338 research outputs found

    Hermenêutica da pergunta pedagógica: Aprendizagem mediada pela prática da liberdade a partir da perspectiva de Freire

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    El ser humano se aproxima al mundo mediante la dialéctica de pregunta y respuesta para construir socialmente la realidad mediante la práctica de la libertad. En este contexto, el estudio se realizó con el objetivo de exponer el análisis hermenéutico de la pregunta pedagógica como instrumento pedagógico para el aprendizaje mediado por la práctica de la libertad desde la perspectiva de Freire. Desde el campo de la investigación filosófica se desarrollaron tres etapas (construcción del horizonte de comprensión, destructiva y constructiva) para proyectar la tradición educativa de Vigotsky y Ausubel hacia la hermenéutica de la pregunta y confrontar el aporte de la pedagogía de la pregunta de Freire. Los resultados obtenidos recuperan la pregunta inicial, mediadora y esencial situándolas en relación con la estructura y horizonte de la pregunta. El acto de preguntar se rehabilita como práctica de la libertad al mediar el aprendizaje desde el pensamiento crítico y creativo.The man approaches the world through the dialectic of question and answer to socially construct reality by practicing freedom. In this context, the study was conducted with the aim of exposing the hermeneutical analysis of the pedagogical question as an educational tool for learning through practice of freedom from the perspective of Freire. From the field of philosophical inquiry three stages (construction horizon of understanding, destructive and constructive) were developed to project the educational tradition of Vygotsky and Ausubel hermeneutics to question and confront the contribution of pedagogy Freire's question. The results obtained recover the initial question, mediator and essential placing them in relation to the structure and horizon of the question. The act of asking is rehabilitated as a practice of freedom to mediate learning from the critical and creative thinkingO ser humano aproxima-se ao mundo mediante a dialética de pergunta e resposta para construir socialmente a realidade mediante a prática da liberdade. Neste contexto, o estudo realizou-se com o objetivo de expor a análise hermenêutica da pergunta pedagógica como instrumento pedagógico para a aprendizagem mediada pela prática de liberdade a partir da perspectiva de Freire. Do campo da investigação filosófica desenvolveram-se três etapas (construção do horizonte de compreensão, destrutiva e construtiva) para projetar a tradição educativa de Vigotsky e Ausubel para a hermenêutica da pergunta e confrontar a contribuição da pedagogia da pergunta de Freire. Os resultados obtidos recuperam a pergunta inicial, mediadora e essencial situando-as em relação com a estrutura e horizonte da pergunta. O ato de perguntar reabilita-se como prática da liberdade ao mediar a aprendizagem a partir do pensamento crítico e criativ

    Elementos para articular la medicalización con la tradición médica occidental y la Koiné de la salud contemporánea

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    RESUMEN Introducción: racionalidad y mensurabilidad de la salud-enfermedad sustentan los imaginarios sociales para generar una koiné de la salud que se articula con la tradición médica occidental al determinar la manera de vivir en forma saludable. Objetivo: identificar elementos históricos y filosóficos que permitan comprender la medicalización como eje articulador de la tradición médica occidental y la koiné de la salud contemporánea. Desarrollo: punto de partida. La medicalización se remonta a la Escuela Hipocrática y el pensamiento de Andrés Vesalio; se identifican el olvido de la salud, la hegemonía de la enfermedad y la mensurabilidad de variables clínicas, como elementos que dan sentido a la tradición médica occidental. Horizonte de comprensión: la matematización de la naturaleza y la apropiación del experimento a través de William Harvey y Claudio Bernard, permiten aproximarse a la enfermedad mediante el concepto de normalidad y lo patológico; también se destaca la influencia de las condiciones materiales de vida en el proceso de enfermedad. Fusión de horizontes: la influencia de lo social en la Medicina a través de Durkheim, Canguilhem, Dubos, Salleras, Terris, Pérez Lovelle, Laframboise y Lalonde, genera un sincretismo que posibilita delimitar el campo de la salud e incorporar la responsabilidad del paciente para conservar el estado de salud. Conclusiones: el estudio realizado permite concluir que el olvido de la salud, la hegemonía de la enfermedad, la mensurabilidad de variables clínicas, la normalidad, los determinantes de salud y estilos de vida son elementos que articulan la tradición médica occidental con la koiné de la salud contemporánea.  Palabras clave: medicalización, malud, enfermedad, tradición hipocrática, racionalidad moderna, medicina social, historia de la medicina. </p

    Correction to: GloPL,a Global Data Base on Pollen Limitation of Plant Reproduction (Scientific Data, (2018), 5, (180249), 10.1038/sdata.2018.249)

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    J. H. Burns was omitted in error from the author list of the original version of this Data Descriptor. This omission has now been corrected in both the HTML and PDF versions

    Land Use and Pollinator Dependency Drives Global Patterns of Pollen Limitation in the Anthropocene

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    Land use change, by disrupting the co-evolved interactions between plants and their pollinators, could be causing plant reproduction to be limited by pollen supply. Using a phylogenetically controlled meta-analysis on over 2200 experimental studies and more than 1200 wild plants, we ask if land use intensification is causing plant reproduction to be pollen limited at global scales. Here we report that plants reliant on pollinators in urban settings are more pollen limited than similarly pollinator-reliant plants in other landscapes. Plants functionally specialized on bee pollinators are more pollen limited in natural than managed vegetation, but the reverse is true for plants pollinated exclusively by a non-bee functional group or those pollinated by multiple functional groups. Plants ecologically specialized on a single pollinator taxon were extremely pollen limited across land use types. These results suggest that while urbanization intensifies pollen limitation, ecologically and functionally specialized plants are at risk of pollen limitation across land use categories

    Very high energy particle acceleration powered by the jets of the microquasar SS 433

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    SS 433 is a binary system containing a supergiant star that is overflowing its Roche lobe with matter accreting onto a compact object (either a black hole or neutron star). Two jets of ionized matter with a bulk velocity of 0.26c\sim0.26c extend from the binary, perpendicular to the line of sight, and terminate inside W50, a supernova remnant that is being distorted by the jets. SS 433 differs from other microquasars in that the accretion is believed to be super-Eddington, and the luminosity of the system is 1040\sim10^{40} erg s1^{-1}. The lobes of W50 in which the jets terminate, about 40 pc from the central source, are expected to accelerate charged particles, and indeed radio and X-ray emission consistent with electron synchrotron emission in a magnetic field have been observed. At higher energies (>100 GeV), the particle fluxes of γ\gamma rays from X-ray hotspots around SS 433 have been reported as flux upper limits. In this energy regime, it has been unclear whether the emission is dominated by electrons that are interacting with photons from the cosmic microwave background through inverse-Compton scattering or by protons interacting with the ambient gas. Here we report TeV γ\gamma-ray observations of the SS 433/W50 system where the lobes are spatially resolved. The TeV emission is localized to structures in the lobes, far from the center of the system where the jets are formed. We have measured photon energies of at least 25 TeV, and these are certainly not Doppler boosted, because of the viewing geometry. We conclude that the emission from radio to TeV energies is consistent with a single population of electrons with energies extending to at least hundreds of TeV in a magnetic field of 16\sim16~micro-Gauss.Comment: Preprint version of Nature paper. Contacts: S. BenZvi, B. Dingus, K. Fang, C.D. Rho , H. Zhang, H. Zho