185 research outputs found

    Evolución del espacio natural de la cabecera de las Lagunas de Ruidera siglos XVIII y XIX) a partir de la cartografía (Albacete, España)

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    En este trabajo se aborda el análisis de las variaciones experimentadas tanto en los vasos lacustres, como en las vertientes y orillas del tramo superior del sistema fluvio-lacustre de Ruidera a lo largo de los siglos XVIII y XIX. Este paraje, conforma uno de los conjuntos de lagunas más bellos y espectaculares de Europa. Se emplaza entre las provincias de Albacete y Ciudad Real, en la Comunidad autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha, y forma parte de la Demarcación del río Guadiana. El seguimiento de esta evolución se ha apoyado en el examen diacrónico de diferentes conjuntos cartográficos elaborados a lo largo de ambas centurias, así como de múltiples fuentes documentales, numerosas obras bibliográficas y el reconocimiento de campoThe aim of this work is the analysis of the variations in the upper section of the fluviolacustrine system of Lagunas de Ruidera-Ruidera´s Lakes- (Spain) in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: in their vessels, slopes and banks. Monitoring of these developments has been supported by the diachronic examination of different cartographic elaborate sets over two centuries, and multiple document sources, numerous literature works and field reconnaissance. This place, forms one of the most beautiful sets and spectacular lakes in Europe. It is located between the provinces of Albacete and Ciudad Real, in the autonomous community of Castilla-La Mancha, and is part of the Demarcation of the Guadiana rive

    Enzymatic method of producing 4-O- β-D-galactopyranosyl-D-xylose, 4-O- β-D-galactopyranosyl-D-xylose obtained using said method, compositions containing said and the use thereof in evaluating intestinal lactase

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    Filing Date: 2002-06-14.-- Priority Data: ES 200101419 (2001-06-18).-- International Publication Number: WO_2002103038 (20021227).An enzymatic process to obtain 4-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl-D-xylose useful in compositions or solutions in the in vivo evaluation of intestinal lactose activity in humans, that comprises the steps of preparing a reaction mixture of D-xylose, a β-D-galactopyranoside and a reaction medium that comprises water buffered to a pH between 5.0 and 9.0; adding 10 to 1,000 units of β-D-galactosidase per gram of β-D-galactopyranoside; subjecting the reaction mixture to a reaction or a temperature between a temperature higher than the freezing point of the reaction mixture and 45ºC, for 2 to 48 hours; for the reaction by deactivation of the β-D-galactosidase; and to isolate and crystallize the fractions that contain 4-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl-D-xylose from a crystallization mixture selected between mixtures of acetone/methanol in a ratio between 5/1 to 20/1 and mixtures of acetone/water in a ratio between 5/1 to 20/1

    Microwave Treatment of Three Different Types of Sewage Sludge Based on Their Solar Drying Exposure Time: Effect on Microorganisms, Water Content and Agronomic Aspects

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    This study aimed to treat sewage sludge through microwave irradiation at a laboratory scale. The objective was to investigate the effect of microwave irradiation on microorganisms, water content, organic matter, and agronomic nutrients present in sewage sludge. Three types of sewage sludges obtained from a full-scale wastewater treatment plant were considered: Sludge A (raw sludge), Sludge B (subjected to 15 days of solar exposure, achieving 48% dryness), and Sludge C (exposed to solar conditions and left open to the air for 23 months, reaching 94% dryness). These diverse sludges were exposed to microwave irradiation at various power levels (analysed variables: ε (Watts/g), θ (ºC), T (min)). The specific exposure powers and temperature levels for the water reduction analysis were: 555, 955, 1355, and 1500Watts/g and 55, 75, 95, and 105 ºC, respectively. On the other hand, microbiological and agronomic nutrient analyses were conducted at 75 ºC–1355Wand 95 ºC–1355W. After microwave exposure experiments, the results demonstrated the high effectiveness of microwave technology in eradicating indicator microorganisms of faecal contamination and reducing sludge volume while not affecting trace elements of significant agricultural value. The reduction in Escherichia Coli revealed that 4 min of irradiation was necessary to completely eliminate it to 0 ulog, indicating a 100% reduction, in Sludge A. In Sludges B and C, an additional 1 min was needed under conditions of 75 ºC and 1355 W for a mass of 50 g. Moreover, Sludge A (46.27 × 105 or 4.80 ulog of dry matter), Sludge B (1.29 × 106 or 6.11 ulog of dry matter), and Sludge C (8.77 × 104 or 4.94 ulog of dry matter) were heavily contaminated with faecal coliforms. It took 6 min to reduce faecal coliforms to below the detection threshold

    Critical Theory and the Loneliness of the Tax Prof

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    This essay, prepared for a symposium on critical theory and tax law, has two goals: to suggest why feminist theory and critical race theory are spreading in taxation and to discuss some dangers of that criticism. The author evaluates three examples of the new criticism: an article on critical race theory by Professors Moran and Whitford; an article on feminist statutory interpretation by Professor Handelman; and a book, Taxing Women, by Professor McCaffery

    Wide Area RTK: a satellite navigation system based on precise real-time ionospheric modelling

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    The Wide Area Real Time Kinematic (WARTK) is an augmentation system concept for multi-frequency users based on precise real-time ionospheric modeling. It is able to provide a high accuracy and integrity GNSS positioning service over continental areas using the infrastructure of a network of permanent ground monitor stations, such as the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) network of Ranging and Integrity Monitoring Stations (RIMS) in Europe. In this way, it allows an additional benefit to be obtained from these reference stations, that is, the network has the potential to support two independent systems: a satellite-based augmentation system, such as EGNOS, and a high-precision positioning service, based on WARTK. Indeed, thanks to the accuracy of the ionospheric corrections provided, WARTK users have available in real-time an extra constraint per satellite between the carrier phase ambiguities, which helps solve them quickly. Once such ambiguities have been solved, the GNSS user obtains navigation accurate to within 20 cm at the 95th percentile (about 10 cm RMS). Moreover, this precise positioning is achieved in a few minutes (with two frequency signals) or in a single epoch, after initial convergence of the tropospheric delay (with three frequency signals), even up to hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest reference station. While previous WARTK research has been devoted to implementing the concept and assessing its feasibility, considering in particular the accuracy achievable, the work reported in this paper focused on consolidating the results by analyzing a large and representative data set, and on deeper analysis of the integrity issue. It was carried out in the context of the Multi-constellation Regional System (MRS) project, within the European Space Agency GNSS Evolution Programme, with the aim of designing a high accuracy service for GPS and/or Galileo. Three months of actual data, from more than 25 permanent GPS stations in Europe, have been processed (some of them as a roving user), for high-, mid- and low-solar cycle conditions (in 2002, 2004 and 2006 respectively). In addition, several ionospheric storms occurred during the selected periods, with Dst values reaching up to −150 nT. Results based on these data show that user domain integrity was maintained for baselines of up to 400 km. At the 95th percentile, the daily horizontal and vertical position errors were 20 and 30 cm, respectively, and the corresponding protection levels were about 1 and 2 m. The convergence time was around 5 minutes with actual GPS constellation data. The benefits of using a multi-constellation system were also studied, with simulated GPS and three-frequency Galileo data, showing that it is possible to reduce the convergence time to a few seconds.Postprint (published version

    Effectiveness of the Natura 2000 network in protecting Iberian endemic fauna

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    The Iberian Peninsula is a major European region of biodiversity, as it harbours more than 30% of European endemic species. Despite a number of studies having evaluated the ability of nature reserves to protect certain taxa, there is still a lack of knowledge on how Iberian endemic fauna are represented in these reserves. We detected biodiversity hotspots of Iberian endemicity and evaluated the effectiveness of the Natura 2000 network (N2000) in representing 249 endemic species from eight animal taxonomic groups (amphibians, mammals, freshwater fishes, reptiles, water beetles, butterflies, lacewings and dung beetles). We found that only the 10% of these Iberian endemic species are considered species of community interest (i.e. species included in the Annexes of the Habitats Directive). We conducted gap analyses and null models of representativeness in N2000. Generally, N2000 is effective in its representation of Iberian endemic fauna, although we detected species and few hotspots of endemism that were still not represented. It is necessary to declare a few new protected areas, thus enhancing N2000's effectiveness in the conservation of the Iberian endemic fauna. Although the aim of N2000 is to protect species listed in the Birds and Habitats Directives, the conservation status of endemic species from one of the most important areas of Europe in terms of biodiversity, could be also a concern for the European Union. Our results are useful in the context of the recent European Commission mandate calling for a ‘fitness check’ of the Birds and Habitats Directives. This approach could be also applicable to other regions with high value of endemicity.DS‐F was supported by a post‐doctoral contract funded by Universidad de Castilla‐La Mancha and the European Social Fund (ESF). PA was supported by a ‘Ramón y Cajal’ contract (RYC‐2011‐07670, MINECO). This research was partially funded by project POII11‐0277‐5747 (Junta de Castilla‐La Mancha).Peer Reviewe

    Seasonal precipitation and continentality drive bimodal growth in Mediterranean forests

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    Tree phenology is sensitive to climate warming and changes in seasonal precipitation. Long xylogenesis records are scarce, thus limiting our ability to analyse how radial growth responds to climate variability. Alternatively, process-based growth models can be used to simulate intra-annual growth dynamics and to better understand why growth bimodality varies along temperature and precipitation gradients. We used the Vaganov-Shashkin (VS) growth model to analyse the main climatic drivers of growth bimodality in eight trees and shrubs conifers (four pines and four junipers) across Spain. We selected eleven sites with different continentality degree and spring/autumn precipitation ratios since we expected to find pronounced bimodal growth in less continental sites with spring and autumn precipitation peaks. The VS model successfully simulated annual growth rates at all sites as a function of daily temperature and soil moisture data. Bimodal growth patterns clustered into less continental sites showing low spring/autumn precipitation ratios. This finding agrees with observed climate-growth associations showing that growth was enhanced by wet-cool winter-to-spring conditions, but also by wet autumn conditions in the most bimodal sites. We observed a stronger growth bimodality in pines compared to junipers. We discuss the spatial variability of climate drivers in bimodality growth pattern and how increasing continentality and shifts in seasonal precipitation could affect growth patterns. Bimodality could be an advantageous response to overcome summer drought in Mediterranean forests. The ability of some species to reactivate growth during autumn might determine their capacity to withstand increasing summer aridity.This work was supported by project RTI2018–096884-B-C31 and by FPI grant (ref. PRE2019–089800) to CV from the Spanish Ministry of Science. RSS was supported by DendrOlavide I (EQC2018–005303-P), Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Spain; DendrOlavide II (IE19_074 UPO), VURECLIM (P20_00813) and VULBOS (UPO-1263216) Junta de Andalucía, Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional. JT received the support from Charles University (UNCE/HUM 018). VS was grateful for the support of RSF project (# 22–14–00048)

    c-Src functionality controls self-renewal and glucose metabolism in MCF7 breast cancer stem cells

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    Deregulation of Src kinases is associated with cancer. We previously showed that SrcDN conditional expression in MCF7 cells reduces tumorigenesis and causes tumor regression in mice. However, it remained unclear whether SrcDN affected breast cancer stem cell functionality or it reduced tumor mass. Here, we address this question by isolating an enriched population of Breast Cancer Stem Cells (BCSCs) from MCF7 cells with inducible expression of SrcDN. Induction of SrcDN inhibited self-renewal, and stem-cell marker expression (Nanog, Oct3-4, ALDH1, CD44). Quantitative proteomic analyses of mammospheres from MCF7-Tet-On-SrcDN cells (data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD017789, project DOI: 10.6019/PXD017789) and subsequent GSEA showed that SrcDN expression inhibited glycolysis. Indeed, induction of SrcDN inhibited expression and activity of hexokinase, pyruvate kinase and lactate dehydrogenase, resulting in diminished glucose consumption and lactate production, which restricted Warburg effect. Thus, c-Src functionality is important for breast cancer stem cell maintenance and renewal, and stem cell transcription factor expression, effects linked to glucose metabolism reduction.This work has been supported by grand SAF2016–75991-R (MINECO, AEI/FEDER, UE) to Jorge Martín-Pérez and ISCIII [grand PI 16/00789] to Miguel Ángel Fernández-Moreno. Víctor Mayoral-Varo was supported by the grand SAF2016–75991-R (MINECO, AEI/FEDER, UE). We acknowledge support for publication fee by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit for Information Resources for Research (URICI)