803 research outputs found

    NECROLÓGICAS: Ludwig Aschoff

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    Polítics: un món que s´empassa gripaus envoltat de gent amb cua da palla

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    Polítics: un món que s´empassa gripaus envoltat de gent amb cua da pall

    Politicians: a world which soaks up the worst surrounded by people who feel the finger pointing at them

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    Politicians: a world which soaks up the worst surrounded by people who feel the finger pointing at the

    Why a new journal

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    Mission statement: Church, Communication and Culture (CC&C) is an open access academic journal of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross' School of Church Communications. Published by Taylor & Francis (Routledge), the Journal is dedicated to deepening knowledge and understanding about the dialogue between religion, communication and culture in the public arena. Based on comprehensive data analysis and theoretical inquiry, it offers an international forum where researchers and practitioners can advance quality communication research on the Catholic Church and other religious communities

    La proposta del cadastre:causes i conclusions

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    Determinants of Know Your Customer (KYC) Compliance among Commercial Banks in Kenya

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    KYC conformity entails the creation of auditable evidence of due diligence activities, in addition to the need for customer identification. There is necessity for financial institutions to validate that their customers are not or have not been involved in illegal activities such as fraud, money laundering or organized crime in order to meet KYC conformity requirements. This study examines factors that determine the level of compliance with KYC requirements by commercial banks in Kenya. Specifically, this study investigates the effect of customer characteristics, staff competency, information communications technology infrastructure and bank size on the level of KYC compliance requirements. The study used descriptive research design. The target population of this study was the top and middle level officers who are directly involved in the day-today operations of the commercial banks. For purposes of this study a descriptive survey design was employed. The target population was 43 commercial banks and 1 mortgage finance firms operating in Kenya. Target respondents comprised of top and middle level involved in the day-to-day institution’s operations. Questionnaire was used as the main data collection instrument. To address the objectives of the study, descriptive and inferential analysis techniques were utilized. Regression analysis was employed to ascertain the relationships between KYC compliance and the four variables of interest in this study. Computations of coefficient of determination indicates that four independent variables that were studied, explain 78.3 percent of the commercial banks compliance level with KYC requirements in Kenya, implying that 21.7 percent could be explained by other factors not examined in this study. Study findings reveal that customer characteristics are a key determinant of KYC compliance, small banks are not capable of meeting KYC compliance cost and that staff attitudes and physical facilities affect customer service and effective KYC procedures compliance. Regression analysis further reveals that there is a significant relationship between the four variables and KYC compliance level. Finally the study recommends that ICT is a useful tool that could be used to enhance compliance with KYC requirements

    El terciario del Baix Ebre: Aportaciones estratigráficas y sedimentológicas

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    Cenozoic rocks which crop out near Sant Onofre in Baix Ebre area, Tarragona, Spain, have been studied. Seven lithoestratigraphic units are diferenciated. The lowermost unit (<<Pisolitic Clay>> unit) is attributed to the Paleocene. The overlying units are Neogene in age: the <<Conglomerates of the Venta Ranxero >>  unit wich is attributed to the Miocene corresponds to midle alluvial fan deposits. The <<Siliceous Conglomerates of Anguera>> unit is attributed to Late Miocene (Turolian) and records fluvial braided sedimentation. Pliocene sedimentation began with the <<Gravels and Sands with Oysters, unit. This is a transgresive unit where we can diferentiate foreshore and shoreface deposits. The <<Blue Marls of Carnpredó>> unit is attributed to shallow marine deposits. Sandstone deposited by high and medium storm density flows occur in this unit. The <<Sant Onofre Limestones>> unit corresponds to palustrine and lacustrine deposits whit expansive and retractive sequences. The uppermost unit (<<Roca Corba Conglomerates>> unit) corresponds to debris flow and braided fluvial deposites attributed to the Villafranchian

    Les propietats coordinants de les metal·lotioneïnes del C. elegans

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    Un equip d'investigadors, format per químics de la UAB i biòlegs de la UB, ha estudiat el sistema de metal·lotioneïnes del nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, un organisme model en estudis de biologia molecular. Malgrat que a les metal·lotioneïnes se'ls han atribuït diverses funcions biològiques com la detoxicació de metalls pesants, encara es treballa amb intensitat per determinar la seva funció específica. Aquest treball ha desvetllat les propietats coordinants dels dos tipus de metal·lotioneïnes presents en C. elegans.Un equipo de investigadores, formado por químicos de la UAB y biólogos de la UB, ha estudiado el sistema de metalotioneínas del nematodo Caenorhabditis elegans, un organismo modelo en estudios de biología molecular. Pese a que a las metalotioneínas se les han atribuido varias funciones biológicas, como la detoxificación de metales pesados, todavía se trabaja con intensidad para determinar su función específica. Este trabajo ha puesto a descubierto las propiedades coordinantes de los dos tipos de metalotioneínas presentes en C. elegans.A research team made up of chemists of the UAB and biologists of the UB has studied the metallothionein system of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a model organism in molecular biology. Although metallothioneins have been related to different functions in the organism, such as heavy metal detoxification, intense work is still being caried out to determine their specific functionality. The research has discovered the binding properties of the two known metallothioneins in C. elegans