1,926 research outputs found

    Idiopathic Calcium Nephrolithiasis: A Review of Pathogenic Mechanisms in the Light of Genetic Studies

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    Background: Calcium nephrolithiasis is a multifactorial disease with a polygenic milieu. Association studies identified genetic polymorphisms potentially implicated in the pathogenesis of calcium nephrolithiasis. The present article reviews the mechanisms of calcium stone formation and the potential contribution of gene polymorphisms to lithogenic mechanisms. Summary: Endoscopy observations suggested that precipitation of calcium-oxalate on the Randall's plaque at the papilla surface may cause idiopathic calcium-oxalate stones. The Randall's plaque is a hydroxyapatite deposit in the interstitium of the kidney medulla, which resembles a soft tissue calcification. Conversely, calcium-phosphate stones may develop from crystalline deposits located at the tip of the Bellini duct. Polymorphisms of eleven genes have been associated with stones in genome-wide association studies and replicated candidate-gene association studies: VDR, SLC34A1, SLC34A4, CLDN14, and CaSR genes coding for proteins regulating tubular phosphate and calcium reabsorption; CaSR, MGP, OPN, PLAU, and UMOD genes coding for proteins preventing calcium salt precipitation; AQP1 gene coding for a water channel in the proximal tubule. The renal activity of the last gene, DGKH, is unknown. Polymorphisms in these genes may predispose to calcium-oxalate and -phosphate stones by increasing the risk of calcium-phosphate precipitation in the tubular fluid. Key Messages: Genetic findings suggest that tubular fluid supersaturation with respect to calcium and phosphate predisposes to calcium-oxalate stones by triggering cellular mechanisms that lead to the Randall's plaque formation. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Base

    Update on the genetics of nephrolithiasis

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    Genetic studies of calcium kidney stones evidenced the possible involvement of calcium-sensing receptor gene, vitamin D receptor gene and bicarbonate-sensitive adenylate cyclase gene, but it is uncertain which specific polymorphisms could be responsible. Thus, further studies are required to better assess the involvement of these or other genes and the interactions between different genes and between genes and environment. In addition to research in humans, the study of different strains of knock-out mice let us include the gene of phosphate reabsorption carrier NPT2, caveolin-1, protein NHERF-1, osteopontin and Tamm-Horsfall protein among the possible determinants. Further steps in the knowledge of calcium stone causes may be done using the instruments that the modern biotechnology and bioinformatics have made available to the researchers

    Ruolo del citrato nel metabolismo osseo

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    Citrate is an organic compound involved in tricarboxylic acid cycle, regulation of acid-base balance, lipid metabolism and bone formation. The 90% of body citrate is deposited in bone tissue and is released with calcium ions during bone resorption; therefore, bone resorption contributes to maintain normal plasma levels of citrate together with kidney excretion. The parallel release of citrate and calcium from bones decreases the possibility of calcium-phosphate precipitation in soft tissues, as citrate can bind calcium ions in organic fluids. Citrate may also take part to the bone formation as it sustains the correct mineralization of bone organic matrix: its molecule binds calcium ions at the surface of hydroxyapatite nanocrystals and maintains the correct spatial disposition of nanocrystals, thus, stabilizing the structure of bone lamellae and sustaining biomechanical characteristics of bone tissue. Multiple studies observed that citrate administration significantly increased areal and volumetric bone mineral density at different locations of 1-2% per year and improved bone resorption markers as well. Therefore, it has been hypothesised a therapeutic role of citrate in osteoporosis; however, this role has to be better clarified to understand its real anti-fracture effect

    Calcium-sensing receptor and calcium kidney stones

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    Calcium nephrolithiasis may be considered as a complex disease having multiple pathogenetic mechanisms and characterized by various clinical manifestations. Both genetic and environmental factors may increase susceptibility to calcium stones; therefore, it is crucial to characterize the patient phenotype to distinguish homogeneous groups of stone formers. Family and twin studies have shown that the stone transmission pattern is not mendelian, but complex and polygenic. In these studies, heritability of calcium stones was calculated around 50

    Differential Effects of Dabigatran and Warfarin on Bone Volume and Structure in Rats with Normal Renal Function

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    Background: Warfarin, a widely used anticoagulant, is a vitamin K antagonist impairing the activity of vitamin K-dependent Bone Gla Protein (BGP or Osteocalcin) and Matrix Gla Protein (MGP). Because dabigatran, a new anticoagulant, has no effect on vitamin K metabolism, the aim of this study was to compare the impact of warfarin and dabigatran administration on bone structure and vascular calcification. Methods: Rats with normal renal function received for 6 weeks warfarin, dabigatran or placebo. Bone was evaluated immuno-histochemically and hystomorphometrically after double labelling with declomycin and calcein. Aorta and iliac arteries were examined histologically. Results: Histomorphometric analysis of femur and vertebrae showed significantly decreased bone volume and increased trabecular separation in rats treated with warfarin. Vertebra analysis showed that the trabecular number was higher in dabigatran treated rats. Osteoblast activity and resorption parameters were similar among groups, except for maximum erosion depth, which was higher in warfarin treated rats, suggesting a higher osteoclastic activity. Therefore, warfarin treatment was also associated with higher bone formation rate/bone surface and activation frequency. Warfarin treatment may cause an increased bone turnover characterized by increased remodelling cycles, with stronger osteoclast activity compared to the other groups. There were no differences among experimental groups in calcium deposition either in aortic or iliac arteries. Conclusions: These findings suggest for the first time that dabigatran has a better bone safety profile than warfarin, as warfarin treatment affects bone by reducing trabecular size and structure, increasing turnover and reducing mineralization. These differences could potentially result in a lower incidence of fractures in dabigatran treated patients.This study was supported by a grant form Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharma, Germany (manufacturer of Dabigatran). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells modulate dextran sulphate sodium induced acute colitis in immunodeficient mice.

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are complex multi-factorial diseases with increasing incidence worldwide but their treatment is far from satisfactory. Unconventional strategies have consequently been investigated, proposing the use of stem cells as an effective alternative approach to IBD. In the present study we examined the protective potential of exogenously administered human umbilical cord derived mesenchymal stem cells (UCMSCs) against Dextran Sulphate Sodium (DSS) induced acute colitis in immunodeficient NOD.CB17-Prkdc scid/J mice with particular attention to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. METHODS: UCMSCs were injected in NOD.CB17-Prkdc scid/J via the tail vein at day 1 and 4 after DSS administration. To verify attenuation of DSS induced damage by UCMSCs, Disease Activity Index (DAI) and body weight changes was monitored daily. Moreover, colon length, histological changes, myeloperoxidase and catalase activities, metalloproteinase (MMP) 2 and 9 expression and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress related proteins were evaluated on day 7. RESULTS: UCMSCs administration to immunodeficient NOD.CB17-Prkdc scid/J mice after DSS damage significantly reduced DAI (1.45\u2009\ub1\u20090.16 vs 2.08\u2009\ub1\u20090.18, p\u20093-fold), which were significantly reduced in mice receiving UCMSCs. Moreover, positive modulation in ER stress related proteins was observed after UCMSC administration. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrated that UCMSCs are able to prevent DSS-induced colitis in immunodeficient mice. Using these mice we demonstrated that our UCMSCs have a direct preventive effect other than the T-cell immunomodulatory properties which are already known. Moreover we demonstrated a key function of MMPs and ER stress in the establishment of colitis suggesting them to be potential therapeutic targets in IBD treatment