607 research outputs found

    Premio Manuel Lekuona de Eusko Ikaskuntza 1998 a José María Jimeno Jurío

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    Acto de entrega del Premio Manuel Lekuona de Eusko Ikaskuntza a D. José María Jimeno Jurío, en Pamplona el 16 de mayo de 1998

    Bi hitz Hernaniko hizkeraren inguruan

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    Ondotik datozen orrialdeetan, Hernani herriko hiru hizkuntza-ezaugarri hartu eta inguruko herriekin alderatu ditut, muga bat ezartzeko asmoz. Helburua, aukeratutako hizkuntza-ezaugarri hauek nolabait “mugatzea” izan da; herri batetik bestera ea ezaugarria gertatzen den ala ez aztertzea. Horretarako, lana honela antolatu da: laburpen honen ondoren, Hernani herriaren gerturatze soziolinguistiko bat egingo dut, eta lan honetarako erabili den corpusaz mintzatuko naiz. Jarraian, teoriaren azalpen labur bat etorriko da. Bertan isoglosa terminoaren zertzelada bat aurkeztu eta Hernaniko hizkeraren inguruan egindako Irizaren (1991) obra edukiko dut aipagai. Ondoren, lanaren mamia dator, eta bertan hiru hizkuntza ezaugarri hartuko ditut lan honen ardatz. Lehenik, -u + a > -uba ezaugarri fonologikoa landuko da. Bigarrenik, -ei/-ai +-di/-ri> -aidi, -oidi datibo pluraleko pleonasmoa izango da aztergai, eta hirugarrenik, aditz morfologiari dagokion -zki- , - zka- pluralgile txandaketaz idatzi da. Geroago, ezaugarri hauek hautatzeko arrazoiak azalduko dira, eta baita azterketa bera ere. Lanaren azken orrialdeetan, prozesu guztiaren eta topatu dudanaren ondorioak aurkeztuko ditut. Azken ondorioen ondotik, lanean zehar aipatutako erreferentzien bibliografia aurkeztuko da. Behin hau guztia azaldu ondoren, azpimarratu beharko litzateke, lan honetarako ahozko datuak eduki beharrean, idatzizko datuak eduki ditudala. Corpuserako, Hernaniko dotrina, Erizkizundi Irukoitza eta EHHAko Hernaniko datuak erabili ditut. Alderatzeko, Urnietako eta Astigarragako Erizkizundi Irukoitza, Astigarragako hizkera liburua, Oiartzungo hizkera izeneko lana, Donostiako euskararen inguruko artikulu bat eta Goizueta eta Aranoko hizkerak, eta EHHAko Lasarteko datuak eduki ditut eskuartean. EHHAko datuak, ahozkoen transkribaketak dira. Ondorioetan argituko denez, hautatutako hizkuntza-ezaugarriak (fonologikoa, izen morfologikoa eta aditz morfologikoa) ez dira endemikoak. Esan nahi da, hautatu ditudan ezaugarri hauek, Hernanin agertzeaz gain, ondoko herrietan ere presentzia handia dute. Honek erakusten duenez, Hernaniko hizkera beharrean Beterriko hizkeraren aurrean geundeke, elkarren arteko eragina eta gertutasuna dela eta. Eta are gehiago, aditz morfologian aztertu den hizkuntza-ezaugarriaren kasuan, Beterriko ezaugarria ez ezik, Euskal Herriko beste eremuren batean ere ager izan zitekeen iraganean. Bestalde, agertu den beste ondorio bat, belaunaldien arteko erabileren etena da. Hizkuntza-ezaugarri guztien kasuan, denborak aurrera egin ahala, ezaugarrien maiztasunak behera egin duela ikusi da

    The Film Industry in China: Past and Present

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    This study is about the development of the Chinese movie industry through the economic and political opening of the country, from 1979 to 2015. It overviews, in the first place, the main regulations that have shaped the industry and then it goes deep into the business of moviemaking through the analysis of the studio system, the evolution of the Chinese film market the and the shift in international relations the country has had regarding this cultural industry

    Quality and Environmental Management Linkage: A Review of the Literature

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    This article presents a conceptual and empirical review of the literature related to the link between the different perspectives, models, and tools associated with Quality Management and Environmental Management. Several academic works identified in the literature that aimed to establish conceptual similarities between QM and EM are reviewed and discussed. In general, terms, the scholarly literature suggests that the main quality practices and programs associated with the Quality Management paradigmsuch as ISO 9001 and Total Quality Managementfacilitate the adoption of environmental practices associated with corporate Environmental Management. However, there is evidence of certain limitations driven by different biases, whether or not they are recognized in the reviewed publications. The concentration on some avenues of research focused on very detailed aspects of the linkage between QM and EM is discussed. Conversely, lines that have been overlooked and are in need for more research were also identified. The implications for scholars, such as suggestions for further research, are included as a contribution of the article.This research was funded by the Basque Autonomous Government (Grupos de Investigacion del Sistema Universitario Vasco; GIC 15/176) and the Chaire de recherche du Canada sur l'internalisation du developpement durable et la responsabilisation des organisations

    Geometric Variability in Parametric 3D Models: Implications for Engineering Design

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    Modern manufacturing companies operate in environments characterized by increasingly shorter development cycles and the need to develop highly customizable products at competitive prices. In this paper, we examine the role of parametric 3D modeling in the product development process, and highlight the importance of robustness, flexibility, and responsiveness to geometric variations, which are particularly relevant in the context of the Model-Based Enterprise (MBE). We discuss the often-inefficient parametric 3D modeling practices used in industry, their root causes and implications, and identify the detrimental effects of low-quality models on engineering design activities, specifically design changes during development, generative design algorithms, design optimization, simulation, product/part family configuration, AI-based parametric modeling, Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE), and parametric and adaptive encryption. Finally, we present future lines of research aimed at increasing the quality of parametric models

    Cantera Gorria and Red Ereño: Natural and Cultural Geoheritage (Basque Country, Spain)

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    [EN] Construction and ornamental stones are important elements of cultural heritage and geoheritage. The quarries, where these materials are extracted, are a type of site that combines these two types of heritage. Both the ornamental character of the rock and its place of origin can be deeply rooted in the local society. Red Ereno is a red micritic limestone (Lower Cretaceous) with abundant white rudist fossil shells. This stone has been exploited since Roman times in the north of the Iberian Peninsula (Basque Country, Spain) and exported internationally. The main quarry related to the extraction of Red Ereno, Cantera Gorria, is currently a cultural and geoheritage site. This emblematic site brings together numerous geologic (palaeontological, petrological, geomorphological and tectonic) and mining features that make it a reference point for both research and teaching activities. The link between geoheritage and cultural heritage that exists in Cantera Gorria is evident and makes this place an essential point for dissemination of geology as well as for tourism. The quarry is currently abandoned, and because of this, there is an urgent need for its protection and development, and in order to increase awareness of its importance and potential use.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. UPV/EHU Research Group IT-029/16 (Government of the Basque Country)

    Airbnb Branding: Heritage as a Branding Element in the Sharing Economy

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    The cultural heritage of cities has been proven to be a generator of economic activity and a singular place branding/marketing tool for territories. In addition, in recent times, there has been a boom in the collaborative economy in urban destinations, epitomized by accommodation companies, such as Airbnb. The main objective of this article was to analyze how cultural heritage adds value to the collaborative economy. To this end, a method was proposed that analyzed Airbnb host descriptions, detecting the cultural and heritage goods mentioned, therein, which are used as marketing elements. From these cultural assets, various econometric models were generated that aimed to assess the number of guest reviews, which were used as a proxy for the number of guests. To evaluate this method, a case study was developed in the city of Bilbao. In view of the results, it can be concluded that cultural heritage and spatial location positively influence the activity of the collaborative economy, increasing the number of guests and their economic value