19 research outputs found

    Anthropometric and physical characteristics allow differentiation of young female volleyball players according to playing position and level of expertise

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    The aim of our study was to determine the differences in some anthropometric and physical performance variables of young Croatian female volleyball players (aged 13 to 15) in relation to playing position (i.e., independent variable) and performance level within each position (i.e., independent variable). Players were categorized according to playing position (i.e., role) as middle blockers (n=28), opposite hitters (n=41), passer-hitters (n=54), setters (n=30), and liberos (n=28). Within each position, players were divided into a more successful group and a less successful group according to team ranking in the latest regional championship and player quality within the team. Height and body mass, somatotype by the Heath-Carter method, and four tests of lower body power, speed, agility and upper body power (i.e., dependent variables) were assessed. Players in different positions differed significantly in height and all three somatotype components, but no significant differences were found in body mass, body mass index or measured physical performance variables. Players of different performance level differed significantly in both anthropometric and physical performance variables. Generally, middle blockers were taller, more ectomorphic, less mesomorphic and endomorphic, whereas liberos were shorter, less ectomorphic, more mesomorphic and endomorphic than players in other positions. More successful players in all positions had a lower body mass index, were less mesomorphic and endomorphic, and more ectomorphic than less successful players. Furthermore, more successful players showed better lower body power, speed, agility and upper body power. The results of this study can potentially provide coaches with useful indications about the use of somatotype selection and physical performance assessment for talent identification and development

    Validity and reliability of isometric-bench for knee isometric assessment

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    There is a strong need for a new, probably cheaper, smaller, and more portable isometric dynamometer. With this aim, we investigated the concurrent validity and reliability of a low-cost portable dynamometer to measure the isometric strength of the lower limb. Seventeen young participants (age 16.47 \ub1 0.51 years) were randomly assessed on three different days for knee flexion and extension isometric forces with two different devices: a commonly used isokinetic dynamometer (ISOC) and a portable isometric dynamometer prototype (ISOM). No significant differences were observed between the ISOC and the ISOM (all comparisons p > 0.05). Test-retest comparison showed the ISOM to have high reliability (ICC 0.879-0.990). This study showed that measurements with the ISOM could be performed without systematic bias and with high reliability. The ISOM is a device that is able to assess knee isometric strength with excellent concurrent validity and reliability

    The psoriatic patient profile for infliximab.

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    Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease affecting 2-3% of the population worldwide. Psoriasis results from a complex and dynamic interplay between genetic and environmental factors that trigger an excessive inflammatory response in the skin which is driven by several mediators including TNF-alpha. The common form of the disease, termed \u2018chronic plaque psoriasis\u2019 is characterized by erythematous scaly plaques, typically on elbows, knees, scalp and buttocks. Psoriasis does not only affect the skin but also the nails and sometimes it is associated to a form of negative spondyloarthropathy, named the psoriatic arthritis (PsA), which could affect joints, tendons and/or the bone. Moreover, psoriasis is also frequently associated to metabolic comorbidities including obesity, dyslipidemia, diabetes and non alcoholic fatty liver disease. Consequently, psoriasis causes a high degree of morbidity and impairment of quality of life. There is no definite cure for psoriasis although there are treatments which could induce its remission. During the past decade, new very selective biological therapies for the management of psoriasis have been licensed. Biological drugs include TNF-alpha inhibitors (etanercept, infliximab and adalimumab) and ustekinumab which is an anti-IL 2/23 monoclonal antibody. Infliximab is very effective in the treatment of psoriasis either with nail involvement and/or PsA. Considering the characteristics of this drug, we propose a specific profile of the patient candidate to infliximab treatment. In particular, the main patient characteristics which drive the physician in selecting infliximab include the presence of a severe chronic plaque psoriasis, particularly if it is associated to a severe nail involvement and/ or PsA, the urgency of psoriasis clearing, poor compliance of the patient for self-medication and the prospective of a long term continuous treatment

    The energy expenditure of long distance double-handed offshore sailing

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    The studies describing the energy expenditure during offshore sailing regattas are very rare. This is rather disappointing, if we consider that in offshore sailing several environmental and tactical factors may place a considerable physical load and mental stress on our body. PURPOSE. The aim of the study consists in assessing the energy expenditure during long distance offshore sailing and in describing the physical activity intensity involved in this type of competition. METHODS. Six subjects (age: 46.3 \ub1 3.4 yy; BMI: 26.7 \ub1 1.7 kg \uf09f m-2, O2max: 2.97 \ub1 0.56 l \uf09f min-1) participated in the study. During the regatta (double handed, 500 miles in the North Adriatic, lasting 3- 5 days) the subjects wore an activity monitor (Actiheart, CamNtech, E) that allows estimate energy expenditure, physical activity level (PAL) and minutes spent at each level of intensity (sedentary, S, 6.0). The time spent at each level of intensity was evaluated using one-way ANOVA; pairwise comparisons were performed using Student-Newman-Keuls test. RESULTS. Daily energy expenditure (TEE) amounted, on the average to 3408 \ub1 453 kcal per day; daily activity energy expenditure (AEE) amounted to 1208 \ub1 339 kcal per day. PAL, calculated as TEE divided by resting energy expenditure (RMR, estimated with Schofield formula), was 1.8 \ub1 0.2. Subjects spent a significant (p < 0.001) longer period of time in S (643 \ub1 193 min per day) and L (516 \ub1 177 min per day) than in M (95 \ub1 34 min per day) and V (6 \ub1 4 min per day) activity. On the average, the subjects slept 5 times per day (\ub1 1.4) for about 36 minutes (\ub1 9) in each sleeping period. CONCLUSION. TEE per day and PAL during double-handed offshore sailing race turned out to be similar to that measured using double-labeled water technique in single-handed offshore sailing (3451 kcal/day and 2.1, respectively). Moreover, this study reports for the first time, not only TEE, but also AEE and the time spent sleeping and that performing activities of different intensity. The high TEE seems to be likely the consequence of the short and rare periods of sleep spent during the competition than of the bouts of moderate to vigorous physical activity

    Energetics and mechanics of human walking at oscillating speeds

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    SYNOPSIS. Seven subjects walked on a programmable treadmill both at constant (3.5 \ub10.0 and 5.0 \ub10.0 km/hr) and oscillating speeds (\ub10.5, \ub11.0, \ub11.5, \ub12.0 km hr~'), set to sinusoidally change between the two limits in 3 sec. In each condition oxygen consumption measurements were taken. The same experimental protocols were replicated on a walkway by asking subjects to adapt their stride frequency to an audio signal corresponding to the sinusoidal stride frequency changes measured on the treadmill. Differently from what expected, only the \ub12.0 km hr~' oscillation resulted to be metabolically different from the constant speed walking, both for the treadmill and the walkway conditions. The time course of the mechanical energy of the body centre of mass could reveal that a strategy devoted to benefit from the usual energy fluctuations occurring at constant speed, is likely to be used to cope with speed varying sequences. From the energy curve observed at constant speed, it is possible to derive an energetically equivalent curve by cumulating acceleration portions, and deceleration ones, of a group of strides as to produce a single acceleration and a single deceleration phase, as it is observed in oscillating speed walking. Being aware of the bias introduced by using a non- , inertia! frame (the treadmill protocol), we are replicating the experiments with a laser beam projected on a wide radius circular path at oscillating speeds, that the subjects have to follow. The preliminary data seem to confirm the invariance of the metabolic requirements in oscillatory walking up to \ub11.5 km hr~'

    Muco-cutaneous changes during long-term therapy with hydroxyurea in chronic myeloid leukaemia.

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    Hydroxyurea is an antimetabolite agent used in the treatment of myeloproliferative disorders and sickle cell anaemia. Although hydroxyurea is relatively well tolerated, adverse effects often involve skin and mucous membrane during long-term therapy. A group of 510 patients affected by chronic myeloid leukaemia from 1977 to 1998 has been considered. Only 158 patients were treated with hydroxyurea and fulfilled inclusion/exclusion criteria of this study. A spectrum of severe cutaneous and mucosal changes (inflammatory and neoplastic) was seen in about 13% of patients (21 patients out of 158) and was studied in detail. Cutaneous and mucosal atrophy were observed in all 21 patients. Skin atrophy was often characterized by numerous telangiectases, especially on legs and on sun-exposed sites (16/21). Cutaneous, mucosal and nail hyperpigmentation was evident, albeit with variable extent, in 10 of the 21 patients. Severe stomatitis and glossitis with flattening of papillae were another common finding. Five patients, who received a particularly long treatment with hydroxyurea, developed squamous-cell neoplasms on sun-exposed sites (both squamous-cell carcinomas and keratoacanthomas). Acral changes were characteristic and constant, including acral erythema (21/21), dermatomyositis-like changes on the dorsa of hands (7/21), ulcers localized on acral areas of legs, on genitalia and oral mucosae (20/21). The frequency and the variety of these muco-cutaneous changes are reported and the mechanisms by which hydroxyurea may induce this muco-cutaneous syndrome-like group of changes, are proposed

    Holoclar: first of its kind in more ways than one

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    This article describes the regulatory pathway that enabled the translation of academic research and clinical experience of an ex-vivo expanded autologous stem cell-based treatment for limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) into a pharmaceutical product compliant with the European Union regulations of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP). Holoclar\uae was originally developed in Italy as a surgical procedure and used in more than 200 patients. Following the establishment of the EU ATMP Regulation EC 1394/2007, Holoclar development required that manufacturing was as per current Good Manufacturing Practice requirements and collection of retrospective clinical data was ICH-E6 and E3 compliant. Holoclar is an ex-vivo expanded autologous human corneal epithelial cells containing stem cells and is classified as \u201ctissue engineered product\u201d. Based on the evidence of quality and control of the manufacturing process, safety, efficacy and on a positive benefit\u2013risk balance in 104 patients (72.1%) of 148 patients treated, Holoclar received conditional Marketing Approval in the EU. Holoclar is the first medicine approved in the EU for this rare eye condition that can result in blindness

    Children\u2019s Exercise Physiology

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    Physiological responses of children to exercise should be understood separately from those of adults. Size, biochemical differences, neuromuscular differences and the non-maturation of sexual hormones conduct to different responses to exercise stimulus. Based on that, it is extremely important to differentiate adults from children in terms of acute responses and adaptations to training programs. Studies that bring new knowledge about the sensitivity of children to different training load, acute and long-term responses to training, immune response to regular exercise, thermoregulation in extreme environments or growth and maturation are welcomed to this Research Topic. Therefore, the aim of this Frontiers Research Topic is to provide in-depth knowledge in the form of original work, review articles, and meta-analyses about the following aspects of exercise physiology: - Growth and exercise - Puberty and exercise - Immune response - Strength and conditioning in children - Motor development and motor competency - Acute responses to exercise in children - Adaptations to physical training in children - Thermoregulation in children - Cognitive and physical developmen