27 research outputs found

    GC/MS analysis of the essential oils of Cupressus arizonica Greene, Juniperus communis L. and Mentha longifolia L.

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    ABSTRACT. The chemical composition of the essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation from Cupressus arizonica Greene, Juniperus communis L. and Mentha longifolia L. were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis. The chemical composition of the essential oils were identified by GC/MS. Eicosane (27.4%), umbellulone (13%) and α-pinene (10.51%) were the major components of C. arizonica oil; sabinene (32%), limonene (26%) and bornyl acetate (7.4%) were the major components of J. communis oil and pulegone (26%), L-menthone (13.4%) and cis-para-menthan-3,8-diol (10.2%) were the major components of M. longifolia oil. The percentage of monoterpenes in the three essential oils was compared. The percentage of monoterpenes in C.arizonica is about 5.2%, J. communis 46%, and M. longifolia is 50.1%. The percentage of terpenes in C. Arizonica (16.3%), J. communis (5.2%) and M. longifolia (9.3%) were reported. But the percentage of cyclic monoterpenes in C. arizonica is about 6%, J. communis 26.1%, and M. longifolia is 3%. Monoterpenes are the most components that make up essential oils.               KEY WORDS: Cupressus arizonica, Juniperus communis, Mentha longifolia, Essential oil, Chemical composition Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2019, 33(3), 389-400.DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v33i3.

    Nociceptive Afferents to the Premotor Neurons That Send Axons Simultaneously to the Facial and Hypoglossal Motoneurons by Means of Axon Collaterals

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    It is well known that the brainstem premotor neurons of the facial nucleus and hypoglossal nucleus coordinate orofacial nociceptive reflex (ONR) responses. However, whether the brainstem PNs receive the nociceptive projection directly from the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus is still kept unclear. Our present study focuses on the distribution of premotor neurons in the ONR pathways of rats and the collateral projection of the premotor neurons which are involved in the brainstem local pathways of the orofacial nociceptive reflexes of rat. Retrograde tracer Fluoro-gold (FG) or FG/tetramethylrhodamine-dextran amine (TMR-DA) were injected into the VII or/and XII, and anterograde tracer biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) was injected into the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus (Vc). The tracing studies indicated that FG-labeled neurons receiving BDA-labeled fibers from the Vc were mainly distributed bilaterally in the parvicellular reticular formation (PCRt), dorsal and ventral medullary reticular formation (MdD, MdV), supratrigeminal nucleus (Vsup) and parabrachial nucleus (PBN) with an ipsilateral dominance. Some FG/TMR-DA double-labeled premotor neurons, which were observed bilaterally in the PCRt, MdD, dorsal part of the MdV, peri-motor nucleus regions, contacted with BDA-labeled axonal terminals and expressed c-fos protein-like immunoreactivity which induced by subcutaneous injection of formalin into the lip. After retrograde tracer wheat germ agglutinated horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) was injected into VII or XII and BDA into Vc, electron microscopic study revealed that some BDA-labeled axonal terminals made mainly asymmetric synapses on the dendritic and somatic profiles of WGA-HRP-labeled premotor neurons. These data indicate that some premotor neurons could integrate the orofacial nociceptive input from the Vc and transfer these signals simultaneously to different brainstem motonuclei by axonal collaterals

    The frequency of varicella-zoster virus infection in patients with multiple sclerosis receiving fingolimod

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    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is thought to be an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS), in which the immune system becomes activated, cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB), and cause neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. Fingolimod is considered a disease-modifying therapy (DMT), possessing immunomodulatory effects on the immune system, especially autoreactive T cells being licensed in lymph nodes. Although the fidelity of the drug is undeniable in the management of disease course, various adverse effects have been reported in some patients taking this medication. In this study, 420 MS patients, consisted of 210 patients receiving interferon-beta (IFN-beta) and 210 patients receiving fingolimod therapies. As a control group, 210 age- and sex-matched healthy individuals were recruited in our study. The levels of anti-VZV IgG and IgM were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The presence of VZV DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) was also investigated using the PCR method. The percentage of seropositivity for anti-VZV IgG and anti-VZV IgM in MS patients was 94.8 and 0, respectively in those taking fingolimod therapy. In patients receiving IFN-beta, the rate of seropositivity for anti-VZV IgG and anti-VZV IgM was 93.8 and 0, respectively. In healthy individuals, the rate of seropositivity for anti-VZV IgG and anti-VZV IgM was 84.3 and 0, respectively. The PCR results showed that 7.6 of patients receiving fingolimod were positive for VZV DNA, while none of the healthy subjects nor MS patients taking IFN-beta were positive for DNA of VZV. The statistical analysis indicated that the frequency of VZV DNA in patients receiving fingolimod was significantly (p =.00) higher than MS patients taking IFN-beta and healthy subjects. It seems that the use of fingolimod should be carefully prescribed as the occurrence of VZV infection/reactivation is increased in comparison to other MS patients who receive different therapy. © 201

    Guidelines for the therapeutic use of botulinum toxin in movement disorders. Italian Study Group for Movement Disorders, Italian Society of Neurology.

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    Since its introduction in the early '80s the use of botulinum toxin has improved the quality of life of the patients affected by movement disorders. Toxin's neuromuscular blocking action allows a symptomatic treatment of those clinical conditions characterised by excessive muscular activity. Although the dosages used are safe and the side-effects are reversible, a correct use of botulinum toxin depends on the knowledge of its clinical pharmacology and of the anatomy of the body segments to be injected. In addition, the treatment of more complex conditions, i.e. laringeal dystonia, imposes an inter-disciplinary approach and specialised injection techniques. In this review, the Italian Study Group on Movement Disorders presents the consensus guidelines for the therapeutic use of botulinum toxin in movement disorders. The main toxin types, their use and administration modalities, and the training guidelines will be presented

    Randomised controlled trial of escitalopram for cervical dystonia with dystonic jerks/tremor

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    Objective: Trials for additional or alternative treatments for cervical dystonia (CD) are scarce since the introduction of botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT). We performed the first trial to investigate whether dystonic jerks/tremor in patients with CD respond to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) escitalopram. Methods: In a randomised, double-blind, crossover trial, patients with CD received escitalopram and placebo for 6 weeks. Treatment with BoNT was continued, and scores on rating scales regarding dystonia, psychiatric symptoms and quality of life (QoL) were compared. Primary endpoint was the proportion of patients that improved at least one point on the Clinical Global Impression Scale for jerks/tremor scored by independent physicians with experience in movement disorders. Results: Fifty-threepatients were included. In the escitalopram period, 14/49 patients (29%) improved on severity of jerks/tremor versus 11/48 patients (23%) in the placebo period (P=0.77). There were no significant differences between baseline and after treatment with escitalopram or placebo on severity of dystonia or jerks/tremor. Psychiatric symptoms and QoL improved significantly in both periods compared with baseline. There were no significant differences between treatment with escitalopram and placebo for dystonia, psychiatric or QoL rating scales. During treatment with escitalopram, patients experienced slightly more adverse events, but no serious adverse events occurred. Conclusion: In this innovative trial, no add-on effect of escitalopram for treatment of CD with jerks was found on motor or psychiatric symptoms. However, we also did not find a reason to withhold patients treatment with SSRIs for depression and anxiety, which are common in dystonia

    Tratamento cirúrgico do blefaroespasmo essencial: relato de dois pacientes Surgical treatment of blepharospasm: report of two patients

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    Blefaroespasmo essencial pode ser tratado por diversas opções terapêuticas: clínicas em que se destaca entre outros o uso da toxina botulínica com suas vantagens e limitações, e algumas opções de tratamento cirúrgico. A técnica cirúrgica proposta por Gillum e Anderson oferece uma alternativa a pacientes resistentes ao tratamento clínico ou que durante a evolução da doença apresentem complicações secundárias. São analisados dois casos em que se indicou a miectomia dos músculos orbicular da pálpebra, prócero e corrugador do supercílio associados à blefaroplastia e ritidoplastia frontal por terem apresentado diminuição da resposta ao tratamento clínico. Ambos obtiveram bons resultados, retornando às suas atividades normais.<br>Essential blepharospasm can be approached by several types of treatment: clinical in which the most important is the botulinum toxin with advantages and limitations; and some options of surgical treatment. The surgical technique described by Gillum and Anderson offers an alternative to patients resistant to the clinical treatment or with secondary complications. Two cases are analysed. Myectomy of all accessible orbicularis oculi, procerus and corrugator superciliaris muscle associated with blepharoplastic surgery and frontal lifting was indicated due to poor answer to clinical treatment. The results were satisfactory and both patients returned to their normal activities