19 research outputs found

    Percepção de puérperas adolescentes sobre a assistência da equipe de enfermagem no processo parturitivo

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    O estudo enfatiza a importância do bom atendimento e acolhimento à parturiente, em especial na fase da adolescência e compreender a percepção de puérperas adolescentes sobre a equipe de enfermagem na sala de parto em um hospital público de referência na cidade de Feira de Santana, Bahia. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e qualitativo, realizado através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas em outubro de 2008 com sete puérperas nas primeiras cinco horas de pós-parto. Os dados foram analisados através da Análise Conteúdo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a assistência prestada às puerperas está pautada no modelo tecnicista, de modo que o acolhimento e o cuidado humanizado são negligenciados pelos profissionais de saúde. Sugere-se uma reflexão acerca do cuidado humanizado e da postura atualmente adotada a fim de que haja uma revisão da assistência prestada pela equipe de enfermagem e uma melhor compreensão da condição e das necessidades humanas. Descritores: Enfermagem obstétrica; humanização da assistência; adolescente

    Parasite Fauna of Lutjanus synagris Commercialized in the Fish Market from Bragança-PA, Brazil

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    Studies about the parasite fauna of marine fish highlights as an important problem for public health with zoonotic parasites or affecting the fish quality. Thus, this study evaluated the parasite fauna of Lutjanus synagris commercialized in the fish market from Bragança-PA. In laboratory, 58 fish were measured, weighted and conducted to parasitological analysis to determine parasitological indexes and relative dominance. Every parasite was fixed and identified until to the lowest taxonomic level. Through the parasitological analysis, it found Cymothoidae, Digenea, Cucullanus sp. and Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) sp., with total prevalence 67.24%. Digenea showed the highest prevalence and mean intensity values. For nematode, Cucullanus sp. obtained the greater prevalence and relative dominance, while Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) sp. showed the greater mean intensity and abundance. Cymothoidae showed the lowest prevalence and mean intensity values. As conclusion, the parasite fauna of L. synagris has been noted with low diversity, reporting the nematode occurrence Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus)


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    O Câncer de próstata é caracterizado pelo crescimento exagerado da próstata, glândula localizada na parte baixa do abdômen, integrante do sistema reprodutor masculino. O câncer de próstata é o sexto tipo de câncer mais comum no mundo e o segundo mais prevalente entre os homens no Brasil. Diante do exposto este trabaho teve por objetivo avaliar as características sociodemográficas, os níveis séricos do Antígeno Prostático Específico (PSA), PSA livre (PSA-l) e PSA total (PSA-t) e correlacioná-los. Tratou-se de um estudo de caráter descritivo e exploratório, realizada no período de Novembro a Dezembro de 2016, no distrito de Galante, em Campina Grande-PB. A amostra foi constituída aleatoriamente por 230 homens, de idade entre 40 a 90 anos. Para testar o nível de significância foi realizado o teste qui-quadrado de Pearson com um intervalo de confiança de 95% e nível de significância 5% e as avaliações de PSA foram distribuídas de frequências. Os dados foram organizados e analisados por meio do programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), versão 18.0. A maioria dos homens era casados, apresentava baixa escolaridade, era ativos e não brancos. Observou-se que 213 dos pacientes apresentaram valores de PSA-t menor que 4 ng/mL, 11 valor entre 4-10 ng/mL e 6 valores acima de 10 ng/mL. Dos 11 casos alterados correspondente a faixa de PSA-t 4-10 ng/mL, 4 encontrava-se abaixo do cutt-off de 0,15-0,25 e 3 acima do cutt-off preconizado. O trabalho incentivou os homens a realizar anualmente a dosagem de PSA e contribuiu para identificar possíveis casos suspeitos de câncer de próstata que através de exames complementares encaminhados pela equipe de saúde foram confirmados e tratados adequadamente garantindo assim uma vida mais saudável

    Testagem, Quarentena e Telemonitoramento Da Covid-19 na Atenção Básica: Reflexões das Experiências da Gestão e Assistência

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    The initial cases of Covid-19, originating in China, triggered a pandemic, exposing deficiencies in the healthcare system. The project "Expansion of Testing, Quarantine, and Telemonitoring Strategies to Contribute to Confronting the Covid-19 Pandemic in Brazil" emerged in response to this crisis. This article aims to recount the project's experience in tackling the Covid-19 pandemic in primary healthcare. Monitors operated between June 2022 and February 2023 in Family Health Units and Basic Health Units in Salvador, Bahia. Their activities included supporting the implementation of the strategy, resource organization, conducting sociobehavioral research, and providing guidance to healthcare workers and users. The participation of monitors as intermediaries between healthcare professionals, bureaucratic demands, and users facilitated communication, testing, and research. Outreach strategies, such as meetings, local radio broadcasts, social media, and the distribution of pamphlets, resulted in increased community adherence to testing and participation in the research. However, challenges emerged due to insecurity in certain neighborhoods, impacting access to healthcare services. The contribution of monitors to the expansion of the strategy strengthened the research, enabling the systematization of care, dynamic operations, and ensuring qualified and safe attention.Los primeros casos de Covid-19, originados en China, desencadenaron una pandemia, evidenciando deficiencias en el sistema de salud. El proyecto "Expansión de Estrategias de Pruebas, Cuarentena y Telemonitoreo para Contribuir en la Enfrentamiento de la Pandemia de Covid-19 en Brasil" surgió como respuesta a esta crisis. Este artículo busca relatar la experiencia del proyecto en la lucha contra la pandemia de Covid-19 en la atención primaria de la salud. Los monitores trabajaron entre junio de 2022 y febrero de 2023 en Unidades de Salud de la Familia y Unidades Básicas de Salud en Salvador, Bahía. Sus actividades incluyeron apoyo a la implementación de la estrategia, organización de recursos, aplicación de investigaciones sociocomportamentales y orientación a trabajadores de la salud y usuarios. La participación de los monitores como mediadores entre profesionales de la salud, demandas burocráticas y usuarios facilitó la comunicación, la realización de pruebas y la investigación. Estrategias de divulgación, como reuniones, radios locales, redes sociales y distribución de folletos, resultaron en una mayor adhesión comunitaria a las pruebas y en la participación en la investigación. Sin embargo, surgieron desafíos debido a la inseguridad en ciertos barrios, afectando el acceso a los servicios de salud. La contribución de los monitores en la expansión de la estrategia fortaleció la investigación, permitiendo la sistematización de la asistencia, operaciones dinámicas y garantizando atención calificada y segura.Os primeiros casos de Covid-19, originados na China, desencadearam uma pandemia, evidenciando deficiências no sistema de saúde. O projeto "Expansão das Estratégias de Testagem, Quarentena e Telemonitoramento para Contribuir no Enfrentamento da Pandemia de Covid-19 no Brasil" surgiu como resposta a essa crise. Este artigo busca relatar a experiência dos de projeto no enfrentamento da pandemia de Covid-19 na atenção básica à saúde. Os monitores atuaram entre junho de 2022 e fevereiro de 2023 em Unidades de Saúde da Família e Unidades Básicas de Saúde em Salvador, Bahia. Suas atividades incluíram apoio à implementação da estratégia, organização de recursos, aplicação de pesquisas sociocomportamentais e orientação a trabalhadores da saúde e usuários. A participação dos monitores como mediadores entre profissionais de saúde, demandas burocráticas e usuários facilitou a comunicação, a realização de testes e a pesquisa. Estratégias de divulgação, como reuniões, rádios locais, redes sociais e distribuição de folhetos, resultaram em maior adesão comunitária aos testes e na participação na pesquisa. Contudo, desafios surgiram devido à insegurança em determinados bairros, impactando o acesso aos serviços de saúde. A contribuição dos monitores na expansão da estratégia fortaleceu a pesquisa, permitindo a sistematização da assistência, operações dinâmicas e garantindo atenção qualificada e segura

    Abarema cochliacarpos extract decreases the inflammatory process and skeletal muscle injury induced by bothrops leucurus venom

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    Snakebites are a public health problem, especially in tropical countries.However, treatment with antivenomhas limited effectiveness against venoms’ local effects. Here, we investigated the ability of Abarema cochliacarpos hydroethanolic extract (EAc) to protect mice against injection of Bothrops leucurus venom. Swiss mice received perimuscular venom injection and were subsequently treated orally with EAc in different doses. Treatment with EAc 100, 200, and 400mg/kg reduced the edema induced by B. leucurus in 1%, 13%, and 39%, respectively. Although lower doses showed no antihypernociceptive effect in the Von Frey test, the higher dose significantly reduced hyperalgesia induced by the venom. Antimyotoxic activity of EAc was also observed by microscopy assessment, with treated muscles presenting preserved structures, decreased edema, and inflammatory infiltrate as compared to untreated ones. Finally, on the rotarod test, the treated mice showed better motor function, once muscle fibers were preserved and there were less edema and pain. Treated mice could stand four times more time on the rotating rod than untreated ones. Our results have shown that EAc presented relevant activities against injection of B. leucurus venom in mice, suggesting that it can be considered as an adjuvant in the treatment of envenomation

    Simplified sewerage to prevent urban leptospirosis transmission: a cluster non-randomised controlled trial protocol in disadvantaged urban communities of Salvador, Brazil.

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    INTRODUCTION: Leptospirosis is a globally distributed zoonotic and environmentally mediated disease that has emerged as a major health problem in urban slums in developing countries. Its aetiological agent is bacteria of the genus Leptospira, which are mainly spread in the urine of infected rodents, especially in an environment where adequate sanitation facilities are lacking, and it is known that open sewers are key transmission sources of the disease. Therefore, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness of a simplified sewerage intervention in reducing the risk of exposure to contaminated environments and Leptospira infection and to characterise the transmission mechanisms involved. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This matched quasi-experimental study design using non-randomised intervention and control clusters was designed to assess the effectiveness of an urban simplified sewerage intervention in the low-income communities of Salvador, Brazil. The intervention consists of household-level piped sewerage connections and community engagement and public involvement activities. A cohort of 1400 adult participants will be recruited and grouped into eight clusters consisting of four matched intervention-control pairs with approximately 175 individuals in each cluster in baseline. The primary outcome is the seroincidence of Leptospira infection assessed through five serological measurements: one preintervention (baseline) and four postintervention. As a secondary outcome, we will assess Leptospira load in soil, before and after the intervention. We will also assess Leptospira exposures before and after the intervention, through transmission modelling, accounting for residents' movement, contact with flooding, contaminated soil and water, and rat infestation, to examine whether and how routes of exposure for Leptospira change following the introduction of sanitation. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This study protocol has been reviewed and approved by the ethics boards at the Federal University of Bahia and the Brazilian National Research Ethics Committee. Results will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications and presentations to implementers, researchers and participating communities. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (RBR-8cjjpgm)

    Baru Pulp (Dipteryx alata Vogel): Fruit from the Brazilian Savanna Protects against Oxidative Stress and Increases the Life Expectancy of Caenorhabditis elegans via SOD-3 and DAF-16

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    Fruits are sources of bioactive compounds that are responsible for several biological activities. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the chemical composition of the pulp of the Brazilian Savanna fruit Dipteryx alata; evaluate its toxic effects, influence on the life expectancy of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, and its antioxidant activities in vitro and in vivo; and describe the mechanisms involved. The chemical compounds identified include phenols, terpenes, fatty acid derivatives, vitamins, and a carboxylic acid. The in vitro antioxidant activity was demonstrated by radical scavenging methods. in vivo, the D. alata fruit pulp was not toxic and promoted resistance to oxidative stress in nematodes exposed to a chemical oxidizing agent. Furthermore, it promoted an increased life expectancy in wild-type nematodes and increased the expression of superoxide dismutase and the nuclear translocation of DAF-16. These results suggest that the beneficial effects identified are related to these two genes, which are involved in the regulation of metabolic activities, the control of oxidative stress, and the lifespan of C. elegans. These beneficial effects, which may be related to its chemical constituents, demonstrate its potential use as a functional and/or nutraceutical food

    Biomass production by Arthrospira platensis under different culture conditions

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    In biotechnological processes, the culture media components are responsible for high costs and exert a strong influence on the cyanobacteria behavior. The objective of this study was to evaluate the Arthrospira platensis growth potential for biomass production under different cultivation conditions using an experimental design. Three factors that are important for cyanobacteria growth were evaluated: sodium bicarbonate (9 to 18 g/l), sodium nitrate (1.25 to 2.5 g/l), and irradiance (20 to 120 µmol photons/m2.s–1). The results showed that the concentration of NaNO3 in the A. platensis medium can be reduced, resulting in increased concentrations of biomass produced. There was a higher biomass production due to the increase in the concentration of NaHCO3 and irradiance, mainly when these two factors varied tending towards the highest values studied. The results demonstrate the potential to produce Arthrospira platensis with lower costs and effluent generation without affecting cultivation performance

    Diâmetro do caule sobre a desidratação, composição química e produção do feno de Jurema preta (Mimosa tenuiflora Wild. Poir.) Diameter on branch dehydration, chemical composition and hay production in Jurema preta (Mimosa tenuiflora Wild. Poir.)

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do diâmetro do caule na desidratação, composição química e disponibilidade de feno da Jurema preta (Mimosa tenuiflora). As plantas estavam com média de 3 metros de altura e em final de floração. Foram selecionados caules representativos nos diâmetros 5, 6, 7, 8 e 9mm, os quais foram cortados, separados em caule e folhas e submetidos ao processo de desidratação que consistiu na secagem em estufa de circulação de ar forçada a uma temperatura de 65°C até peso constante. A curva de desidratação foi obtida em função dos intervalos de tempo de pesagem. Para as demais variáveis utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições. A desidratação de caule e folhas teve resposta linear com platô, maior para diâmetros de 5mm cuja perda foi de 0,02g de água/g matéria seca ao final de 15,84 horas no caule, e de 0,01g de água/g MS na folha a partir 13,48 horas. Os teores de proteína bruta do caule diminuíram e os de fibra em detergente neutro e fibra em detergente ácido aumentaram com o diâmetro do caule, mas não houve influência na composição química da folha. Se o objetivo for qualidade, os caules de Jurema preta devem ser cortados com diâmetros inferiores a 6mm; se o objetivo for quantidade o diâmetro deve ser de 7 a 9mm; se a finalidade for adequar qualidade e quantidade, recomenda-se cortar os caules ao atingirem 6mm de diâmetro.<br>The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of stem diameter in branch dehydration, chemical composition and hay production in Jurema preta (Mimosa tenuiflora). The selected plants were about three feet high and were in the end of blooming. Representative branches were selected with 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 mm diameters, which were sliced and separated into stems and leaves and submitted to the dehydration process. It consisted of drying in the forced air circulation stove at a 65°C temperature until the constant weight was reached. The dehydration curve was obtained according to the weighing time intervals. The other variables used a completely randomized design with five treatments and five replications. The stem and leaves dehydration had a linear response with plateau, being greater at 5mm, with 0.02g water/g DM in the stems after 15.84 hours and 0.01g water/g DM in the leaves after 13.48 hours. The stem CP decreased and the NDF and ADF increased with the diameter of the branch, but it did not influence the leaf’s chemical composition. If the goal is branch quality in Jurema preta, they should be cut with diameters smaller than 6 mm; if the goal is quantity, with diameters from 7 to 9 mm; but if the aim is to match quality and quantity, it is recommended to cut the branches when they reach a diameter of 6mm