77 research outputs found

    Coupled, Physics-Based Modeling Reveals Earthquake Displacements are Critical to the 2018 Palu, Sulawesi Tsunami

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    The September 2018, Mw 7.5 Sulawesi earthquake occurring on the Palu-Koro strike-slip fault system was followed by an unexpected localized tsunami. We show that direct earthquake-induced uplift and subsidence could have sourced the observed tsunami within Palu Bay. To this end, we use a physics-based, coupled earthquake–tsunami modeling framework tightly constrained by observations. The model combines rupture dynamics, seismic wave propagation, tsunami propagation and inundation. The earthquake scenario, featuring sustained supershear rupture propagation, matches key observed earthquake characteristics, including the moment magnitude, rupture duration, fault plane solution, teleseismic waveforms and inferred horizontal ground displacements. The remote stress regime reflecting regional transtension applied in the model produces a combination of up to 6 m left-lateral slip and up to 2 m normal slip on the straight fault segment dipping 65∘ East beneath Palu Bay. The time-dependent, 3D seafloor displacements are translated into bathymetry perturbations with a mean vertical offset of 1.5 m across the submarine fault segment. This sources a tsunami with wave amplitudes and periods that match those measured at the Pantoloan wave gauge and inundation that reproduces observations from field surveys. We conclude that a source related to earthquake displacements is probable and that landsliding may not have been the primary source of the tsunami. These results have important implications for submarine strike-slip fault systems worldwide. Physics-based modeling offers rapid response specifically in tectonic settings that are currently underrepresented in operational tsunami hazard assessment

    Physics-Based Earthquake Ground Shaking Scenarios in Large Urban Areas

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    With the ongoing progress of computing power made available not only by large supercomputer facilities but also by relatively common workstations and desktops, physics-based source-to-site 3D numerical simulations of seismic ground motion will likely become the leading and most reliable tool to construct ground shaking scenarios from future earthquakes. This paper aims at providing an overview of recent progress on this subject, by taking advantage of the experience gained during a recent research contract between Politecnico di Milano, Italy, and Munich RE, Germany, with the objective to construct ground shaking scenarios from hypothetical earthquakes in large urban areas worldwide. Within this contract, the SPEED computer code was developed, based on a spectral element formulation enhanced by the Discontinuous Galerkin approach to treat non-conforming meshes. After illustrating the SPEED code, different case studies are overviewed, while the construction of shaking scenarios in the Po river Plain, Italy, is considered in more detail. Referring, in fact, to this case study, the comparison with strong motion records allows one to derive some interesting considerations on the pros and on the present limitations of such approach

    Numerical study on multi-scaling earthquake rupture

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    A new numerical scheme using a renormalization and a 3D boundary integral equation method is proposed to simulate a multi-scaling dynamic rupture of earthquakes: How a small earthquake grows up to a large one in spatially heterogeneous field of critical slip-weakening distance Dc (fracture energy Gc)? We examine the case where Dc grows according to a hypocentral distance L (Dc α Lβ). When β = 1, we succeed to show numerically that a rupture propagates at a constant rupture speed in uniform initial stress field. This result still keeps the scaling relation of Gc and Dc inferred for earthquake size, however no scale-dependent initial process is required. The break of the proportional relation changes rupture speed as well as slip velocity to keep the energy balance. The rupture is accelerated up to a speed even faster than the shear wave velocity (β < 1) or naturally arrested (β > 1). Copyright 2004 by the American Geophysical Union