106 research outputs found
Rentabilidade econômica do maracujazeiro-amarelo plantado em covas e em plantio direto sob manejo orgânico.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a rentabilidade econômica do maracujazeiro-amarelo plantado em covas e em plantio direto sob manejo orgânico no Acre. Avaliaram-se cinco tipos de preparo do solo: T1 – plantio direto com cova do tamanho do torrão(0,19 m x 0,063 m), com adubação em cobertura; T2 - cova de 0,30 x 0,30 x 0,30 m, com adubação de plantio na cova; T3 - Idem T2, com adubação em cobertura; T4 - cova de 0,50 x 0,50 x 0,50 m, com adubação de plantio na cova, e T5 - Idem T4, com adubação em cobertura. Os custos econômicos e operacionais médios foram maiores para os sistemas com plantio em covas de 0,50 m, por apresentarem elevado custo total de produção e menor produtividade. A receita líquida foi maior nos sistemas de preparo com covas de 0,30 m, com adubação na cova (R11.501,44/ha) – e no plantio direto (R$8.925,08/ha). Em todos os tratamentos, a situação econômica foi de lucro supernormal, assim a tendência é de mais agricultores entrarem na atividade
Quality of guava fruits bagged with different materials in an organic system
This study aimed to evaluate the interference of bagging materials on the incidence of insect larvae and the physical and chemical quality of the guava cv. Paluma in an organic system. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with seven treatments and four replications of 25 fruits each. The bagging materials (treatments) were: nonwoven fabric (TNT), transparent plastic bag, white plastic bag, parchment paper, kraft paper, and non-bagged fruits (control). The titratable acidity (TA), ascorbic acid, soluble solids (SS), SS/TA ratio, fresh mass, fruit diameter, fruit length, appearance, and fruit fly incidence were evaluated. Fruit bagging increased the fresh fruit mass, except the tulle bag, which did not change fruit diameter but increased fruit length. There was a high incidence of fruit flies in the non-bagged fruits (100%) and in those with tulle bags (56.53%), reduced to 2.15% when using parchment paper, and reaching the absence of bored fruits when using nonwoven fabric, transparent plastic, and white plastic bags, materials that provided the highest percentages of marketable fruits. All bagging materials did not change the total titratable acidity content and the SS/TA ratio; however, all of them reduced the content of total soluble solids, except the tulle bag. Fruit bagging with nonwoven fabric and parchment paper increased the content of ascorbic acid. Fruit bagging with parchment paper, plastic bag, and nonwoven fabric are efficient in the organic production of guavas for preventing the infection by insect larvae and maintaining the physical and chemical quality of the fruit.This study aimed to evaluate the interference of bagging materials on the incidence of insect larvae and the physical and chemical quality of the guava cv. Paluma in an organic system. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with seven treatments and four replications of 25 fruits each. The bagging materials (treatments) were: nonwoven fabric (TNT), transparent plastic bag, white plastic bag, parchment paper, kraft paper, and non-bagged fruits (control). The titratable acidity (TA), ascorbic acid, soluble solids (SS), SS/TA ratio, fresh mass, fruit diameter, fruit length, appearance, and fruit fly incidence were evaluated. Fruit bagging increased the fresh fruit mass, except the tulle bag, which did not change fruit diameter but increased fruit length. There was a high incidence of fruit flies in the non-bagged fruits (100%) and in those with tulle bags (56.53%), reduced to 2.15% when using parchment paper, and reaching the absence of bored fruits when using nonwoven fabric, transparent plastic, and white plastic bags, materials that provided the highest percentages of marketable fruits. All bagging materials did not change the total titratable acidity content and the SS/TA ratio; however, all of them reduced the content of total soluble solids, except the tulle bag. Fruit bagging with nonwoven fabric and parchment paper increased the content of ascorbic acid. Fruit bagging with parchment paper, plastic bag, and nonwoven fabric are efficient in the organic production of guavas for preventing the infection by insect larvae and maintaining the physical and chemical quality of the fruit
Cucumber production under organic cultivation in response to biofertilizer application
Cucumber is a vegetable species of high socioeconomic importance, whose fruits are consumed in all Brazilian regions. However, the knowledge of its organic production is still incipient. In this perspective, this study aimed to evaluate the productive performance of the Aodai cucumber under organic cultivation in response to the application of biofertilizer via soil and leaves. The experiment was conducted in the Seridó Ecological Site, Rio Branco, AC, by adopting a randomized block design in a 6x2 factorial arrangement, with four replications and eight plants per experimental unit. The treatments consisted of six concentrations of biofertilizer (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5%) diluted in water, applied via foliar spraying, combined with the presence or absence of its pure application in the soil, with both methods applied at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after sowing. The fertilizer was also applied in the soil at sowing. At the end of each harvest, the fruits were divided into two quality categories (classes 1 and 2), and then the following variables were evaluated: number of fruits per plant, mean fruit mass, yield, fruit diameter, and fruit length. There was no significant interaction of the biofertilizer application via foliar spraying or soil for any of the variables. The biofertilizer application via foliar spraying promoted a significant increase in the number of marketable fruits per plant, mean mass of total fruits, and marketable and total yields. The 3% concentration of biofertilizer diluted in water and applied on the leaves is the most efficient method to increment the cucumber yield.Cucumber is a vegetable species of high socioeconomic importance, whose fruits are consumed in all Brazilian regions. However, the knowledge of its organic production is still incipient. In this perspective, this study aimed to evaluate the productive performance of the Aodai cucumber under organic cultivation in response to the application of biofertilizer via soil and leaves. The experiment was conducted in the Seridó Ecological Site, Rio Branco, AC, by adopting a randomized block design in a 6x2 factorial arrangement, with four replications and eight plants per experimental unit. The treatments consisted of six concentrations of biofertilizer (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5%) diluted in water, applied via foliar spraying, combined with the presence or absence of its pure application in the soil, with both methods applied at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after sowing. The fertilizer was also applied in the soil at sowing. At the end of each harvest, the fruits were divided into two quality categories (classes 1 and 2), and then the following variables were evaluated: number of fruits per plant, mean fruit mass, yield, fruit diameter, and fruit length. There was no significant interaction of the biofertilizer application via foliar spraying or soil for any of the variables. The biofertilizer application via foliar spraying promoted a significant increase in the number of marketable fruits per plant, mean mass of total fruits, and marketable and total yields. The 3% concentration of biofertilizer diluted in water and applied on the leaves is the most efficient method to increment the cucumber yield
Organic cultivation of yellow passion fruit using tall seedlings with long root systems
Studies related to adaptation to the environment and different conditions of water availability contribute to decision-making regarding the management of any crop to be implanted. Accordingly, this work aimed to evaluate the yield and quality of organic yellow passion fruit cultivated in a long root system in dryland conditions. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with five treatments and four replications with four plants each. The treatments consisted of the alteration of the length of the root system, namely: T1 = 25 cm; T2 = 50 cm; T3 = 75 cm; T4 = 100 cm; and T5 = 125 cm. At 120 days after emergence (DAE), the seedlings were transplanted to the field and the following variables were evaluated: plant height (cm) and base diameter (mm) at 120 DAE; total titratable acidity (TTA), total soluble solids (TSS), Ratio (TSS/TTA); and fruit yield. The cultivation of tall seedlings with a long root system provides the maintenance of production during the dry season. The TTA, TSS, and the ratio do not change when modifying the length of the root system, although they do change with the harvest season. The cultivation of passion fruit in an organic system using plants with a long root system with an estimated length of 114 cm provides a higher fruit yield (7,472 kg ha-1) in 22 months of cultivation.Studies related to adaptation to the environment and different conditions of water availability contribute to decision-making regarding the management of any crop to be implanted. Accordingly, this work aimed to evaluate the yield and quality of organic yellow passion fruit cultivated in a long root system in dryland conditions. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with five treatments and four replications with four plants each. The treatments consisted of the alteration of the length of the root system, namely: T1 = 25 cm; T2 = 50 cm; T3 = 75 cm; T4 = 100 cm; and T5 = 125 cm. At 120 days after emergence (DAE), the seedlings were transplanted to the field and the following variables were evaluated: plant height (cm) and base diameter (mm) at 120 DAE; total titratable acidity (TTA), total soluble solids (TSS), Ratio (TSS/TTA); and fruit yield. The cultivation of tall seedlings with a long root system provides the maintenance of production during the dry season. The TTA, TSS, and the ratio do not change when modifying the length of the root system, although they do change with the harvest season. The cultivation of passion fruit in an organic system using plants with a long root system with an estimated length of 114 cm provides a higher fruit yield (7,472 kg ha-1) in 22 months of cultivation
Rentabilidade da produção orgânica de alface em função do ambiente, preparo do solo e época de plantio.
Além da produtividade física e da conservação do solo, o cultivo protegido e o preparo do solo, na olericultura, requerem altos investimentos, muito trabalho e insumos externos. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho, foi identificar combinações entre ambiente, preparo do solo e época de plantio capazes de melhorar o desempenho econômico e a produtividade da cultura da alface em cultivo orgânico, em Rio Branco, Acre. O cultivo foi realizado em quatro tipos de ambientes: 1 - sombreamento proporcionado em 52% sob latada de maracujá; 2 - 35% de sombreamento sob estufa; 3 - 50% sob tela de sombreamento; e, 4 - cultivo a pleno sol (testemunha), considerando cada ambiente como um experimento, que avaliou-se três preparos de solo (plantio direto, cultivo mínimo e preparo convencional) em duas épocas de plantio (estiagem e chuvosa), sob delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Considerou-se como custo de produção a soma de todos os valores (insumos) e operações (serviços) utilizados no processo produtivo, incluindo-se os respectivos custos alternativos ou de oportunidade e a depreciação das instalações. O cultivo em estufa e sob tela de sombreamento aumenta a produtividade em época de estiagem, enquanto em época chuvosa, a produtividade é maior em cultivo sob estufa. O plantio direto e cultivo mínimo a pleno sol ou cultivo mínimo sob tela de sombreamento promovem maior produtividade no preparo convencional do solo. Proporcionam lucro supernormal (RMe > CTMe): o cultivo na época chuvosa (verão); sob sombreamento de latada de maracujá-amarelo; a pleno sol; o preparo convencional do solo sob latada e o plantio direto a pleno sol
Production of yellow passion fruit under different planting densities
O adensamento de plantas em cultivos do maracujazeiro-amarelo é importante por propiciar maior rentabilidade em menor área. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes densidades de plantio na produção, qualidade dos frutos e rentabilidade do maracujazeiro-amarelo. O experimento foi instalado e conduzido em pomar comercial da Fazenda Sant'ana, Município de São Tiago, MG. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constituíram-se de diferentes espaçamentos na linha de plantio: T1, 1,0 m (3.330 plantas/ha); T2, 1,5 m (2.220 plantas/ha); T3, 2,0 m (1.660 plantas/ha); T4, 3,0 m (1.100 plantas/ha) e T5, 4,0 m (830 plantas/ha). O espaçamento entre linhas foi de 3,0 m em todos os tratamentos. Cada parcela foi constituída de 12 m de comprimento por 3,0 m de largura (36 m2). O plantio foi realizado em outubro de 2001, e a colheita, a partir de abril, estendendo-se até agosto de 2002. A maior produtividade foi estimada em 11,9 t/ha na densidade de 1.841 plantas/ha. O adensamento não altera a qualidade do fruto. A máxima eficiência econômica foi alcançada na densidade de 1.340 plantas/ha, com rentabilidade de R 1,321.92/ha
Kale density grown in an organic production system
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade de folhas e indicadores econômicos do cultivo orgânico de couve manteiga em função da densidade de plantio. O experimento foi conduzido no Sítio Ecológico Seridó, em Rio Branco, AC. As mudas foram produzidas utilizando sementes, substrato e copos plásticos. O cultivo ocorreu sob casa de vegetação com 2 m de pé direito e 3,5 m de altura central coberta com filme aditivado transparente de 100 µ. O plantio foi realizado na densidade de 3,6; 4,2; 5,0; 6,3 e 8,3 plantas m-2, em linhas triplas espaçadas 0,40 m entre se e 0,50 m entre linhas tripas, nos espaçamentos de 0,30 m; 0,40 m; 0,50 m; 0,60 m e 0,70 m entre plantas na linha. Foram avaliados a massa fresca da folha, massa fresca de folhas por planta, número de maço, custos fixo, variável e total, custo total médio, receitas líquida e total, remuneração da mão de obra familiar, taxa de lucro, índice de rentabilidade, produção para cobertura total e relação benefício/custo. O adensamento de plantio reduziu a massa fresca da folha, a massa fresca de folhas por planta e aumentou a produtividade de folhas por unidade de área. A maior produtividade alcançada com o adensamento de plantio reduz linearmente o custo médio do maço de folhas, porém aumenta linearmente as receitas líquida e total, a remuneração da mão de obra familiar, a taxa de lucro, o índice de rentabilidade, a produtividade mínima para cobertura dos custos totais e os custos variáveis e total
Concentrations of indolebutyric acid on air-layering of guava cv. Paluma
Nowadays, the predominant technique for the commercial propagation of guava seedlings is through cuttings, using herbaceous cuttings that need a specialized infrastructure with intermittent misting, clean water, exhausters, water filters, and fans. As an alternative to plant propagation by cuttings, this study aimed to evaluate the influence of concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA) on the rooting of branches of the guava cv. Paluma by air-layering. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with four replications and 10 air layers per plot. The treatments consisted of six concentrations of IBA powder mixed with industrial talcum: 0, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, and 5,000 mg.kg-1. Four adult guava parents that were in the off-season period were used. For the preparation of the air layers, the stems were girdled with a 4.0 cm width, using a steel blade, by removing the bark until exposing the cambium region, followed by IBA application and wrapping of the branches with a plastic bag containing moist organic substrate. The following variables were evaluated 120 days after air-layering: percentage of rooted and callused air layers, longest root length, and root dry matter. The analysis of variance indicated no significant differences between the IBA concentrations for all variables, but the rooting percentages were high (68.6 to 92.2%) regardless of the application of the exogenous auxin.Nowadays, the predominant technique for the commercial propagation of guava seedlings is through cuttings, using herbaceous cuttings that need a specialized infrastructure with intermittent misting, clean water, exhausters, water filters, and fans. As an alternative to plant propagation by cuttings, this study aimed to evaluate the influence of concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA) on the rooting of branches of the guava cv. Paluma by air-layering. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with four replications and 10 air layers per plot. The treatments consisted of six concentrations of IBA powder mixed with industrial talcum: 0, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, and 5,000 mg.kg-1. Four adult guava parents that were in the off-season period were used. For the preparation of the air layers, the stems were girdled with a 4.0 cm width, using a steel blade, by removing the bark until exposing the cambium region, followed by IBA application and wrapping of the branches with a plastic bag containing moist organic substrate. The following variables were evaluated 120 days after air-layering: percentage of rooted and callused air layers, longest root length, and root dry matter. The analysis of variance indicated no significant differences between the IBA concentrations for all variables, but the rooting percentages were high (68.6 to 92.2%) regardless of the application of the exogenous auxin
Quality improvement of papaya seedlings with residues-based substrate
A busca por substratos de qualidade e com baixo custo para a produção de mudas de alto padrão contribui com a competitividade na fruticultura. Assim objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar substratos alternativos constituídos de resíduos, para produção de mudas de mamoeiro. Para isto foi utilizado cinco tratamentos, que consistiram de substratos alternativos contendo os resíduos: (1) Casca de Arroz Carbonizada; (2) Fibra de Coco; (3) Ouricuri; (4) Sumaúma e o substrato comercial (controle) disposto em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro blocos. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação durante 60 dias e avaliado: diâmetro, altura, massa seca de raiz, da parte aérea e total e o índice de qualidade de Dickson. Os substratos contendo sumaúma e casca de arroz carbonizada como condicionador foram os que apresentaram os melhores índices para as variáveis analisadas. Assim substratos formulados com estes resíduos apresentam mudas de qualidade superior.La búsqueda por sustratos de calidad y con bajo costo para la producción de mudas de alto estándar contribuye con la competitividad en la fruticultura. Así se objetivó en este trabajo evaluar sustratos alternativos constituidos de residuos, para producción de mudas de mamoeiro. Para ello se utilizó cinco tratamientos, que consistían en sustratos alternativos que contienen residuos: (1) cáscaras de arroz carbonizados; (2) Fibra de Coco; (3) Ouricuri; (4) Sumaúma y el sustrato comercial (control) dispuesto en delineamiento de bloques al azar, con cuatro bloques. El experimento fue conducido en casa de vegetación durante 60 días y evaluado: diámetro, altura, masa seca de raíz, de la parte aérea y total y el índice de calidad de Dickson. Los sustratos que contenían sumaúma y cáscara de arroz carbonizada como acondicionador fueron los que presentaron los mejores índices para las variables analizadas. Así los sustratos formulados con estos residuos presentan mudas de calidad superior.The search for quality and low cost substrates for the production of high quality seedlings contributes to the competitiveness of pomology. Thus, it was objectified in the work on alternative substrates composed of residues, for the production of papaya seedlingsFor this, five treatments were used, which consisted of alternative substrates containing the residues: (1) Carbonized Rice Peel; (2) Coconut fiber; (3) Ouricuri; (4) Sumaúma and commercial substrate (control) arranged in a randomized block design with four blocks. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse for 60 days and evaluated: diameter, height, root dry mass, aerial part and and Dickson's quality score.The substrates containing kapok and charcoal rice husk as conditioner were the ones that presented the best indexes for the analyzed variables. Thus substrates formed by these residues present seedlings of superior quality
Chemical soil and leaf properties in yellow passion fruit cultivation with organic fertilization
The yellow passion fruit presents a high nutritional demand, and successive cultivations in the same area lead the soil to nutritional exhaustion, creating the need for restitution through fertilizers. In the context of organic managements, alternatives must be sought, which, besides improving soil fertility, can increase the contents of soil organic matter. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the effect of organic basal fertilization in passion fruit cultivation on the chemical properties of the soil and nutrient contents of the plant. Two experiments were performed in two rural properties, with soils presenting sandy-loam and clay-loam texture. The experimental design was in randomized blocks (RBD), with 5 treatments and 4 blocks. The treatments consisted of the application of organic compost in different planting hole diameters: 0.4 m; 0.8 m; 1.2 m; 1.6 m, and 2.0 m, and their respective volumes of organic compost: 0.0007 m³; 0.03 m³; 0.06 m³, 0.10 m³; 0.16 m³. The chemical characteristics of the soil and the foliar content of nutrients were evaluated. Soil texture interferes with the effects of organic fertilization. Regardless of the texture, fertilization increases the contents of organic matter and P in the soil. The successive organic cultivation in a sandy-loam soil increases the content of P and provides higher foliar contents of N, P, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Zn, and Na.The yellow passion fruit presents a high nutritional demand, and successive cultivations in the same area lead the soil to nutritional exhaustion, creating the need for restitution through fertilizers. In the context of organic managements, alternatives must be sought, which, besides improving soil fertility, can increase the contents of soil organic matter. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the effect of organic basal fertilization in passion fruit cultivation on the chemical properties of the soil and nutrient contents of the plant. Two experiments were performed in two rural properties, with soils presenting sandy-loam and clay-loam texture. The experimental design was in randomized blocks (RBD), with 5 treatments and 4 blocks. The treatments consisted of the application of organic compost in different planting hole diameters: 0.4 m; 0.8 m; 1.2 m; 1.6 m, and 2.0 m, and their respective volumes of organic compost: 0.0007 m³; 0.03 m³; 0.06 m³, 0.10 m³; 0.16 m³. The chemical characteristics of the soil and the foliar content of nutrients were evaluated. Soil texture interferes with the effects of organic fertilization. Regardless of the texture, fertilization increases the contents of organic matter and P in the soil. The successive organic cultivation in a sandy-loam soil increases the content of P and provides higher foliar contents of N, P, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Zn, and Na
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