7 research outputs found


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    This study entitled ā€˜The Use of Verbal and Deverbal Noun in Muniba Mazariā€™s Speechā€™ was conducted to find out the Verbal and Deverbal Nouns utilized in Muniba Mazari's speech. Nominalization in the form of verbal and deverbal nouns is critical while preparing a speech. Because the speaker must say anything with persuasive words in order to make a speech fascinating and readily persuade the audience, especially the subject and purpose of the speech. The speech was taken from written sources and videos on the internet. In this study, the qualitative descriptive approach is employed to clarify the data and research difficulties by applying the theory of nominalization by Quirk et al. A documentation approach was used to undertake the data collecting procedures. The documents utilized to support this study were videos and online transcriptions of the speech. The results revealed that there were 9 Verbal Noun data and 15 Deverbal Noun data from a total of 24 data


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    Pandemi covid-19 yang melanda dunia membawa dampak yang buruk terhadap perekonomian negara, salah satu negara yang mengalami dampak pademi covid-19 adalah Indonesia. Bali yang merupakan salah satu pulau di Indonesia, sebagian besar penduduknya bekerja di bidang pariwisata. Adanya wabah covid-19 ini menyebabkan kebangkrutan usaha pariwisata khususnya bidang akomodasi sehingga banyak karyawan hotel yang mengalami putus hubungan kerja. Dalam situasi yang sulit ini, peran masyarakat lainnya sangat diperlukan untuk saling membantu. Bentuk bantuan yang diperlukan masyarakat tidak hanya sebatas pengadaan sembako atau bantuan uang tunai saja. Salah satu upaya untuk membantu para karyawan hotel adalah memberikan pelatihan gratis kepada mereka tentang pengenalan budaya Jepang dan bahasa Jepang perhotelan. Tujuan pelatihan bahasa Jepang perhotelan untuk menambah kemampuan berbahasa Jepang sehingga dapat meningkatkan hospitality para pekerja hotel dalam melayani wisatawan Jepang. Pengetahuan yang diperoleh melalui pelatihan tidak akan habis dan dapat meningkatkan SDM karyawan hotel saat pariwisata dibuka. Pelatihan dilakukan secara online menggunakan media jitsi. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi disimpulkan bahwa 80% karyawan hotel tidak mengetahui etika dalam melayani wisatawan Jepang karena mereka tidak paham tentang perbedaan budaya Jepang. Bahasa Jepang yang digunakan oleh para karyawan hotel masih menggunakan ragam santai tanpa memperhatikan kedudukan lawan bicara karena menganggap bahasa Jepang seperti bahasa Indonesia yang tidak mengenal tingkatan berbahas

    English Interference Found in Indonesian Magazines

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    This study focused on English interference found in Indonesian magazines. Interference is one of bilingualism aspects that occur when a speaker learns a second language. In this case, the interference of English into Indonesian found in the magazines was chosen because most articles in the magazines use English words in their articles which conveyed the occurrence of English interference in Indonesian. This study intended 1) to identify the interference of English in Indonesian magazines, especially identifying the forms of English interference in the Indonesian articles found in Indonesian magazines, namely Tempo and Cosmopolitan Indonesia 2) determine the factors that causing the interference of English in those Indonesian magazines. This study used descriptive qualitative method by applying it to analyze the data, especially the English words and phrases that applied in the Indonesian texts. The units of analysis of this research are English words and phrases used in the Indonesian articles found in Tempo and Cosmopolitan Indonesia magazines. The magazines were chosen because there were many English words found almost in every pages of the magazines. This study becomes interesting because there are many English words can be found in the magazines, but people are often confused whether those words have already adapted as the Indonesian vocabulary or not, besides many people are not familiar with the Indonesian equivalences for many English words that usually applied in the Indonesian text. This circumstance can be either beneficial or harmful to the existence of certain language as well as the ability of the speaker to communicate in a certain language properly. The analysis found that the lexical interference occurred in both magazines. The factors caused the English interference in the Indonesian magazines are the lack of knowledge, bilingualism, lack of vocabularies mastered by the writers, prestige, style, and the synonym needs

    The Referential Function Used in Lā€™oreal Paris Advertisements

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    This study focused on analyzing language function, especially referential function. This function used in many kinds of communication, including in daily communication. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the referential function as well as its elements in Lā€™Oreal Paris advertisements. In regards to the aims of the study, two theories were applied. The theory proposed by Jakobson (1980: 82) was used to analyzed referential function used in the transcripts of 19 advertisements videos of Lā€™Oreal Paris. In addition, the theory proposed by Quirk and Greenbaum (1973: 12) was used to analyze the sentence elements of that function found in the transcripts of Lā€™Oreal Paris advertisements videos. Observation method with watching and note taking technique were applied in collecting the data. Descriptive qualitative method was applied in analyzing the data. The data were presented by formal and informal methods. There were 42 referential functions found in the transcripts of 19 advertisements videos of Lā€™Oreal Paris. Those data were presented by various elements of sentence. However, some of the referential functions found were non-sentences


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    The study concerns with the types of figurative language in the song lyric found in ā€˜Positionsā€™ album by Ariana Grande. The researcher assumed that the figure of speech in the song lyrics are interesting to analyse. The study aims to analyse the types of figurative language in the song lyrics and analyse the meaning that conveys in the song lyric that contains figurative language. This study uses qualitative method to conduct a clear and well-organized description problems that identified. The data were taken from the song lyric and analysed by applying theory types of figurative language by Knickerbocker and Renninger (1963) and theory of meaning by Leech (1981). The study concludes that the figurative language used in the song lyric to deliver a message that the singers want to deliver to the listener of the song, and there are several meanings that conveyed due to understand what the figurative language in the song lyric means. In the Positions album by Ariana Grande found 10 data of figurative language, there are all 1 data of simile, metaphor, personification, synecdoche, metonymy, hyperbole, irony, paradox, dead metaphor and allusion.&nbsp