11 research outputs found

    Dinâmica Interanual (2001-2020) da Cajucultura no Município de Jacaraú, Paraíba

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    Cashew farming is an activity of great economic importance for many areas of the Northeast of Brazil.  In the state of Paraíba, the seventh-largest producer of cashew nuts in Brazil, a municipality of prominence in cashew culture is Jacaraú, known regionally for its production of cashew nuts. In this sense, this study aimed to analyse the productive dynamics of cashew production in Jacaraú in the period from 2001 to 2020, seeking to analyse the performance and the factors that interact in this production chain. The data were obtained from the database of the Municipal Agricultural Survey of the IBGE, from which five variables were extracted: harvested area – the percentage of the total, harvested area, quantity produced, productivity, and value of production. The cashew culture is an agricultural activity of great relevance for Jacaraú, with strong participation in the total percentage of the areas harvested with permanent crops in this municipality; however, a strong reduction in the area harvested with this crop was registered, as well as in the quantity produced. The results together show improvements in the production variables in the last two years of the period under analysis, derived mainly from improved productivity and that are a consequence of government efforts to strengthen this production chain. However, these actions need to be continuous and focus on the introduction of more productive and early materials, as well as management strategies suitable for this crop.A cajucultura é uma atividade de grande importância econômica para muitas regiões do Nordeste do Brasil. No estado da Paraíba, sétimo maior produtor de castanha de caju do Brasil, um município de destaque na cajucultura é Jacaraú, conhecido regionalmente pela produção de castanha de caju. Nesse sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a dinâmica produtiva da produção de caju em Jacaraú no período de 2001 a 2020, buscando analisar o desempenho e os fatores que interagem nessa cadeia produtiva. Os dados foram obtidos do banco de dados da Pesquisa Agropecuária Municipal do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), de onde foram extraídas cinco variáveis: área colhida – percentual do total geral, área colhida, quantidade produzida, produtividade e valor da produção. A cajucultura é uma atividade agrícola de grande relevância para Jacaraú, com forte participação no percentual total das áreas colhidas com lavouras permanentes neste município; no entanto, registrou-se uma forte redução da área colhida com esta cultura, bem como da quantidade produzida. Os resultados em conjunto mostram melhorias nas variáveis produtivas nos dois últimos anos do período analisado, decorrentes principalmente da melhoria da produtividade e que são consequência dos esforços governamentais para fortalecer essa cadeia produtiva. No entanto, essas ações precisam ser contínuas e focar na introdução de materiais mais produtivos e precoces, bem como em estratégias de manejo adequadas para essa cultura

    Production and selection of accessions of Opuntia spp. with resistance to false carmine cochineal

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    The genetic improvement program for Opuntia spp. aims to select new genotypes to meet the demands of rural producers in the Brazilian Semiarid region and to expand the genetic base of the crop. The aim of this study was to select accessions of Opuntia spp. with foraging potential and resistance to false cochineal carmine. The research was carried out at the Active Germplasm Bank (BAG) of Opuntia spp. of Paraíba Company Research, Rural Extension and Land Regularization (EMPAER), Pendência Experimental Station, Soledade, Paraíba, Brazil. Accessions were cultivated in rainfed and evaluated in August 2019, 12 months after the implementation of the BAG. The measurement of the Total Green Mass weight of the plants of 121 accessions of the BAG was carried out and the productivity (ton/ha-1) was estimated in a dense cultivation of 100 thousand plants/ha-1. The accessions of Opuntia spp. nº 10, 110, 115 and 119 have growing potential in the Brazilian Semiarid region, as a function of productivity (532.6, 118, 164 and 481 tons/ha-1, respectively) and resistance to false carmine cochineal, in addition to genetic divergence (specific agronomic characteristics) in relation to currently cultivated varieties.The genetic improvement program for Opuntia spp. aims to select new genotypes to meet the demands of rural producers in the Brazilian Semiarid region and to expand the genetic base of the crop. The aim of this study was to select accessions of Opuntia spp. with foraging potential and resistance to false cochineal carmine. The research was carried out at the Active Germplasm Bank (BAG) of Opuntia spp. of Paraíba Company Research, Rural Extension and Land Regularization (EMPAER), Pendência Experimental Station, Soledade, Paraíba, Brazil. Accessions were cultivated in rainfed and evaluated in August 2019, 12 months after the implementation of the BAG. The measurement of the Total Green Mass weight of the plants of 121 accessions of the BAG was carried out and the productivity (ton/ha-1) was estimated in a dense cultivation of 100 thousand plants/ha-1. The accessions of Opuntia spp. nº 10, 110, 115 and 119 have growing potential in the Brazilian Semiarid region, as a function of productivity (532.6, 118, 164 and 481 tons/ha-1, respectively) and resistance to false carmine cochineal, in addition to genetic divergence (specific agronomic characteristics) in relation to currently cultivated varieties


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    Gibberellin is a plant hormone capable of enhancing the productivity of plant’s productivity rants, due to its action in plant physiology, mainly in fruit formation. In this sense, this study aimed to evaluate gibberellic acid levels and application times on the growth and quality of ‘Pérola’ pineapple. The experiment was conducted under field conditions in the municipality of Pedras de Fogo, state of Paraíba, Brazil. The treatments consisted of five levels of gibberellic acid (0.0, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0, and 12.0 mg/plant), distributed in a randomized block experimental design, with four repetitions, in which three applications were made at 50, 80, and 110 days after flower induction. The soluble solids content, fruit height, fruit diameter, and weight were evaluated. The period of application and the levels of gibberellic acid altered the responses for the variables analyzed. The level of 7.5 mg/plant of gibberellic acid promoted an increase in the weight and diameter of the fruit. The application at 110 days after floral induction induced an increase in fruit weight and a greater concentration of sugar in the fruit. Further studies on the application of gibberellic acid and periods of application in different soil and climatic conditions should be carried out to determine more consistent results with this crop.Gibberellin is a plant hormone capable of enhancing the productivity of plant’s productivity rants, due to its action in plant physiology, mainly in fruit formation. In this sense, this study aimed to evaluate gibberellic acid levels and application times on the growth and quality of ‘Pérola’ pineapple. The experiment was conducted under field conditions in the municipality of Pedras de Fogo, state of Paraíba, Brazil. The treatments consisted of five levels of gibberellic acid (0.0, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0, and 12.0 mg/plant), distributed in a randomized block experimental design, with four repetitions, in which three applications were made at 50, 80, and 110 days after flower induction. The soluble solids content, fruit height, fruit diameter, and weight were evaluated. The period of application and the levels of gibberellic acid altered the responses for the variables analyzed. The level of 7.5 mg/plant of gibberellic acid promoted an increase in the weight and diameter of the fruit. The application at 110 days after floral induction induced an increase in fruit weight and a greater concentration of sugar in the fruit. Further studies on the application of gibberellic acid and periods of application in different soil and climatic conditions should be carried out to determine more consistent results with this crop

    Brotação inicial, teor de sólidos solúveis e índice de maturação da cana-de-açúcar submetida à adubação com torta de filtro enriquecida / Initial breasting, soluble solids content and sugar cane maturation index submitted to fertilization with enriched filter pie

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    A torta de filtro é um subproduto da cana-de-açúcar e é utilizado no fornecimento de fósforo para a referida cultura. Nessa perspectiva, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da torta de filtro enriquecida sob o número de brotações, o teor de sólidos solúveis e o índice de maturidade da variedade de cana-de-açúcar RB041443 cultivada nos solos dos tabuleiros costeiros da Paraíba. O trabalho foi conduzido na Usina Monte Alegre S/A, no município de Mamanguape-PB. O experimento foi montado em delineamento de blocos casualizados com 12 tratamentos (T1 – Testemunha (apenas MAP), T2 – Torta, T3 – Torta + MAP, T4 – Torta + Gesso, T5 – Torta + Fosfato, T6 – Torta + Bagaço, T7 – Torta + MAP + Gesso, T8 – Torta + MAP + Fosfato, T9 – Torta + MAP + Bagaço, T10 – Torta + Gesso + Fosfato, T11 – Torta + Gesso + Bagaço, T12 – Torta + Fosfato + Bagaço) com quatro repetições, totalizando 48 parcelas. O número de brotações, foi determinado aos 26 dias após o plantio (DAP) da cana-de-açúcar, por meio da contagem direta do número de perfilhos em um metro linear dentro de cada subparcela. Para as variáveis Teor de Sólidos Solúveis (°BRIX) e Índice de Maturação a avaliação foi realizada aos 282 dias (9 meses) em 5 plantas por parcela de cada tratamento. Os resultados encontrados foram satisfatórios, de forma que a a aplicação da torta de filtro enriquecida possibilitou incremento no número de brotações da variedade RB041443, principalmente no tratamento T9 que foi superior aos demais, sendo esse uma boa alternativa na adubação de plantio da referida cultura e para as demais variáveis todas foram superiores a testemunha. 


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    The forage cactus represents one of the main sources of fodder for livestock in the semi-arid region. However, although it is cultivated on a large scale in several regions, there are still few studies addressing issues of improved management, especially about irrigation and fertilization of recently used varieties, such as those resistant to false carmine cochineal. Thus, this research aimed to evaluate the effect of different levels of irrigation and sources of organic fertilizer on the productive performance of forage cactus variety Mexican Elephant’s Ear (Opuntia stricta). The experiment was set up at Fazenda Riachão, municipality of Boa Vista, Paraíba. Two types of manure (bovine and caprine) and the control were used, associated with the absence of irrigation and five different blades, which varied from 1.5 to 5.5 L of water per week per plant. A 3x6 factorial design with five repetitions was used in a randomized block design. The blades of water applied promoted a significant increase in the variables analyzed. The goat manure was the most effective in obtaining better values of the number of cladodes per plant and productivity.The forage cactus represents one of the main sources of fodder for livestock in the semi-arid region. However, although it is cultivated on a large scale in several regions, there are still few studies addressing issues of improved management, especially about irrigation and fertilization of recently used varieties, such as those resistant to false carmine cochineal. Thus, this research aimed to evaluate the effect of different levels of irrigation and sources of organic fertilizer on the productive performance of forage cactus variety Mexican Elephant’s Ear (Opuntia stricta). The experiment was set up at Fazenda Riachão, municipality of Boa Vista, Paraíba. Two types of manure (bovine and caprine) and the control were used, associated with the absence of irrigation and five different blades, which varied from 1.5 to 5.5 L of water per week per plant. A 3x6 factorial design with five repetitions was used in a randomized block design. The blades of water applied promoted a significant increase in the variables analyzed. The goat manure was the most effective in obtaining better values of the number of cladodes per plant and productivity


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    The generation of solid urban waste (MSW) has grown significantly in recent decades, mainly due to the increase in population and urban areas. Thus, it is necessary to know the quantity and composition of these materials, especially in small municipalities, where the management of this waste is still deficient. In this sense, the present study aims to analyze the production of solid urban waste and its gravimetry in eight municipalities in the sertão of Alagoas. As a source of data, the State Solid Waste Plan of the State of Alagoas - Sertão Region and economic information from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics were used. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was employed. The municipalities were characterized by a low urban population and low GDP per capita values. High variability was observed for the daily generation of MSW, with the predominance of the organic fraction, followed by plastic. On the other hand, low percentages of metals were observed. The ACP explained 69.2% of the original variance of the data in the first two axes and evidenced the strong association between economic aspects and the gravimetric composition of the residues. In view of the large amount of organic material present in the residues of the study area, actions for the use and proper disposal of this fraction, such as composting, should be encouraged.A geração de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU) tem crescido de forma expressiva nas últimas décadas, principalmente devido ao aumento populacional e das áreas urbanas. Dessa forma, torna-se necessário conhecer a quantidade e a composição desses materiais, principalmente em pequenos municípios, onde a gestão desses resíduos ainda é deficitária. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo objetiva analisar a produção de resíduos sólidos urbanos e a sua gravimetria em oito municípios do sertão de Alagoas. Como fonte de dados, utilizou-se o Plano  Estadual  de  Resíduos  Sólidos  do  Estado  de Alagoas – Região Sertão e informações econômicas do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Uma Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP) foi empregada. Os municípios se caracterizaram por apresentar baixa população urbana e baixos valores de PIB per capita. Foi observada elevada variabilidade para geração diária de RSU, com a predominância da fração orgânica, seguida pelo plástico. Em contrapartida, observou-se baixos percentuais de metais.  A  ACP explicou  69.2%  da  variância  original  dos  dados  nos  dois primeiros  eixos e evidenciou a forte associação entre aspectos econômicos e a composição gravimétrica dos resíduos. Visto a grande quantidade de material orgânico presente nos resíduos da área de estudo, ações de aproveitamento e destinação adequada dessa fração, como a compostagem, devem ser incentivadas

    Dinâmica Interanual (2001-2020) da Cajucultura no Município de Jacaraú, Paraíba

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    Cashew farming is an activity of great economic importance for many areas of the Northeast of Brazil.  In the state of Paraíba, the seventh-largest producer of cashew nuts in Brazil, a municipality of prominence in cashew culture is Jacaraú, known regionally for its production of cashew nuts. In this sense, this study aimed to analyse the productive dynamics of cashew production in Jacaraú in the period from 2001 to 2020, seeking to analyse the performance and the factors that interact in this production chain. The data were obtained from the database of the Municipal Agricultural Survey of the IBGE, from which five variables were extracted: harvested area – the percentage of the total, harvested area, quantity produced, productivity, and value of production. The cashew culture is an agricultural activity of great relevance for Jacaraú, with strong participation in the total percentage of the areas harvested with permanent crops in this municipality; however, a strong reduction in the area harvested with this crop was registered, as well as in the quantity produced. The results together show improvements in the production variables in the last two years of the period under analysis, derived mainly from improved productivity and that are a consequence of government efforts to strengthen this production chain. However, these actions need to be continuous and focus on the introduction of more productive and early materials, as well as management strategies suitable for this crop.A cajucultura é uma atividade de grande importância econômica para muitas regiões do Nordeste do Brasil. No estado da Paraíba, sétimo maior produtor de castanha de caju do Brasil, um município de destaque na cajucultura é Jacaraú, conhecido regionalmente pela produção de castanha de caju. Nesse sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a dinâmica produtiva da produção de caju em Jacaraú no período de 2001 a 2020, buscando analisar o desempenho e os fatores que interagem nessa cadeia produtiva. Os dados foram obtidos do banco de dados da Pesquisa Agropecuária Municipal do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), de onde foram extraídas cinco variáveis: área colhida – percentual do total geral, área colhida, quantidade produzida, produtividade e valor da produção. A cajucultura é uma atividade agrícola de grande relevância para Jacaraú, com forte participação no percentual total das áreas colhidas com lavouras permanentes neste município; no entanto, registrou-se uma forte redução da área colhida com esta cultura, bem como da quantidade produzida. Os resultados em conjunto mostram melhorias nas variáveis produtivas nos dois últimos anos do período analisado, decorrentes principalmente da melhoria da produtividade e que são consequência dos esforços governamentais para fortalecer essa cadeia produtiva. No entanto, essas ações precisam ser contínuas e focar na introdução de materiais mais produtivos e precoces, bem como em estratégias de manejo adequadas para essa cultura

    Dietas Artificiais para a Criação de Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann 1824)(Diptera: Tephritidae) is a polyphagous insect responsible for severe damage to fruit production worldwide. Control strategies require laboratory studies in which large numbers of individuals of this pest are required, thus requiring the implementation of mass creations. The success of these creations depends on the use of artificial diets, which represent one of the main costs of this system. In this sense, this study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of different artificial diets based on regional foods in the development of C. capitata in the laboratory. Eggs of C. capitata were inoculated in artificial diets based on sweet potato, yam, carrot, pumpkin and cassava, all in the raw and cooked version, totaling ten treatments, with raw carrot being the control treatment. Variables related to the biometric and biological characteristics of C. capitata, such as larval and pupal viability, fecundity, fertility and sex ratio, in addition to pre-oviposition, oviposition and adult life times, were evaluated. Promising results were obtained with the use of artificial diets based on regional foods, such as sweet potato and pumpkin, in which higher pupae weight and size, good fecundity and fertility, insects with longer oviposition time and longer longevity were observed, whose results were similar or superior to those obtained with the raw carrot-based diet. In contrast, the raw cassava-based diet did not allow larvae to hatch. Unsatisfactory results were also obtained with diets based on yam, both raw and cooked, which makes its recommendation for use in artificial diets for this insect unfeasible. Artificial diets derived from pumpkin and sweet potato, raw or cooked, are efficient as carrot substitutes in artificial diets of C. capitata.Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae) é um inseto polífago responsável por severos danos a fruticultura mundial. Estratégias de controle requerem estudos laboratoriais em que são demandadas grandes quantidades de indivíduos dessa praga, necessitando portanto, da implantação de criações massais. O sucesso dessas criações é dependente do uso de dietas artificiais, que representam um dos principais custos desse sistema. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se avaliar o crescimento e desenvolvimento de C. capitata sob diferentes dietas artificiais. A inoculação dos ovos de C. capitata foi realizado em dietas artificiais a base de batata-doce, cará, cenoura, jerimum e macaxeira, todos na versão crua e cozida, totalizando dez tratamentos, sendo a cenoura crua o tratamento controle. Observou-se as seguintes variáveis biométricas e biológicas de C. capitata: viabilidade larval e pupal, fecundidade, fertilidade e razão sexual, além dos tempos de pré-oviposição, oviposição e de vida dos adultos. Obteve-se resultados promissores com batata-doce e jerimum, proporcionando insetos maiores e mais pesados, boa fecundidade e fertilidade, maior tempo de oviposição e maior longevidade, cujos resultados foram semelhantes ou superiores aos obtidos com a dieta a base de cenoura crua. Em contraste, a dieta a base de macaxeira crua não permitiu a eclosão das larvas. Resultados insatisfatórios também foram obtidos com as dietas a base de cará, tanto cru como cozido, o que inviabiliza sua recomendação para utilização em dietas artificiais para esse inseto. As dietas artificiais derivadas de jerimum e batata-doce, crus ou cozidos, se mostram eficientes como substitutos da cenoura em dietas artificiais de C. capitata


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    Gibberellin is a plant hormone capable of enhancing the productivity of plant’s productivity rants, due to its action in plant physiology, mainly in fruit formation. In this sense, this study aimed to evaluate gibberellic acid levels and application times on the growth and quality of ‘Pérola’ pineapple. The experiment was conducted under field conditions in the municipality of Pedras de Fogo, state of Paraíba, Brazil. The treatments consisted of five levels of gibberellic acid (0.0, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0, and 12.0 mg/plant), distributed in a randomized block experimental design, with four repetitions, in which three applications were made at 50, 80, and 110 days after flower induction. The soluble solids content, fruit height, fruit diameter, and weight were evaluated. The period of application and the levels of gibberellic acid altered the responses for the variables analyzed. The level of 7.5 mg/plant of gibberellic acid promoted an increase in the weight and diameter of the fruit. The application at 110 days after floral induction induced an increase in fruit weight and a greater concentration of sugar in the fruit. Further studies on the application of gibberellic acid and periods of application in different soil and climatic conditions should be carried out to determine more consistent results with this crop.Gibberellin is a plant hormone capable of enhancing the productivity of plant’s productivity rants, due to its action in plant physiology, mainly in fruit formation. In this sense, this study aimed to evaluate gibberellic acid levels and application times on the growth and quality of ‘Pérola’ pineapple. The experiment was conducted under field conditions in the municipality of Pedras de Fogo, state of Paraíba, Brazil. The treatments consisted of five levels of gibberellic acid (0.0, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0, and 12.0 mg/plant), distributed in a randomized block experimental design, with four repetitions, in which three applications were made at 50, 80, and 110 days after flower induction. The soluble solids content, fruit height, fruit diameter, and weight were evaluated. The period of application and the levels of gibberellic acid altered the responses for the variables analyzed. The level of 7.5 mg/plant of gibberellic acid promoted an increase in the weight and diameter of the fruit. The application at 110 days after floral induction induced an increase in fruit weight and a greater concentration of sugar in the fruit. Further studies on the application of gibberellic acid and periods of application in different soil and climatic conditions should be carried out to determine more consistent results with this crop