424 research outputs found

    Aid, peasants and social exclusion

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    Using unique village census data collected in 2003 and 2008 in Senegal, we assess the impact of a major World Bank-funded Community Driven Development (CDD) program on membership and assortative matching in community-based organizations (CBOs). We implement both standard discrete choice and dyadic regression techniques. We find that channeling development aid through CBOs makes these organizations more inclusive in the sense that a number of traditionbound assortative matching patterns are partly broken. Ceteris paribus, this leads to more heterogeneous CBOs. On the other hand, the likelihood of CBO membership is reduced in treated villages, with significant differences between men and women. Our results suggest that grassroots level development projects which target CBOs must be carefully designed and executed if they are not to result, paradoxically, in a greater degree of social exclusion, with differentiation by gender playing a crucial role

    Effets de paramètres d'opération sur la décantation de boues biologiques d'une unité de traitement d'eaux usées de raffinerie

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    La qualité de l'effluent des systèmes de biotraitement par boues activées est souvent limitée par la performance de l'unité de décantation. Cette étude analyse les causes possibles des difficultés d'opération rencontrées dans la décantation des boues évacuées aux décanteurs secondaires d'une raffinerie de pétrole. Les objectifs visent à déterminer et à quantifier l'effet des paramètres d'opération qui affectent le fonctionnement du décanteur, en les reliant si possible à son mauvais fonctionnement, à évaluer de l'ajout d'alun et à proposer des méthodes correctives pour améliorer l'efficacité de décantation.L'étude montre que :- l'efficacité des décanteurs sera améliorée si le niveau d'oxygène dissous et la concentration en matières totales en suspension (MTS) dans le bassin d'aération sont respectivement maintenus entre 0,9 à 1,3 ppm et 4 300 à 4 800 mg/L;- le pH de la liqueur mixte ne semble pas influencer la décantabitité;- l'addition d'alun doit être évitée ou maintenue inférieure à 50 mg/L;- l'agitation et les vitesses linéaires élevées dans les conduites d'alimentation des décanteurs doivent être évitées.The wastewater treatment systems built in the seventies for treating the effluents from oil refineries often fail to comply with new environmental standards. The present study focuses mainly on the problem of sludge settling in the clarifiers. The purpose of this work was to determine the effect of various parameters on the settling characteristics of the activated sludge, to evaluate the rote of alun as a flocculating agent and to characterize the operation of the clarifiers primarily as it relates to the settling problem. The influence of the quantity of the alun added and of the stirring speed on the settling characteristics of the sludge were determined in jar tests. The effects, on the performance of the clarifiers, of the level of dissolved oxygen in the bioreactor, of the pH and of the concentration in total suspended solids (TSS) maintained in the mixed liquor, were also investigated.The studies on the sludge settleability led to the following conclusions :- the concentration in dissolved oxygen and the concentration in TSS in the aeration tank are two parameters which have a critical effect on the effluent quality. The optimal operating intervals for these parameters are from 0.9 to 1.3 ppm for dissolved oxygen and from 4 300 to 4 800 mg/L for the TSS;- the pH of the mixed liquor is not a main factor and does not seem to have any effect on the sludge settleability;- the addition of alum in excess of 50 mg/L has an adverse effect on the sludge settling characteristics. Addition of alum below this level, however, improves the clarity of the residual liquor. Nevertheless, the addition of this flocculating agent is not recommended;- the high flowrates and violent mixing in the piping system used to feed the mixed liquor from the aeration tank to the clarifiers adversely affects the solid-liquid separation in the clarifiers.By simply stopping the addition of the flocculating agent, maintaining the dissolved oxygen concentration between 1 to 2 ppm and the TSS between 4 300 to 4 800 mg/L in the wastewater treatment unit, it was possible to improve substantially the quality of the effluent and thus meet the environmental standards

    Microbial Metropolis: Understanding how legume pasture systems interact with soil microbial communities, and subsequent greenhouse gas emissions

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    Non-Peer ReviewedCattle producers may graze animals on mixed pastures of non-bloat legumes and grasses. This approach can increase dietary protein uptake, improve animal value, and reduce cattle methane emissions by decreasing pasture bloat. The introduction of legumes to a grass pasture can also affect greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes from the soil by shifting the structure of the microbial communities responsible for nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and methane consumption, and by altering mineralization rates and soil nutrient content. Two novel forage legume-grass mixes and a grass-alfalfa control were sampled throughout the 2017 and 2018 grazing seasons and analyzed for microbial community structure, nutrient cycling rates, as well as for N2O and methane GHG fluxes. Results suggest microbial community structure, rather than microbial abundance, as one factor regulating GHG emissions. Reduced phosphorous and nitrogen supply rates were key factors limiting microbial abundance, and communities experiencing these environmental stressors were correlated with reduced N2O fluxes. Increasing microbial abundance in response to substrate availability results in depletion of soil phosphorous and nitrogen. This in turn upregulates the carbon and nitrogen cycling activities of communities. Nitrogen and soil moisture content were correlated with increasing nitrous oxide emissions, suggesting that denitrification processes are the major contributor to pasture N2O emissions. In addition, decreasing moisture increased methane consumption, providing a partial sink for cattle-derived methane emissions. Sainfoin treatments had lower cumulative methane consumption when compared to cicer milkvetch and control treatments. Further analysis suggests that different interactions between environmental factors may be involved in shaping microbial communities within each legume treatment, and that local environmental conditions at each sampling point were more important than plant cover treatments in determining daily GHG fluxes. Understanding the microbial processes at play when considering net GHG emissions within a pasture system will contribute to the future sustainability of beef production systems

    The economic impact of schistosomiasis

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    BACKGROUND: The economic impact of schistosomiasis and the underlying tradeoffs between water resources development and public health concerns have yet to be quantified. Schistosomiasis exerts large health, social and financial burdens on infected individuals and households. While irrigation schemes are one of the most important policy responses designed to reduce poverty, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, they facilitate the propagation of schistosomiasis and other diseases. METHODS: We estimate the economic impact of schistosomiasis in Burkina Faso via its effect on agricultural production. We create an original dataset that combines detailed household and agricultural surveys with high-resolution geo-statistical disease maps. We develop new methods that use the densities of the intermediate host snails of schistosomiasis as instrumental variables together with panel, spatial and machine learning techniques. RESULTS: We estimate that the elimination of schistosomiasis in Burkina Faso would increase average crop yields by around 7%, rising to 32% for high infection clusters. Keeping schistosomiasis unchecked, in turn, would correspond to a loss of gross domestic product of approximately 0.8%. We identify the disease burden as a shock to the agricultural productivity of farmers. The poorest households engaged in subsistence agriculture bear a far heavier disease burden than their wealthier counterparts, experiencing an average yield loss due to schistosomiasis of between 32 and 45%. We show that the returns to water resources development are substantially reduced once its health effects are taken into account: villages in proximity of large-scale dams suffer an average yield loss of around 20%, and this burden decreases as distance between dams and villages increases. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides a rigorous estimation of how schistosomiasis affects agricultural production and how it is both a driver and a consequence of poverty. It further quantifies the tradeoff between the economics of water infrastructures and their impact on public health. Although we focus on Burkina Faso, our approach can be applied to any country in which schistosomiasis is endemic

    Legume based pasture rejuvenation for greenhouse gas outcomes

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    Non-Peer ReviewedIncorporating legumes into a grass based pasture system has multiple benefits. A grass/legume blend increases the dietary protein of foraging cattle over grass alone. Furthermore, symbiotic biological nitrogen fixation introduces additional nitrogen to the pasture system thereby potentially lessening the need for synthetic fertilizers. However, over time, pastures initially seeded with a blend of grasses and legumes will tend towards increasing grass dominance such that the presence and benefits of legumes diminishes. Reestablishing legumes on a mature pasture can restore these important functions. By improving ruminant diet and therefore feed conversion ratios as well as decreasing nitrogen fertilizer applications, pasture rejuvenation, through the introduction of legumes, is expected to lower the greenhouse gas cost of grazing livestock on a per output basis. However, disturbance of soils, which can be part of various rejuvenation techniques, can result in losses of soil carbon thereby offsetting potential at least some of the greenhouse gas benefits. Sod-seeding may be an effective strategy to establish legumes in a mature pasture thereby incurring benefits without heavily disrupting soils and incurring soil carbon loss. To test this, a multiyear experiment, including cattle, vegetation (specifically the incorporation of non-bloat legumes: cicer milkvetch and sainfoin), soils and microbiota, was established near Lanigan, SK to examine the impact of sod-seeded legume pasture rejuvenation on greenhouse gases

    A Rheumatoid Nodule at the Sternoclavicular Joint: An uncommon presentation of a common problem

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    Most rheumatoid nodules are found at joints or pressure points. They rarely require medical intervention and even fewer require surgery. A 78-year-old female developed a 7.2 x 3.2 x 2.8 cm rheumatoid nodule originating at the right sternoclavicular joint, a novel site for a common pathology. Management involved a complex differential diagnosis and surgical treatment was resection from adjacent vascular and neural structures. Following surgical excision, the patient maintained good mobility and sensation of the neck and surrounding areas

    The effects of financialisation and financial development on investment: Evidence from firm-level data in Europe

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    In this paper we estimate the effects of financialization on physical investment in selected western European countries using panel data based on the balance-sheets of publicly listed non-financial companies (NFCs) supplied by Worldscope for the period 1995-2015. We find robust evidence of an adverse effect of both financial payments (interests and dividends) and financial incomes on investment in fixed assets by the NFCs. This finding is robust for both the pool of all Western European firms and single country estimations. The negative impacts of financial incomes are non-linear with respect to the companies’ size: financial incomes crowd-out investment in large companies, and have a positive effect on the investment of only small, relatively more credit-constrained companies. Moreover, we find that a higher degree of financial development is associated with a stronger negative effect of financial incomes on companies’ investment. This finding challenges the common wisdom on ‘finance-growth nexus’. Our findings support the ‘financialization thesis’ that the increasing orientation of the non-financial sector towards financial activities is ultimately leading to lower physical investment, hence to stagnant or fragile growth, as well as long term stagnation in productivity