterogeneity of livestock landscapes in the Neotropics, the reviewed studies have conceptualized broadly what a pasture is, and the authors have used different descriptions of other grazing lands. Additionally, management data and livestock practices vary widely among studies, and management history is poorly described. In future research, it is relevant to include as much information as possible and the consequences of different livestock management practices on additional ecological attributes of dung beetle assemblages at different landscape scales (spatial and temporal) to predict how ecological processes change in Neotropical landscapes. Considering the importance of the data to be included in future work, we propose a collection format to unify the information collected in the field when conducting ecological studies in grazing lands. Moreover, we define a classification system to homogenize the features that distinguish the multiple tropical grazing lands reported in the literature. Preserving dung beetle diversity and associated ecological functions is urgent for maintaining ecosystem services in grazing lands. The challenge for research institutions is to continue filling gaps in knowledge to help those who work in transferring knowledge, to help ranchers exercise better options for more sustainable livestock farming, and to publish results for conservation decision-making

    Diversidad y estructura del gremio Scarabaeinae (insecta, coleoptera) en una selva baja caducifolia en Jalcomulco, Veracruz

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    En este trabajo se comparan, en una selva baja situada en Jalcomulco, Veracruz; la diversidad y estructura del gremio Scarabaeinae (Insecta: Coleoptera) en la temporada de lluvias y la estacion seca de 1990. Para describir la distribución de la biomasa de los Scarabaeinae se utilizan por primera vez dos medidas de desigualdad, comunmente usadas en Economía: La medida de desigualdad de Thiel y la razón de concentración de Lorenz. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la zona que estudiamos es una selva modificada por el hombre, que sin embargo conserva cierta diversidad, comparandole con otras comunidades semejantes. Además es significativamente estacional, habiendo diferencias en el gremio Scarabaeinae en su composición, su diversidad y estructura para ambas temporadas

    Desafios para a manutenção de serviços ecossistêmicos em parque municipal no sul do Brasil

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