25 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to evaluate changes in soil chemical attributes and nutrition of Anadenanthera colubrina and a Eucalyptus clone under fertilization using reservoir sediment (RS), fish farming sediment (FFS) and biochar (BC) in the semi-arid region of Brazil. The Eucalyptus clone and A. colubrina leaves and soil were sampled after applying treatments. Leaves were collected for nutritional analysis and soil for mineral and fertility analyses. The K+ and P concentration in the soil were influenced by the natural fertilizers, and the biochar increased the C content. The A. colubrina planting reduced the soil K+ and P levels, and the Eucalyptus clone cultivation reduced the Mg2+ content. The FFS was responsible for increasing P availability in both A. colubrina and the Eucalyptus clone, being a good option for use in soils which are naturally poor in P. A. colubrina presented the highest N, P, K and Ca levels, suggesting high demand of this species for these nutrients. The Eucalyptus clone was more demanding for Mg, suggesting that its cultivation should be done in soils rich in Mg2+. The use of RS and FFS is important to increase the growth of forest species in semi-arid regions, and this management is recommended in the deforestation policies of these regions


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    É imprescindível aprimorar e adaptar os métodos de determinação de carbono, para reduzir os custos e o descarte desnecessário de resíduos químicos. Com objetivo de reduzir o custo da operação e o descarte de ácido sulfúrico, que pode causar contaminação ambiental, o trabalho testou diferentes concentrações do ácido para observar se existia diferença significativa entre os teores de carbono determinados por diferentes volumes de ácido sulfúrico. Para tanto foi utilizada 0,1 g de amostra seca de madeira de juazeiro (Ziziphus joazeiro Mart.), digerida em ácido sulfúrico e dicromato de potássio, aquecida em bloco digestor e titulada com solução de sulfato ferroso amoniacal 0,5 N.  Como a metodologia tomada como referência utiliza 40 mL do ácido sulfúrico P.A., este volume foi adotado como testemunha e os demais tratamentos foram 10 mL, 20 mL e 30 mL, com cinco repetições para cada volume. O cálculo estatístico foi realizado por meio da análise de variância (ANOVA) e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Como padrão de comparação foi utilizada a glicose por apresentar teor de carbono conhecido. Observou-se que os diferentes volumes de ácido não apresentaram diferença significativa, o que indica a viabilidade de utilização de 10 mL para análise e uma redução de 75% do material químico


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    Tree native species of the Caatinga (a Brazilian semi-arid biome) have characteristics of interest for the use of their wood and non-wood products, especially regarding their natural chemical compounds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antifungal action of different bark extracts of Anacardium occidentale, Ziziphus joazeiro and Mimosa caesalpiniifolia against Ganoderma lobatum and G. multiplicatum by in vitro mycelial inhibition. The extractions from the bark of the trees were carried out with a Soxhlet extractor, using water, ethanol and hexane as solvents. The potential of mycelia inhibition of each extract was tested against fungi of the Ganoderma genus. The hexane extracts of the bark had activity against G. multiplicatum, unlike the aqueous and ethanol extracts. Even though the hexane-based extracts had a small mycelial inhibition effect against G. lobatum, there were no satisfactory results of extracts against this fungus species


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    This paper aims to carry out a compilation of publications on wood biodeterioration by marine borers in Brazil until 2019. It presents a bibliometric review and offers the state of the art on the subject. The research was carried out in three databases: Scielo, Web of Science and Scopus; screening 17 documents in our analysis. The main evaluation parameters were the institutions that contributed to the research; distribution of publications over the years; aims; and if the subject wood technology was addressed. The analysis suggests that the first record on the subject dates from the 1980s, but there is no increase of studies published over the years. In addition, none of the studies focus on wood biodeterioration and preservation, being more directed towards topics such as ecology, physiology, and taxonomy of marine xylophages. There is a need to encourage research focused on wood biodeterioration and preservation related to marine borers, given the lack of studies on this topic, as well as the importance of these organisms in the environmental and economic sphere.Esse artigo objetivou realizar a compilação das publicações relacionadas a bioderetioração da madeira em ambiente marinho no Brasil até 2019, apresentando uma revisão bibliométrica e o estado da arte sobre este tema. A pesquisa foi realizada utilizando três bases de dados: Scielo, Web of Science e Scopus. Os artigos passaram por uma triagem resultando em 17 documentos. Os principais parâmetros de avaliação foram as instituições que contribuíram para a pesquisa; distribuição das publicações ao longo dos anos; objetivo da pesquisa; e se o tema tecnologia da madeira foi abordado. O primeiro registro de publicações com brocas marinhas no Brasil foi na década de 1980, mas não houve um aumento de produção científica ao longo dos anos. Além disso, nenhum dos estudos avaliados teve a biodeterioração e preservação da madeira como foco, sendo mais direcionados para tópicos como ecologia, fisiologia e taxonomia dos xilófagos marinhos. Existe a necessidade estimular pesquisas voltadas para a biodeterioração e preservação da madeira relacionadas a brocas marinhas, tendo em vista a lacuna de estudos com esse tema, bem como a importância desses organismos no âmbito ambiental e econômico. Palavras-chave: xilófagos marinhos; preservação da madeira; moluscos; crustáceos.    Marine borers and wood biodeterioration in Brazil: a systematic review   ABSTRACT: This paper aims to carry out a compilation of publications on wood biodeterioration by marine borers in Brazil until 2019. It presents a bibliometric review and offers the state of the art on the subject. The research was carried out in three databases: Scielo, Web of Science and Scopus. The articles were screened resulting in 17 documents. The main evaluation parameters were the institutions that contributed to the research; distribution of publications over the years; aims; and if the subject wood technology was addressed. The analysis suggests that the first record on the subject dates from the 1980s, but there is no increase of studies published over the years. In addition, none of the studies focus on wood biodeterioration and preservation, being more directed towards topics such as ecology, physiology, and taxonomy of marine xylophages. There is a need to encourage research focused on wood biodeterioration and preservation related to marine borers, given the lack of studies on this topic, as well as the importance of these organisms in the environmental and economic sphere. Keywords: marine xylophages; wood preservation; molluscs; crustaceans


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    This study aimed to chemically characterize the bark extracts from three tree species: Anacardium occidentale L., Ziziphus joazeiro Mart. and Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth., in addition to obtaining the soluble extract content in water, alcohol and hexane from the bark of these species. The bark was collected from branches of the three species and subsequently pre-dried and milled. The extract content was then determined using the Sohxlet method aiming to quantify the total extractives in the samples, and determine the extract content soluble in water, ethyl alcohol and hexane. The extracts were further analyzed by Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) analysis to determine their chemical composition. The extract contents in the three species behaved in a similar way, with hexane being the solvent which extracted more compounds and juazeiro the species that displayed the highest total extract content. With the chemical characterization of the extracts, it was possible to identify the presence of functional groups characteristic of carbohydrates and proteins in the aqueous extracts; the presence of characteristic hydroxyl group, for example in alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and ethers in the ethanolic extracts; and the presence of fatty acids and aromatic compounds (essential oils) in hexanolic extracts. The essential oils were the compounds which presented larger quantities, and can be exploited by the pharmaco-chemical industry

    Efeitos alelopáticos de extratos de Tradescantia zebrina na germinação de Lactuca sativa

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    By releasing allelopathic substances, produced in the secondary metabolism, an individual can influence the development of other organisms in their surroundings. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of aqueous extracts of Tradescantia zebrina Heynh. ex Bosse. (zebrina) in the germination and initial development of seeds of Lactuca sativa L. (lettuce). The experiment was conducted under natural environment conditions (25°C and 72% RH), with extracts leaf and roots of zebrine at concentrations of 100%, 75%, 50% and 25%, using distilled water as a control treatment. Fifty seeds of lettuce were used, uniformly distributed in germitest® paper, duly sterilized and moistened with the solution, in gerbox® boxes, with five replicates. The observations lasted seven days, evaluating the percentage of germination (%G), germination speed index (GSI), mean germination time (t) and average germination velocity (v). These data were submitted to the statistical analysis, after which the applications of leaf extracts and zebrine roots reduced the percentage of germination and the germination speed of lettuce seeds, indicating their allelopathic effect.Por meio da liberação de substâncias alelopáticas, produzidas no metabolismo secundário, um indivíduo pode influenciar o desenvolvimento de outros organismos em seu entorno. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de extratos aquosos de partes de Tradescantia zebrina Heynh. ex Bosse. (zebrina) sobre a germinação de sementes de Lactuca sativa L. (alface). O experimento foi conduzido sob condições naturais do ambiente (25°C e 72% UR), utilizando extratos de folha e raiz de zebrina nas concentrações de 100%, 75%, 50% e 25%, com água destilada como tratamento controle. Foram utilizadas 50 sementes de alface, distribuídas uniformemente em papel germitest®, devidamente esterilizado e umedecido com a solução, em caixas gerbox®, com cinco repetições. As observações ocorreram por sete dias, avaliando-se porcentagem de germinação (%G), índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG), tempo médio de germinação (t) e velocidade média de germinação (v). Os dados foram submetidos às análises estatísticas observando-se, posteriormente, que as aplicações de extratos de folhas e das raízes de zebrina reduziram o percentual de germinação e a velocidade de germinação das sementes de alface, indicando o efeito alelopático


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    This study aimed to evaluate the development of Aspidosperma discolor A. DC. seedlings two different origins subjected to full sunlight or different shading levels in a forest nursery, in addition to identifying its effective ecological group. Closed and pre-mature greenish-yellow colored follicles were collected from 10 randomly selected mother trees in two natural populations of lowland Dense Ombrophilous Forest fragments, both in Pernambuco, Brazil. The seedlings of these seeds were developed under different shading levels. After the seedlings were developed, the following variables were evaluated: number of leaves, leaf area and dry biomass. The species showed favorable phenotypic plasticity for its acclimatization in environments with moderate to intermediate shading conditions, a characteristic evidenced in small gaps; as well as for dense conditions, typical of vegetation with a closed canopy. A shading level of 50% stood out to produce A. discolor seedlings in a forest nursery, as it favors greater growth and biomass of the shoot and root parts. In addition, it presents peculiar ecological behavior of facultative sciophilous taxa or intermediate succession stages

    Carbon in forest species of the Atlantic Forest as an indicator of stocks and quality

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    The objective is to quantify the carbon content (C) of the reservoirs of plant biomass of different species in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest in Northeast Brazil. Ten species of high absolute density were selected. We sampled biomass from the leaf and wood compartments of each species to determine the C content. There was a difference in leaf C levels between species. The C content in leaves of species varied between 451.4 and 456.7 g kg-1. The C content of the wood of species varied between 451.7 and 456.8 g kg-1. The group formed by the families Burseraceae, Moraceae, and Sapotaceae showed higher average levels of C in leaves. The Burseraceae family had the highest average C content in the species' wood. The use of a pre-established carbon content (500 g kg-1) may generate inconsistent estimates higher than the real values for the species and families in an Atlantic Forest environment. We suggest that C stock estimates use specific levels for species and/or families, contributing to a more realistic estimate of C storage patterns in the shoot biomass of Atlantic Forest species.Keywords: Carbon concentration; Carbon sequestration; Tropical Rainforest


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    O crescimento da área florestada trouxe a necessidade de aprimorar técnicas que proporcionem estimativas mais precisas e acuradas do volume de árvores individuais. Neste contexto, técnicas de aprendizagem de máquina foram aplicadas para este fim, contudo, ainda não foi testado o uso combinado dessas técnicas (Ensemble). Assim, a hipótese deste estudo é que o Ensemble proporciona estimativas mais precisas e acuradas do volume que os métodos convencionais de estimativa e aprendizado de máquina isoladamente. Com isso, objetivou-se avaliar a estimativa do volume individual do Eucalyptus spp. utilizando técnicas isoladas e conjuntas de aprendizado de máquina. O estudo foi realizado em duas fazendas em Paragominas, Pará. Foram cubadas 90 árvores, distribuídas em 4 clones, com 6 anos idade e 1.111 indivíduos.ha-1. Utilizaram-se 70% das árvores para o ajuste e 30% para a validação. Aplicaram-se quatro métodos distintos de estimação: regressão linear (Modelo de Schumacher-Hall), máquinas de vetores de suporte (SVM), redes neurais artificiais (RNA) e Ensemble (SVM, RNA e modelos lineares generalizados - GLM) com distribuição gaussiana). O Ensemble resultou em maior coeficiente de determinação, enquanto a RNA no menor. O erro padrão da estimativa variou entre 8,21 % e 12,99 %, para as técnicas Ensemble e RNA, respectivamente. Os modelos preditivos apresentaram generalização acurada e precisa, com RMSE entre 7,01 % e 13,17 %. Schumacher-Hall e Ensemble apresentaram leve tendência em subestimar o volume, já SVM e RNA superestimaram. Os modelos de Schumacher-Hall e Ensemble foram os mais precisos e acurados à predição do volume para os dados utilizados