17 research outputs found

    Salivary Nitric Oxide as Biomarker of Caries Risk in Children

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    Svrha: Zubni je karijes infektivna bolest uzrokovana bakterijama, a ima veliku incidenciju u državama u razvoju. Važni čimbenici u njegovu nastanku mogli bi biti sastavni dijelovi salivarnog obrambenog sustava, kao na primjer organske i anorganske komponente u slini. Posljednjih godina sve je veće zanimanje za istraživanje utjecaja nitrata i nitrita u zaÅ”titi od oralnih bolesti. Svrha ove studije bila je odrediti odnos između koncentracije NO-a u nestimuliranoj i stimuliranoj slini djece s niskim i visokim rizikom za karijes. Ispitanici i postupci: U sklopu studije ispitano je 123 djece s trajnom denticijom (srednja starost 13Ā±0,3). Ovisno o indeksu DMFT-a sudionici su bili podijeljeni u skupinu niskoga karijesnog rizika (51 ispitanik) i visokoga karijesnog rizika (72 ispitanika). Od svakoga su bila uzeta dva uzorka ā€“ nestimulirana i stimulirana slina. Nakon toga se metodom Griessove reakcije mjerila koncentracija duÅ”ikova oksida te ukupni nitrati i nitriti. Rezultati. Rezultati studije pokazuju da je prisutnost duÅ”ikova oksida i njegovih metabolita u slini djece s prirodno zdravim zubima znatno viÅ”a u odnosu prema skupini visokog rizika, Å”to ističe zaÅ”titnu ulogu NO-a u odnosu prema karijesu. Zaključak: Veliko povećanje nitrata i nitrita u stimuliranoj slini kod skupine visokoga karijesnog rizika mogao bi biti odgovor organizma u sprječavanju bakterijskog rasta zbog indukcije sustava NO-a u žlijezdama slinovnicama. DosadaÅ”nji rezultati podupiru tezu o duÅ”ikovu oksidu kao modulatoru bakterijske proliferacije i sugeriraju da povećani NO može kod djece pridonijeti nižoj incidenciji karijesa.Purpose: Dental caries is an infectious process, caused by bacteria, with an increasing incidence in developing countries. The significant factors in caries could be the elements of salivary defense system, i.e. organic and inorganic compounds present in saliva. The last years there has been a growing interest in the role of nitrates and nitrites in protection against oral diseases. The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between NO concentration in unstimulated and stimulated saliva of children with low and high caries risk. Material and Methods: The study group consisted of 123 children with permanent dentition (the mean age 13.4Ā±0.3). According to DFMT index, the subjects were divided into low (51 subjects) and high caries risk group (72 subjects). Two saliva samples were taken from each subject ā€“ unstimulated and stimulated one. Nitric oxide concentration was measured as total nitrates and nitrites by the Griess reaction method. Results: The results of this study show that the presence of NO and its metabolites in saliva of children with natural healthy teeth is significantly higher compared to high risk group, suggesting the protective role of NO in relation to caries. Conclusions: The highly significant increase of nitrates and nitrites in stimulated saliva of high caries risk group could be the host defense response opposing bacterial growth, due to induction of iNOS in salivary glands. The obtained results support the role of NO as modulator of bacterial proliferation and suggest that increased NO production might contribute to lower caries incidence in children


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    The aim of the study was to develop a population pharmacokinetic (PK) model for clearance of 2-oxo-clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Population pharmacokinetic analysis was performed by using 72 plasma concentrations from the same number of patients (mean age of 60.82Ā±10.76 years; total body weight (TBW) of 73.63Ā±9.67 kg) with ACS using non-linear mixed-effect modeling (NONMEM). Validation of the final PPK model was carried out through the bootstrap analysis with 200 runs and it was used to estimate the predictive performance of the pharmacokinetic model. The typical mean value for 2-oxo-clopidogrel clearance (CL), estimated by the base model (without covariates), in our population was 39.2 l hāˆ’1.The value of aspartate transaminase and co-medication with digoxin were determinants of a derived population model. The final regression model for the clearance of 2-oxo-clopidogrel was the following: CL (lh-1) = 1.7 + 1.31*AST + 115*DIGOXIN. The derived PK model describes the clearance of 2-oxo-clopidogrel in patients with ACS, showing that the value of aspartate transaminase and co-medication with digoxin are the most important covariate. This finding will provide the basis for future PK studies

    Numerical simulation of concentrating solar collector P2CC with a small concentrating ratio

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    Solar energy may be practically utilized directly through transformation into heat, electrical or chemical energy. A physical and mathematical model is presented, as well as a numerical procedure for predicting thermal performances of the P2CC solar concentrator. The demonstrated prototype has the reception angle of 110Ā° at concentration ratio CR = 1.38, with the significant reception of diffuse radiation. The solar collector P2CC is designed for the area of middle temperature conversion of solar radiation into heat. The working fluid is water with laminar flow through a copper pipe surrounded by an evacuated glass layer. Based on the physical model, a mathematical model is introduced, which consists of energy balance equations for four collector components. In this paper, water temperatures in flow directions are numerically predicted, as well as temperatures of relevant P2CC collector components for various values of input temperatures and mass flow rates of the working fluid, and also for various values of direct sunlight radiation and for different collector lengths. The device which is used to transform solar energy to heat is referred to as solar collector. This paper gives numerical estimated changes of temperature in the direction of fluid flow for different flow rates, different solar radiation intensity and different inlet fluid temperatures. The increase in fluid flow reduces output temperature, while the increase in solar radiation intensity and inlet water temperature increases output temperature of water. Furthermore, the dependence on fluid output temperature is determined, along with the current efficiency by the number of nodes in the numerical calculation

    The association of clopidogrel and 2-oxo-clopidogrel plasma levels and the 40 months clinical outcome after primary PCI

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    Background A significant number of ischemic events occur even when adhering to dual antiplatelet therapy including aspirin and clopidogrel. Objectives The aim of our study was to determine predictors of long-term patient clinical outcome, among variables such as prodrug clopidogrel and intermediary metabolite 2-oxoclopidogrel concentrations, as well as patients' clinical characteristics. Setting Department for the Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndrome in tertiary teaching hospital, Serbia. Methods This study enrolled 88 consecutive patients with first STEMI, treated with primary PCI, within 6h of the chest pain onsetand followed them 40 months. On the third day of hospitalization, blood samples were collected from each patient to measure clopidogrel and its metabolite 2-oxo-clopidogrel concentration by UHPLC-DAD-MS method. Main outcome measure Mortality from cardiovascular causes, nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke or hospitalization for urgent myocardial revascularization or heart failure. Results The composite clinical outcome of cardiovascular mortality, nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or hospitalization for urgent myocardial revascularization or heart failure, was registered in 31 patients (35.2%) during the 40-month follow-up. Lower clopidogrel (p lt 0.05) and dose-adjusted clopidogrel concentrations (p lt 0.05) were associated with the higher incidence of composite outcome events. Their low plasma concentrations may be predicted by fentanyl administration (p lt 0.001) and creatinine clearance (p lt 0.01). The decrease in dose-adjusted clopidogrel unit for each ng/ml/mg increases the risk 21.7 times (p lt 0.05). Conclusion Clopidogrel dose-adjusted plasma concentration in STEMI patients, as well as multivessel coronary artery disease, showed significance in predicting an unfavorable composite clinical outcome after 40-month follow-up

    Comparative analysis of the first permanent molars caries prevalence in younger and older school children

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    Introduction. The data on the health-condition of the first permanent molars among children in our region is scarce. Therefore, the need for more thorough analysis of the state of health of these teeth in the children from our region imposes itself, along with the need to determine the most critical period in which a significant increase in caries prevalence of these teeth takes place. Aim. The aim of the research was to perform a comparative analysis of the prevalence, average rate and structure of decay, missed and filled first permanent molars in the children of the younger school age in relation to those of the older school age. Material and methods. The research included 1.119 examinees, aged from 7 to 14 years. Examinees were divided into two groups according to their age: examinees of the younger school age and older school age. Dental check-up of the students was performed by means of a dental probe and mirror and the health condition of the examined teeth was registered by means of Klein-Palmer's DMF system. Results. The research determined high values of the examined parameters of the first permanent molars caries prevalence which increases with the age of the examinees. In the examinees of the age of 8, 9, and 10, statistically more significant values of the examined teeth caries prevalence parameters were registered, in relation to the examinees of seven years of age. In the examinees of the older school age, statistically significantly higher values were registered only for TCI and ACI and only in the examinees aged 14 in relation to the examinees aged 11. With the age, the percent of decay is decreases, while the percent of filled and extracted first permanent molars increases. Conclusion. Results show that the period between 7 and 10 years of age is the most critical and the most important period for the implementation of preventive-prophylactic measures aimed to preserve the health of the first permanent molars