110 research outputs found

    Addressing the Passenger Transport and Accessibility Enablers for Sustainable Development

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    Sustainable Development (SD) is a fundamental objective in the European Union (EU) and transport is considered one of the key challenges necessary to achieve it. Although transport is mostly contested from the environmental dimension, an investigation of peer-reviewed literature along with EU policy documents suggests that the transport and accessibility (T&A) criteria of infrastructure, accessibility distance, and multimodality can positively contribute to SD. However, despite this synergetic relation between T&A and SD, a practical analysis of such enablers is unknown at the regional European level. Therefore, this study investigates the Mediterranean as a study area by analyzing 79 identified passenger ports as passenger transport land-sea interaction points. Based on open access data, port infrastructure and ship accessibility, hinterland accessibility, and multimodality are evaluated as the passenger T&A enablers for SD. Comparative geo-spatial analyses are also carried out among the passenger ports\u2019 levels of enablers by using the data normalization method. These data driven comprehensive analytical results can bring added value to SD policy and planning initiatives in the Mediterranean. This study may also contribute to the development of relevant passenger port performance indicators for boosting port or regional competition and attractiveness towards SD

    Resilienza costiera e sviluppo turistico : verso un approccio co-evolutivo

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    Il contributo vuole presentare una parte di ricerca legata al progetto Interreg MED CO-Evolve al fine di mostrare un approccio sperimentale utilizzato per la definizione di un processo di pianificazione che mira ad aumentare il grado di resilienza costiera. In quest\u2019ottica i processi di sviluppo turistico costiero sono stati ulteriormente migliorati integrando gli strumenti di pianificazione esistenti in un pi\uf9 ampio contesto di gestione costiera, rafforzando la valutazione dei progetti di sviluppo locale e perseguendo maggiori benefici per il miglioramento delle condizioni delle comunit\ue0 coinvolte. Attraverso questo approccio co-evolutivo il progetto CO-EVOLVE incoraggia la costruzione di politiche e iniziative per promuovere lo sviluppo di un turismo costiero e marittimo sostenibile e responsabile, applicando i principi della gestione integrata delle zone costiere (ICZM) e della pianificazione dello spazio marittimo (MSP) che tengono conto di tutte le principali sfide legate allo sviluppo del turismo costiero

    Documenting cultural heritage in an INSPIRE-based 3D GIS for risk and vulnerability analysis

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    Purpose The study, within the Increasing Resilience of Cultural Heritage (ResCult) project, aims to support civil protection to prevent, lessen and mitigate disasters impacts on cultural heritage using a unique standardised-3D geographical information system (GIS), including both heritage and risk and hazard information. Design/methodology/approach A top-down approach, starting from existing standards (an INSPIRE extension integrated with other parts from the standardised and shared structure), was completed with a bottom-up integration according to current requirements for disaster prevention procedures and risk analyses. The results were validated and tested in case studies (differentiated concerning the hazard and type of protected heritage) and refined during user forums. Findings Besides the ensuing reusable database structure, the filling with case studies data underlined the tough challenges and allowed proposing a sample of workflows and possible guidelines. The interfaces are provided to use the obtained knowledge base. Originality/value The increasing number of natural disasters could severely damage the cultural heritage, causing permanent damage to movable and immovable assets and tangible and intangible heritage. The study provides an original tool properly relating the (spatial) information regarding cultural heritage and the risk factors in a unique archive as a standard-based European tool to cope with these frequent losses, preventing risk

    Documenting cultural heritage in an INSPIRE-based 3D GIS for risk and vulnerability analysis

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    Purpose: The study, within the Increasing Resilience of Cultural Heritage (ResCult) project, aims to support civil protection to prevent, lessen and mitigate disasters impacts on cultural heritage using a unique standardised-3D geographical information system (GIS), including both heritage and risk and hazard information. Design/methodology/approach: A top-down approach, starting from existing standards (an INSPIRE extension integrated with other parts from the standardised and shared structure), was completed with a bottom-up integration according to current requirements for disaster prevention procedures and risk analyses. The results were validated and tested in case studies (differentiated concerning the hazard and type of protected heritage) and refined during user forums. Findings: Besides the ensuing reusable database structure, the filling with case studies data underlined the tough challenges and allowed proposing a sample of workflows and possible guidelines. The interfaces are provided to use the obtained knowledge base. Originality/value: The increasing number of natural disasters could severely damage the cultural heritage, causing permanent damage to movable and immovable assets and tangible and intangible heritage. The study provides an original tool properly relating the (spatial) information regarding cultural heritage and the risk factors in a unique archive as a standard-based European tool to cope with these frequent losses, preventing risk

    Prendre des photos au musée ?: Quand les visiteurs gardent l'oeil sur l'objectif

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    National audienceSi la pratique photographique au musée n'est pas nouvelle, les appareils photo numériques puis les smartphones ont considérablement modifié le rapport à l'exposition. Certaines institutions s'en sont inquiétées, d'autres encouragent au contraire explicitement les pratiques photographiques des visiteurs. Historiquement, deux visions s'affrontent : la première présente positivement la photographie comme un droit légitime. L'autre la dépeint comme une entrave à la relation directe avec l'oeuvre et la dévalorise en la présentant comme une pratique narcissique ou récréative. La complexité des tensions autour de ces questions au musée nécessite de les repenser au regard de l'évolution de la pratique photographique depuis le XIXe siècle. Sébastien Appiotti revient sur ces conflits autour de la photographie amateure au musée, mais aussi sur ces dispositifs qui cherchent à orienter le regard et les pratiques du public, en particulier en lien avec les réseaux sociaux

    Climate change: local impacts and potential responses of the regional civil protection

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    Questo studio prende in considerazione i pericoli locali che potrebbero emergere dal cambiamento climatico correntemente in atto, e la percezione dei residenti delle Regione Marche dei rischi ad essi collegati. Le caratteristiche geomorfologiche della Regione Marche, localizzata a una latitudine di circa 43°N e con superficie totale di 9,366 km2, rendono i suoi 1,565,000 residenti particolarmente esposti ai pericoli connessi al cambiamento climatico. L’analisi del trend degli ultimi 50 anni di dati di temperatura e precipitazione ha messo in luce un diffuso aumento di temperatura che interessa tutte le stagioni e una diminuzione significativa della precipitazione in inverno, primavera ed estate. Al contrario non è stato riscontrato un trend significativo delle precipitazioni, né in calo né in aumento, in autunno. Queste variazioni in atto potrebbero alterare i processi idrologici nella regione. Per esempio, l’aumento autunnale di precipitazione potrebbe alterare l’intensità e la frequenza di frane e alluvioni, mentre la diminuzione delle precipitazioni e l’aumento della temperatura nelle altre stagioni potrebbe inficiare la capacità di ricarica degli acquiferi regionali. Inoltre, l’alterazione dei regimi idrologici dei fiumi locali potrebbe condurre ad un aumento del pericolo di erosione costiera, bloom algali e deterioramento della qualità delle acque superficiali. Infine, l’analisi di alcuni indici di estremi climatologici, suggerisce la possibilità di impatti negativi in termini di deterioramento del suolo ed alterazione della produttività agricola. L’analisi eseguita da una prospettiva socio antropologica dei circa 800 questionari e interviste condotte su un campione selezionato di residenti, politici locali e ad addetti di protezione civile ha messo in luce una generale consapevolezza dei rischi attuali e futuri connessi al cambiamento climatico. Tuttavia questa consapevolezza non è stata trasferita in strategie concrete di prevenzione del rischio o in piani di adattamento di lungo termine. Apparentemente la difficoltà nel definire strategie di azione collettiva è il risultato di un debole senso di responsabilità, sia individuale che collettivo, riguardo alle questioni climatiche, e di un inefficace trasferimento di informazioni tra cittadini, amministrazioni pubbliche e comunità scientifica. In conclusione, al fine di stimolare lo sviluppo e l’attuazione di strategie di riduzione del rischio, coloro che si occupano della gestione delle emergenze a livello locale dovrebbero migliorare il loro ruolo di “broker” all’interno del network che connette i diversi stakeholders. A questo fine potrebbe essere individuata a livello comunale una figura comunicativa di riferimento che aiuti a trasferire e riverberare le conoscenze relative al cambiamento climatico e a sostenere i networks di comunicazione tra tutti i soggetti coinvolti

    Prendre des photos au musée ?: Quand les visiteurs gardent l'oeil sur l'objectif

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    National audienceSi la pratique photographique au musée n'est pas nouvelle, les appareils photo numériques puis les smartphones ont considérablement modifié le rapport à l'exposition. Certaines institutions s'en sont inquiétées, d'autres encouragent au contraire explicitement les pratiques photographiques des visiteurs. Historiquement, deux visions s'affrontent : la première présente positivement la photographie comme un droit légitime. L'autre la dépeint comme une entrave à la relation directe avec l'oeuvre et la dévalorise en la présentant comme une pratique narcissique ou récréative. La complexité des tensions autour de ces questions au musée nécessite de les repenser au regard de l'évolution de la pratique photographique depuis le XIXe siècle. Sébastien Appiotti revient sur ces conflits autour de la photographie amateure au musée, mais aussi sur ces dispositifs qui cherchent à orienter le regard et les pratiques du public, en particulier en lien avec les réseaux sociaux

    Photographiez, participez ! Cadrage du regard et pratiques photographiques du public au fil des mutations du Grand Palais

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    In recent years, digital cameras and smartphones have metamorphosed the relationship the relationship to the exhibition through photographic practice. Museums often seem to be caught between the need to take these practices into account, or even to stimulate them, and the need to discipline the visitor's body and behaviour by imposing strong limits on the practice.In order to study these photographic practices in their zones of tension between institutional injunctions, sociotechnical frameworks, industrial issues and representations, we have combined several epistemological (anthropology of communication, political economy of communication, museology, semiotics) and methodological approaches (discourse analysis, ethnographic survey through interviews and observations). Our research field has been deployed at the Réunion des musées nationaux - Grand Palais, around four exhibitions: Seydou Keïta (2016); Empires (2016); Rodin. L’exposition du centenaire (2017); Joyaux de la Collection Al Thani (2017). This PhD thesis analyzes the change in the positioning of the institution in relation to the photographic act, which is materially reflected in the design of sociotechnical and scenographic devices and in discourses. In 2018, the Nouveau Grand Palais project for the development and restoration of the site was unveiled. In this research, we are interested in the role that photography, and more broadly strategies for orienting the visitor's gaze, has played in this major economic, functional, identity and spatial reconfiguration of the Grand Palais.En l’espace de quelques années, les appareils photo numériques puis les smartphones, ont métamorphosé le rapport à l’exposition par la pratique photographique. Les musées semblent souvent pris en tenaille, entre la nécessité de prendre en compte ces pratiques, voire de les stimuler, et celle de discipliner le corps et le comportement du visiteur en imposant au contraire des limites fortes à la pratique.Pour étudier les pratiques photographiques du public dans leurs zones de tension entre injonctions institutionnelles, cadres sociotechniques, enjeux industriels et représentations, nous avons combiné plusieurs approches épistémologiques (anthropologie de la communication, économie politique de la communication, muséologie, sémiotique) et méthodologiques (analyse de discours, enquête ethnographique par entretiens et observations). Notre terrain se déploie à la Réunion des musées nationaux – Grand Palais, autour de quatre expositions : Seydou Keïta (2016) ; Empires (2016) ; Rodin. L’exposition du centenaire (2017) ; Joyaux de la collection Al Thani (2017). Cette recherche doctorale analyse le changement du positionnement de l’institution par rapport à l’acte photographique, se traduisant matériellement dans la conception de dispositifs sociotechniques comme scénographiques et dans des discours. En 2018, a été dévoilé le projet Nouveau Grand Palais concernant l’aménagement et la restauration du lieu. Il nous intéresse de questionner dans cette thèse le rôle qu’a joué la photographie, et plus largement les stratégies d’orientation du regard du visiteur, dans cette grande reconfiguration économique, fonctionnelle, identitaire et spatiale du Grand Palais