1,039 research outputs found

    Studies on fruit-bud differentiation in Mango (Mangifera indica)

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    The time of fruit-bud-differentiation in mango is known to be governed by localweather conditions, which varies from place to place. To some extent, it also varies withvarieties grown under the same climatic conditions. The knowledge of the time of fruit-buddifferentiationunder a particular set of climatic conditions for a given variety would enablethe orchardists to schedule the manuring, irrigation and other cultural operations to havebetter yield. The fruit-bud-differentiation is a crucial event in the growth and developmentof mango, as it marks the change in partitioning and transport of metabolites from source tosink between the vegetative and reproductive organs which are governed by the growthhormones. The physiological and biochemical factors governing fruit-bud-differentiation inmango have not been adequately studied. Little is known about the role of naturallyoccurring growth substances and other metabolites involved in fruit-bud-differentiation.Need for such studies is all the more important, since these naturally occurring growthsubstances are now recognized as important factors controlling the ontogeny of flowering inhigher plants

    Rice breeding for salt tolerance

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    Human exploitation of earth’s resources is leading to new problems day by day and hence newer methods are devised to overcome the same. One such case is breeding for abiotic stress, utilizing even non arable land, to feed the ever increasing population. A major stress leading to yield loss can be due to inland and coastal salinity. Rice is the most important cereal crop which feeds humans on earth. This review tries to analyse the efforts of breeders in minimising the effects of salt stress on the yield of rice crop

    The Impacts of Increased Adverse Weather Events on Freight Movement

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    Freight transportation is a major economic backbone of the United States and is vital to sustaining the nation’s economic growth. Ports, as one of the primary components of freight transportation and important means of integrating into the global economic system, have experienced significant growth and increased capacity during the past two decades. The study addresses an important national freight mobility goal to enhance the resilience of the port transportation operations in the event of extreme weather events. This study develops an adaptable resilience assessment framework that evaluates the impact of a disruptive event on transportation operations. The framework identifies dynamic performance levels over an extended period of an event including five distinct phases of responses- staging, reduction, peak, restoration, and overloading. This study applies the framework to the port complex in Houston, Texas, during a major hurricane event, Harvey, and two holiday events in 2017. The framework evaluates proactive and reactive responses of port truck activities during the disruptions and provides a comprehensive assessment of resilience and adaptability in port truck operations. Evaluating response systems and resilience of port truck activities during severe weather events such as Hurricane Harvey represents the first step for designing plans that support a fast system recovery that minimizes the economic, social, and human impacts

    Mode-locking induced by coherent driving in fiber lasers

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    Mode-locking is a broad concept that encompasses different processes enabling short optical pulse formation in lasers. It typically requires an intracavity mechanism that discriminates between single and collective mode lasing, which can be complex and sometimes adds noise. Moreover, known mode-locking schemes do not guarantee phase stability of the carrier wave. Here, we theoretically propose that injecting a detuned signal seamlessly leads to mode-locking in fiber lasers. We show that phase-locked pulses, akin to cavity solitons, exist in a wide range of parameters. In that regime the laser behaves as a passive resonator due to the non-instantaneous gain saturation

    Progress of Biorefinery in India

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    India is one among the world’s largest economies and its energy demand accounts for 3.5% of world’s commercial energy consumption. According to the International Energy Agency oil demand in India is expected to grow by a factor 2.2 by 2030, increasing the oil import dependency from 69% now to 91%. Rising energy prices and climate change are increasing the demand for biofuel production. The Planning Commission of India recommends replacing 20% of India’s diesel consumption mainly by non-edible Jatropha oil and Pongamia. Biorefinery could be one of the best solutions to overcome the problem. A review on the progress of biorefinery in India is attempted

    Analysis of Last Development Results for High Voltage Circuit-breakers Using New G3 Gas

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    Among many alternative gases proposed to replace SF6 as insulating gas, g3 (green gas for grid), fluoronitril based component officially introduced at CIGRE 2014, can be now used for insulation projects and new environmental friendly circuit breakers. This gas mixture g3, presents a reduction of the global warming potential by 98% compared to SF6 gas and shows quite good dielectric withstand capability. Many new investigations about thermal and chemical behavior have been done and are precised in this paper. Last switching test campaigns will be presented for 145 kV applications. Simulation tools should be updated to be applicable to these projects. Developments and comparisons with last test results will be analyzed

    A Large Outbreak of Hepatitis E Among a Displaced Population in Darfur, Sudan, 2004: The Role of Water Treatment Methods.

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    BACKGROUND: The conflict in Darfur, Sudan, was responsible for the displacement of 1.8 million civilians. We investigated a large outbreak of hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection in Mornay camp (78,800 inhabitants) in western Darfur. METHODS: To describe the outbreak, we used clinical and demographic information from cases recorded at the camp between 26 July and 31 December 2004. We conducted a case-cohort study and a retrospective cohort study to identify risk factors for clinical and asymptomatic hepatitis E, respectively. We collected stool and serum samples from animals and performed a bacteriological analysis of water samples. Human samples were tested for immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M antibody to HEV (for serum samples) and for amplification of the HEV genome (for serum and stool samples). RESULTS: In 6 months, 2621 hepatitis E cases were recorded (attack rate, 3.3%), with a case-fatality rate of 1.7% (45 deaths, 19 of which involved were pregnant women). Risk factors for clinical HEV infection included age of 15-45 years (odds ratio, 2.13; 95% confidence interval, 1.02-4.46) and drinking chlorinated surface water (odds ratio, 2.49; 95% confidence interval, 1.22-5.08). Both factors were also suggestive of increased risk for asymptomatic HEV infection, although this was not found to be statistically significant. HEV RNA was positively identified in serum samples obtained from 2 donkeys. No bacteria were identified from any sample of chlorinated water tested. CONCLUSIONS: Current recommendations to ensure a safe water supply may have been insufficient to inactivate HEV and control this epidemic. This research highlights the need to evaluate current water treatment methods and to identify alternative solutions adapted to complex emergencies

    Ion-irradiation-assisted tuning of phase transformations and physical properties in single crystalline Fe₇Pd₃ ferromagnetic shape memory alloy thin films

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    Control of multi-martensite phase transformations and physical properties constitute greatly unresolved challenges in Fe7Pd3-based ferromagnetic shape memory alloys. Single crystalline Fe7Pd3 thin films reveal an austenite to martensite phase transformation, continuously ranging from the facecentered cubic (fcc) to the face-centered tetragonal (fct) and body-centered cubic (bcc) phases upon irradiation with 1.8 MeV Kr+ ions. Within the present contribution, we explore this scenario within a comprehensive experimental study: employing atomic force microscopy (AFM) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), we first clarify the crystallography of the ionirradiation-induced austenite⇒martensite and inter-martensite transitions, explore the multivariant martensite structures with c-a twinning and unravel a very gradual transition between variants at twin boundaries. Accompanying magnetic properties, addressed locally and globally, are characterized by an increasing saturation magnetization from fcc to bcc, while coercivity and remanence are demonstrated to be governed by magnetocrystalline anisotropy and ion-irradiationinduced defect density, respectively. Based on reversibility of ion-irradiation-induced materials changes due to annealing treatment and a conversion electron Mößbauer spectroscopy (CEMS) study to address changes in order, a quantitative defect-based physical picture of ion-irradiation-induced austenite⇔martensite transformation in Fe7Pd3 is developed. The presented concepts thus pave the way for ion-irradiation-assisted optimization strategies for tailored functional alloys