67 research outputs found

    Bioleaching of Valuable Elements from Red Mud: A Study on the Potential of Non-Enriched Biomass

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    Red mud (RM) is the main residue produced by the alkaline extraction of alumina (Al2O3) from bauxite, and it contains valuable metals such as iron (Fe), aluminium (Al), titanium (Ti), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), rare earth elements, etc. This research aimed to investigate the biologically induced leaching of some valuable elements from raw RM without preliminary biomass enrichment and inoculum, simultaneously reducing RM polluting potential and extracting metals for their subsequent recovery within a circular economy-based approach. In addition to the missing inoculum, such an approach is challenging since high RM alkalinity and pH, as well as the absence of any sulphides, constrain the use of the most common biohydrometallurgical techniques. Red Muds from two European locations were tested (RM-I and RM-II, respectively). Bioleaching tests were performed at different temperatures (T = 22 & DEG;C and 28 & DEG;C; and also 15 & DEG;C for RM-II) and solid-to-liquid ratios (S/L = 2%, 5%). A sudden drop in pH from alkaline to constant neutral/acidic values was observed in almost all tests, and such results were attributed to biological activity since abiotic tests did not show any pH decrease. The best results in terms of extraction were achieved with RM-II, in particular for Al, Mg and Mn (17%, 42% and 47%, respectively). At 2% S/L, the highest temperature allowed for a better metal release, while at 5% S/L, the highest extraction of Al, Mg and Ti was observed at 22 & DEG;C. As expected, iron was less available to leach at the achieved pH values, as it was mostly present as hematite in both RMs. Finally, the first microbiological characterisation of the autochthonous biomass selected during the bioleaching treatment of RM was provided

    Caries diagnosis using light fluorescence devices: VistaProof and DIAGNOdent

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    The modern concept of minimally invasive dentistry encompasses early detection of incipient carious lesions and their treatment. Due to the low sensitivity of visual inspection and radiography in the detection of occlusal hidden carious lesions under a macroscopically sound surface, several devices have been developed to increase detection accuracy. DIAGNOdent is one of the tools used for that purpose and VistaProof is a new device recently introduced into the market. They both use light fluorescence to detect incipient carious lesions. DIAGNOdent is based on the fact that carious lesions show higher level of fluorescence than sound tissues when excited by light at specific wavelength. Vistaproof is based on the same principle, but it uses a different wavelength of excitation than DIAGNOdent and a video camera for the detection of fluorescence. The aim of this article was to compare these two devices and present their clinical use

    Physicians’ Perceptions of Clinical Utility of a Digital Health Tool for Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome Monitoring in Real-Life Hematology Practice. Evidence From the GIMEMA-ALLIANCE Platform

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    Digital health tools are increasingly being used in cancer care and may include electronic patient-reported outcome (ePRO) monitoring systems. We examined physicians’ perceptions of usability and clinical utility of a digital health tool (GIMEMA-ALLIANCE platform) for ePRO monitoring in the real-life practice of patients with hematologic malignancies. This tool allows for the collection and assessment of ePROs with real-time graphical presentation of results to medical staff. Based on a predefined algorithm, automated alerts are sent to medical staff. Participating hematologists completed an online survey on their experience with the platform. Of the 201 patients invited to participate between December 2020 and June 2021 (cut-off date for current analysis), 180 (90%) agreed to enter the platform and had a median age of 57 years. Twenty-three hematologists with a median age of 42 years and an average of 17 years of experience in clinical practice were surveyed. All hematologists agreed or strongly agreed that the platform was easy to use, and 87%, agreed or strongly agreed that ePROs data were useful to enhance communication with their patients. The majority of physicians (78%) accessed the platform at least once per month to consult the symptom and health status profile of their patients. The frequency of access was independent of physician sex (p=0.393) and years of experience in clinical practice (p=0.404). In conclusion, our preliminary results support the clinical utility, from the perspective of the treating hematologist, of integrating ePROs into the routine cancer care of patients with hematologic malignancies

    Six-month color change and water sorption of 9 new-generation flowable composites in 6 staining solutions

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    Abstract Color match and water sorption are two factors that affect restorative materials. Discoloration is essential in the lifespan of restorations. The aim of this study was to evaluate color change and water sorption of nine flowable composites at multiple time points over 6 months. 60 samples of each composite were divided into two groups (Color Change and Water Sorption/Solubility). Each Color Change group was divided into six subgroups, which were immersed in distilled water (DW), coffee (CF), Coca-Cola (CC), red wine (RW), tea (TE) and orange juice (OJ). The color was measured at the baseline, 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks, and 3 and 6 months and color change values (ΔE) were calculated. Each Water Sorption [WS]/Solubility [WL] group was tested according to ISO 4049:2009. The data were evaluated using two-way ANOVA, Fisher’s post-hoc test and Pearson’s correlation test. The composite with the lowest ΔE differed for each solution: Filtek™ Bulk Fill in DW (∆E = 0.73 (0.17–1.759)); Vertise Flow in CF (∆E = 14.75 (7.91–27.41)), in TE (∆E = 7.27 (2.81–24.81)) and OJ (∆E = 3.17 (0.87–9.92)); Tetric EvoFlow® in CC (∆E = 1.27 (0.45–4.02)); and Filtek™ Supreme XTE in RW (∆E = 8.88 (5.23–19.59)). RW caused the most discoloration (∆E = 23.62 (4.93–51.36)). Vertise Flow showed the highest water sorption (WS = 69.10 ± 7.19). The Pearson test showed statistically significant positive correlations between water sorption and solubility and between water sorption and ∆E; the positive solubility-∆E correlation was not statistically significant. The findings suggest that water sorption is one factor associated with the ability of composites to discolor; however, discoloration is a multifactorial problem