1,392 research outputs found


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    A narrativa de origo gentis contida no livro I da Res gestae Saxonicae escrita pelo monge Widukind de Corvey (967-74) estabelece passo a passo o mito de origem dos saxônios, passando pelas várias possíveis origens obscuras porém nobres, a conquista da terra, a cristianização e a translatio imperii dos francos para os saxônios consubstanciada na ascensão de Henrique I ao trono em 919. O objetivo principal do estudo aqui proposto concentra-se na investigação dos objetivos desta construção (realizada em período tardio para os escritos deste tipo), suas conexões com a dinastia Otônida e com os desenvolvimentos legitimários da monarquia imperial germânica em períodos subsequentes

    Patterns and characteristics of university-industry relationships: evidences from a college of engineering in Brazil

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    The university-industry interactions have been perceived by academics and governments as one of the key drivers for social and economic development of nations. In Brazil, these interactions are still a recent phenomenon, with no conclusive results on its effectiveness and with no clear guidelines on how to tackle the main problems faced by the professionals, researchers and institutions involved on such interactions. In order to provide an accurate diagnosis of the characteristics, challenges and peculiarities of these phenomena, the present study investigates the university-industry relations in the School of Engineering of Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), located in the municipality of Niterói/RJ. In order to contribute to the analysis of the problem, interviews were conducted with professors and researchers affiliated with the School. The results shows, from the perspective of the respondents, the main motivations of the parties involved in these relationships, as well as the main limitations and difficulties in its establishment

    Visual Analisys of Educational Data: A Gender Study in Computer Courses in University of Brasilia

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    The presence of women in technology-related courses is declining every year, reaching in 2016 less than 20% of the total student body in the Department of Computer Science in UnB (Universidade de Bras´ılia). This paper uses visualization techniques to analyze and identify profile patterns in girls on undergraduate courses in the computing field. Dimensionality reduction technique (PCA), HeatMap and Parallel Coordinates were used for the visual data analysis process, considering the students’ situation in relation to UnB (active, drop out or graduated). In this work, the existing correlations between variables were evidenced, with more in-depth analysis of the association between entrance period and the nature of the university departure form and period of the university attendance. Also, the students participating in the quota schema were analysed and the study suggests that there is no correlation between students enrolled under the quota system and the form of departure from the course.&nbsp

    Green economy and the reverse logistics of waste electrical and electronic equipment

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    From the way globally accepted for economic growth representation of evolution of a country related to the findings of non consideration of environmental assets and liabilities as a measure of occupancy in the economy of the countries, this study suggests a paradigm shift in the operation of the world economy with the implementation of the Green Economy concept seeking the achievement of environmental goals necessary to a level considered optimal in terms of pollution at lower cost to society. The focus of the study is given to the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), particularly in the reverse logistics of WEEE as a potential tool for economic growth maintenance condition with sustainability. A diagnosis on the use of reverse logistics of WEEE in the world is also presented based on research conducted in countries on five continents. At the end of the study it was concluded that the application of reverse logistics in the world is still incipient with no evidence of the use of economic instruments that give opportunity for growth and sustainability. Accordingly, it is emphasized that the management of WEEE practiced in most countries has shown motivation solely on financial profit based on the export / import of waste in a kind of ruse coated green taking into account the environmental and health risks of the population in developing countries or in development, which are the main final destination of WEEE

    Frederico I Barbarossa contra Milão (1158-1162): uma campanha Vegeciana?

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    A partir da década de 1980 surgiu uma nova forma de analisar a guerra no período medieval, o chamado Paradigma Estratégico Vegeciano (PEV), centrado na importância da logística e das fortificações. Os estudos pautados por este modelo de abordagem, entretanto, têm se concentrado nas realidades das guerras anglo-francesas. Assim, nosso artigo objetiva avaliar a utilidade do PEV na análise de uma campanha no contexto ítalo-germânico de Frederico I Barbarossa

    Teste de indicadores econômico-financeiros para gestão ativa de portfólio de ações.

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia de ProduçãoO objetivo deste estudo é testar três indicadores econômico-financeiros (juros, cotação do real e cotação do peso mexicano) e a sua relação com a cotação de ações de empresas listadas em bolsas latino-americanas cada qual com suas características específicas (endividamento e exposição à moeda estrangeira). Confrontando os resultados com hipóteses adotadas por uma gestora de fundos de investimento na construção de uma carteira de ações. O intuito é de apresentar metodologia e sistemática replicáveis para que outros estudos de análise econômico-financeira sejam realizados, contribuindo com o conhecimento científico e empírico do mercado financeiro. Os resultados mostram que decisões de compra ou venda de ações podem ser pautados pelos indicadores analisados neste estudo, pois possuem relevância significativa. Esta Pesquisa-Ação possui caráter explicativo, com uso de dados quantitativos, fornecidos pela empresa e por plataformas de dados financeiros como Economática, Bloomberg e VMQ+.The objective of this study is the evaluation of three financial and economical factors (interest rates, Brazilian real currency and Mexican peso currency) and its relationship to Latin-American listed stocks with specific characteristics (leverage and currency exposure). Confronting the results with hypothesis adopted by an asset management company in its portfolio construction. It is intended to present a replicable methodology so that other studies may be realized, further contributing with the scientific knowledge of the financial markets. The results produced by this study show that the decision of buying or selling a stock may be based on the referred factors as they present significant relevance. This Action-Research possesses explanatory bias, with the usage of quantitative data, supplied by Gestora and financial market platforms such as Economática, Bloomberg and VMQ+

    Brüderkrieg: guerra civil e o início do fim da unidade do império carolíngio

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    Na documentação oriunda do século IX, a batalha de Fontenoy (841) e seu contexto mais amplo, a guerra civil que envolveu Lothar I, Luís o Germânico e Carlos o Calvo, a assim chamada Brüderkrieg ou Guerra entre irmãos, são vistas como marcos da dissolução do Império Carolíngio. Nosso artigo tem como objetivo reexaminar as evidências textuais (como os Anais de St. Bertin, os Anais de Fulda, as Histórias de Nithard e Versus de bella quae fuit acta Fontaneto de Angelbert) e iconográficas (como as contidas no Codex Perizoni F 17 e no Codex Sangalensis 22) à luz de análises ligadas a temas como os padrões da Cultura Política desenvolvida no Império Carolíngio, especificamente no que diz respeito à continuidade da Ideologia imperial e dos destinos da Aristocracia Imperial criada por Carlos Magno e estilhaçada durante as guerras civis, que nos permitiu alcançar conclusões muito divergentes das já consolidadas acerca do dito declínio do Império Carolíngio