393 research outputs found

    GPR Reflection Profiles of Clark and Commonwealth Glaciers, Dry Valleys, Antarctica

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    Englacial horizons deeper than 100 m are absent within 100 MHz ground-penetrating radar (GPR) surface profiles we recorded on Clark and Commonwealth Glaciers in the Antarctic Dry Valleys region. Both glaciers show continuous bottom horizons to 280 m, with bottom signal-to-noise ratios near 30 dB. Density horizons should fade below 50 m depth because impermeable ice occurred by 36 m. Folding within Commonwealth Glacier could preclude radar strata beneath about 80 m depth, but there is no significant folding within Clark Glacier. Strong sulfate concentrations and contrasts exist in our shallow ice core. However, it appears that high background concentration levels, and possible decreased concentration contrasts with depth placed their corresponding reflection coefficients at the limit of, or below, our system sensitivity by about 77 m depth. Further verification of this conclusion awaits processing of our deep-core chemistry profiles

    Flow dynamics of an accumulation basin: a case study of upper Kahiltna Glacier, Mount McKinley, Alaska

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    We interpreted flow dynamics of the Kahiltna Pass Basin accumulation zone on Mount McKinley, Alaska, USA, using 40, 100 and 900 MHz ground-penetrating radar profiles and GPS surface velocity measurements. We found dipping, englacial surface-conformable strata that experienced vertical thickening as the glacier flowed westward from a steep, higher-velocity (60 m a–1) region into flat terrain associated with a 908 bend in the glacier and lower velocities (15 m a–1) to the south. Stratigraphy near the western side of the basin was surface-conformable to 170 m depth and thinned as flow diverged southward, down-glacier. We found complex strata beneath the conformable stratigraphy and interpret these features as buried crevasses, avalanche debris and deformed ice caused by up-glacier events. We also suggest that basin dimensions, bed topography and the sharp bend each cause flow extension and compression, significantly contributing to conformable and complex strata thickness variations. Our findings show that surface-conformable stratigraphy continuous with depth and consistent strata thicknesses cannot be assumed in accumulation basins, because local and upglacier terrain and flow dynamics can cause structural complexities to occur under and within surfaceconformable layers

    Melt regimes, internal stratigraphy, and flow dynamics of three glaciers in the Alaska Range

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    We used ground-penetrating radar (GPR), GPS and glaciochemistry to evaluate melt regimes and ice depths, important variables for mass-balance and ice-volume studies, of Upper Yentna Glacier, Upper Kahiltna Glacier and the Mount Hunter ice divide, Alaska. We show the wet, percolation and dry snow zones located below 2700 m a.s.l., at 2700 to 3900 m a.s.l. and above 3900 m a.s.l., respectively. We successfully imaged glacier ice depths upwards of 480 m using 40–100 MHz GPR frequencies. This depth is nearly double previous depth measurements reached using mid-frequency GPR systems on temperate glaciers. Few Holocene-length climate records are available in Alaska, hence we also assess stratigraphy and flow dynamics at each study site as a potential ice-core location. Ice layers in shallow firn cores and attenuated glaciochemical signals or lacking strata in GPR profiles collected on Upper Yentna Glacier suggest that regions below 2800 m a.s.l. are inappropriate for paleoclimate studies because of chemical diffusion, through melt. Flow complexities on Kahiltna Glacier preclude ice-core climate studies. Minimal signs of melt or deformation, and depth–age model estimates suggesting 4815 years of ice on the Mount Hunter ice divide (3912 m a.s.l.) make it a suitable Holocene-age ice-core location

    Melt Regimes, Stratigraphy, Flow Dynamics and Glaciochemistry of Three Glaciers in the Alaska Range

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    We used ground-penetrating radar (GPR), GPS and glaciochemistry to evaluate melt regimes and ice depths, important variables for mass-balance and ice-volume studies, of Upper Yentna Glacier, Upper Kahiltna Glacier and the Mount Hunter ice divide, Alaska. We show the wet, percolation and dry snow zones located below 2700ma.s.l., at 2700 to 3900ma.s.l. and above 3900ma.s.l., respectively. We successfully imaged glacier ice depths upwards of 480m using 40–100MHz GPR frequencies. This depth is nearly double previous depth measurements reached using mid-frequency GPR systems on temperate glaciers. Few Holocene-length climate records are available in Alaska, hence we also assess stratigraphy and flow dynamics at each study site as a potential ice-core location. Ice layers in shallow firn cores and attenuated glaciochemical signals or lacking strata in GPR profiles collected on Upper Yentna Glacier suggest that regions below 2800ma.s.l. are inappropriate for paleoclimate studies because of chemical diffusion, through melt. Flow complexities on Kahiltna Glacier preclude ice-core climate studies. Minimal signs of melt or deformation, and depth–age model estimates suggesting 4815 years of ice on the Mount Hunter ice divide (3912ma.s.l.) make it a suitable Holocene-age ice-core location

    Flow Dynamics of an Accumulation Basin: A Case Study of Upper Kahiltna Glacier, Mount McKinley, Alaska

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    We interpreted flow dynamics of the Kahiltna Pass Basin accumulation zone on Mount McKinley, Alaska, USA, using 40, 100 and 900 MHz ground-penetrating radar profiles and GPS surface velocity measurements. We found dipping, englacial surface-conformable strata that experienced vertical thickening as the glacier flowed westward from a steep, higher-velocity (60 m a−1) region into flat terrain associated with a 90° bend in the glacier and lower velocities (15 m a−1) to the south. Stratigraphy near the western side of the basin was surface-conformable to ∼170 m depth and thinned as flow diverged southward, down-glacier. We found complex strata beneath the conformable stratigraphy and interpret these features as buried crevasses, avalanche debris and deformed ice caused by up-glacier events. We also suggest that basin dimensions, bed topography and the sharp bend each cause flow extension and compression, significantly contributing to conformable and complex strata thickness variations. Our findings show that surface-conformable stratigraphy continuous with depth and consistent strata thicknesses cannot be assumed in accumulation basins, because local and up-glacier terrain and flow dynamics can cause structural complexities to occur under and within surface-conformable layers

    Stratigraphic Variation Within Polar Firn Caused by Differential Accumulation and Ice Flow: Interpretation of a 400 Mhz Short-Pulse Radar Profile from West Antarctica

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    We investigate causes of the stratigraphic variation revealed in a 177 km, 400 MHz short-pulse radar profile of firn from West Antarctica. The profile covers 56 m depth, and its direction was close to those of the ice flow and mean wind. The average, near-surface accumulation rates calculated from the time delays of one radar horizon consistently show minima on leeward slopes and maxima on windward slopes, confirming an earlier study based on stake observations. The stratigraphic variation includes up to 30 m depth variation in individual horizons over tens of km, fold limbs that become progressively steeper with depth, and fold-hinge loci that change direction or propagate down-ice with depth over distances far less than predicted by the ice speeds. We use an accumulation rate model to show how local rate anomalies and the effect of ice speed upon a periodic variation in accumulation rate cause these phenomena, and we reproduce two key features seen in the stratigraphic variations. We conclude that the model provides an explanation of changes in spatial stratigraphy and local measures of accumulation history given the constraints of surface topography, ice and wind velocities, and a general accumulation rate for an area

    Winter Short-Pulse Radar Studies on the Tanana River, Alaska

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    Subsurface profiles were obtained during airborne and surface short-pulse radar surveys along a winter roadway over the Tanana River near Fairbanks, Alaska. The roadway crossed ice-covered channels and intervening frozen channel bars. The airborne profiles were intended for ice thickness profiling but also revealed sporadic reflections from a deeper horizon beneath the bars. Later profiling from the surface recorded these deeper reflecting horizons in detail, and they were found to correspond with the base of seasonal frost, measured in drill holes. The sediments immediately beneath the frozen material were saturated and represented the top of a seasonally variable groundwater table confined and controlled by frost penetration. The profiles made from the surface also revealed reflections from the bottom of the ice and the channel bottom. However, no significant reflections were observed beneath the channel bottom; reflections from sloping horizons above and below the base of the frost in the bar may indicate alluvial bedding patterns in these deposits. Eleven holes were drilled along the roadway to determine ice thickness, water depth, frost depth and the depth to the river ice-alluvium contact. Wide-angle reflection and refraction soundings were also made to determine electrical properties of materials and to verify our depth interpretations from echo times. These observations indicate that the airborne technique provides an effective method of locating unfrozen channels and measuring the depth of frost penetration beneath bars. The surface surveys revealed additional data on sedimentary structure.

    Phase Structure of Radar Stratigraphic Horizons Within Antarctic Firn

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    We have recorded reflection profiles of firn through large areas of West Antarctica and part of the East Antarctic plateau using 400 MHz short-pulse radar. The locations show accumulation rates that vary from well above to well below the vertical radar resolution. Most reflection horizons have extensive lateral continuity, and are composed of distinctive wavelets with a consistent phase polarity sequence within their successive half-cycles. We modeled these waveforms, and conclude that they arise from thin, double layers of ice over hoar, which is consistent with the standard model of firn stratification. In addition, we conclude that ice/hoar layers are extensive throughout West Antarctica and also present (although more sparsely) beneath the Antarctic Plateau
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