185 research outputs found

    Current role of imaging methods in the diagnosis of cystic solid pancreas neoplasms: part I

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    Os autores fazem uma revisão considerando o valor da colangiopancreatografia endoscópica retrógrada, da ultrassonografia, da tomografia computadorizada, da ressonância magnética e da ecoendoscopia para o diagnóstico das neoplasias císticas e sólidas do pâncreas, demonstrando que cada um deles tem grande importância para aumentar, de forma inconteste, a acurácia diagnóstica das doenças do sistema biliopancreático. determinando qual o melhor método para cada um dos diversos tumores.The authors address the value of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and endoscopic ultrasound for the diagnosis of cystic and solid neoplasms of the pancreas, demonstrating that each of them is of great importance to undoubtedly increase the diagnostic accuracy of the biliopancreatic system diseases. The best method for each of several tumors is then determined

    Endoscopic ultrasound-guided biopsies for mediastinal lesions and lymph node diagnosis and staging

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    OBJECTIVES: To disseminate transesophageal ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) as an alternative to investigate mediastinal tumoral lesions because it is an underused modality that has been available in Brazil for more than 15 years. METHODS: Descriptive analysis of a single endoscopy service's experience since 1997 in the accomplishment of EUSFNA for mediastinal staging of previously known malignancies (Group 1) or diagnostic definition of suspect lymph nodes and masses (Group 2). RESULTS: EUS-FNA was performed in 51 patients between 26 and 87 years of age. The diameter of the lesions ranged between 1.1 and 9.8 cm (mean 3.9 cm). Their location corresponded to the following stations: higher paratracheal (4 cases), lower paratracheal (7), aortic window (12), para-aortic (6), subcarinal (9), paraesophageal (8), and hilar (5). In Group 1, 17 patients had previously diagnosed primary lung (9), breast (4), kidney (2), colon (1), and bladder (1) cancer. Fifteen of these punctures were positive for malignity. Two others were later submitted to mediastinoscopy, which identified metastases not detected by EUS-FNA. Group 2 comprised 34 patients. Among these patients, EUS-FNA diagnosed 22 neoplasms, five cases of tuberculosis and two duplication cysts. Cytology was inconclusive or without a specific diagnosis in five other cases. Mediastinoscopy identified two undiagnosed cases of oat-cell carcinoma, one lymphoma and one cryptococcosis, and confirmed one reactive lymphadenitis. There were no complications related to the method. CONCLUSIONS: EUS-FNA obviated the need for surgical procedures in 86.3% of cases. Therefore, oncologists, pulmonologists, and thoracic surgeons should always remember the technique's potential and availability

    Endoscopic ultrasound-guided biopsies for mediastinal lesions and lymph node diagnosis and staging

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    OBJECTIVES: To disseminate transesophageal ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) as an alternative to investigate mediastinal tumoral lesions because it is an underused modality that has been available in Brazil for more than 15 years. METHODS: Descriptive analysis of a single endoscopy service's experience since 1997 in the accomplishment of EUSFNA for mediastinal staging of previously known malignancies (Group 1) or diagnostic definition of suspect lymph nodes and masses (Group 2). RESULTS: EUS-FNA was performed in 51 patients between 26 and 87 years of age. The diameter of the lesions ranged between 1.1 and 9.8 cm (mean 3.9 cm). Their location corresponded to the following stations: higher paratracheal (4 cases), lower paratracheal (7), aortic window (12), para-aortic (6), subcarinal (9), paraesophageal (8), and hilar (5). In Group 1, 17 patients had previously diagnosed primary lung (9), breast (4), kidney (2), colon (1), and bladder (1) cancer. Fifteen of these punctures were positive for malignity. Two others were later submitted to mediastinoscopy, which identified metastases not detected by EUS-FNA. Group 2 comprised 34 patients. Among these patients, EUS-FNA diagnosed 22 neoplasms, five cases of tuberculosis and two duplication cysts. Cytology was inconclusive or without a specific diagnosis in five other cases. Mediastinoscopy identified two undiagnosed cases of oat-cell carcinoma, one lymphoma and one cryptococcosis, and confirmed one reactive lymphadenitis. There were no complications related to the method. CONCLUSIONS: EUS-FNA obviated the need for surgical procedures in 86.3% of cases. Therefore, oncologists, pulmonologists, and thoracic surgeons should always remember the technique's potential and availability

    Unexplained acute pancreatitis: the microlithiasis must be searched?

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    In a large number of patients, with episodes of acute pancreatitis the etiology is not identified, even after initial clinical history, detailed physical examination, laboratory tests and biochemical exams and an transabdominal ultrasound. This patient are considered with a unexplained acute pancreatitis. In this cases the treatment is restricted to improvement of symptoms. These patients after treated tend to have new episodes with the risk of raising the rates of morbidity and mortality. Therefore, the identification of a cause and its prompt treatment prevent at recurrent episodes of pancreatitis. This review aims to draw attention to how best diagnostic approach when the light of evidence-based medicine, to search for causes of difficult identification with microlithiasis, occult stones, the anatomical variations of biliary and pancreatic duct and in addition to sphincter of Oddi dysfunction

    Prospective comparative study of ERCP brush cytology and EUS-FNA for the diferential diagnosis of biliary strictures

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate and to compare the diagnostic yield of ERCP brush cytology (ERCP) and EUS-FNA in patients with biliary strictures and evaluates the agreement between general pathologists (GP) and expert GI pathologists (GIP) in the final diagnosis of biliary strictures. METHODS: Patients with biliary strictures documented by ERCP were included. Brush cytology was performed and during EUS, only visible mass lesions or localized bile duct wall thickening were aspirated. The gold standard method for diagnosis was surgical histology and/or follow-up. Tissue sampling results were: malignant, suspicious, atypical, insufficiently or benign. Specimens were interpreted by GP and GIP, blinded for prior tests results. RESULTS: 46 patients were included. Final diagnosis was malignancy in 37 (26 pancreatic - 11 biliary) and benign in 9 (8 chronic pancreatitis - 1 common bile duct inflammatory stricture). Sensitivity and accuracy for ERCP brush cytology were 43.2% and 52.2% for GP and 51.4% and 58.7% for GIP. Sensitivity and accuracy for EUS-FNA were 52.8% and 58.5%, respectively for GP and 69.4% e 73.2% for GIP. In comparison, the combination of brush cytology and EUS-FNA demonstrated higher sensitivity and accuracy for both GP (64.9% and 69.6%, respectively) and GIP (83.8% and 84.8%, respectively) and improved agreement with final diagnosis for both (mostly for GIP). CONCLUSION: Both, ERCP brush cytology and EUS-FNA has a similar yield for the diagnosis of biliary strictures. However, the combination of these methods results in an improved diagnostic accuracy. In addition, GIP might be expected to interpret specimens with greater accuracy than GP.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o desempenho diagnóstico da citologia obtida pela CPER, aquele obtido pela EE-PAAF e a concordância entre patologistas gerais (PG) e especialistas (PE) em pacientes com estenose biliar. MÉTODOS: Incluímos pacientes com estenose biliar identificados pela CPER. A EE-PAAF foi realizada apenas em áreas com efeito de massa ou da parede espessada do ducto biliar. O padrão-ouro foi a cirurgia, histologia e/ou o seguimento. As amostras teciduais foram consideradas: malignas, suspeitas, atípicas, insuficientes ou benignas. Os espécimes obtidos por cada método foi interpretado (cego) por um PG e outro PE. RESULTADO: 46 pacientes foram incluídos (37 malignos e 9 benignos). O diagnóstico final foi de tumor pancreático (26), biliar (11), pancreatite crônica (8) e estenose inflamatória do ducto biliar (1). Sensibilidade e acurácia da CPER foram 43,2% e 52,2% para o PG e 51,4% e 58,7% para o PE. Sensibilidade e acurácia da EE-PAAF foi 52,8% e 58,5% para o PG e 69,4% e 73,2% para o PE. A combinação entre a CPER e EE-PAAF demonstrou maior sensibilidade e acurácia para ambos PG (64,9% e 69,6%) e PE (83,8% e 84,8%), respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: A citologia obtida pelo escovado da via biliar durante a CPER e as amostras teciduais colhidas pela EE-PAAF tem rendimento semelhante para o diagnóstico das estenoses biliares. No entanto, a combinação dos métodos resulta em uma maior acurácia. Além disso, espera-se que a interpretação das amostras ocorra com maior precisão pelo PE se comparado ao PG.Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto Departamento de Cirurgia e AnatomiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Unidade de Diagnóstico AnatomopatológicoUNIFESP, Unidade de Diagnóstico AnatomopatológicoSciEL

    Clinical, endoscopic and prognostic aspects of primary gastric non-hodgkin's lymphoma associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

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    Primary gastric non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) is a co-morbidity that can be observed during the clinical course of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). We evaluated the prevalence, clinical-evolutive aspects and form of endoscopic presentation of primary gastric NHL associated with AIDS. Two hundred and forty-three HIV patients were submitted to upper digestive endoscopy, with evaluation of clinical, endoscopic and histological data. A CD4 count was made by flow cytometry and viral load was determined in a branched-DNA assay. Six cases (five men; mean age: 37 years; range: 29-46 years) of primary gastric NHL were detected. The median CD4 count was 140 cells/mm³ and the median viral load was 40,313 copies/mL. Upper digestive endoscopy revealed polypoid (in four patients) ulcero-infiltrative (two patients) and ulcerated (two patients) lesions and combined polypoid and ulcerated lesions (two patients). Histology of the gastric lesions demonstrated B cell NHL (four patients) and T cell NHL (two patients). Five of the six patients died of complications related to gastric NHL. We concluded that primary gastric NHL is an important cause of mortality associated with AIDS

    Pancreatic Pseudocysts Transpapillary and Transmural Drainage

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    Background: Pancreatic pseudocyst endoscopic drainage has been described as a good treatment option, with morbidity and mortality rates that are lower than surgery. The aim of our study is to describe the efficacy of different forms of endoscopic drainage and estimate pseudocyst recurrence rate after short follow up period
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