36 research outputs found


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    Kemampuan pemahaman dan komunikasi matematis merupakan dua kemampuan yang perlu dikuasai oleh siswa. Kedua kemampuan ini sangat diperlukan pada proses pembelajaran matematika. Perubahan lingkungan belajar menjadi daring akibat pandemi COVID-19 sangat berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan pemahaman dan komunikasi matematis siswa. Hal ini terlihat dari rendahnya kemampuan pemahaman dan komunikasi matematis siswa. Salah satu aspek yang memberikan pengaruh besar terhadap pembelajaran matematika yaitu self efficacy. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan pemahaman dan komunikasi matematis siswa SMK ditinjau dari self efficacy pada materi barisan dan deret. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa SMK kelas X Perbankan pada salah satu Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang berjumlah 32 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan angket, tes dan wawancara. Angket diberikan untuk mengukur self efficacy siswa, tes diberikan untuk mengukur kemampuan pemahaman dan komunikasi matematis siswa, serta wawancara dilakukan untuk menguatkan hasil temuan penelitian. Angket dan tes diberikan kepada 32 subjek penelitian, sedangkan wawancara dilakukan terhadap 6 subjek terpilih dengan rincian 2 siswa kategori self efficacy rendah, 2 siswa dengan kategori self efficacy sedang, dan 2 siswa dengan kategori self efficacy tinggi. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu: 1) Secara umum siswa memiliki kemampuan pemahaman dan komunikasi matematis yang berada pada kategori sedang; 2) Sebagian besar siswa yang memiliki self efficacy tinggi dan sedang memiliki kemampuan pemahaman dan komunikasi matematis kategori sedang, untuk siswa yang memiliki self efficacy rendah kemampuan pemahaman dan komunikasi matematisnya tersebar pada kategori tinggi, sedang dan rendah. Mathematical understanding and communication skills are two abilities that need to be mastered by students. Both of these abilities are needed in the process of learning mathematics. The change of learning environment, from offline class to online class due to the COVID-19 pandemic give an influence to the understanding and communication skills. It can be seen from the ability of students' mathematical understanding and communication that is low. One of the aspects that has a substansial influence on learning mathematics is self-efficacy. The aim of this research is to describe students' mathematical understanding and communication skills in terms of self-efficacy in sequence and series topic. The method that is used in this research is qualitative research with a case study design. The subjects of this research are thirty two of first grade students majoring in banking and microfinance of the Vocational High Schools in West Java Province. The data are collected by giving questionnaires, tests, and interviews. The questionnaires are given to measure students' self-efficacy; the tests are given to measure students' mathematical understanding and communication skills; and the interviews are conducted to strengthen the research findings. Questionnaires and tests are given to the thirty two research subjects, the interviews are given to the six selected research objects with the details of the two students with the low self-efficacy categories, the two students with moderate self-efficacy categories, and the two students with high self-efficacy categories. The results of this study are: 1) In general, students have mathematical understanding and communication skills which are in the medium category; 2) Most students who have high and moderate self-efficacy have moderate mathematical understanding and communication ability, for the students who have low self-efficacy, their mathematical understanding and communication skills are spread in high, medium and low categories

    Privacy Preserving Data-as-a-Service Mashups

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    Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) is a paradigm that provides data on demand to consumers across different cloud platforms over the Internet. Yet, a single DaaS provider may not be able to fulfill a data request. Consequently, the concept of DaaS mashup was introduced to enable DaaS providers to dynamically integrate their data on demand depending on consumers’ requests. Utilizing DaaS mashup, however, involves some challenges. Mashing up data from multiple sources to answer a consumer’s request might reveal sensitive information and thereby compromise the privacy of individuals. Moreover, data integration of arbitrary DaaS providers might not always be sufficient to answer incoming requests. In this thesis, we provide a cloud-based framework for privacy-preserving DaaS mashup that enables secure collaboration between DaaS providers for the purpose of generating an anonymous dataset to support data mining. We propose a greedy algorithm to determine a suitable group of DaaS providers whose data can satisfy a given request. Furthermore, our framework securely integrates the data from multiple DaaS providers while preserving the privacy of the resulting mashup data. Experiments on real-life data demonstrate that our DaaS mashup framework is scalable to large set of databases and it can efficiently and effectively satisfy the data privacy and data mining requirements specified by the DaaS providers and the data consumers

    ANALISIS KINERJA KEUANGAN DENGAN METODE ECONOMIC VALUE ADDED (EVA), MARKET VALUE ADDED (MVA), DAN FINANCIAL VALUE ADDED (FVA) (Studi pada Perusahaan Sub Sektor Pertambangan Batubara yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2014-2018)

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    Pada tahun 2017 tercatat Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) sektor ESDM meningkat signifikan 62 persen. Dari penerimaan tersebut subsektor mineral dan batu bara memberikan kontribusi sebesar Rp40,6 triliun. Namun, ditemukan selama tahun 2015 hingga tahun 2018, banyak perusahaan tambang batubara yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja keuangan berdasarkan metode EVA (Economic Value Added), MVA (Market Value Added), dan FVA (Financial Value Added) pada perusahaan pertambangan subsektor batubara yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Teknik analaisis EVA, MVA, dan FVA digunakan untuk melihat kinerja keuangan yang lebih baik dan efisien dari perusahaan. EVA merupakan salah satu jenis pengukuran kinerja keuangan berdasarkan nilai dimana fokus penilaian kinerja adalah pada penciptaan nilai perusahaan. MVA alat ukur untuk mengukur berapa banyak kekayaan yang ada pada suatu perusahaan yang diciptakan untuk saat tertentu. Serta FVA merupakan pengukuran kinerja keuangan perusahaan yang mengukur nilai tambah finansial perusahaan dengan mempertimbangkan kontribusi aset tetap dalam menghasilkan laba bersih perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan teknik purposive sampling pada perusahaan perusahaan pertambangan subsektor batubara yang terdaftar di BEI dan membukukan laba usaha selama periode 2014-2018. Hasil EVA dalam penelitian ini yaitu 6 perusahaan yang memiliki nilai EVA positif selama kurun waktu 5 tahun. Lalu dari penelitian ini terdapat hasil MVA yang cenderung negatif, terdapat 3 perusahaan yang memiliki nilai MVA negatif tiap tahunnya selama kurun waktu 5 tahun. Kemudian untuk nilai FVA yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini yaitu terdapat 3 perusahaan yang memiliki nilai FVA negatif tiap tahunnya selama periode penelitian


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    Apotek Bona Mitra Keluarga adalah perusahaan dagang yang menjual produk-produk kesehatan, diantaranya obat cair, obat tablet, obat kapsul dan sebagainya. Saat ini, bagian keuangan dalam mengelola data penjualan masih dengan cara manual memasukkan harga ke dalam mesin kasir dan tidak terintegrasi dengan sistem bagian gudang. Membutuhkan waktu tiga hari lamanya untuk merekap pajak keluran dan pajak masukan serta menghitung pajak penghasilan badan. Oleh karena itu, dibuat aplikasi berbasis web ini. Aplikasi ini menggunakan CodeIgniter dan MySQL. Penyusunan dan pengembangan aplikasi ini menggunakan metode terstruktur, yang terdiri dari Unified Modeling Language (UML) dan Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Aplikasi ini menghasilkan laporan penjualan, laporan persediaan, jurnal dan buku besar. Aplikasi ini terintegrasi dengan pembelian, persediaan dan perhitungan pajak masukan. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini bagian keuangan dapat mengetahui secara langsung perhitungan penjualan serta pajak keluaran, pajak penghasilan badan dan laporan keuangan, tanpa harus merekap terlebih dahulu dari transaksi yang dilakukan sebelumnya

    The effect of a contextual, organizational, individual and system factors on customer satisfaction of CRM implementation in public sector in Oman

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    A lot of benefits could be gained when implementing customer relationship management such as increased customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and often organizational benefits. Customer relationship management (CRM) refers to a system which manages the interactions of organizations with future customers as well as existing customers. The main purpose of this thesis was to develop an understanding of the effect of a contextual, organizational, individual and system factors on customer satisfaction of CRM implementation in public sector in Oman. The data collection measurement of this study is a survey questionnaire which is distributed to the employees who is working in organizations which implemented CRM system in the public sector. A total of 562 questionnaires were distributed to the respondents, 407 were returned and 356 cases were used for the analysis. The data collected is tested and analyzed by using the SPSS and Partial Least Squares (PLS). The study has presented empirical evidence for the influence and effect of variables on the implementation of CRM system in the public sector such as the significant effect of top management support, customer centered orientation, change management, end user training and data quality towards the Customer Satisfaction through the both mediators Output Quality and Perceived Quality. This research provides a framework for studying the factors that affect CRM implementation through three previous theories and models (Expectation Disconfirmation Theory; An Integrated Model of CRM Implementation and a Model of Critical Success Factors for Public Sector CRM Implementation). Besides that, this research is one of very few CRM system implementation studies in the Middle East region. Also, there is a lack of research regarding the implementation of CRM in the Public Sector in Oman. Furthermore, the findings are also important for the Omani government if it seriously desires Oman to improve customer satisfaction with government services

    Fusion: Privacy-preserving distributed protocol for high-dimensional data mashup

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    © 2015 IEEE. In the last decade, several approaches concerning private data release for data mining have been proposed. Data mashup, on the other hand, has recently emerged as a mechanism for integrating data from several data providers. Fusing both techniques to generate mashup data in a distributed environment while providing privacy and utility guarantees on the output involves several challenges. That is, how to ensure that no unnecessary information is leaked to the other parties during the mashup process, how to ensure the mashup data is protected against certain privacy threats, and how to handle the high-dimensional nature of the mashup data while guaranteeing high data utility. In this paper, we present Fusion, a privacy-preserving multi-party protocol for data mashup with guaranteed LKC-privacy for the purpose of data mining. Experiments on real-life data demonstrate that the anonymous mashup data provide better data utility, the approach can handle high dimensional data, and it is scalable with respect to the data size

    Novel method for functionalising and patterning textile composites:Liquid resin print

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    AbstractThe paper reports a novel method of integrating resin into continuous textile reinforcement. The method presents a print of liquid reactive resin into textile preforms. A series of targeted injections forms a patch which upon consolidation and curing transforms into a stiff region continuously spanning through preform thickness. Enhancing the injected resin with conductive phase allows creating a pattern of patches with controlled dimensions and added functionalities. Patterned composites reveal features which are not typical for conventional composites such as fibre bridged interfaces, regular thickness variation, and gradient matrix properties. The presented study explores the role of these features in (a) the mechanical behaviour of these materials, focusing on their deformation and failure mechanisms in tension, and (b) the feasibility of adding functionality by printing electrically conductive resins containing carbon nano-tubes (CNT). It was shown that resin print is a promising method for local functionalization of structural composites

    Desain Dan Implementasi Automatic Transfer Switch Pada Suplai Daya Hibrida Pln-plts

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    Technological developments have made PLN's energy sources influential in providing energy for the community. To overcome this, a power plant is needed to backup PLN's main energy, which is using PLTS energy sources. Solar power plants use sunlight by using solar panels to be converted into power by generating DC voltage to provide power to the induction motor load. In controlling PLTS, there needs to be a design to make the control work automatically to run PLTS if the battery is not sufficient. Automatic Transfer Switch is assembled to connect the control and circuit breaker from the power inverter with PLN which has been running automatically. The ATS circuit is used as turning on and connecting the inverter to the induction motor automatically when the PLN goes out. Then the load will receive power from the solar panel to PLN. The load used in this ATS system is that the induction motor can be used to drive the water pump because it has many advantages. The TDR function is used as a timer when ON or OFF. To function properly, LVD requires DC electricity that can be drawn from the battery. In this study utilizing energy sources from solar cells about the design system to make controls can work automatically in running the solar system. The results obtained from the data that has been taken, show that the voltage will move when the battery with a value of 24.4 VDC with battery power has reached 196 W. Then it will return to the supply of electrical power served by PLTS if the battery voltage reaches above 26.6. VDC with battery power has reached 221.58 W. Average cos φ from the load of the induction motor which is 0.72. Average real power is 181.11 W and average apparent power is 254.16 VA. Therefore, it can be concluded that the installation of the PLN-PLTS hybrid system on the induction motor can work well

    The mediating effect of output quality on the relationship between top management support and customer satisfaction on the implementation of customer relationship management system in public sector

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    Aim: Many benefits could be gained when implementing customer relationship management such as leading to increase customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and organization benefits. In addition, it helps the employees to organize their own activities, contacts and documents and provides reports and information for the organization that gives the opportunity and potential for the organization the edge on its competition to focus and see new products and markets. Purpose: The main purpose of this paper was to develop an understanding of the mediating effect of output quality on the relationship between top management support and customer satisfaction on implementation of customer relationship management. Methodology/Approach: The data collection of this study is a survey questionnaire, which is distributed to the employees who is working in organization implemented CRM system in public sector. The questionnaire that is used for the analysis is 356 cases. The data collected is tested and analyzed by using the SPSS and Partial Least Squares (PLS).Findings: The finding showed that the output quality is the important determinants of customer satisfaction of implementation of CRM system, and it mediates the relation between the independent variable (top management support) and the dependent variable (customer satisfaction of implementation of CRM system)