35 research outputs found

    Housing and Rabbit Welfare in Breeding Does

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    Animal welfare is a rising concern in livestock production and to assess the welfare state of an animal, it is needed to consider health, behaviour and emotions. Housing conditions and management normally impair animal welfare at different levels, so developing housing systems and management practices that imply a high level of animal welfare by preserving productive results is a need. Rabbit cages have to be improved in terms of space, enrichment and materials used to promote better conditions, and several alternatives are under evaluation such as increasing available space, providing animals with elevated platforms and hiding spaces, making available gnawing materials or changing cage materials. Moving from individual to collective housing systems to enhance social interaction is also being tested. Most of these alternatives have provided some steps towards better housing and management conditions for rabbits, while some of them have demonstrated to create more problems and have been abandoned. There is still a long way to go on this research topic

    Use of straw and wood shavings as nest material in primiparous does

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    [EN] In rabbit production, several materials such as hay, straw, wood shavings or waste wool and cotton are used as nesting materials during parturition. In this work, straw and wood shavings were studied as potential materials for nest boxes, and a choice test was designed for this purpose. Two replicates of 30 primiparous does each were carried out. Does were housed 10 d before parturition in a double commercial cage, so each doe had access to 2 different nest boxes. One of the nests was filled with 8 cm of barley straw and the other with 8 cm of wood shavings, so the doe could choose which of them she prepared and gave birth in. During the 24 h prior to parturition, the state of the nest was assessed, according to the mixing of the material and the doe's hair and the preservation of the original material, as well as the chosen nest box. When the does gave birth, the number of live and dead newborn was recorded. In the first replicate, 87% of the does chose the straw nest box, while in the second replicate 93% of the does did so. The number of live kits at birth did not differ statistically for straw and wood shavings nests (8.36+-1.74 vs. 6.85+-3.44), but litters reared in straw reacted a higher size at weaning (7.98+-1.73 vs. 6.29+-3.35; P<0.05). Finally, all the nests achieved a good level of mixing between the original material and the hair of the doe and only 5% of the does removed the original material (regardless of whether it was straw or wood shavings) and made the nest only with their hair. In conclusion, our results suggest that does might have a strong preference for straw rather than wood shavings as nest material.Blumetto, O.; Olivas, I.; Torres Salvador, AG.; Villagrá, A. (2010). Use of straw and wood shavings as nest material in primiparous does. World Rabbit Science. 18(4):237-242. doi:10.4995/wrs.2010.77623724218

    Antimicrobial Resistance of Escherichia coli isolated in newborn chickens and effect of amoxicillin treatment during its growth

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    [EN] The use of antimicrobials in food animals is the major determinant for the propagation of resistant bacteria in the animal reservoir. However, other factors also play a part in particular vertical spread between the generations has been suggested to be an important transmission pathway. The objective of this paper was to determine the resistance patterns of Escherichia coli isolated from newly hatched chickens as well as to study the antibiotic pressure effect when amoxicillin was administered during their growing period. With this aim, meconium from 22 day-old Ross chickens was analyzed. In addition, during their growth period, amoxicillin treatments at days 7, 21 and 35 were carried out. Results showed a high number of E. coli resistant strains isolated from one day chickens, being the highest rates for beta-lactams group, followed by quinolone and tetracyclines. After treatment with amoxicillin, the highest percentage of resistances were detected for this antibiotic compared to the others analysed with significant differences in resistance percentages between control and treated broilers detected in relation to ampicillin, cephalothin, streptomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin, chloramphenicol and tetracycline. Differences in resistances to ciprofloxacin and nalidixic acid between control and treated animals were not observed and lack of resistance for amikacin and ceftriaxone. These results suggest the possibility of vertical transmission of resistant strains to newly hatched chickens from parenteral flocks, and seem to indicate that the treatment with amoxicillin increased the resistances of E. coli to other antibiotics.Jiménez Belenguer, AI.; Doménech Antich, EM.; Fenollar-Penadés, A.; Ferrús Pérez, MA.; Villagrá, A. (2016). Antimicrobial Resistance of Escherichia coli isolated in newborn chickens and effect of amoxicillin treatment during its growth. Avian Pathology. 45(4):501-507. doi:10.1080/03079457.2016.1168515S50150745

    Investigación en bienestar animal en españa: pasado, presente y retos de futuro

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    La investigación en bienestar animal en España ha crecido de forma notable en los últimos años. Cada vez existen más grupos dedicados a este objetivo en centros de investigación y universidades. Sin embargo, este rápido crecimiento a veces no ha ido acompañado de un incremento de la colaboración entre investigadores de esta área, ni tampoco de una estrategia clara para abordar los retos en el contexto estatal. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la investigación en bienestar animal que se ha llevado a cabo en España, e identificar los retos de futuro en esta materia. Para este fin, se analiza la bibliografía publicada hasta la fecha, seguido de una propuesta participativa basada en grupos focales de expertos que puedan identificar las áreas de investigación que merecen atención

    Commensal Escherichia coli Antimicrobial Resistance and Multidrug-Resistance Dynamics during Broiler Growing Period: Commercial vs. Improved Farm Conditions

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    [EN] New measures applied to reduce antimicrobial resistances (AMR) at field level in broiler production are focused on improving animals' welfare and resilience. However, it is necessary to have better knowledge of AMR epidemiology. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate AMR and multidrug resistance (MDR) dynamics during the rearing of broilers under commercial (33 kg/m2 density and max. 20 ppm ammonia) and improved (17 kg/m2 density and max. 10 ppm ammonia) farm conditions. Day-old chicks were housed in two poultry houses (commercial vs. improved), and no antimicrobial agents were administered at any point. Animals were sampled at arrival day, mid-period and at slaughter day. High AMR rates were observed throughout rearing. No statistical differences were observed between groups. Moreover, both groups presented high MDR at slaughter day. These results could be explained by vertical or horizontal resistance acquisition. In conclusion, AMR and MDR are present throughout rearing. Moreover, although a lower level of MDR was observed at mid-period in animals reared under less intensive conditions, no differences were found at the end. In order to reduce the presence of AMR bacteria in poultry, further studies are needed to better understand AMR acquisition and prevalence in differing broiler growing conditions.This research was funded by the National Institute for Agricultural Research and Experimentation and the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (RTA 2017-00013, Programme: MINECO, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) and University CEU-UCH (INDI 19/20).Montoro-Dasí, L.; Villagrá, A.; Sevilla-Navarro, S.; Pérez-Gracia, MT.; Vega, S.; Marin, C. (2021). Commensal Escherichia coli Antimicrobial Resistance and Multidrug-Resistance Dynamics during Broiler Growing Period: Commercial vs. Improved Farm Conditions. Animals. 11(4). https://doi.org/10.3390/ani1104100511

    Development of a 3D accelerometer to predict dairy goat behaviour

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    Oral session 1[EN] This study focuses on the application of new technologies in the livestock sector, particularly those aiming at improving individual animal management through data collection and analysis of animal behavior. The goal is to use this data as livestock health and well-being indicators

    Welfare implications on management strategies for rearing dairy calves: A systematic review. Part 1–feeding management

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    IntroductionCalves are very susceptible to stress in the early stages of life, and it is necessary to ensure maximum welfare. Feeding management has been identified as a major risk factor for calf health and welfare at this stage. However, the management protocol for calf rearing and its impact on animal welfare is unclear. A systematic review of different management strategies for rearing dairy calves according to the three spheres of animal welfare was conducted using an electronic search strategy. In this review, management strategies were studied to identify scientific gaps, to know the welfare problems of these animals in order to prioritize actions and future research and to study the interpretive approach of this management from the three welfare spheres.MethodsA protocol was used to analyze and extract information from the studies. Of the 1,783 publications screened, only 351 met the inclusion criteria for the management or welfare of calves' items.ResultsThe publications identified in the search can be divided into two main groups feeding and socialization, based on the main topic of the publication. The main topics that emerged from the search in the feeding management group were milk replacer, colostrum, and weaning, divided into the three main areas of biological functioning and health, natural life and affective states or cognitive judgement.DiscussionThe main issues to be addressed were the different types of feed consumed by animals from birth to weaning and the weaning management. It has been found that the most researched issues are colostrum and solid starter feed management. Unresolved issues were highlighted, such as the lack of a clear protocol for the administration of milk replacers to reduce hunger and the best management of weaning to reduce stress

    A review of recent research outcomes on the housing of farmed domestic rabbits: reproducing does

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    [EN] The housing of farmed animals is increasingly scrutinised by society and thereby subject to a change towards more animal-friendly systems. For rabbits, also kept as pets, there are no EC regulations regarding their housing under farming conditions. In many countries, studies have been carried out to improve their welfare and health under current and alternative housing systems. This paper reviews and integrates the research efforts made since the EFSA report in 2005 on reproducing rabbit does and provides some conclusions, where possible, with special emphasis on animal welfare according to the principles stated by the Welfare Quality® project, i.e. good housing, good health and appropriate behaviour. The use of an elevated platform provides greater opportunities for does and their kits to move, jumping up and down. Management and housing systems (especially flooring) must guarantee good hygienic conditions (all-in, all-out) and separation of the rabbits from their excreta for proper resting places, hygiene and health. Plastic floors and footrests and environmental enrichments (e.g. gnawing material) are also recommended. Continuous group housing systems for reproducing females have been definitively proven to challenge animal welfare by increased aggression and injuries among does and to kits. Part-time group housing systems have proven to have potential, but cannot yet be recommended in farms until major problems of aggression and injuries among animals are solved.Szendrő, Z.; Trocino, A.; Hoy, S.; Xiccato, G.; Villagrá, A.; Maertens, L. (2019). A review of recent research outcomes on the housing of farmed domestic rabbits: reproducing does. World Rabbit Science. 27(1):1-14. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2019.10599SWORD114271Alfonso-Carrillo C., Martín E., De Blas C., Ibáñez M.A., García Rebollar P., García-Ruiz A.I. 2018. Effect of cage type on the behaviour pattern in rabbit does at different physiological stages. World Rabbit Sci., 22: 59-69. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2014.1396Andrist C.A., Bigler L.M., Würbel H., Roth B.A. 2012. Effects of group stability on aggression, stress and injuries in breeding rabbits. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 142: 182-188. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2012.10.017Andrist C.A., van den Borne B.H.P., Bigler L.M., Buchwalder T., Roth B.A. 2013. Epidemiologic survey in Swiss group-housed breeding rabbits: Extent of lesions and potential risk factors. Prev. Vet. Med., 108: 218-224. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2012.07.015Andrist C.A., Bigler L.M., Würbel H., Roth B.A. 2014. Masking odour when regrouping rabbit does: Effect on aggression, stress and lesions. Livest. Sci., 170: 150-157. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2014.10.017Barge P., Masoero G., Chicco R. 2008. Raising rabbit does in platform cages. In Proc.: 9th World Rabbit Congress, June 10-13, 2008. Verona, Italy,1153-1157. Belgium, 2014. Arrêté Royal relatif au bien-être des lapins dans les élevages, Moniteur Belge [C − 2014/24303], 60861-Bignon L., Bouchier M., Coutelet G., Galliot P., Souchet C., Fortun-Lamothe L. 2012. Individual housing of young does in different sized cages: Impact on welfare, economic costs and productive data. In Proc.: 10th World Rabbit Congress, September 3-6, 2012. Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 1045-1049.Blumetto O., Olivas I., Torres A.G., Villagrá A. 2010. Use of straw and wood shavings as nest material in primiparous does. World Rabbit Sci., 18: 237-242. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2010.776Buhl M., Damme K., Hoy St. 2015. Results of a combined housing system for rabbit does and growing rabbits. In Proc.: 19th International Symposium on Housing and Diseases of Rabbits, Fur Providing Animals and Pet Animals, May 27-28, 2015. Celle, Germany, 58-67.Buijs S., Hermans K., Maertens L., Van Caelenberg A., Tuyttens F.A.M. 2014. Effects of semi-group housing and floor type on pododermatitis, spinal deformation and bone quality in rabbit does. Animal, 8: 1728-1734. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731114001669Buijs S., Maertens L., Hermans K., Vangeyte J., Tuyttens F.A.M. 2015. Behaviour, wounds, weight loss and adrenal weight of rabbit does as affected by semigroup housing. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 172: 44-51.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2015.09.003Buijs S., Vangeyte J., Tuyttens A.M.F. 2016. Effects of communal rearing and group size on breeding rabbits' post-grouping behaviour and its relation to anogenital distance. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 182: 53-60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2016.06.005Canali E., Ferrante V., Todeschini R., Verga M., Carenzi C. 1991. 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