39 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Honey Marketed Surplus of Beekeepers in Gera District of Oromia State, Ethiopia

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    Ethiopia has huge potential for beekeeping because of its endowment with diversity in climate and vegetation resources that potentially favor beekeeping. The gap in honey marketing is the main problem though Gera district is known for its high production of honey. Thus, this research attempted to analyze determinants of honey marketed surplus in Gera district of Oromia regional state. Multi stage sampling procedure was employed to draw sample of 139 honey producers. Descriptive statistics was used for characterizing farmers and econometrics analysis was used for identifying factors affecting honey marketed surplus. The two-stage least square regression model results showed that quantity of honey produced, family size, type of beehive used, beekeeping experience, distance to nearest market, frequency of extension contact and sex of the house hold head significantly affected honey marketed surplus. The study findings suggest that improving the input supply system, improving beekeeper’s knowledge, encouraging adult education, improving production of honey, expanding accessibility of market infrastructure and strengthening supportive institutions. Keywords: Two-stage least square regression: Marketed surplus; Honey. DOI: 10.7176/FSQM/110-03 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Investigating Users’ Perception about Biometric Security Mechanism: The Case of Ethiopia Banking Sector

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    Biometric identification is poised to gradually replace traditional approaches, such as passwords and PINs as a way of identifying and authenticating a person’s access to services that require identity verification. Despite benefits such as increased security and convenience for users concerns such as vulnerability to identity theft, and concerns about privacy and the security of biometric information may inhibit uptake. Drawing on Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) and using data collected from online banking users, this study will reports on the relative impacts of perceptions about biometric identification (i.e. its detractors and its benefits) on attitude towards biometric use. Implications for practice and future research will also be discussed

    Investigating the Moderating Impact of National Culture in Information Systems Security Policy Violation: The Case of Italy and Ethiopia

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    Information systems security (ISS) has become one of the top agendas of companies located in the developed world. Despite this fact, there is an increasing trend in the types and frequency of ISS breaches. Most of the time researchers and practitioners focus on threat that are caused by external agents while most of the threats are originated from insiders. In addition to this, the majority of the investments and researches around ISS are limited to technically oriented solutions. It is now realized that the technical approach alone couldn’t bring the required level of ISS, and this led ISS researchers to embark on socio-technical approaches. One of the critical social factors that has been given little emphasis is culture. Thus, this research investigates the impact of national culture on employees’ ISS behaviour. Specifically, it answers the question “what is the moderating impact of national culture on the influence of ISS countermeasures on employees’ intention to violate ISS policies?” We will develop and test an empirical ISS compliance model, using rational choice theory and national culture constructs. Survey will be used to collect data from Italy and Ethiopia

    Labor Induction

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    Introduction: Induction of labor is the process of artificially stimulating uterine contraction after the fetus has reached viability and before the spontaneous onset of labor for accomplishing vaginal delivery. It is a common obstetric procedure that is primarily indicated in the presence of complications that put continuing of pregnancy at risk. Its global rate is around 20% with great variation across regions. The most common indications are: postterm pregnancy, hypertensive disorders during pregnancy, pre-labor rupture of membrane, intrauterine growth restriction, intrauterine fetal death, abruption placenta, fetal congenital anomalies, and other medical disorders. Despite its huge significance in preventing neonatal and maternal mortality and morbidity, induction of labor by itself has its own risks and complications compared to spontaneous labor, including a potential of failure to progress, leading to cesarean birth and its complications. When deciding undertaking induction of labor and after fulfilling the requirements for induction, the next step will be deciding which methods will be used to achieve it. Induction could be done medically, surgically, or both depending on the indication and other conditions

    Analysis of Corporate Debt in Emerging Market Economies

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    Corporate debt volumes in emerging market economies have been increasing greatly post 2007-2008 financial crisis. Debt levels have increased across the globe however, the pace is faster in emerging markets than in advance markets. Major countries in emerging economies such as Brazil, Russian Federation, India and China (BRIC) have a large and concentrated share in growing corporate debts. Although, both company specific factors and macro level factors have impacted the corporate borrowings leading to depressed corporate earnings, financial strains and capital outflows in emerging markets the impact of company specific factors is highly pertinent and demands research. The rise in debt levels has affected the return on earnings (ROEs) of the corporate companies which in turn is adversely impacting emerging economy and its financial stability. This paper has empirically tested for the explaining effects of rising corporate debts and changing return on assets (ROAs) on ROEs of emerging market corporate by establishing a multiple regression model. A sample of 100 corporate companies from BRIC countries has been taken to test the model. The test results confirm the importance of corporate debts in predicting ROEs and possible financial strains. Finally, the regression model has been used to estimate ROEs of these corporate companies for the next 5 years with specific recommendation and policy implication to avoid financial crisis


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    This study is conducted in Wolaita Sodo city, and street elders are the subject of the study. The study aimed to assess knowledge and perception of street elders to covid 19. Judgmental sampling technique used to select 10 respondents of the study. Descriptive research design together with survey, unstructured interview and observation research methods used in the study. Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques are employed in the study to analyze primary and secondary data. The research found that study participants have moderate level of knowledge about symptoms, preventive strategies and transmission mode of the Covid 19. Moreover the study found that the study participants perceived covid 19 as sever disease and they perceived as they are more susceptibility to covid 19. Though they recognize their high susceptibility to covid 19 and the severity of the disease, they are unable to practice any preventive strategies due to their financial limitation, style of life in the street and lack of awareness

    Indicators for the signal degradation and optimization of automotive radar sensors under adverse weather conditions

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    In recent years vehicle radar and lidar sensors are widely used as sources of control signals for Autonomous Intelligent Cruise Control and Collision Mitigation systems. These devices are operating in the millimeter wave and infrared range in which their performance may be degraded by adverse weather conditions. Currently available information regarding the signal interaction with fog, rain, snow and spray make clear that millimeter-wave radar sensors are far less affected by adverse weather conditions than infrared-based sensors. However, when automotive radar sensors are particularly designed for safety-oriented systems, the effects of critical issues (such as water film and heavy rains) on the sensor performance become of the uttermost importance. In this thesis, an analysis of the effects of water film and rain on millimeter-wave propagation have been presented. Based on the fundamental formulation of wave propagation and scattering in stratified as well as random media, physical parameters describing the wave interaction with the water film and rains have been studied and assessed. It has been shown that both significantly attenuate millimeter-wave signals, and may exert an adverse influence on detection performance of millimeter-wave radar sensors. Consequently, water-film and rain indicators have been derived from returned signals to convey for the first time wet-antenna and rain information to the radar sensor system, where they could be employed for monitoring the radar detection performance. Methods have also been worked out in detail for low-cost measurement of water-film and rain indicators in the radar system. Experimental investigations have been exhibited to be able to satisfactorily implement these indicators in production. Finally, techniques have been introduced to show how detection performance could be optimized. The presented findings emphasize the importance of identification of water film and rain and of being able to optimize detection performance in order to assure availability of automotive radar senors in adverse weather conditions. Results should also be significant for all kinds of millimeter-wave radar sensors where wave interactions with water film on the surface of the radar antenna or its protecting radome as well as with rains in the radar beams are the key issue

    Indicators for the Signal degradation and Optimization of Automotive Radar Sensors under Adverse Weather Conditions

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    In recent years vehicle radar and lidar sensors are widely used as sources of control signals for Autonomous Intelligent Cruise Control and Collision Mitigation systems. These devices are operating in the millimeter wave and infrared range in which their performance may be degraded by adverse weather conditions. Currently available information regarding the signal interaction with fog, rain, snow and spray make clear that millimeter-wave radar sensors are far less affected by adverse weather conditions than infrared-based sensors. However, when automotive radar sensors are particularly designed for safety-oriented systems, the effects of critical issues (such as water film and heavy rains) on the sensor performance become of the uttermost importance. In this thesis, an analysis of the effects of water film and rain on millimeter-wave propagation have been presented. Based on the fundamental formulation of wave propagation and scattering in stratified as well as random media, physical parameters describing the wave interaction with the water film and rains have been studied and assessed. It has been shown that both significantly attenuate millimeter-wave signals, and may exert an adverse influence on detection performance of millimeter-wave radar sensors. Consequently, water-film and rain indicators have been derived from returned signals to convey for the first time wet-antenna and rain information to the radar sensor system, where they could be employed for monitoring the radar detection performance. Methods have also been worked out in detail for low-cost measurement of water-film and rain indicators in the radar system. Experimental investigations have been exhibited to be able to satisfactorily implement these indicators in production. Finally, techniques have been introduced to show how detection performance could be optimized. The presented findings emphasize the importance of identification of water film and rain and of being able to optimize detection performance in order to assure availability of automotive radar senors in adverse weather conditions. Results should also be significant for all kinds of millimeter-wave radar sensors where wave interactions with water film on the surface of the radar antenna or its protecting radome as well as with rains in the radar beams are the key issue


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    The security of information systems has become one of the top agendas of business executives in economically developed nations. While the information systems security (ISS) world focuses on threats of external origin, most ISS breaches are caused by insiders. Both the amount of money allocated for ISS related activities and the number of ISS breaches are shown to increase in parallel. A majority of the investments and researches around ISS are limited to bring technically oriented solutions only. It is now realized that the technical approach alone couldn’t bring the required level of ISS, and this led ISS researchers to embark on socio-technical approaches. In this respect, one of the critical social factors that has been given little emphasis is culture. Thus, this research investigates the impact of national culture on employees’ ISS behavior. More specifically, it answers the question “what is the moderating impact of national culture on the influence of ISS countermeasures and other important variables on employees’ intention to violate ISS policies?” We develop and test an empirical ISS compliance model, which is composed of security related rational choice theory and national culture constructs in the Ethiopian and USA context. Survey will be used to collect data