31 research outputs found


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    Scopo di questo contributo è  descrivere il modo in cui il Pefil , Portfolio europeo per la formazione iniziale degli insegnanti di lingue. Uno strumento di riflessione (ECML, 2007) è stato usato nell’ambito del “Master in didattica dell’italiano come lingua non materna” dell’Università di Palermo non solo come strumento di autovalutazione, ma anche come strumento di insegnamento/apprendimento, valorizzando cioè  le potenzialità formative di questo Portfolio come auspicato dagli stessi autori.Il documento è impiegato, in una nuova prospettiva, come chiave di lettura dei contenuti della professione e ha fornito ai corsisti uno strumento per rintracciare le connessioni fra i diversi input formativi del Master. In questo modo è stato possibile per ciascuno di loro costruire un tessuto unitario di apprendimento delle competenze professionali di insegnanti di italiano L2 e LS  in un’ottica di life long learning, secondo un approccio riflessivo.  The Portfolio Europeo per la Formazione Iniziale degli Insegnanti (PEFIL) as a teaching/learning tool The aim of this paper is to describe how the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages - Portfolio Europeo per la Formazione Iniziale degli Insegnanti (PEFIL), A reflection tool for language teacher education (ECML, 2007) has been used in the Master Degree program in “Italian Foreign Language Teaching” at the University of Palermo. The PEFIL has not only been used as a tool for self-assessment, but by exploiting the educational potential of the portfolio, it has also become an important learning/teaching tool.The Portfolio was used as a way to interpret essential teaching contents. It gave students a tool for finding connections between the diverse educational elements of the Master program. Thus it was possible for each of them to create a coherent network of professional competences for teaching Italian as a second and foreign language within a life long learning perspective, following the reflexive approach

    Testo, parola, sillaba, andata e ritorno. Un modello di didattica per classi a nulla o bassa scolarizzazione

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    L'articolo descrive un modello di didattica fortemente innovativo rivolto ad adolescenti ed adulti migranti che arrivano in Italia senza essere mai andati a scuola e che devono apprendere contemporaneamente una nuova lingua e le basi dell'alfabetizzazione

    Interactions of cationic formulations on human hair: Effects on cuticle texture and cortex porosity

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    During the daily care as cleansing, bleaching, ironing and others the hair fiber becomes damaged due to alterations in superficial charges, cuticle breakage and the protein loss from cuticle and cortex (1,2). Cationic formulations are used to treat damaged hair fiber. Cuticle and cortex properties change by the adsorption and diffusion of formulation ingredients (1,2). The adsorption of cationic surfactants containing quaternary ammonium on hair surface has been majority attributed to electrostatic interactions between the negatively charged cuticle after shampooing and the positive charge of these compounds (1). The uniformity of the adsorbed layer has direct influence on damaged hair texture (3,4). Recent advances in computational image analyses and very low angle illumination on light microscope allow us to develop a new approach of hair texture evaluation (5). On the other hand, the diffusion of ingredients into cortex has been attributed mainly to size, concentration and affinity between the molecule and hair. Cationic surfactants play an important role in the diffusion process due to the deposition and charge-charge interactions on hair surface (1). The aim of this study was to obtain quantitative data on hair cuticle texture and hair cortex porosity for healthy and damaged hair. The images of surface hair (texture) obtained by light microscope were categorized using by (GTSDM) grey-tone spatial dependence matrices. Bleached hair samples were treated with different conditioning formulations applied as leave on and rinse off processes. After bleaching treatment, the hair texture is significantly different from the control healthy hair. When a cationic formulation and rinsing off process were used, the bleached hair texture improvement by lowering energy beyond the measured to control healthy hair. Cationic formulation using leave on process does not allow the same results, however still improves the texture condition of bleached hair. The quantitative data and images from cortex porosity were analyzed using X-ray micro–computed tomography (micro-CT) that is a fast-growing method in scientific research applications that allows the obtaining of non-destructive imaging of morphological structures (6,7). The influence of cationic compounds on cortex porosity after treatments was observed. We used two types of leave on formulation on bleached hair, the first formula containing cationic ingredients and the second formula without cationic. The formulation without cationic showed a significant reduction of cortex porosity, about 70% compared to the bleached hair only. Meanwhile another formulation, did not show the same performance. The data obtained indicate that the conditioner formulation can improve hair texture and decrease cortex porosity. The charge-charge interaction allows the adsorption or diffusion of the formulation ingredients into the hair. References: 1_Schueller, R and Romanowski. Conditioning Agents for Hair and Skin. Cosmetic Science and Technology vol 21, 1999. 2_Johnson, D.H. Hair and Hair Care. Cosmetic Science and Technology vol 17, 1997. 3_ Aita, Y. and Nonomura, Y. J. Oleo Sci. 65, (6) 493-498, 2016. 4_La Torre, Carmem. J.Cosmet.Sci., 57, 37-56 (January/February), 2006. 5_ Scanavez, C and Arcuri, H. Proceedings of the 20th International Hair-Science Symposium, Dresden, Germany, September 2017. 6_Anton du Plessis et al. Laboratory x-ray micro-computed tomography: a user guideline for biological samples, GigaScience, 6 1–11, 2017. 7-Santini, M. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 655, 2015

    Adolescent hypertension identified with correct cuff and its cardiovascular and gestational problems after 29 years

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    OBJECTIVE: to identify, in 2011, rates of hypertension, cardiovascular and gestational problems in subjects presenting high blood pressure in 1982, when correct cuff size was used, according to the American Heart Association Arm Circumference/Cuff Width ratio of 0.40. METHODS: high blood pressure was defined in 2011 as systolic = 115 mmHg and diastolic = 80mmHg, resulting in 20 subjects between 39 and 43 years old. (Risk Group). They were compared to 20 subjects from the original sample with lower blood pressure values (Control group). RESULTS: the rates of hypertension, cardiovascular and gestational problems were significantly higher (Fisher: p=0.02) in the Risk Group, with one case of cardiovascular death. Our findings arouse speculations about whether, if a proper cuff had been used in clinical practice, the complications and death could have been avoided. CONCLUSIONS: data suggest compliance with the use of cuff width corresponding to 40% of arm circumference, despite polemics concerning cuff availability and difficulties of using many sizes.OBJETIVO: identificar, en el 2011, las tasas de hipertensión y problemas cardiovascular y gestacionales en sujetos que presentaban presión arterial altea en el 1982, cuando del uso del tamaño correcto del manguito según la razón de Circunferencia Braquial/Ancho del Manguito de la American Heart Association, correspondiendo a 0.40. MÉTODOS: en el 2011, la presión alta sistólica fue definida como =115 mmHg y la diastólica =80mmHg, resultando en 20 sujetos entre 39 y 43 años de edad (Grupo de Riesgo). Estos fueron comparados a 20 sujetos de la muestra original con niveles de presión normales (Grupo control). RESULTADOS: las tasas de hipertensión y problemas cardiovascular y gestacionales fueron significativamente superiores (Fisher: p=0,02) en el Grupo de Riesgo, con un caso de muerte cardiovascular. Nuestros hallazgos generan especulaciones sobre la posibilidad de evitar las complicaciones y la muerte si hubiera sido usado un manguito apropiado en la práctica clínica. CONCLUSIONES: los datos sugieren el cumplimiento con el uso del manguito con ancho correspondiendo al 40% de la circunferencia braquial, a pesar de la polémica sobre la disponibilidad del manguito y dificultades con el uso de muchos tamaños.OBJETIVO: identificar, no ano 2011, índices para hipertensão, problemas cardiovasculares e gestacionais em sujeitos com pressão elevada, detectada com manguito correto em 1982, quando a razão entre Circunferência Braquial e Largura do Manguito de 0,40, proposta pela American Heart Association, foi aplicada. MÉTODO: definiu-se como pressão elevada em 2011 sistólica =115mmHg e diastólica =80mmHg, resultando em 20 sujeitos com 39-43 anos (grupo de risco), que foram comparados a 20 com níveis menores que esses em 1982 (grupo controle). RESULTADOS: índices de hipertensão, problemas cardiovasculares e gestacionais foram significantemente mais elevados (Fisher: p=0,02) no grupo de risco, com uma morte cardiovascular. Os achados, aqui, levam a indagar se, caso um manguito apropriado tivesse sido usado na clínica, complicações e morte teriam sido evitadas. CONCLUSÕES: os dados indicam atendimento à largura do manguito correspondendo a 40% da medida da circunferência braquial, apesar das polêmicas discussões sobre dificuldades na disponibilidade e uso de diversos manguitos

    Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for children and adolescents with acute myeloid leukemia in Brazil : a multicentric retrospective study

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    The survival rates of children with high-risk acute myeloid leukemia (AML) treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) range from 60% to 70% in high-income countries. The corresponding rate for Brazilian children with AML who undergo HSCT is unknown. We conducted a retrospective analysis of 114 children with AML who underwent HSCT between 2008 and 2012 at institutions participating in the Brazilian Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Working Group. At transplant, 38% of the children were in first complete remission (CR1), 37% were in CR2, and 25% were in CR3þ or had persistent disease. The donors included 49 matched-related, 59 matched-unrelated, and six haploidentical donors. The most frequent source of cells was bone marrow (69%), followed by the umbilical cord (19%) and peripheral blood (12%). The 4-year overall survival was 47% (95% confidence interval [CI] 30%–57%), and the 4-year progression-free survival was 40% (95% CI 30%–49%). Relapse occurred in 49 patients, at a median of 122 days after HSCT. There were 65 deaths: 40 related to AML, 19 to infection, and six to graft versus host disease. In conclusion, our study suggests that HSCT outcomes for children with AML in CR1 or CR2 are acceptable and that this should be considered in the overall treatment planning for children with AML in Brazil. Therapeutic standardization through the adoption of multicentric protocols and appropriate supportive care treatment will have a significant impact on the results of HSCT for AML in Brazil and possibly in other countries with limited resources


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    “Ponti di Parole” è un sistema integrato (manuali cartacei e sito di supporto) per l’apprendimento dell’Italiano destinato a migranti adulti del tutto o parzialmente analfabeti. Scopo di questo articolo è di spiegare la sua efficacia rispetto a questo particolare target. Alla base c’è un’idea di alfabetizzazione intesa non come semplice padronanza della lettoscrittura ma come competenza d’uso della lingua per la cittadinanza. L’articolo ripercorre la storia di “Ponti di Parole” e ne argomenta le scelte linguistiche e didattiche, in particolare fa riferimento all’importanza attribuita alla testualità sotto il profilo dei contenuti, e all’autonomia dei destinatari, in quanto adulti, sotto il profilo del metodo. Si descrivono inoltre alcuni recenti progetti in cui dai materiali di “Ponti di Parole” sono state ricavate applicazioni multimediali e si esplorano alcune possibili direttrici di sviluppo del sistema.   A language learning tool “Ponti di parole” “Ponti di Parole” is an Italian language learning tool integrating paper manuals and supporting website, designed for adult migrant learners that are either illiterate or partially illiterate. The aim of this article is to explain its effectiveness for this particular target. “Ponti di Parole” is based on an idea of literacy that it is not limited to the command of reading and writing skills, but implies the ability of using the language for citizenship. The article retraces the story of “Ponti di Parole” and argues the linguistic and didactic choices behind it. The article focuses on the relevance “Ponti di parole” gives to textuality in its contents and to the autonomy of the learners, as adults, in its method. Recent projects are also described where materials from “Ponti di Parole” have been used for multimedia applications, and possible developments of this leaning system are explored

    Il profilo professionale del docente di italiano L2 per utenze fragil

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    In questo contributo si descrive il percorso di formazione del docente specialista nella didattica della lingua ad utenti adulti a basso o nullo livello di scolarizzazione. Vengono delineate le caratteristiche di questo nuovo profilo di apprendenti, legate alla mutata composizione anagrafica e culturale dei migranti e in particolare negli ultimi anni la vasta presenza di minori senza adulti di riferimento (MSNA, minori stranieri non accompagnati). Si descrivono quindi le caratteristiche professionali di un docente adeguato a rispondere alle esigenze formative richieste da questi utenti, che hanno specificità culturali (mancano della competenza di letto-scrittura, ma dispongono di un repertorio plurilingue orale) e cognitive (non hanno sperimentato le operazioni connesse all’apprendimento della lingua scritta).In last years, an increasing amount of people landing on Italian shores belongs to the category LESLLA (low educated second language and literacy acquisition), that is, they are illiterate or low educated in their first language. Teachers of Italian L2 have now to acquire literacy skills traditionally lacking within their background. We propose a training model shaping the new teacher’s skill-set in terms of linguistic and teaching competencies