8 research outputs found

    The Economic Costs of Type 2 Diabetes: A Global Systematic Review.

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    BACKGROUND: There has been a widely documented and recognized increase in diabetes prevalence, not only in high-income countries (HICs) but also in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), over recent decades. The economic burden associated with diabetes, especially in LMICs, is less clear. OBJECTIVE: We provide a systematic review of the global evidence on the costs of type 2 diabetes. Our review seeks to update and considerably expand the previous major review of the costs of diabetes by capturing the evidence on overall, direct and indirect costs of type 2 diabetes worldwide that has been published since 2001. In addition, we include a body of economic evidence that has hitherto been distinct from the cost-of-illness (COI) work, i.e. studies on the labour market impact of diabetes. METHODS: We searched PubMed, EMBASE, EconLit and IBSS (without language restrictions) for studies assessing the economic burden of type 2 diabetes published from January 2001 to October 2014. Costs reported in the included studies were converted to international dollars ()adjustedfor2011values.Alongsidethenarrativesynthesisandmethodologicalreviewofthestudies,weconductanexploratorylinearregressionanalysis,examiningthefactorsbehindtheconsiderableheterogeneityinexistingcostestimatesbetweenandwithincountries.RESULTS:Weidentified86COIand23labourmarketstudies.COIstudiesvariedconsiderablybothinmethodsandincostestimates,withmoststudiesnotusingacontrolgroup,thoughtheuseofeitherregressionanalysisormatchinghasincreased.Directcostsweregenerallyfoundtobehigherthanindirectcosts.Directcostsrangedfrom) adjusted for 2011 values. Alongside the narrative synthesis and methodological review of the studies, we conduct an exploratory linear regression analysis, examining the factors behind the considerable heterogeneity in existing cost estimates between and within countries. RESULTS: We identified 86 COI and 23 labour market studies. COI studies varied considerably both in methods and in cost estimates, with most studies not using a control group, though the use of either regression analysis or matching has increased. Direct costs were generally found to be higher than indirect costs. Direct costs ranged from 242 for a study on out-of-pocket expenditures in Mexico to 11,917forastudyonthecostofdiabetesintheUSA,whileindirectcostsrangedfrom11,917 for a study on the cost of diabetes in the USA, while indirect costs ranged from 45 for Pakistan to $16,914 for the Bahamas. In LMICs-in stark contrast to HICs-a substantial part of the cost burden was attributed to patients via out-of-pocket treatment costs. Our regression analysis revealed that direct diabetes costs are closely and positively associated with a country's gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, and that the USA stood out as having particularly high costs, even after controlling for GDP per capita. Studies on the labour market impact of diabetes were almost exclusively confined to HICs and found strong adverse effects, particularly for male employment chances. Many of these studies also took into account the possible endogeneity of diabetes, which was not the case for COI studies. CONCLUSIONS: The reviewed studies indicate a large economic burden of diabetes, most directly affecting patients in LMICs. The magnitude of the cost estimates differs considerably between and within countries, calling for the contextualization of the study results. Scope remains large for adding to the evidence base on labour market effects of diabetes in LMICs. Further, there is a need for future COI studies to incorporate more advanced statistical methods in their analysis to account for possible biases in the estimated costs.The work of MS on this paper was partially funded by the Centre for Diet and Activity Research (CEDAR), a UKCRC Public Health Research Centre of Excellence. Funding from the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Medical Research Council (MRC), the National Institute for Health Research, and the Wellcome Trust, under the auspices of the UK Clinical Research Collaboration, is gratefully acknowledged.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs40273-015-0268-9

    Health state utility data in Cystic Fibrosis: A systematic review

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    Introduction: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a life-limiting, hereditable condition, with the highest prevalence in Europe. CF treatments have led to improvements in clinical symptoms, disease management and decelerated disease progression. However, little is known about the health state utility (HSU) associated with CF disease states, adverse events, and changes in disease severity. Although HSU data have contributed to existing health economic modelling studies, a lack of such data have been highlighted. This systematic review aims to provide a summary of HSU-related research in CF and highlight related research gaps. Methods: Online searches were performed in six databases and studies in any of the following categories were included: (1) estimation of HSUs in CF; (2) mapping studies between patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) and HSUs; (3) economic evaluations on the management of CF that report primary HSU data; and (4) any CF clinical trial that reported HSU as an outcome. Results: A total of 17 studies were reviewed, of which 12 provided HSU values for specific CF populations. The remaining five articles provided HSU data that were broken down by CF relevant health states, including lung transplantations, pulmonary exacerbation (PEx) events and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV 1). Conclusion: Current HSU data in CF are limited and there is considerable scope for further research, both in providing HSU values for CF and in investigating methods for HSU elicitation/evaluation in CF populations

    The Effect Of Family And Social Environment On Smoking Behaviour In Adolescence

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    Background: Parental and peer smoking are considered major predictors of smoking in adolescence. We investigate the impact of family and social environment and parental anti-smoking socialization on the intensive and extensive margins of smoking for Greek adolescents. Method and Material: Information on 873 adolescents was collected through a self-reported survey and regression analysis examined associations with five different smoking outcomes (current/lifetime smoking status/intensity and onset). Subgroup analyses and interactions provided further insights. Results: Prevalence of adolescent smoking is high. Family and peer smoking habits and smoking restrictions at home reduce probability and intensity of smoking. Parental smoking increases probability of current smoking by 5% (95% CI: 0.01-0.09) as does having all your friends smoking by 30% (95% CI: 0.16-0.45). Parental anti-smoking advice delays onset of smoking by 0.76 years (95% CI: 0.15-1.39) but does not affect current smoking. Conclusion: Family and social environments play a significant role in preventing or promoting smoking and should be regarded as crucial factors when devising policy to curb adolescent smoking

    Body-weight and psychological well-being in the UK general population

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    Background: while the consequences of body weight for physical health are well explored, the evidence for psychological well-being is less straightforward. An instrumental variable approach is used to address the endogenous relationship between body weight and well-being in the UK general population.Methods: data from the Health Survey for England (2003, 2004 and 2006) are used to fit linear and ordered probit instrument variable models for a sample of 13 862 individuals, with frequent white meat consumption instrumenting for body-weight. Non-linearities in the relationship, robustness to weak instruments and relaxation of strict exogeneity assumption are further examined.Results: accounting for endogeneity and conditional on health a protective effect on well-being is observed. A unit increase in body mass index (BMI) improves General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) by 0.17 (95% CI: 0.02–0.31) points and reduces the probability of reporting very low GHQ by 2.5% (95% CI: 0.01–0.05). Empirical testing showed that the instrument performs well, with increased meat consumption adding 0.58 points (95% CI: 0.42–0.74) to ones’ BMI.Conclusions: we present support for the jolly-fat hypothesis, however, caution is recommended in drawing inferences. Further research needs to resolve the mixed findings in the literature

    Incidence and risk factors of cancer in individuals with cystic fibrosis in the UK; a case-control study

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    To assess cancer incidence in the UK cystic fibrosis (CF) population and determine the associated risk factors, we undertook a nested case-control study of patients with CF, registered with the UK CF Registry. Each case with a first reported cancer between 1999 and 2017 was matched with up to 4 controls: by age (±2-years) and year of cancer diagnosis. Conditional logistic regressions were adjusted for sex, lung function (FEV 1%), CF related diabetes (CFRD), F508del status, transplant status, DIOS, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, meconium ileus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, pancreatic insufficiency, proton pump inhibitor (PPI) use, IV antibiotic days and BMI. Results: From 12,886 registered patients, 146 (1.1%) cases of malignancy were identified with 14.3% of cases occurring post solid organ transplant. Site of primary cancer was available for 98 patients: 22% were gastro-intestinal in origin (77% lower, 23% upper GI), 13% skin, 13% breast and 11% lymphomas/leukaemia. In univariable analysis, transplantation increased the odds of reporting any cancer by 2.46 times (95%CI: 1.3-4.6). CFRD also increased the odds of reporting any cancer (OR 2.35; CI: 1.37-4.0) and PPI use (OR 2.0; CI 1.28-3.19). In the multivariable models significant associations with CFRD and transplant remained, while PA infection, PPI use and being overweight showed increased, but statistically insignificant risks. The incidence of GI cancer was strongly associated with CFRD (OR=4.04; 1.47-11.1). Conclusions: We observed a high incidence of lower GI cancers in our cohort which was significantly affected by the presence of CFRD. Screening for gastrointestinal cancers could benefit patients at higher risk. </p