235 research outputs found

    Phase transitions in diluted negative-weight percolation models

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    We investigate the geometric properties of loops on two-dimensional lattice graphs, where edge weights are drawn from a distribution that allows for positive and negative weights. We are interested in the appearance of spanning loops of total negative weight. The resulting percolation problem is fundamentally different from conventional percolation, as we have seen in a previous study of this model for the undiluted case. Here, we investigate how the percolation transition is affected by additional dilution. We consider two types of dilution: either a certain fraction of edges exhibit zero weight, or a fraction of edges is even absent. We study these systems numerically using exact combinatorial optimization techniques based on suitable transformations of the graphs and applying matching algorithms. We perform a finite-size scaling analysis to obtain the phase diagram and determine the critical properties of the phase boundary. We find that the first type of dilution does not change the universality class compared to the undiluted case whereas the second type of dilution leads to a change of the universality class.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Analysis of the loop length distribution for the negative weight percolation problem in dimensions d=2 through 6

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    We consider the negative weight percolation (NWP) problem on hypercubic lattice graphs with fully periodic boundary conditions in all relevant dimensions from d=2 to the upper critical dimension d=6. The problem exhibits edge weights drawn from disorder distributions that allow for weights of either sign. We are interested in in the full ensemble of loops with negative weight, i.e. non-trivial (system spanning) loops as well as topologically trivial ("small") loops. The NWP phenomenon refers to the disorder driven proliferation of system spanning loops of total negative weight. While previous studies where focused on the latter loops, we here put under scrutiny the ensemble of small loops. Our aim is to characterize -using this extensive and exhaustive numerical study- the loop length distribution of the small loops right at and below the critical point of the hypercubic setups by means of two independent critical exponents. These can further be related to the results of previous finite-size scaling analyses carried out for the system spanning loops. For the numerical simulations we employed a mapping of the NWP model to a combinatorial optimization problem that can be solved exactly by using sophisticated matching algorithms. This allowed us to study here numerically exact very large systems with high statistics.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, paper summary available at http://www.papercore.org/Kajantie2000. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1003.1591, arXiv:1005.5637, arXiv:1107.174

    Conformal field theories dual to quantum gravity with strongly coupled matter

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    A holographic conformal field theory is dual to semi-classical general relativity in Anti-de Sitter space coupled to matter fields. If the CFT factorizes in the large-NN limit, then all couplings in its dual are suppressed by the Planck scale, making the matter fields weakly interacting. We propose a mechanism to produce CFTs whose dual matter fields couple weakly to gravity, but interact strongly with each other. We achieve this by turning on exactly marginal multi-trace deformations, and quantify the effect using conformal perturbation theory.Comment: 5 pages, v3: minor changes, version as published in Phys. Rev.

    Supervised exercise with or without laser-guided feedback for people with non-specific chronic low back pain. A randomized controlled clinical trial

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    Background: Among the most effective therapeutic interventions in non-specific chronic low back pain (NSCLBP), clinical practice guidelines highlight exercise therapy and patient education; However, regarding the combined intervention of exercise and Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE), there is no consensus on the most effective form of exercise. Objetive: To find out what changes occurred after the application of two exercise modalities [Supervised Exercise (SE) and Laser-Guided Exercise (LGE)] and PNE on pain, pain pressure thresholds, disability, catastrophizing, kinesiophobia and lumbar proprioception in subjects with NSCLBP. Methods: Single-blind randomized clinical controlled trial. 60 subjects with NSCLBP. Both groups performed a a total of 16 therapeutic exercise sessions and 8 Pain Neuroscience Education sessions. With the Laser-Guided Exercise Therapy group performing laser-guided exercises. Results: A significant decrease was observed for pain intensity for both groups between baseline and post-intervention and the 3 month follow-up (p < 0.001). There was a significant between-group difference between baseline and post-intervention scores in terms of pain intensity and kinesiophobia in favour of the LGE group. Conclusion: Supervised exercise with or without laser feedback, when combined with PNE, reduces pain intensity, disability, pain catastrophizing, kinesiophobia and improves proprioception and PPTs in patients with NSCLBP. At a 3-month follow-up, the combination of LGE plus PNE is most effective for reducing pain intensity

    Nonlinear Dynamics of Parity-Even Tricritical Gravity in Three and Four Dimensions

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    Recently proposed "multicritical" higher-derivative gravities in Anti de Sitter space carry logarithmic representations of the Anti de Sitter isometry group. While generically non-unitary already at the quadratic, free-theory level, in special cases these theories admit a unitary subspace. The simplest example of such behavior is "tricritical" gravity. In this paper, we extend the study of parity-even tricritical gravity in d = 3, 4 to the first nonlinear order. We show that the would-be unitary subspace suffers from a linearization instability and is absent in the full non-linear theory.Comment: 22 pages; v2: references added, published versio

    Outbreak of dermatofilosis in calves

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    La Dermatofilosis es una enfermedad aguda o crónica de la epidermis, caracterizada por lesiones inflamatorias, exudativas, sangrantes con formación de costras, causada por una bacteria, Dermathophilus congolensis. Afecta a bovinos, ovinos, equinos, caprinos, animales salvajes y al hombre considerandose una zoonosis menor. El presente trabajo comunica un brote causado por Dermathophilus congolensis en terneros de tambo. Los animales afectados presentaban lesiones en piel, no pruriginosas, estas eran al comienzo sangrantes y dolorosas, terminando en costras las cuales se desprendían junto a los pelos quedando una superficie lisa alopécica. Las lesiones comenzaron en la cara y continuaron por el lomo y miembros posteriores. Se remitieron al laboratorio costras y exudados. Las muestras se procesaron para diagnóstico de dermatofitos y dermatofilosis. Los resultados dieron negativos para dermatofitos y positivos para Dermatophilus congolensis. En base a la sintomatología clínica y a los hallazgos de laboratorio se llegó al diagnóstico de Dermatophilus congolensis.Dermatophylosis is an acute or chronic epidermal disease, characterized by inflammation, exudation, bleeding injuries with scab formation, caused by a bacterium: Dermathophilus congolensis. The disease it causes is consider a minor zoonosis which affects bovines, ovines, equines, goats, wild animals and human beings. This work informs a bud, in a bull calves inn, caused by Dermathophilus congolensis. The affected animals displayed skin non itching injuries which were firstly bleeding and painful, and then scabby, the scabs were given off with hairs to render alopecia. The injuries began in the face and continued in the back and limbs. Scabs and exudates were sent to the laboratory. The samples were processed for diagnosis of dermatophytes and dermatophylosis. The results were negative for dermatophytes and positve for Dermatophilus congolensis. On the basis of the clinical sintomatology and the laboratory findings the diagnosis of Dermatophilus congoliensis came up.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Emerging Pathogen in Wild Amphibians and Frogs (Rana catesbeiana) Farmed for International Trade

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    Chytridiomycosis is an emerging disease responsible for global decline and extinction of amphibians. We report the causative agent, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, in North American bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) farmed for the international restaurant trade. Our findings suggest that international trade may play a key role in the global dissemination of this and other emerging infectious diseases in wildlife

    Hydrochemistry, elements distribution and their potential recoveries in gold metallurgical treatment tailings dams

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    Wastewaters are valuable sources of metals and metalloids and can serve as essential resources for their recovery. Characterizing and understanding the occurrence of metals and other compounds, along with identifying the most effective recovery methods, are key steps in unlocking the potential for reusing these resources. The present study focused on analyzing waters from various mining dams in the Iron Quadrangle (IQ) region of Brazil, which contained metals such as Au, Cu, Ni, Zn, and sulfates resulting from the metallurgical treatment of Au. The results revealed a range of metal concentrations in the neutral zone in three tailings. Additionally, a 3D map was created, and a statistical analysis and an exploration of the processes governing mobility and partitioning were conducted to assess the potential for reuse. Notably, the study identified a high potential for Au recovery, particularly through the utilization of sustainable and cost-effective methods such as nanofibers with biosorbents. Overall, this research contributes to the understanding and exploration of potential reuse procedures for strategic metals in various industrial applications.This research was funded by Fundação para a Ciência and Tecnologia (FCT) through projects UIDB/04683/2020, UIDP/04683/2020, and Nano-MINENV 029259 (PTDC/CTA-AMB/ 29259/2017)

    "Acute Effects of a Session with The EXOPULSE Mollii Suit in a Fibromyalgia Patient: A Case Report"

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    Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain and associated fatigue, sleep disturbances, and other cognitive and somatic symptoms. A multidisciplinary approach including pharmacological therapies along with behavioral therapy, exercise, patient education, and pain management is a possible solution for the treatment of this disease. The EXOPULSE Mollii® method (EXONEURAL NETWORK AB, Danderyd, Sweden) is an innovative approach for non-invasive and self-administered electrical stimulation with multiple electrodes incorporated in a full-body suit, with already proven benefits for other diseases. Therefore, the present case report study aims to evaluate the effects that a 60 min session with the EXOPULSE Mollii suit has on a female fibromyalgia patient. After the intervention, we can conclude that a 60 min session with the EXOPULSE Mollii suit has beneficial effects on pain perception, muscle oxygenation, parasympathetic modulation, and function in a female fibromyalgia patient

    Identification of Neoantigen-Reactive Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Primary Bladder Cancer

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    Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are effective in treating a variety of malignancies, including metastatic bladder cancer. A generally accepted hypothesis suggests that ICIs induce tumor regressions by reactivating a population of endogenous tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) that recognize cancer neoantigens. Although previous studies have identified neoantigen-reactive TILs from several types of cancer, no study to date has shown whether or not neoantigen-reactive TILs can be found in bladder tumors. To address this, we generated TIL cultures from patients with primary bladder cancer and tested their ability to recognize tumor-specific mutations. We found that CD4+ TILs from one patient recognized mutated C-terminal binding protein 1 (CTBP1Q277R) in an MHC class II-restricted manner. This finding suggests that neoantigen-reactive TILs reside in bladder cancer, which may help explain the effectiveness of immune checkpoint blockade in this disease, and also provides a rationale for the future use of adoptive T-cell therapy targeting neoantigens in bladder cancer
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