287 research outputs found

    Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on In Vitro Fecal Digestion of Four Feed Ingredients Commonly Used to Feed Horses in Mexico

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    ABSTRACT: The study aimed to assess the nutritive value in vitro of 4 feeds (grains and forages) commonly used in horses nutrition in Mexico, in the absence or presence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae at 4 mg/g DM. Fecal inoculum was obtained from 4 adult English Thoroughbred horses fed on restricted amount of concentrate and oat hay ad libitum. The incubated substrates included were corn gluten meal, soybean meal, oat grain and alfalfa hay. Gas production was recorded at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 24, 48 and 70 h using the Pressure Transducer Technique. Some ingredient × yeast interactions were observed (P < .020) for the asymptotic gas production (GP) and GP at 48 and 70 h of incubation. Yeast addition increased (P < .001) the asymptotic GP of concentrates compared to forages. Concentrate feeds had higher (P < .05) GP and lower (P < .001) rate of GP compared to forages without yeast. From 24 to 70 h of incubation, forages with or without yeast had lower (P < .05) GP compared to concentrates with yeast addition. Forages had higher fermentation pH compared to concentrates, but lower (P < .05) metabolizable energy (ME), in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) and microbial protein production (MBP) compared to concentrates. Yeast addition increased (P < .05) the asymptotic GP of oat grain and soybean meal, without affecting the rate of GP or lag time of both. Yeast treatment improved fermentation of feeds with higher effects on concentrates compared to forage. It was concluded that concentrate feeds had higher nutritive value than forages commonly fed to horse

    Presentación y diseño de modelo de atención para pacientes urgentes emergentes (modelo PUE), en base a lean healthcare six sigma para servicios de urgencias en hospitales de tercer nivel de atención

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    Diseñamos un modelo de atención para Paciente Urgentes Emergentes, (Modelo PUE), vinculado al modelo Lean Healthcare Six Sigma, con cartografias de mapa de flujo de valor y cadena de valor y un formato de instrumento dividido en base a disminución de tiempos que aumentan las posibilidades de recuperación de los tres niveles para medición de gravedad. Objetivos: Demostrar que este modelo en paciente grave en base a disminución de mudas o desperdicios, aumenta de velocidad de atención, disminuyen&nbsp;&nbsp; la variabilidad y aumenta la calidad. Resultados. Esta investigación reporta que la disminución de tiempos de atención en urgencias aumenta la recuperación del paciente grave y su integridade

    External cavity multiwavelength semiconductor hybrid mode-locked laser intracavity gain dynamics

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    The intracavity gain dynamics of an external cavity semiconductor hybrid mode-locked laser is measured under multiwavelength operation. The results show a temporal skew between pulses corresponding to different wavelength channels. A measurement of the temporal evolution of the gain reveals a slow gain depletion, avoiding carrier heating and carrier cooling, and decreasing self-phase modulation effects and gain competition between wavelength channels, making multiwavelength operation possible

    Desarrollo de una biopelícula activa, que aumente la vida de anaquel en carne de bovino

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    Tesis de DoctoradoLa carne es esencial en la alimentación humana por su calidad nutrimental. Sin embargo, es un producto degradable por oxígeno y microorganismos, los cuales, ponen en riesgo la calidad e inocuidad del alimento. De ahí la importancia de ocupar empaques plásticos que muestren y protejan éste tipo de productos. Sin embargo, los convencionales son altamente contaminantes por su baja degradación. Por ello en la actualidad se han desarrollado las denominadas biopelículas activas de fácil degradación y que confieren actividad antimicrobiana y antioxidante. Así, el objetivo de la investigación es desarrollar y caracterizar una biopelícula activa con desechos agroindustriales, que mejore las características fisicoquímicas y de inocuidad en la vida útil de carne bovina. Para ello se usó un diseño experimental factorial 3x3 entre tres concentraciones (etanol:agua 20:80, 50:50, 80:20 v/v) y tres residuos (hojas: guayaba aguacate y ciruelo). El resultado indicó que las mayores concentraciones las presentó la interacción 50:50 v/v (etanol/agua) con la hoja de guayaba (fenoles totales=111.78.8 mg GAE/g MS, saponinas =88.56.92 mg/g MS y Actividad antioxidante=450.318 μM TEAC/g MS). Posteriormente, se realizaron pruebas de capacidad antimicrobiana, donde solamente muestra inhibición el extracto de hojas de guayaba en contra de 8 microorganimos patógenos evaluados mostrando una capacidad mínima inhibitoria en un rango 0.62-1.25 mg/ml. Con estos resultados se realizaron biopelículas (Gelatina-quitosano) con y sin extracto de guayaba, las cuales fueron caracterizadas midiendo propiedades ópticas y mecánicas, VII permeabilidad, así como su morfología y propiedades térmicas. Encontrando como resultado que ambas muestran en general buenas propiedades plásticas., en cuanto al efecto que causo la adición del extracto se observan que no efecto las propiedades de grosor, elongación, módulo de Young, permeabilidad al vapor de agua y al oxígeno, así como la morfología, ni sus propiedades térmicas como TGA y DSC., ya que se muestran similares a las biopelículas sin extracto, En contraparte a esto la adición del extracto si mostro diferencia significativa (P<0.05) en resistencia a la tensión, donde se observa una diminución en este valor, así como un efecto visible en las imágenes SEM de la presencia y distribución homogénea de las micelas del extracto y las cuales se sugieren le brindan a las biopelículas un efecto benéfico bioactivo en la vida útil de carne bovina manteniendo la inocuidad y características fisicoquímica de la carne por un lapso mayor de tiempo.UAEMe

    Molecular Modeling of the M3 Acetylcholine Muscarinic Receptor and Its Binding Site

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    The present study reports the results of a combined computational and site mutagenesis study designed to provide new insights into the orthosteric binding site of the human M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. For this purpose a three-dimensional structure of the receptor at atomic resolution was built by homology modeling, using the crystallographic structure of bovine rhodopsin as a template. Then, the antagonist N-methylscopolamine was docked in the model and subsequently embedded in a lipid bilayer for its refinement using molecular dynamics simulations. Two different lipid bilayer compositions were studied: one component palmitoyl-oleyl phosphatidylcholine (POPC) and two-component palmitoyl-oleyl phosphatidylcholine/palmitoyl-oleyl phosphatidylserine (POPC-POPS). Analysis of the results suggested that residues F222 and T235 may contribute to the ligand-receptor recognition. Accordingly, alanine mutants at positions 222 and 235 were constructed, expressed, and their binding properties determined. The results confirmed the role of these residues in modulating the binding affinity of the ligand

    External Cavity Multiwavelength Semiconductor Mode-locked Laser Gain Dynamics

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    External cavity semiconductor mode-locked lasers can produce pulses of a few picoseconds. The pulses from these lasers are inherently chirped with a predominant linear chirp component that can be compensated resulting in sub-picosecond pulses. External cavity semiconductor mode-locked lasers can be configured as multiwavelength pulse sources and are good candidates for time and wavelength division multiplexing applications. The gain medium in external cavity semiconductor mode-locked lasers is a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA), and passive and hybrid mode-locked operation are achieved by the introduction of a saturable absorber (SA) in the laser cavity. Pump-probe techniques were used to measure the intracavity absorption dynamics of a SA in an external cavity semiconductor mode-locked laser and the gain dynamics of a SOA for the amplification of diverse pulses. The SOA gain dynamics measurements include the amplification of 750 fs pulses, 6.5 ps pulses, multiwavelength pulses and the intracavity gain dynamics of an external cavity multiwavelength semiconductor mode-locked laser. The experimental results show how the inherent chirp on pulses from external cavity semiconductor mode-locked lasers results in a slow gain depletion without significant fast gain dynamics. In the multiwavelength operation regime of these lasers, the chirp broadens the temporal pulse profile and decreases the temporal beating resulting from the phase correlation among wavelength channels. This results in a slow gain depletion mitigating nonlinearities and gain competition among wavelength channels in the SOA supporting the multiwavelength operation of the laser. Numerical simulations support the experimental results