13 research outputs found

    Error Analysis of Phonetic Fossilization Uttered by English Department Students University of PGRI Semarang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan tipe dan latar belakang fosilisasi fonetik yang diucapkan oleh mahasiswa semester 5 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas PGRI Semarang tahun 2014/2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif dengan data kualitatif. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah para mahasiswa semester 5 yang mengambil mata kuliah English Phonology dengan jumlahmahasiswa 200. Sampel penelitian adalah kelas 5E, kelas yang paling aktif dan dominan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya 15% kata di dalam kuesioner penelitian yang berhasil dilafalkan dengan baik oleh para responden. Itu artinya bahwa fosilisasi fonetik dilakukan lebih dari 75% responden. Tipe kesalahan yang dibuat adalah tipe fosilisasi fonetik baik dalam kategori perseorangan maupun kelompok, sementara itu alasan-alasan mereka melakukan kesalahan adalah; 1)Simbol fonetik yang masih tidak familier bagi mahasiswa semester. 2) Terdapat habituasi dan kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang merujuk pada dua faktor: internal dan eksternal. Faktor internalnya adalah mahasiswa itu sendiri, yang berarti motivasi untuk belajar dan hasrat untuk lebih dalam mempelajari simbol -simbol fonetik. Faktor eksternalnya merujuk pada proses pembelajaran dan sudut pandang dosen. 3) Metode yang digunakan oleh para dosen pengampu mata kuliah English Phonology and Pronounciation. Masalah ini harus diturunkan karena 90% dari mahasiswa menyatakan di dalam wawancara bahwa mereka sangat tertarik dengan subjek ini danjuga menyatakan bahwa para dosen tidak memberikan tekanan, namun faktanya persentase kesalahan dalam pelafalan di atas rata-rata.Berdasarkan pada hasil-haasil ini, peneliti memberika saran sebagai berikut; 1) Permasalahan ini menjadi tugas bagi seluruh dosen bahasa Inggris, tidak hanya dosen yang mengajar mata kuliah English Phonology and Pronunciation. 2) Simbolsimbol fonetik harus diterapkan secara intensif dan integral sehingga para mahasiswa dapat familier dengan simbol-simbol tersebut. 3) Kebutuhan akan penelitian lebih lanjut yang terkait dengan metode-metode yang digunakan oleh para dosen

    Pelatihan Penyusunan Rencana Program Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013 pada Guru Smp/sma Tugu Soeharto Semarang

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    The main purpose of this program (IbM) is to provide training to junior and senior high school teachers of Tugu Soeharto Semarang on how to arrange Learning Program Plan (RPP) based on the latest curriculum, Curriculum 2013. It was a training held on every Saturday in January 25-February 15, 2014 at SMP/SMA Tugu Soeharto Semarang which was attended by 25 participants comprising teachers of junior high / senior high school of Tugu Soeharto and several schools in the vicinity. The method used in this training are lectures, discussion, practice, discussion and evaluation. Lectures include the introduction of Curriculum 2013, the Approach in Education (Teaching Approach), Syllabus and RPP, and Authentic Assessment (Authentic Assessment). This training also includes improvements to the product as an effort that teachers are able to produce lesson plans based on Curriculum 2013 and the right in the hope of learning the teacher can set up the device in carrying out teaching and learning activities appropriately

    Mekarsari Kelurahan Rowosari Kecamatan Tembalang

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    Being successful enterpreneur is everyone?óÔé¼Ôäós passion. Enterpreneurship can be an alternative way to reach prosperity in life. It needs to be noticed that it takes a lot of effort , passion, patience and creativity to be a succesful?é?á enterpreneur. So many people have great eagerness to be enterpreneur, but they have less knowledge to make it true. That becomes the reason why this training is given to them. It aims to train the people to be more knowledgeable in enterpreneurship. It also trains them to be more creative by recycling?é?á used things to valuable one. It is hoped that this training can be useful for them. They can practice what they have already got in the training in their life. They can produce may new things from the used thing around them and sell them around to make money without money. It will help them to be more prosperous for their financial. ?é?áFurthermore, it will help them to open more job vacancies. This training was acknowledged to the Young Islamic association, Mekarsari,?é?á in Rowosari village. This training provides the young people knowledge, creativity and new experience to create useful and valuable things

    Repair Strategies of Teacher's Talk in EFL Classroom

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    This study investigated the curiosity of how an eminent senior high teacher handled the communication in EFL classroom when he has problems in expressing ideas during the learning process where English is unlikely to be spoken than Javanese. It examined two repair strategies; repetition and self-initiated repair since these two are prominent features of daily communication mostly in the setting of English as a foreign language. It was a classroom discourse analysis study which used a descriptive qualitative approach. Numbers used in the form of percentage to support the findings. The participant of this study was an eminent teacher of a private senior high in Semarang. The learning session was video recorded then was carefully transcribed. Then, the repair strategies of the teacher's talk were analyzed through the study. The findings revealed that self-initiated repair was used less frequently than repetition. There were 45 out of 210 utterances done for repetition (13.81%) and 16 out of 210 utterances done for self-initiated (7.61%). It was also found the combination of those two repair strategies in one utterance. The findings indicate that the effort of the teacher to build English speaking classroom atmosphere is very high even though the students were lack of motivation in speaking English. Yet, the teacher shows the repair strategy mostly in the beginning of the learning session, but he finally made it through the rest of the session. The findings may inspire those of many other English teachers, especially in Indonesia, in giving positive contribution in building EFL classroom

    The Implementation of Autonomous Online Learning to Enhance Academic Writing Competence During Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Autonomous learning during covid-19 pandemic situation becomes the best strategy to perform an effective learning process. Particularly, autonomous learning in academic writing course requires great deals of students' willingness to manage their time and ability. This paper is a content analysis which aims to analyze the implementation of autonomous learning strategy. Descriptive qualitative method was used to investigate and describe how 20 higher education students managed their time and ability as well as to find out the obstacles. In collecting the data, the researchers used questionnaire and interview. Students had implemented autonomous learning in various ways. They practicedwriting independently by completing the tasks and assignments given by the lecturer. They also used internet to find sources such as online translator, education websites, and explanation videos on YouTube. Some obstacles were occurred during autonomous online Academic Writing due to some reasons; such as; 1) poor internet connection, 2) lack of competence in understanding academic writing materials through online learning which needs more effort such as creating group discussion among classmates, 3) weakness in building keywords when they tried to search terms used in Academic Writing course

    The Use of PLEASE Strategy in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text for the Tenth Grade

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    The paper aimed at finding out the significant different between the students' writing skill taught with and without using PLEASE strategy. The researchers used quasi-experimental research with two groups. The population of the research was the tenth grade students of SMKN Jenawi. The researchers took two classes as experimental class and control class. The researchers gave post-test only for each class and the treatment to the experimental class. To collect the data, the researchers used essay test. The mean of the post-test in experimental class was 83.5 and the mean of the post-test of control class was 62.3. Then the result was calculated quantitatively using SPSS. It showed that there were any significant difference. The researchers concluded that PLEASE strategy can improve students writing descriptive text. Eventually, pedagogical implication of the research, hopefully, can be used as a supplementary reference with different discussion

    The Effectiveness of Realia in Writing Descriptive Text: A Case of the Seventh Grade Students of SMP N 4 Semarang

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    This study is based on the research which attempted to examine the effectiveness of realia in writing descriptive text by the seventh grade students. The objectives of the research were (1) to analyze and find out the students' ability in writing descriptive text who are taught by using realia, (2) to analyze and find out the students' ability in writing descriptive text who are taught without using realia, (3) also to analyze and find out whether there is significant difference between students who are taught by using realia and those taught without using realia. Quasi experimental design was used with the population of 256 seventh grade students of SMP N 4 Semarang in the academic year 2017/2018. By using purposive sampling technique, there were two classes chosen as the sample of this study; vii a and vii b. The instruments of collecting data used were tests; pre-test and post-test. After the data were collected, they were analysed using t-test. The findings were as follows: (1) the ability in writing descriptive text by the students taught using realia was good with the mean of the post-test was 80.21. (2) the ability in writing descriptive text by the students taught without using realia was adequate with the mean of the post-test was 74.44. (3) there was significant difference of the two group students. t-test 4.89 > t-table 2.00. therefore, ha was accepted that realia was effective as a media in teaching writing of descriptive text