9,604 research outputs found

    Swarm Intelligence Based Multi-phase OPF For Peak Power Loss Reduction In A Smart Grid

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    Recently there has been increasing interest in improving smart grids efficiency using computational intelligence. A key challenge in future smart grid is designing Optimal Power Flow tool to solve important planning problems including optimal DG capacities. Although, a number of OPF tools exists for balanced networks there is a lack of research for unbalanced multi-phase distribution networks. In this paper, a new OPF technique has been proposed for the DG capacity planning of a smart grid. During the formulation of the proposed algorithm, multi-phase power distribution system is considered which has unbalanced loadings, voltage control and reactive power compensation devices. The proposed algorithm is built upon a co-simulation framework that optimizes the objective by adapting a constriction factor Particle Swarm optimization. The proposed multi-phase OPF technique is validated using IEEE 8500-node benchmark distribution system.Comment: IEEE PES GM 2014, Washington DC, US

    Synthesis, Characterization, and Properties of Mononuclear and Dinuclear Ruthenium(II) Complexes Containing Phenanthroline and Chlorophenanthroline

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    The study of photophysical and photochemical properties of ruthenium complexes is of great interest for fundamental practical reasons. Ruthenium complexes have been investigated for use in artificial photosynthesis. This paper deals with the synthesis and spectroscopic investigation of custom-designed ruthenium complexes containing phenanthroline and chloro-phenanthroline ligands. These complexes maybe useful for biological electron-transfer studies. The heteroleptic ruthenium monomer complex Ru(phen)2(Cl-phen) (where phen = 1,10-phenanthroline and Cl-phen=5-chloro-1,10-phenanthroline) was prepared in a two-step procedure previously developed in our laboratory. This monomer complex was used to prepare the ruthenium homometallic dimer complex, (phen)2Ru(phen-phen)Ru(phen)2, by utilizing the Ni-catalyzed coupling reaction. Both complexes were purified by extensive column chromatography. The identity and the integrity of the monomer complex were confirmed by elemental analysis. The calculated and the experimental values for the elemental analysis were in good agreement for the monomer complex. UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy, emission spectroscopy, and cyclic voltammetry were used to investigate the properties of both the complexes

    Model Fisik Bangunan Pengaman Pilar Jembatan Akibat Aliran Debris

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    Debris flow generally occurs in rivers in mountainous areas. This flows is a very dangerous and destructive. This happens because the debris flow has a high speed and carry a mixture of sediment and other materials. Of infrastructure is built on rivers area flow pattern makes the need for special handling to maintain the protected structure with a substantial investment. This study focuses on the modeling and observation influence debris flow on bridge piers with three (3) conditions: unprotected bridge piers, using gabion protection, and bored pile protection on the model. By using a discharge of 1.54 liters/sec on a scale model of the maximum scours depth is obtained that occurred on bridge piers unprotected condition, that is equal to 1.7 cm and the minimum scours occurs in conditions of safety piers the bored pile is equal to 1.48 cm. The maximum scours volume occurs in the downstream bridge using gabion protected, amounting to 400 cm 2 , while the minimum volume of sediment scours occurs by using a safety bored pile 257.5 cm 3 . By the using protected piers bored pile more effective to resist scours due to debris flows. This is due to the construction of bored pile does not impede the flows that occurs so that the effect scours will reach a point of equilibrium

    Implikasi Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Langsung Terhadap Mekanisme Hubungan Kerja Baru Kepala Daerah Dan Dprd

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    This study is intended to understand and analyze the implications of the direct local head election on the work relation between the new local head and the local parliament in establishing local regulations and local budget, and the monitoring on the local government in general and, especially the mayor of Malang made by the local parliament. Therefore, the approach employed was a normative approach which was supported by sociological approach. Based pm the results and analyses made, it is known that the relation between the local parliament and the local head merely gives grammatical implication in establishing local regulations, and in making the local budget, the role of the local head is more dominant, while in terms of monitoring made by the local parliament, it is not as strong as before or when the local head was elected through the mechanism of local parliament in accordance with the law no. 22. in the year of 1999

    Karakteristik Gaya Kepemimpinan Biro Administrasi Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar

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    : This study aims to determine the characteristics of leadership style Hasanuddin University Administration Bureau of the results of this study are expected to be the study materials and reference for other researchers who will study in the same plane. Besides that, the application of science in the field of administration, in particular the increase in Human Resource Management and can broaden the understanding of the importance of leadership style on performance improvement research employee. Calculate method the population using the formula Sugiyono sloving in 2007, to collect data by questionnaires, interviews and secondary data. Data using Likert Scale. The results showed that the three styles of leadership at Hasanuddin University Academic Bureau that directive, Support, participative and achievement orientation is still considered good

    Kontribusi Keluarga terhadap Pembentukan Karakter Anak (Studi Perspektif Modal Sosial di Kota Parepare)

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    This article analyzed empirically about education character that was applied and developed by success family toward children education, the education that concern on social modal development. Family has function to lay the strong basics about social modal values that are needed by the children. When all of the elements of characters are absorbed by the children, then it becomes integral part in personality reconstruction, basically is the interaction result from system and behavior patterns that practiced by the parents. Family education basic determined the child succeed, depended on behavior patterns and interaction that developed by the parents. Family which has strong behavior patterns created the religious climate is the family that can make a role in an optimal fashion in developing the education of social modal oriented. While the family which is developed liberal behavior patterns, authoritative and ignored the religious climate, showed the low indication of role and function towards social modal development

    Problematika Mewujudkan Keadilan Substantif Dalam Penegakkan Hukum Di Indonesia

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    Theoretically, the problems deal with the attitude of the law enforcers, especially the judges, to take sides in considering the procedural or substantive justices. The 1945 Constitution or the legislation on the justice power and on Constitutional Court of Law actually oblige the judges to realize the substantial justice in law enforcement. The judges are not the sounders of the laws, since human beings are never able to make perfect legislation. It is the judges who should interpret the legislations in order to realize the substantial justice

    Analisis Karakter dan Kearifan Lokal dalam Pembelajaran Sosiologi di Kota Banda Aceh

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    This study aims to discuss the problems in the integration of character and wisdom in sociology learning. The study was conducted in the city of Banda Aceh. The results show that many teachers do not understand and have not mastered the way to make a lesson plan that is loaded with local values​​. Learning is not yet based upon lokal wisdom, even some teachers argued that the material of lokal values ​​is not necessary for various reasons. Teacher empowerment is still minimum. Therefore, the mandate of Qanun ( regulation ) No. 5 of 2000 , Qanun No. 6 in 2000 and UUPA No. 11 2006 on Regional Government of Aceh for adoption of lokal wisdom has not been achieved. © 2013 Universitas Negeri Semaran

    Learning Materials in Character Education

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    Since in 1976, sociology officially became one of the subjects taught in senior high school programs throughout Indonesia. There are still several major problems in teaching it in particular the lack of locally relevant teaching materials and the lack of teachers with a background in sociology. The aim of this study is to find better ways for the teaching of sociology and for students to learn the principles of sociology and to find the best of teaching materials available for constructing a better paradigm for character education and also to identify the various barriers and difficulties inhibiting the provision of highly successful character education through the study of sociology. Most of the results showed that in teaching sociology in Banda Aceh the implementation of teaching character based on local wisdom has major problems and obstacles. In particular the standardized national education program ending with standardized national final examinations emphasizes rote learning unrelated to the real life of the students. This raises contradictions because the centrally prepared material makes it difficult to introduce local indigenous values, culture and traditions