309 research outputs found


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    Bullying atau perundungan merupakan.suatu bentuk masalah yang sudah umum di Indonesia. Pihak yang biasanya terlibat adalah anak yang secara undang-undang masih dibawah umur atau anak usia sekolah, dan pada saat ini bentuk praktik bullying atau perundungan masih marak terjadi di lingkungan sekolah dasar maupun tingkat atas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Proses Penyidikan dari tindak pidana bullying yang dilakukan anak dibawah umur oleh pihak Kepolisian Polrestabes Semarang, untuk menegtahui kendala-kendala dan solusi selama proses penyidikan tindak pidana bullying yang dilakukan anak dibawah umur oleh Kepolisian Polrestabes Semarang. Metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis sosiologis. Pendekatan yuridis sosiologis merupakan pendekatan yang berfokus pada identifikasi dan mengkonsepsual hukum sebagai institusi sosial yang riil dan fungsional dalam sistem kehidupan yang nyata. Pendekatan yuridis sosiologis ini menekankan penelitian yang bertujuan memperoleh pengetahuan hukum secara empiris dengan jalan terjun langsung ke objeknya atau terjun langsung ke lapangan. Selanjutnya adalah menganalisis data-data yang sesuai dengan penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil analisis penyusunan adalah bahwa proses penyidikan tindak pidana bullying yang dilakukan oleh anak, mengedepankan pemulihan mendamaikan dari dua belah pihak baik korban maupun pelaku menjadi seperti tidak terjadi apa-apa. Dimana dalam pelaksanaannya untuk memulihkan keadaan seperti semula antara pelaku dan korban dengan melibatkan keluarga pelaku maupun keluarga korban serta masyarakat dalam proses yang dinamakan diversi dan kendala selama proses penyidikan terdiri dari dua (2) kendala yakni kendala internal dan eksternal. Adapun kendala internal dikarenakan kurangnya sarana dan prasarana serta personel penyidik Polrestabes Semarang. Sedangkan kendala eksternal mencakup faktor hukum dimana belum adanya peraturan yang mengatur perihal tindak pidana bullying yang dilakukan oleh anak dan selanjutnya adalah dari masyarakat yang acuh untuk mencegah terjadinya tindak pidana bullying. Adapun solusi dari kendala internal yang ada yakni mengajukan personel tambahan serta sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung penyidikan kepada Polda Jawa Tengah, sedangkan solusi untuk kendala eksternal yakni melakukan sosialisasi berupa pemahaman kepada masyarakat dan melakukan mediasi secara kekeluargaan oleh semua pihak yang terlibat.Kata Kunci: Penyidikan, Diversi, Tindak Pidana Bullying Yang Dilakukan Ana

    Hydrogeological and geophysical investigations for groundwater in the Arumeru District (Northern Tanzania)

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    Due to water shortage, in the wards of Ngarenanyuki and Oldonyosambu (Arumeru District, Northern Tanzania), the per capita daily water consumption is 8 liters as.average, The avaleability goes down to 3-4 liters in the dry seasons when most of the population cannot resort to seasonal ponds or streams and so it is compelled to concentrate around the few perennial water points. This datum is quite far from the Millennium Goal objectives that foresee a quantity of at least 20 l/d/p (litres per day per person) for the Development Countries population, within 2015. Problems are also related to water quality, in particular, the high concentration of fluoride that characterises the waters in East Africa Rift System

    Comparison of Pre- and Post-Remediation Stream Water Chemistry in the Arsenic-Contaminated Baccu Locci Mine Watershed (Italy): Preliminary Data

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    AbstractEnvironmental issues related to past mining activities have become the subject of public interest only in the last 20-25 years. Consequently, experience related to the mitigation and control of environmental pollution in mining areas is a recent development. The existing methods of remediation are often partially ineffective, especially when applied without an in-depth geochemical and mineralogical study of the site. This paper reports on preliminary data concerning the effect of remediation actions in an arsenic-contaminated mine watershed (Baccu Locci mine – Italy) a few months from its completion. The persistence of the pre-remediation conditions raises some doubt on the effectiveness of the undertaken remediation actions, even if more time is certainly needed to reach a new environmental steady state. Much remains to be learned about mistakes and successes of mine site remediation, and the monitoring of the Baccu Locci area represents an opportunity to acquire new fundamental knowledge on this issue

    Field sampling of soil pore water to evaluate the mobile fraction of trace elements in the Iglesiente area (SW Sardinia, Italy)

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    Field soil pore water monitoring was applied in a highly heavy-metal contaminated area in SW Sardinia, Italy, as a direct, realistic measure of heavy metal mobility. The main chemistry of pore waters well reflects the local characteristics of soils, ranging from Ca-SO4 to (Ca)Mg-HCO3 to Ca(Na)-SO4(Cl), with a wide range of conductivity. The mobility of Zn and Pb is apparently controlled by equilibrium with minerals such as hydrozincite or smithsonite, and cerussite, respectively. These results allow a correct estimate of the actual environmental risk associated with the presence of heavy metals in soils, and may serve as a supporting tool for phytoremediation planning

    Arsenic in mining environments: evidences from Sardinia (Italy)

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    In Sardinia, the dispersion of arsenic in the environment appears strictly linked with mineralised bodies and mining activities. Currently, the areas of main concern are the active gold mine at Furtei, and the abandoned Pb- As mine at Baccu Locci. At Furtei, the main sources of arsenic are enargite, and arsenian pyrite; an ongoing monitoring program of water quality in the area around the mine documented so far no major changes with respect to pre-mine conditions, except for the formation of extremely acid, As-rich pit lakes. At Baccu Locci, the main primary source is arsenopyrite; arsenic dispersion is essentially due to the past unwise practice of discarding mine tailings into the nearby creek. Arsenic is slowly released from residual arsenopyrite and temporary secondary mineral traps such as Fe-oxyhydroxides, causing contamination of soils and waters as far as 10 km downstream of the mine

    A two-step pH control method to remove divalent metals from near-neutral mining and metallurgical waste drainages by inducing the formation of layered double hydroxide

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    A neutral M2+-rich and M3+-poor (M = metal) metallurgical waste drainage was used to test a metal removal method based on the precipitation of layered double hydroxide (LDH). The LDH precipitation was induced by adding a salt of Al3+ (trivalent metal missing in the drainage) and maintaining or restoring the pH to a circum-neutral value. The precipitates were characterized by chemical analysis, XRD, ESEM, HRTEM and XAS. The main parameter controlling the removal of metals and the type of precipitate appeared to be the pH. As a function of pH variation during the experiments, analyses of precipitates and solutions showed either the formation of poor crystalline LDH combined with very high removal of Zn, Ni and Pb (92–100%), more variable removal of Mn (46–98%) and less Cd (33–40%), or the formation of more crystalline LDH combined with lower removal of Zn (62%), Mn (43%), Ni (88%), Pb (64%) and especially Cd (1%). The different metal removal efficiency in the two cases is only indirectly due to the different LDH crystallinity, and it is clearly affected by the following factors: 1) the two pH steps of the method; 2) the direction of pH variation within each step. In particular, the highest removal of metals is obtained when the first pH step goes towards acidic conditions, as a consequence of Al salt addition, and precipitation of a quasi-amorphous hydrated hydroxysulfate of Al (probably a precursor of felsӧbányaite Al4(SO4)(OH)10 · 4H2O) occurs. This first acidic pH step removes little or no metals (just 0–3%) but it is essential so that the second pH step towards slightly alkaline conditions, as a consequence of NaOH addition, can be highly efficient in removing divalent metals as the quasi-amorphous hydrated hydroxysulfate of Al gradually turns into an LDH incorporating Zn, Mg and other metals. On the contrary, when both pH steps remain in the neutral-alkaline range, only LDH precipitation occurs and a lower metal removal is observed. These results encourage further investigations on the removal of metals by inducing LDH precipitation as a simple and effective method for the treatment of circum-neutral polluted drainages

    A methodological approach for the identification of sulphate sources in the Portoscuso area (south-western Sardinia)

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    Several detrimental effects due to intense industrial activities affect the groundwater of the Portoscuso area (SW Sardinia, Italy) such that the Italian Government has designed the whole territory as a contaminated site of national interest (D.M., March 12, 2003). Groundwater pollution is a crucial environmental issue in this area, where a volcanic ignimbrite succession up to 500 m thick outcrops, locally covered by sand deposits of variable thickness. Groundwater upgradient to the industrial district shows sulphate concentrations exceeding the background value of 450 mg/L calculated for the area (Vecchio et al., 2011). In order to verify the origin of sulphate, multidisciplinary investigations were carried out on the geochemical features and stable isotope ratios in groundwater

    Analysis on in vitro effect of lithium on telomere length in lymphoblastoid cell lines from bipolar disorder patients with different clinical response to long-term lithium treatment

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    Background It has been suggested that bipolar disorder (BD) is associated with clinical and biological features of accelerated aging. In our previous studies, we showed that long-term lithium treatment was correlated with longer leukocyte telomere length (LTL) in BD patients. A recent study explored the role of TL in BD using patients-derived lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs), showing that baseline TL was shorter in BD compared to controls and that lithium in vitro increased TL but only in BD. Here, we used the same cell system (LCLs) to explore if a 7-day treatment protocol with lithium chloride (LiCl) 1 mM was able to highlight differences in TL between BD patients clinically responders (Li-R; n = 15) or non-responders (Li-NR; n = 15) to lithium, and if BD differed from non-psychiatric controls (HC; n = 15). Results There was no difference in TL between BD patients and HC. Moreover, LiCl did not influence TL in the overall sample, and there was no difference between diagnostic or clinical response groups. Likewise, LiCl did not affect TL in neural precursor cells from healthy donors. Conclusions Our findings suggest that a 7-day lithium treatment protocol and the use of LCLs might not represent a suitable approach to deepen our understanding on the role of altered telomere dynamics in BD as previously suggested by studies in vivo
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