114 research outputs found

    Physical training improves cardiopulmonary functional capacity and increases cytokine IL-10 levels in individuals with Chagas disease

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    Purpose: To evaluate cardiopulmonary functional capacity and the production of cytokines in patients with and without Chagas disease, and with and without hypertension, after short and long-term exercise.Methods: In a case-controlled study, 56 participants who attended the Chagas Disease Laboratory at the State University of Maringa (LDC/UEM) and Basic Health Units (UBS) in Maringa that agreed to participate. The participants were divided into the following groups: 16 with Chagas disease (CHD group), 21 with systemic arterial hypertension (SAH group) and 19 normal individuals without these morbidities (NI group). Each participant performed the 6-min walk test (6MWT), and a 12-week physical training program. Pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines were measured before and after physical training.Results: The CHD group presented good performance in the 6MWT, with no significant differences in distance traveled or perceived exertion (p > 0.05) compared with the NI group. After physical training, the 6MWT results were significantly better, with significant decreases in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, in the SAH group (p = 0.0409; and p = 0.0377, respectively) and NI group (p = 0.0180; and p = 0.0431, respectively) and a significant increase in the levels of the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10; p < 0.05) in all three groups. The NI group exhibited a significant increase (p < 0.05) in the serum levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6, IL-17 and tumor necrosis factor (all p< 0.05).Conclusion: All of the participants presented improvements in cardiopulmonary functional capacity and good prognosis, indicating the protective effect of IL-10 production and the benefits of physical training.Keywords: Chagas disease, Six-minute walk test, Physical training, Cytokines, Cardiopulmonary function capacity, Hypertensio

    Avaliação sorológica, clínica e epidemiológica da toxocaríase em åreas urbanas do sul do Brasil

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    Toxocariasis is a worldwide public-health problem that poses major risks to children who may accidentally ingest embryonated eggs of Toxocara. The objectives of this study were to investigate the occurrence of anti-Toxocara spp. antibodies in children and adolescents and the variables that may be involved, as well as environmental contamination by Toxocara spp. eggs, in urban recreation areas of north central mesoregion, ParanĂĄ State, Brazil. From June 2005 to March 2007. a total of 376 blood samples were collected by the Public Health Service from children and adolescents one to 12 years old, of both genders. Samples were analyzed by the indirect ELISA method for detection of anti-Toxocara antibodies. Serum samples were previously absorbed with Ascaris suum antigens, and considered positive with a reagent reactivity index >;1. Soil samples from all of the public squares and schools located in the four evaluated municipalities that had sand surfaces (n = 19) or lawns (n = 15) were analyzed. Of the 376 serum samples, 194 (51.6%) were positive. The seroprevalence rate was substantially higher among children aging one to five years (p = 0.001) and six to eight years (p = 0.022). The clinical signs and symptoms investigated did not show a statistical difference between seropositive and seronegative individuals (p >; 0.05). In 76.5% of the investigated recreation places, eggs of Toxocara were detected in at least one of the five collected samples. Recreation areas from public schools were 2.8 times more contaminated than from public squares. It is important to institute educational programs to inform families and educators, as well as to improve sanitary control of animals and cleaning of the areas intended for recreation in order to prevent toxocariasis.A toxocarĂ­ase Ă© um problema de saĂșde pĂșblica mundial, com maior risco para crianças que podem, acidentalmente, ingerir ovos embrionados de Toxocara spp.. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar a ocorrĂȘncia de anticorpos anti-Toxocara spp. em crianças e adolecentes e as variĂĄveis que podem estar envolvidas, bem como a contaminação ambiental por ovos de Toxocara spp., em locais de recreação, em ĂĄreas urbanas da mesorregiĂŁo norte central, ParanĂĄ, Brasil. De junho de 2005 a março de 2007 foram coletadas 376 amostras de sangue de crianças e adolescentes de um a doze anos, de ambos os sexos, atendidas pelo Sistema Único de SaĂșde. As amostras foram analisadas pelo mĂ©todo de ELISA indireto para detecção de IgG anti-Toxocara e previamente absorvidas com antĂ­geno de Ascaris suum. Foram consideradas reagentes as amostras com Ă­ndice de reatividade >; 1. A anĂĄlise das amostras de areias (n = 19) e gramados (n = 15) de cada municĂ­pio foi realizada em todas as praças e escolas pĂșblicas. Das 376 amostras de soro, 194 (51,6%) foram positivas. A taxa de soroprevalĂȘncia foi substancialmente mais elevada entre as crianças na faixa etĂĄria de atĂ© um a cinco (p = 0.001) e de seis a oito anos de idade (p = 0,022). Os sinais e sintomas clĂ­nicos investigados nĂŁo mostraram diferenças estatĂ­sticas entre soropositivos e soronegativos (p >; 0,05). Em 76,5% dos locais de recreação investigados, ovos de Toxocara foram detectados em pelo menos uma das cinco amostras. Os locais de recreação das escolas pĂșblicas estavam 2,8 vezes mais contaminados do que as praças. É importante a realização de programas educativos junto Ă s famĂ­lias e educadores, o controle sanitĂĄrio de animais e a higienização dos locais destinados Ă  recreação para prevenção da toxocarĂ­ase

    Riscos coletivos e impacto do uso de agrotĂłxicos sobre a saĂșde humana e ambiental: um estudo piloto de saĂșde ocupacional

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    Este artigo mostra os resultados obtidos em um projeto de avaliação do impacto do uso de agrotĂłxicos sobre uma comunidade agrĂ­cola do cstado do Rio dc Janciro ativamcntc cnvolvida com o uso dc pcsticidas. A abordagem utilizada foi de avaliaçào de riscos ocupacionais e coletivos. jĂĄ que alĂ©m do grupo de trabalhadores ocupacionalmente cxpostos aos agrotĂłxicos. tambĂ©m foi avaliado um grupo de crianças ejovens da comunidade. alguns dos quais tambĂ©m trabalhadores rurais. Os resultados obtidos demonstram claramente que ocorre superexposição aos pesticidas utilizados. evidenciando agravos nĂ o sĂł Ă  saĂșde das populaçÔes expostas. mas tambĂ©m ao meio ambiente

    Hepatitis C in Brazil: lessons learned with boceprevir and telaprevir

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    In 2012, the first-generation protease inhibitors telaprevir (TVR) and boceprevir (BOC) were introduced in the Brazilian health system for treatment of chronic hepatitis C, after their approval by the National Committee for Health Technology Incorporation (CONITEC). However, these medicines were discontinued in 2015. The short period of use in therapy and their high cost require a discussion about the consequences for patients and for the health system of the early incorporation of new therapies. The article presents a qualitative analysis of the incorporation process of both medications in Brazil and the results of a multicenter study that included patients treated with BOC or TVR between January 2011 and December 2015 in five Brazilian cities. The study included 855 patients (BOC: n=247) and (TVR: n=608). The document analysis showed that CONITEC’s decision to incorporate BOC and TVR was based on results of phase III clinical trials that compared sustained virologic response (SVR) rates of patients treated with BOC and TVR with rates of those that received placebo. However, these studies included a low percentage of cirrhotic patients. The SVR rates observed in this multicenter study were worse than clinical trials pointed out (BOC: 45.6%; TVR: 51.8%), but similar to those achieved with previously adopted therapies. The discontinuation rate due to adverse events was (BOC: 15.4%; TVR: 12.7%). Based on these unsatisfactory results, the study brings a discussion that goes beyond the therapy outcomes, exploring the incorporation of these high-cost medicines and the related decision-making process, contributing to future decisions in medicine policies and in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C

    Indução da atividade fagocitåria e produção de óxido nítrico numa população natural de Trypanosoma cruzi I e II do Estado do Paranå, Brasil

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    Twelve strains of Trypanosoma cruzi isolated from wild reservoirs, triatomines, and chronic chagasic patients in the state of ParanĂĄ, southern Brazil, and classified as T. cruzi I and II, were used to test the correlation between genetic and biological diversity. The Phagocytic Index (PI) and nitric-oxide (NO) production in vitro were used as biological parameters. The PI of the T. cruzi I and II strains did not differ significantly, nor did the PI of the T. cruzi strains isolated from humans, triatomines, or wild reservoirs. There was a statistical difference in the inhibition of NO production between T. cruzi I and II and between parasites isolated from humans and the strains isolated from triatomines and wild reservoirs, but there was no correlation between genetics and biology when the strains were analyzed independently of the lineages or hosts from which the strains were isolated. There were significant correlations for Randomly Amplified Polymorphic Deoxyribonucleic acid (RAPD) and biological parameters for T. cruzi I and II, and for humans or wild reservoirs when the lineages or hosts were considered individually.Doze cepas de Trypanosoma cruzi isoladas de reservatĂłrios silvestres, triatomĂ­neos e de pacientes chagĂĄsicos crĂŽnicos do Estado do ParanĂĄ, Brasil, classificadas como Tc I e II foram usadas para avaliar a correlação entre genĂ©tica e diversidade biolĂłgica. Índice fagocĂ­tico (IF) e produção de Ăłxido nĂ­trico (ON) in vitro foram os parĂąmetros biolĂłgicos utilizados. O IF de cepas T. cruzi I e II nĂŁo diferiram significativamente assim como o IF de cepas isoladas de humanos, triatomĂ­neos ou de reservatĂłrios silvestres. HĂĄ diferença estatĂ­stica na inibição da produção de ON entre T. cruzi I e II e entre parasitos isolados de humanos e de cepas isoladas de triatomĂ­neos e reservatĂłrios silvestres, mas nĂŁo foi observada correlação entre genĂ©tica e biologia quando as cepas foram analisadas independentemente da linhagem ou hospedeiros das quais elas foram isoladas. Observou-se correlação significativa para amplificação aleatĂłria do DNA polimĂłrfico e parĂąmetros biolĂłgicos de Tc I ou II e para os seres humanos ou reservatĂłrio silvestre quando linhagens ou hospedeiros sĂŁo consideradas separadamente

    A roupa nova do presidente: a politização da imagem pĂșblica de JĂąnio Quadros (1947-1961)

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    JĂąnio Quadros public image is often considered deprived of any political meaning either by historians or by collective memory. In most cases he is treated as a demagogue who promoted himself only through his personalism, which could be seen in his public appearances unkempt and with open-necked shirts. Such perspective is deeply related to the way his opponents and enemies represented him in the political debates, and its core has been successful in penetrating the historiography. However in this text I intend to suggest that JĂąnio's images conveyed an array of political senses during the 1950s and early 1960s, since the beginning of his career till when he disputed presidential elections and ruled Brazil as president. Through his gestures and clothes, among which his Indian slacks deserve more attention, he tried to express his project related to the Christian Democracy and the Independent Foreign Policy. To deal with such hypothesis, the main sources will be the magazines O Cruzeiro and Manchete and others photos and drawings that were considerably widespread at that time.A imagem pĂșblica de JĂąnio Quadros Ă© frequentemente considerada como desprovida de quaisquer significados polĂ­ticos, seja por historiadores ou pela memĂłria coletiva. Na maioria dos casos, ele Ă© tratado como um demagogo que se promovia apenas atravĂ©s de seu personalismo, exibindo-se em suas apariçÔes pĂșblicas despenteado e com camisas abertas no colarinho. Tal perspectiva estĂĄ profundamente relacionada com a forma pela qual seus oponentes e inimigos o representavam nos debates polĂ­ticos, e em seu cerne foi bem-sucedida, tendo penetrado na historiografia. Neste texto, porĂ©m, pretendo sugerir que, perpassando a dĂ©cada de 1950 e o inĂ­cio da de 1960, desde o inĂ­cio de sua carreira atĂ© o momento em que disputou eleiçÔes presidenciais e foi o presidente do Brasil, as imagens de JĂąnio veiculavam um amplo leque de sentidos polĂ­ticos. Por meio de gestos e roupas, destacando-se aĂ­ seus slacks indianos, ele procurou expressar seus projetos relacionados Ă  Democracia CristĂŁ e Ă  PolĂ­tica Externa Independente. Para lidar com essa hipĂłtese, as principais fontes fotogrĂĄficas e textuais elencadas sĂŁo as revistas O Cruzeiro e Manchete da Ă©poca, e outras fotos e ilustraçÔes que entĂŁo foram bastante difundidas

    Regulatory T Cells Phenotype in Different Clinical Forms of Chagas' Disease

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    CD25High CD4+ regulatory T cells (Treg cells) have been described as key players in immune regulation, preventing infection-induced immune pathology and limiting collateral tissue damage caused by vigorous anti-parasite immune response. In this review, we summarize data obtained by the investigation of Treg cells in different clinical forms of Chagas' disease. Ex vivo immunophenotyping of whole blood, as well as after stimulation with Trypanosoma cruzi antigens, demonstrated that individuals in the indeterminate (IND) clinical form of the disease have a higher frequency of Treg cells, suggesting that an expansion of those cells could be beneficial, possibly by limiting strong cytotoxic activity and tissue damage. Additional analysis demonstrated an activated status of Treg cells based on low expression of CD62L and high expression of CD40L, CD69, and CD54 by cells from all chagasic patients after T. cruzi antigenic stimulation. Moreover, there was an increase in the frequency of the population of Foxp3+ CD25HighCD4+ cells that was also IL-10+ in the IND group, whereas in the cardiac (CARD) group, there was an increase in the percentage of Foxp3+ CD25High CD4+ cells that expressed CTLA-4. These data suggest that IL-10 produced by Treg cells is effective in controlling disease development in IND patients. However, in CARD patients, the same regulatory mechanism, mediated by IL-10 and CTLA-4 expression is unlikely to be sufficient to control the progression of the disease. These data suggest that Treg cells may play an important role in controlling the immune response in Chagas' disease and the balance between regulatory and effector T cells may be important for the progression and development of the disease. Additional detailed analysis of the mechanisms on how these cells are activated and exert their function will certainly give insights for the rational design of procedure to achieve the appropriate balance between protection and pathology during parasite infections
