18 research outputs found

    Isolation and characterization of resident endogenous c-Kitâș cardiac stem cells from the adult mouse and rat heart

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    This protocol describes the isolation of endogenous c-Kit (also known as CD117)-positive (c-Kitâș), CD45-negative (CD45⁻) cardiac stem cells (eCSCs) from whole adult mouse and rat hearts. The heart is enzymatically digested via retrograde perfusion of the coronary circulation, resulting in rapid and extensive breakdown of the whole heart. Next, the tissue is mechanically dissociated further and cell fractions are separated by centrifugation. The c-Kitâș CD45⁻ eCSC population is isolated by magnetic-activated cell sorting technology and purity and cell numbers are assessed by flow cytometry. This process takes ∌4 h for mouse eCSCs or 4.5 h for rat eCSCs. We also describe how to characterize c-Kitâș CD45⁻ eCSCs. The c-Kitâș CD45⁻eCSCs exhibit the defining characteristics of stem cells: they are self-renewing, clonogenic and multipotent. This protocol also describes how to differentiate eCSCs into three main cardiac lineages: functional, beating cardiomyocytes, smooth muscle, and endothelial cells. These processes take 17-20 d

    Preparazione di nuovi biomateriali: membrane zeolitiche ibride e cristalli per adsorbimento di farmaci di interesse oncologico

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    Dottorato di Ricerca in Biochimica Cellulare ed attivitĂ  dei Farmaci in Oncologia, XXV Ciclo, a.a. 2011-2012UniversitĂ  degli Studi della Calabri

    Molecular basis of functional myogenic specification of Bona Fide multipotent adult cardiac stem cells

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    Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) remains the developed world's number one killer. The improved survival from Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) and the progressive aging of western population brought to an increased incidence of chronic Heart Failure (HF), which assumed epidemic proportions nowadays. Except for heart transplantation, all treatments for HF should be considered palliative because none of the current therapies can reverse myocardial degeneration responsible for HF syndrome. To stop the HF epidemic will ultimately require protocols to reduce the progressive cardiomyocyte (CM) loss and to foster their regeneration. It is now generally accepted that mammalian CMs renew throughout life. However, this endogenous regenerative reservoir is insufficient to repair the extensive damage produced by AMI/IHD while the source and degree of CM turnover remains strongly disputed. Independent groups have convincingly shown that the adult myocardium harbors bona-fide tissue specific cardiac stem cells (CSCs). Unfortunately, recent reports have challenged the identity and the endogenous myogenic capacity of the c-kit expressing CSCs. This has hampered progress and unless this conflict is settled, clinical tests of repair/regenerative protocols are unlikely to provide convincing answers about their clinical potential. Here we review recent data that have eventually clarified the specific phenotypic identity of true multipotent CSCs. These cells when coaxed by embryonic cardiac morphogens undergo a precisely orchestrated myogenic commitment process robustly generating bona-fide functional cardiomyocytes. These data should set the path for the revival of further investigation untangling the regenerative biology of adult CSCs to harness their potential for HF prevention and treatment

    Combining cell and gene therapy to advance cardiac regeneration

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    The characterization of multipotent endogenous cardiac stem cells (eCSCs) and the breakthroughs of somatic cell reprogramming to boost cardiomyocyte replacement have fostered the prospect of achieving functional heart repair/regeneration. Areas covered: Allogeneic CSC therapy through its paracrine stimulation of the endogenous resident reparative/regenerative process produces functional meaningful myocardial regeneration in pre-clinical porcine myocardial infarction models and is currently tested in the first-in-man human trial. The in vivo test of somatic reprogramming and cardioregenerative non-coding RNAs revived the interest in gene therapy for myocardial regeneration. The latter, together with the advent of genome editing, has prompted most recent efforts to produce genetically-modified allogeneic CSCs that secrete cardioregenerative factors to optimize effective myocardial repair. Expert opinion: The current war against heart failure epidemics in western countries seeks to find effective treatments to set back the failing hearts prolonging human lifespan. Off-the-shelf allogeneic-genetically-modified CSCs producing regenerative agents are a novel and evolving therapy set to be affordable, safe, effective and available at all times for myocardial regeneration to either prevent or treat heart failure

    Adult c-kitpos Cardiac Stem Cells Are Necessary and Sufficient for Functional Cardiac Regeneration and Repair

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    SummaryThe epidemic of heart failure has stimulated interest in understanding cardiac regeneration. Evidence has been reported supporting regeneration via transplantation of multiple cell types, as well as replication of postmitotic cardiomyocytes. In addition, the adult myocardium harbors endogenous c-kitpos cardiac stem cells (eCSCs), whose relevance for regeneration is controversial. Here, using different rodent models of diffuse myocardial damage causing acute heart failure, we show that eCSCs restore cardiac function by regenerating lost cardiomyocytes. Ablation of the eCSC abolishes regeneration and functional recovery. The regenerative process is completely restored by replacing the ablated eCSCs with the progeny of one eCSC. eCSCs recovered from the host and recloned retain their regenerative potential in vivo and in vitro. After regeneration, selective suicide of these exogenous CSCs and their progeny abolishes regeneration, severely impairing ventricular performance. These data show that c-kitpos eCSCs are necessary and sufficient for the regeneration and repair of myocardial damage