822 research outputs found

    A rare case of simple hereditary recessive optic atrophy

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    Simple Autosomal Recessive Optic Atrophy (AROA) is a rare hereditary disorder that belongs to a group of disorders called Hereditary Optic Atrophy. Patients diagnosed with simple AROA have complete blindness since birth or from first few months of life. This blindness does not improve with age. However, no other organ or system is affected in this disorder. There is no known cause or gene mutation associated with it. Here we report a case of a two year old child diagnosed with simple AROA. Family history of the patient revealed that an older deceased relative also suffered from similar symptoms. Identification of this and similar cases of the simple AROA can help us better understand this disorder and hopefully one day help us develop a treatment for it

    A new model of master of philosophy in physiological sciences

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    The objectives of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Physiological Sciences are: 1) to describe the new ways in which anatomy, biochemistry and physiology on one hand, and microbiology, pathology and pharmacology on other hand meet their functional requirements through multidisciplinary integrated concepts; 2) to elucidate relationships between cell biology, molecular biology and molecular genetics by connecting dots of how cell functions are driven by molecules and being controlled by genes. This forms the basis of cell, molecular and genetics [CMG] module upon which 7 multidisciplinary modules of Physiological Sciences follow; 3) these 24 credit hours provide the physiological basis for PhD studies as well as faculty development to enhance learning abilities of medical student; 4) the modules constitute Cardio- Respiratory Physiological Sciences, GI and Renal Physiological Sciences, Neurosciences, Endo-Reproductive Physiological Sciences.; 5) it has integrated microbiology, pathology and pharmacology in a unique way through CMG of microbes leading to associated pathology and mechanisms of prescribed drugs; 6) it has additional synopsis and thesis friendly course work leading to comprehensive examinations; 7) the year two deals with research work of 6 credit hours leading to defense of thesis; 8) The MPhil in Physiological Sciences is fundamentally different from what is being offered elsewhere. It prepares and offers a good spring board to dovetail PhD studies as well as faculty and institutional development. This is the first study that deals with innovative programmes in research, learning and education in the field of physiological sciences. This broad-based MPhil would make its recipients competent, critical, confident and productive learner. This is a completely unique design of a curriculum that has no comparable examples elsewhere. Our mission is to educate graduate students in the field of Physiological Sciences such that they have a complete grasp over the broad-based integrated concepts of basic health sciences. Upon completion of their education, the students will be able to use the duality of imagination and skepticism. Hence, the students will contribute to their fields by unfolding their creative energy

    Sonographic fetal biometry charts for a Pakistani cohort.

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    This study aimed to develop growth centiles at different gestational weeks for fetal biparietal diameter, abdominal circumference, femur length and head circumference in a Pakistani cohort. Data were collected at a tertiary referral hospital from pregnant women at gestational ages 13-40 weeks referred for obstetric ultrasound as a part of routine antenatal care. A total of 1599 fetal sonographic biometric measurements were collected after screening for the inclusion criteria. For each measurement, separate regression models were derived to estimate the mean, standard deviation and reference percentiles at each week of gestational age for this cohort. The best fitting model for each variable was selected. These charts will help radiologists and clinicians in predicting dates of delivery, assessing fetal growth and identifying intrauterine fetal insufficiency in the Pakistani population

    Thermal effects in the Input Optics of the Enhanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory interferometers

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    We present the design and performance of the LIGO Input Optics subsystem as implemented for the sixth science run of the LIGO interferometers. The Initial LIGO Input Optics experienced thermal side effects when operating with 7 W input power. We designed, built, and implemented improved versions of the Input Optics for Enhanced LIGO, an incremental upgrade to the Initial LIGO interferometers, designed to run with 30 W input power. At four times the power of Initial LIGO, the Enhanced LIGO Input Optics demonstrated improved performance including better optical isolation, less thermal drift, minimal thermal lensing, and higher optical efficiency. The success of the Input Optics design fosters confidence for its ability to perform well in Advanced LIGO

    Future Smartphone: MIMO Antenna System for 5G Mobile Terminals

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    In this article, an inverted L-shaped monopole eight elements Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) antenna system is presented. The multi-antenna system is designed on a low cost 0.8 mm thick FR4 substrate having dimensions of 136 x 68 mm(2) resonating at 3.5GHz with a 6dB measured bandwidth of 450MHz, and with inter element isolation greater than 15 dB and gain of 4 dBi. The proposed design consists of eight inverted L-shaped elements and parasitic L-shaped strips extending from the ground plane. These shorted stripes acted as tuning stubs for the four inverted L-shaped monopole elements on the side of chassis. This is done to achieve the desired frequency range by increasing the electrical length of the antennas. A prototype is fabricated, and the experimental results show good impedance matching with reasonable measured isolation within the desired frequency range. The MIMO performances, such as envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) and mean effective gain (MEG) are also calculated along with the channel capacity of 38.1bps/Hz approximately 2.6 times that of 4 x 4 MIMO system. Due to its simple shape and slim design, it may be a potential chassis for future handsets. Therefore, user hand scenarios, i.e. both single and dual hand are studied. Also, the effects of hand scenarios on various MIMO parameters are discussed along with the SAR. The performance of the proposed system in different scenarios suggests that the proposed structure holds promising future within the next generation radio smart phones

    Small optic suspensions for Advanced LIGO input optics and other precision optical experiments

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    We report on the design and performance of small optic suspensions developed to suppress seismic motion of out-of-cavity optics in the Input Optics subsystem of the Advanced LIGO interferometric gravitational wave detector. These compact single stage suspensions provide isolation in all six degrees of freedom of the optic, local sensing and actuation in three of them, and passive damping for the other three

    Characterization of thermal effects in the Enhanced LIGO Input Optics

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    We present the design and performance of the LIGO Input Optics subsystem as implemented for the sixth science run of the LIGO interferometers. The Initial LIGO Input Optics experienced thermal side effects when operating with 7 W input power. We designed, built, and implemented improved versions of the Input Optics for Enhanced LIGO, an incremental upgrade to the Initial LIGO interferometers, designed to run with 30 W input power. At four times the power of Initial LIGO, the Enhanced LIGO Input Optics demonstrated improved performance including better optical isolation, less thermal drift, minimal thermal lensing and higher optical efficiency. The success of the Input Optics design fosters confidence for its ability to perform well in Advanced LIGO

    Perspectivas del perfil de ácidos grasos y la composición de lípidos bioactivos de semillas en la discriminación de variedades de manzana mediante quimiometría

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    The extracted oils from four apple seed varieties (Royal Gala, Red Delicious, Pyrus Malus and Golden Delicious) from Pakistan were investigated for their fatty acid profiles and lipid biactives by GC-MS. The oil contents in the seeds of the apple varieties ranged from 26.8-28.7%. The results revealed that linoleic acid (40.5-49.6%) was the main fatty acid in the Royal Gala, Red Delicious and Pyrus Malus seeds, and oleic acid (38.7-45.5%) was the main fatty acid in the Golden Delicious seeds. Palmitic acid (6.1-7.4%) and stearic acid (2.0-3.1%) were the dominant saturated fatty acids, besides the small amount of palmitoleic, heptadecanoic, linolenic, archidic, eicosanoic, and behenicacids. Sterols, tocopherols, hydrocarbons and some other minor components were also identified from the unsaponifiable lipid fraction. The variation among the results of both fatty acids and lipid bioactives for the four different varieties was assessed by principal component analysis, discriminant analysis and cluster analyses. The results conclude that both oil fractions could be applied as a useful tool to discriminate among the apple seed varieties.Se ha estudiado el perfil de ácidos grasos y lípidos biactivos mediante GC-MS del aceite extraído de semillas de cuatro variedades de manzanas de Pakistán (Royal Gala, Red Delicious, Pyrus Malus y Golden Delicious). El contenido de aceite en las semillas de las variedades de manzanas estudiadas oscilaron desde 26,8 hasta 28,7%. Los resultados mostraron que el ácido linoleico (40.5-49.6%) fue el principal ácido graso de las semillas de las variedades Royal Gala, Red Delicious y Pyrus Malus, y el ácido oleico (38,7-45,5%) fue el principal ácido graso de Golden Delicious. Los ácidos palmítico (6.1-7.4%) y esteárico (2,0-3,1%) fueron los ácidos grasos saturados predominantes, las semillas contenían también pequeñas cantidades de palmitoleico, heptadecanoico, linolénico, araquídico, eicosanoico, y behénico. Esteroles, tocoferoles, hidrocarburos, y otros componentes menores también fueron identificados a partir de la fracción insaponificable. La variación de los resultados de ambos, ácidos grasos y lípidos bioactivos, de cuatro variedades diferentes se evaluó mediante análisis de componentes principales, análisis discriminante y análisis de cluster. Los resultados concluyen que las dos fracciones lipídicas de semillas de manzanas podrían aplicarse como una herramienta útil para distinguir variedades

    Enhanced Metal Levels in Vegetables and Farm Soil irrigated with Industrial Waste Water

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    In water stressed Karachi city, waste water is often used for irrigating vegetables fields. Persistent use of waste water causes accumulation of heavy metals in agricultural soils and vegetables. Cd, Cr, Zn and Mn act as essential micronutrients but become toxic after crossing threshold values. To study the effect of waste water on heavy metal concentration in vegetables, soil and water an area irrigated separately with waste water and treated water were selected. Concentrations of Cd, Cr, Zn and Mn in beet, potato and radish were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The data obtained was tested at 95% (±2s) confidence level for six replicate measurements. The levels of Zn was found higher in both the treated water and vegetables beet, potato and radish irrigated with treated water but Mn was higher in industrial waste water and soil irrigated with industrial waste water and treated water. Soil irrigated with treated water contained (mg.L-1) 0.007 of Cd; 0.128 Cr; 2.672 Mn and 0.714 Zn. Soil irrigated with waste water seems to accumulate significant concentration of metals. It showed (mg.L-1) 5.85 of Cd; 84.5 Cr; 480.3 Mn and 305 Zn. Vegetables irrigated with industrial waste water have shown concurrent rise in metal levels. Mn was 0.860 mg.L-1 in radish, Cr 0.320 mg.L-1 in beet and Cd 0.330 mg.L-1 in potato

    Aggregation rules for surface parameters in global models

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    International audienceAggregation rules are derived for calculating the effective value of parameters that determine the exchange of momentum and energy between the land surface and the atmosphere at the length scales used in General Circulation Models (GCMs). The derivation involves starting from theories that link parameters relevant at grid scale and patch scale, and then imposing the limitations necessarily present when models are operated in a free-standing, predictive mode. The application of these rules is illustrated by example for the case of the Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS). Remotely sensed global maps of land cover classes at 1 km x 1 km pixel scale for North America, South America, and Africa are used with these new aggregation rules to calculate area-average values of parameters for the 3° x 3° grid mesh used in the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Climate Model. There are significant differences between the parameters calculated using aggregation rules and the values selected on the basis of the dominant vegetation cover in each grid, this being the selection procedure conventionally applied with BATS