15 research outputs found

    Influance of different rates of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilizers on growth and nutrient use efficiency of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis)

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    The effect of N and P on nutrient concentrations, growth and vegetative traits of rubber (RRIM 2025) clone was evaluated. The treatments consisted 9 combinations of nitrogen (Urea) and phosphorus (Christmas Island Rock Phosphate – CIRP) with fixed rate of potassium (1.5 g per plant). The treatments were applied at different rates T1 (39.49 g), T2 (42.10 g), T3 (38.18 g), T4 (27.28 g) and T5 (26.10 g). The seedlings were planted in 15 cm x 30 cm filled with an Oxisol soil. Soil containing treatment (T2) significantly increased the seedlings growth like height and girth size than the remaining treatments. The results found that seedlings grown with T2 recorded higher chlorophyll content than the seedlings that were grown with T1, T4 and T5. Noticeably seedlings that was grown with T1 (39.49 g), T2 (42.10 g), and T3 (38.18 g) significantly had a higher shoot dry weight (SDW) than seedlings that were grown with T4 (27.28 g) and T5 (26.10 g). The same scenario was noticed in total dry weight (TDW) of the seedlings where T1 (68.64 g), T2 (73.30 g) and T3 (67.08) significantly recorded higher total dry weight than seedlings that were grown with T4 (50.29 g) and T5 (48.86 g). The result shows reflected a correlation between the SDW and TDW with respect to similar influence of the treatments on both the vegetative traits. Higher nitrogen content was recorded in seedlings rubber that were grown with T2 (3.57%) and significantly different from the seedlings that were grown with other treatments. The results of this study showed that higher dosage of fertilizer may not be necessary for the rubber seedlings. Application of fertilizers at the rate T2 which contains 2.0 g urea/plant and 7.5 g CIRP/plant could be considered as the optimum amount of fertilizer required for the rubber seedlings

    Load and Household Profiles Analysis for Air-Conditioning and Total Electricity in Malaysia

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    Load profile of household air-conditioning (AC) and total electricity consumption is essential to increase the stability of the energy demand on the grid. Therefore, field measurements on time series data of total and AC electricity consumption from 20 households were conducted from March 2016 to August 2017. The questionnaire survey was carried out simultaneously to grasp the profile of each family. The average total daily and AC consumption were 14.5 kWh/day and 3.9 kWh/day, respectively. The average hourly electricity consumption for total was 0.6 kWh/hour, meanwhile for AC was 0.2 kWh/hour. About 20% of the total peak demand was contributed by the consumption of AC. The indoor air temperature was measured in the bedroom (BR) when AC was switched ON and OFF with an average of 27 ∘C and 29 ∘C, respectively. However, the indoor air temperature in the living room (LR) was 2∘C and 1∘C higher if compared to BR for both conditions. Based on the questionnaire survey, 92% of the occupants preferred a temperature setting below than the level recommended by the Malaysian standard i.e., 24 ∘C. These results might be beneficial to understand the occupant behavior of electricity demand in Malaysia for designing smart grid energy systems in the future

    Time series data measurement on electricity consumption for selected domestic appliances in typical terrace house of Malaysia

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    This paper describes the pattern of electricity consumption from total and selected domestic appliances at a typical terrace house in Malaysia. The measured appliances can be classified into four groups on the basis of pattern of use which are ‘standby’ (TV), ‘active’ (massage chair, charger of hand phone, laptop and power bank, washing machine, air-conditioners, iron, standing fan, shower heaters, rice cooker, toaster, microwave), ‘cold’ (refrigerator) and ‘cold and hot’ (water dispenser). The major contribution of monthly electricity consumption comes from ‘cold’ appliances that consume 118.8 kWh/month followed by ‘active’ appliances that consume 87.8 kWh/month and ‘cold and hot’ appliance with 52.5 kWh/month. ‘Standby’ appliances shown a small contribution to the total electricity with 0.9 kWh/month. The amount of energy consumed depends on time-of-use, power characteristics of particular appliances as well as occupancy period

    Can gold Dinar replace fiat money as currency? / Noraini Peie … [et al.]

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    Currency instability often leads to economic crisis. This can be seen in period of worldwide economic recession in 1933, Mexican Peso crisis in 1995, currency depreciation in Southeast Asia in 1997 and 1998, and the Russian Ruble crisis in 1998. These crises have led to a discourse on fiat money as a possible culprit to the crises due to its inherent promotion of speculation, debt and interest related economy. The currency crises have also resurfaced the discourse on using gold as a currency. This paper discusses the advantages of using gold dinar that enables it to be a superior currency than the existing fiat money. The paper further examines the possibility of replacing fiat money with the gold dinar and recognises that the implementation of gold dinar proves to be problematic under current realities. One of the major problems related to fiat money is that of credit creation. The paper argues that if the Islamic banking industry under the control of central bank could limit credit creation to prevent excessive growth of money, then the use of fiat money could be defended. In addition, current developments in crypto and digital currency could make the discourse of going back to gold in the future rather obsolete

    Undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Its Risk Factors among Malaysians: Findings of a Nationwide Study

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    Introduction: The prevalence of Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is increasing worldwide and many of these affected individuals remain unidentified. Undiagnosed T2DM may impose substantial public health implications because these individuals remain untreated and at risk for complications. The objective of this study was to determine the national prevalence of undiagnosed T2DM and to identify the associated risk factors. Methods: A nationwide cross-sectional study was conducted involving 17,783 respondents. Two-stage stratified sampling design was used to select a representative sample of the Malaysian adult population. Structured validated questionnaires with face to face interviews were used to obtain data. Respondents, who claimed that they were not having diabetes, were then asked to perform a fasting blood glucose finger-prick test by Accutrend GC machine. Results: The prevalence of undiagnosed T2DM was 8.9% (n=1587). The highest percentage of undiagnosed T2DM was found among males (10.2%), 55-59 years old (13.4%), highest education attainers of primary school (11.1%), Indians (10.3%), married (10.3%), working (8.9%) and living in the urban areas (9.2%). Multivariate analyses showed that factors associated with undiagnosed T2DM were gender, age group, ethnicity, marital status, obesity and hypertension. Conclusion: This study found an increasing trend of undiagnosed T2DM in Malaysia compared to 2006. This finding is alarming as risk factors associated with undiagnosed diabetes were related to most of the socio-demographic factors studied. Therefore, early diabetic screening is crucial especially among adults aged 30 and above to prevent more serious complications of this disease

    Unique Components of Malaysia Counsellor Performance Indicator (M-CPI) : A Tool to Measure the Performance of Counsellors in Malaysia

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    The research aimed to determine the best components of Malaysia-Counsellor Performance Indicator in measuring the counsellor’s performance in Malaysia. This is the first development phase of the MCPI. This study involved two types of research designs; quantitative and qualitative approaches (Mixed Method). The quantitative data has been obtained from 102 respondents and interview with eight (8) counsellors from different settings. A stratified random sampling technique was utilized to select the respondent and proportional stratification was used to determine the sample size of each stratum. A Need Assessment questionnaire has been developed by the researchers as well as the protocol interview. These two instruments were developed based on the literature reviews of previous instruments that have been invented from the Western perspective to measure the performance and competency of counsellors. The results of the study were analysed using descriptive analysis and thematic analysis. Findings have shown that the majority of counsellors possessed knowledge and skills in conducting counselling sessions. Most counsellors in the study demonstrated good interpersonal relationships, interaction, multicultural and religiosity and ethics and professionalism. Through this study, to measure the performance of counsellors, the researchers have found that they must equip themselves with knowledge, skill, interpersonal relationship, interaction, multicultural and religiosity and ethics and professionalism aspects. Based on the interview data, there were new components that have been identified to be added to the Malaysia Counsellor Performance Indicator (M-CPI) which include knowledge (theoretical and knowledge transfer), skills (case management, practical skills and academic/professional writing), interpersonal relationship and interaction, cultural and religiosity, professional roles and expertise, ethics and legality, attitudes and personality, referral and articulate philosophy of the profession. In futu

    Pengenalpastian bakteria tanah yang mempunyai aktiviti antikulat terhadap patogen kelapa sawit, Ganoderma boninense

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    Penyakit reput pangkal batang (BSR) yang berpunca daripada kulat fitopatogen Ganoderma boninense merupakan ancaman terbesar kepada tanaman kelapa sawit di Malaysia. BSR menyebabkan pengurangan hasil tandan sawit dan kematian terhadap pokok kelapa sawit terjangkit, seterusnya menyebabkan kerugian yang besar kepada ekonomi negara pengeluar. Penggunaan racun kimia juga telah diaplikasikan bagi menangani BSR, namun begitu, kaedah ini tidak mampu mengatasi serangan kulat ini. Beberapa kajian telah dilakukan untuk mengenal pasti potensi penggunaan agen kawalan biologi seperti mikroorganisma antagonis dalam mengawal penyakit BSR. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti mikroorganisma pencilan tempatan yang mempunyai kesan antagonistik terhadap G. boninense. Sebanyak 49 kultur bakteria tulen telah dipencilkan dari kawasan sekitar Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia. Tiga pencilan iaitu masing-masing dua strain daripada genus Burkholderia dan satu daripada Streptomyces menunjukkan aktiviti antagonistik yang kuat terhadap miselia dwikarion G. boninense strain PER71 dengan nilai Peratusan Perencatan Pertumbuhan Radius (PIRG) melebihi 70% dalam dua asai antikulat yang berbeza. Analisis jujukan DNA bagi semua pencilan telah menunjukkan spesies bakteria tersebut mempunyai kesamaan yang tinggi dengan jujukan nukleotida 16S rRNA daripada Burkholderia stagnalis, B. cepacia dan Streptomyces gelaticus. Bakteria yang digunakan di dalam kajian ini mempunyai potensi yang tinggi untuk digunakan sebagai agen kawalan biologi dalam menghalang penyebaran G. boninense terutamanya di dalam ladang kelapa sawit di Malaysia

    The Modification of Counsellor Performance Inventory in Malaysian Context

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    Research questionnaires are not always translated appropriately before they are used in new temporal, cultural or linguistic settings. Thus, the results based on such instruments may therefore not accurately reflect what they are supposed to measure. Gjersing et al., (2010). Research has shown that there were only a few literatures in counselling supervision that had been investigated, said Wan Marzuki Wan Jaafar (2011). This study aims to modify the Counsellor Performance Inventory (CPI) by Iannelli (2000) into Malaysian context. The original dimensions on CPI cover the following things: Counselling Skills, Counselling Knowledge and Interpersonal Relationship. This research is a research development aims to modify the original inventory into Malaysian context that considerate of the cultural and ethical practices and added a new dimension known as Professionalism and Ethical Practices. This paper was intended to explain the modification process involved in this study according to Stewart et al., (2012) recommended the researcher to include the reports of: 1) Features of the original measure that required modification; 2) Source of information on the basis for modifications; 3) Specific type of modification made; and 4) How the modified measure was tested for psychometric adequacy and results. Additionally, by implemented the modification on the instrument, it will get the gaps closer and measure what it’s supposedly to be measure

    Attachment Styles and Marital Quality Between Spouses

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    The research was aimed to study the relationship between attachment styles and marital quality between spouses. A total number of 52 spouses representing teachers from Sekolah Menengah Agama Daeratul Ma'arifil Wataniah 1 (SMA DMW 1), in Peninsular Malaysia's northwest coast, participated in this study. There were two sets of questionnaires used: Experience in Close Relationship (ECR) and Marital Adjustment Test (MAT). The results showed that there was a significant relationship between attachment styles and spouses' styles. However, there is no relationship between marital satisfaction among spouses, and there is also no relationship between attachment styles and marital satisfaction among spouses. Future research is suggested to enhance the inquiry by moving beyond self-report instruments to develop alternative methods of assessment as some of the questions should be more specifically contextualised for the diverse Malaysian culture

    Evaluation of organ at risk (OAR) doses based on 2D treatment planning in intracavitary brachytherapy of cervical cancer

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    Conventional two-dimensional (2D) treatment planning of intracavitary brachytherapy is still a common practice at the radiotherapy center. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the organ at risk (OAR) doses estimated based on International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) reference-point in patients with cervical cancer treated with high-dose-rate (HDR) intracavitary brachytherapy (ICBT). Between January 2010 and April 2014, 21 cervical cancer patients were treated with 42 fractions of brachytherapy using tandem and ovoids and underwent post-implant two-dimensional (2D) radiograph scans. HDR brachytherapy was delivered to a dose of 18 Gy in two fractions. Using the Oncentra brachytherapy treatment planning system (BTPS) software version 4.1 (Nucletron, Netherlands), the bladder and rectum points were retrospectively reconstructed based on 42 orthogonal radiographs datasets. The ICRU bladder and rectum point doses were recorded. As for results, the mean percentage dose of rectum and bladder for selected patients treated with intracavitary brachytherapy treatment (ICBT) were 47.27 and 75.59%, respectively. Combinations of ovoid’s size, length of tandem and anatomy variation between each patient were factors that affected the dose to the OAR. Therefore, the ICRU reference points can still be used with the 2D brachytherapy treatment planning in evaluating the OAR doses