768 research outputs found

    Gestion concertée de l'environnement : Itinéraire vers des engagements volontaires forcés

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    Cet article s'intéresse à la capacité des acteurs à se coordonner en vue de la résolution d'une problématique environnementale. Partant d'un ensemble de cas d'étude, nous avons porté plus particulièrement le regard sur des politiques procédurales agencées autour d'un processus de concertation locale multipartite. Celles-ci sont initiées dans l'optique d'une mise en oeuvre « volontaire » d'accords sur la biodiversité et la gestion des eaux. Nos observations et notre analyse des processus de concertation montrent que la concertation n'est pas un dispositif fondé uniquement sur un aplanissement des relations entre acteurs dans la perspective d'un consensus décisionnel.This article deals with the ability of stakeholders to coordinate their actions so that they may solve an environmental issue. From the whole of our case study, we chose to particularly consider the procedural policies which are organized around a local participatory multi-stakeholder process. Those policies are based on a volunteer implementation of agreements on biodiversity and water management. Our observations and analysis of the participatory processes show that consultation is not only made of cooperative interactions between the actors so as to get to a consensus

    Use of soil streptomycetes from Maseno (Kenya to inhibit growth of Pyriculariagriseainvitro cultures

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    The most serious biotic constraint to finger millet worldwide is blast caused by the fungus Pyricularia grisea. Its management has been very challenging. However not a formidable control solution has been offered and therefore a need for other approachs. Actinomycetes belong to the phylum proteobacteria, they are gram +ve, terrestrial or aquatic with high guanine and cytosine content. Soil actinomycetes have antagonistic activity against a wide range of plant pathogens.This study isolated and characterizes some soil actinomycetes in Maseno area (Western Kenya) and studied their antifungal effect on P. grisea pathogenic on finger millet. Soil sample collected was dissolved in distilled water, homogenized and spread over modified Kuster’s agar. Colonies of actiomycetes were isolated as from the fourth day of incubation. . Finger millet heads and leaves displaying symptoms of blast were collected and Pyricularia grisea isolated on autoclaved powered finger-millet debris and maintained on PDA. A single steak of actinomycetes culture was made on a fresh Kuster’s agar and incubated for 3-4 days at 26 0C -28°C, and P. grisea, 20 mm, at right angles to the original streak of actinomycetes. The results indicate that isolates AT2 and AT4 are pathogenic to Pyricularia grisea and can be a basis for bio-control of blast in finger millet. Keywords: Finger milet, actinomycetes, pyricularia, proteobacteria, kuster’s agar, biopesticid

    La Brièveté sous la direction de Vigor Caillet et Pascale Auraix-Jonchière

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    Le vingt-et-unième volume de la «Revue des Lettres Modernes» sur Barbey d’Aurevilly étudie le recours et les effets de la brièveté dans l’œuvre romanesque, critique et épistolaire de l’écrivain. Dans son introduction, Pascale Auraix-Jonchière rappelle que la réflexion de Barbey d’Aurevilly sur la brièveté de l’écriture est évoquée dans ses Pensées détachées, publiées chez Lemerre en 1889. En outre, Barbey mentionne dans ses lettres à son ami Trébutien un «Cahier de Limailles» dès 1854, ces fr..

    “LAKSITA JATI” Komposisi Musik

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    Sinopsis Komposisi musik Laksita Jati mengusung idea metafisik sekaligus teologi otoritarian yang senantiasa menjadi misteri terbesar dalam kehidupan ini. Karya seni menyampaikan kebenaran-kebenaran seperti karya keagamaan, filsafat, dan sains. Dalam perspekstif parraneal (lihat Munawar dalam Hidayat & Nafis, 2003: 7), jagad seni tak ubahnya seperti salah satu jeruji roda yang terkait pada satu mata sebagai porosnya. Laksita Jati menampilkan bentuk lain dari pertarungan kebijaksanaan dan keangkuhan yang bersemayam dalam tubuh manusia. Karya ini diolah dengan pertimbangan-iang dipadukan dengan warna, serta emosi dalam komposisi instrumen musik. Laksita Jati mengajak manusia untuk memenangkan pertempuran dalam diri, mengajak manusia berjalan, berlari menuju kemenangan sejati yang telah disepakati oleh semua lembaga kebenaran. Laksita Jati mengajak manusia menjadi manusia seutuhnya, humanis, sosialis, dan religious. Laksita Jati memaparkan kemenangan sejati manusia dalam mengarungi bahtera kehidupan: manusia pemenang, manusia unggul, satria pinandhita, manusia yang selalu ‘sadar’, manusia yang selalu waspada terhadap segala macam godaan, manusia yang bersikap pun bersifat; rela, sabar, ikhlas

    Ko Wai Tēnei e Tū Ake Nei? Activating Collectivity and Accountability Through Grounded Positioning

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    Building on conference conversations about positionality—about who we are and how our identities shape our views of the world, about the connections and disconnections experienced between us, and about our proximities to place, power, and privilege—this piece brings together four conference participants to continue to reflect on what positionality means, on why it is important, and on how to practice it in non-performative, well-developed, and mutually nourishing ways. Their dialogue reflects active and critical positioning in process and practice, creating opportunities for acknowledging our relationships and activating both collectivity and accountability in the various spaces where we live, work, create, and hope

    Investigating the role of GABAA Receptor α1 and α2 Subunits in Synapse Formation

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    GABAA receptors, the essential functional components of the inhibitory synapses in the brain, have recently been demonstrated to play a structural role during synapse formation. The subunit composition of these receptors is known to determine their synaptic localization, but how different receptor subunits influence the formation of inhibitory synapses is currently unknown. The first aim of my thesis was to investigate whether these synaptogenic effects of GABAARs may be mediated by their large N-terminal extracellular domains. I have cloned, expressed and purified the N-terminal extracellular domains of the α1 and α2 subunits of GABAA receptors using the baculovirus/Sf9 cell system. When added to the GABAergic medium spiny neurones over a period of 14 days in vitro, these proteins were able to adhere to the cell surface and promote GABAergic synapse formation. As I was interested to study the molecular mechanisms that could mediate such effects, I used proteomics and mass spectrometry to search for potential trans-synaptic interacting proteins of α1 or α2 subunits which could bind specifically to the N-terminal extracellular domains of these subunits. In parallel, I have investigated how the activity of GABAA receptors influences the proper positioning and the assembly of inhibitory synapses in primary cultures of medium spiny neurones. In these experiments, GABAA receptor activity was blocked over the time period of 7 or 14 days in culture and cell survival, as well as the inhibitory synapse formation, were assessed. I have observed very specific structural changes in the density and distribution of α1- or α2-containing synapses under these conditions. My results indicate that the activity of GABAA receptors plays a central role in the formation and maintenance of different types of inhibitory synapses formed between GABAergic neurones during development

    The 18th UISPP (International Union of the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences) World Congress, Paris, June 4-9 2018

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