37 research outputs found

    Exploring EFL Classroom Interaction: An Analysis of Teacher Talk at Senior High School Level

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    The study on teacher talk has been considered as a crucial aspect in EFL classroom interactions due to it assists teachers to build interactive teaching-learning activities. The present study attempts to scrutinize talk types of an in-service teacher in an EFL classroom interaction based on the Foreign Language Interaction (FLINT) system proposed by Moskowitz (1971). It was conducted qualitatively through the lens of a case study by involving an experienced female EFL teacher at a senior high school level. The data were collected through several procedures consist of direct observation, audio recording, and interview section. The result disclosed that from 12 talk types in the FLINT system, 9 types were used by the teacher. One of them ‘praises or encourages’ took place as the highest type. It denoted that the teacher really appreciated the students’ effort to boost their learning motivation. Meanwhile, the least type used by the teacher was ‘criticizes student behavior’. According to the interview result, the teacher rarely used criticism because she tried to keep the students' feelings and mental. Thus, this study is expected to provide a new reference especially for EFL teachers as a consideration in using talk to get students’ attention and participation during the learning process

    Teacher’s Perceives on the Implementation of Genre-Based Approach in Teaching Writing

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    The present study was focused on the teacher’s perceives on the implementation of genre-based approach (GBA) in teaching writing in one of senior high schools in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. The objectives of this study are to explain; 1) The teacher’s perceptions on the practice of the genre-based approach in teaching writing, 2) the matters faced by English teacher, 3) the solutions regarding the problems faced by the teacher. This research was qualitative. The data were collected by implementing questionnaire and interview. The sample of this study was one teacher in Surakarta by using purposive sampling technique. Writers used a model of triangulation process consisting of data reduction, data display, and conclusion to collect and analyze the data. The results showed that; 1) the teacher had positive perception using GBA in teaching writing, 2) there were problems faced by the teacher such as the ease of internet access so that the students could not show their own ideas, and 3) the teachers’ suggestion was that the teacher should be up to date with the newest topic and give motivation to the students to express their own ideas

    Vitamin D and Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Vitamin D deficiency has been recognized as an environmental risk factor for Crohn’s disease since the early 80s. Initially, this finding was correlated with metabolic bone disease. Low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels have been repeatedly reported in inflammatory bowel diseases together with a relationship between vitamin D status and disease activity. Subsequently, low serum vitamin D levels have been reported in various immune-related diseases pointing to an immunoregulatory role. Indeed, vitamin D and its receptor (VDR) are known to interact with different players of the immune homeostasis by controlling cell proliferation, antigen receptor signalling, and intestinal barrier function. Moreover, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D is implicated in NOD2-mediated expression of defensin-β2, the latter known to play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease (IBD1 gene), and several genetic variants of the vitamin D receptor have been identified as Crohn’s disease candidate susceptibility genes. From animal models we have learned that deletion of the VDR gene was associated with a more severe disease. There is a growing body of evidence concerning the therapeutic role of vitamin D/synthetic vitamin D receptor agonists in clinical and experimental models of inflammatory bowel disease far beyond the role of calcium homeostasis and bone metabolism

    Serology of Viral Infections and Tuberculosis Screening in an IBD Population Referred to a Tertiary Centre of Southern Italy

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    Background. With the introduction of more potent immunosuppressive agents in inflammatory bowel disease, prevention of opportunistic infections has become necessary by introducing screening programs. Prevalence of the most important infectious agents may vary in different geographical areas. The aim of our study was to assess the immune status for hepatitis B, varicella, mononucleosis, and cytomegalovirus infection together with the determination of the hepatitis C and tuberculosis status in Southern Italy. Methods. Prevalence of latent tuberculosis, together with serology of hepatitis B and C, Epstein-Barr virus, varicella zoster, and cytomegalovirus were collected by analysing retrospectively the clinical charts of IBD patients. Data were integrated with demographic and clinical features. Results. Data from 509 IBD patients divided in two age groups showed a prevalence of HBV infection in nonvaccinated patients of 9%. Seroprotection (HBsAb) in vaccinated IBD patients was lower (p 37 years of age. Conclusions. In younger patients, high susceptibility rates for primary herpesvirus infections should determine the choice of treatment. Loss of HBV seroprotection in already vaccinated patients should be considered for booster vaccination programs

    Il villaggio di Boccadifalco (PA): studio del materiale vascolare inedito ed inquadramento culturale nel quadro del Bronzo Antico siciliano

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    The paper deals with a proposal of typology and chronology of the pottery uncovered inside the Boccadifalco settlement (PA), in light of the entire study of the potteries, made possible by the study of unpublished finds. The paper also clarifies the cultural attribution of the deposit thanks to numerous comparisons with other Sicilian sites of the Early Bronze Age.Si presenta una proposta di tipologia e di cronologia dei materiali ceramici inediti provenienti dall’abitato di Boccadifalco (PA), alla luce dello studio completo del complesso, reso possibile dalla documentazione dei reperti inediti. Si chiarisce l’attribuzione culturale del deposito sulla base di numerosi confronti effettuati con altri contesti del Bronzo Antico

    The RodĂŹ-Tindari-Vallelunga culture in Sicily: origins, diffusion and chronology in the light of recent studies. Part 2

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    This section presents the list of Ancient Bronze Age sites in Sicily, selected by province. The catalogue includes for each site a code, location, cultural attribution, typology and main bibliographic reference. It follows a review of main RTV contexts with personal comments at the light of results of the research

    La Grotta del Cozzo Palombaro (PA): rivisitazione dell’edito e materiali inediti del Bronzo Antico e Medio siciliano

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    The paper deals with a revisitation of typology and chronology of the pottery uncovered inside the Cozzo del Palombaro cave (PA), in light of the entire study of the potteries, made possible by the study of unpublished finds. The paper also clarifies the cultural attribution of the deposit thanks to numerous comparisons with other Sicilian sites of the Early and Middle Bronze Age.Si presenta una rivisitazione della tipologia e della cronologia dei materiali ceramici editi provenienti dalla grotta di Cozzo del Palombaro (PA), alla luce dello studio completo del complesso, reso possibile dallo studio dei reperti inediti. Si chiarisce l’attribuzione culturale del deposito sulla base di numerosi confronti effettuati con altri contesti del bronzo antico e medio siciliano

    Developing Board Spinner for Teaching Vocabulary in the Second Year Students of MA Ma’arif 01 Batu Senior High School.

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    Sebagai sekolah swasta, Sekolah Menengah Atas MA MA’arif 01 Batu harus meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan agar mampu bersaing dengan sekolahsekolah lain. Namun, hal ini sangat sulit untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut tanpa adanya fasilitas-facilitas untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran. Hal itu menjadi faktor utama yang mempengaruhi kegagalan siswa dan kurangnya motivasi dalam memahami Bahasa Inggris. Kosa kata sebagai komponen dasar dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris seharusnya diajarkan terlebih dahulu kepada siswa agar menguasai kemampuan pemahaman Bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, peneliti malakukan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan media guna menciptakan pembelajaran yang menyenangkan untuk mengajarkan kosa kata di sekolah ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Research and Development (R&D) untuk mengembangkan media hingga produk akhir. Dalam pengembangan produk, peneliti menyesuaikan teori dari Borg and Gall’s (1983). Peneliti mengambil empat siswa dari XI IPS 1 sebagai perwakilan 10% dari 30 siswa sebagai total populasi siswa kelas dua dengan menggunakan sampel acak sederhana sebagai peserta untuk menguji coba media. Untuk mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan instrument dalam bentuk checklist dan kuisioner. Kemudian, data-data tersebut dianalisa dan dijabarkan secara kualitatif dalam bentuk tulisan. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan sebuah media visual yang diberi nama Board Spinner yang dapat dijalankan dengan memutarnya. Media ini ditambah dengan beberapa objek tambahan terdiri dari 5 amplop dan 64 flashcard. Berdasarkan pada evaluasi validasi ahli, media ini direvisi untuk lebih menarik dengan menambahkan beberapa gambar terkait dengan topik yang akan dipelajari dan mengganti gaya huruf di dalam flashcard. Berdasarkan pada analisa percobaan, peneliti mengganti aturan media terkait dengan cara kerjanya untuk membuatnya lebih mudah dalam penggunaan media dengan baik. Setelah menyelesaikan seluruh prosedur penelitian, media ini mencapai produk akhir. Dengan harapan, media ini dapat diterapkan untuk mengajarkan kosa kata di sekolah ini guna menciptakan pembelajaran yang menyenangkan