442 research outputs found

    Generasi Alpha: Tantangan dan Kesiapan Guru Bimbingan Konseling dalam Menghadapinya

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    The alpha generation is the generation born from 2010-2025. This generation has parents from generations Y and Z. They were born at the same time as the rapid pace of technological development where information technology can be said to be perfect. In contrast to generations Y and Z where information technology technology is still in transition. The alpha generation cannot be separated from gadgets. Their proximity to gadgets has an effect on lifestyle, mindset, way of learning, and even health. This is a concern for many parents. This study aims to describe the character of children who were born as an alpha generation and the readiness of counseling teachers must prepare in dealing with them. The research method in this study is library research with qualitative techniques. The results of a study conducted from several reviewed articles. Guidance and counseling teachers must be creative in providing services to their students. They must also be technology literate in providing services. That's because the children of the alpha generation cannot be separated from gadgets

    Penerapan Algoritma Des dan Rc6 pada Aplikasi Enkripsi SMS Berbasis Android

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    Smartphone Android adalah telepon seluler yang sedang berkembang dan menjadi kebutuhan di era modern ini. Fasilitas dasar dari telepon seluler yang ada pada smartphone salah satunya adalah Short Message Service (SMS) yang berguna untuk melakukan komunikasi berupa pesan teks singkat. Walaupun masih banyak fitur lain yang lebih menarik, layanan SMS masih banyak digunakan oleh pengguna smartphone karena mudah dan praktis penggunaannya. Dengan banyaknya pengguna layanan SMS, bukan berarti SMS merupakan layanan yang terbaik jika ditinjau dari segi keamanan pesan teks tersebut. Maka dari itu, layanan SMS memerlukan sebuah fitur yang dapat meningkatkan keamanan pesan, salah satunya adalah dengan cara disandikan enkripsi. Enkripsi adalah proses mengamankan suatu informasi dengan membuat informasi tersebut tidak dapat dibaca tanpa bantuan pengetahuan dan atau alat khusus. Pada penelitian ini penulis mengimplementasikan dua algoritma DES dan RC6 untuk proses enkripsi dan deskripsi pesan SMS. Sehingga menghasilkan aplikasi enkripsi SMS berbasis android

    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi akuntansi konservatif

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    The research objective examines the effect of the level of financial difficulty, profitability, growth opportunities, and managerial ownership on conservative accounting in Manufacturing Sector Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study uses quantitative research methods. Data collection using secondary data in the form of annual financial reports accessed through the site www.idx.co.id. The population of this study was 172 companies, the sampling technique was purposive sampling method. The sample was obtained from 164 companies that have been tested for classical assumptions, namely the normality test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedity test. Multiple linear regression data analysis method. The results showed that the level of financial difficulty, profitability, and managerial ownership had an effect on conservative accounting while growth opportunities had no effect on accounting conservatism

    Cognitive Distortions and Lifestyles among Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the City of Irbid.

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    The study aimed to identify cognitive distortions and lifestyles of mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder in the city of Irbid. The study sample consisted of (151) mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder, and they were selected by the available method. To achieve the objectives of the study, a scale of cognitive distortions and a scale of life styles were developed. Their validity and reliability were verified. The results showed that the arithmetic averages of the fields of cognitive distortions for mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder came in the following order, where: the bipolar field came in the first place and amounted to (3.00), while the field of selective abstraction came in the last place and amounted to (2.34). The results also showed that the arithmetic averages of the domains of lifestyles of mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder in the cooperating domain came in the first place and at a high level (4.04), while the avoidant domain came in the last rank with an average arithmetic mean, which reached (2.45). The results also revealed that there were statistically significant differences in the field of self-blame , and the differences were in favor of the age of less than 35 years. And there were statistically significant differences in the field of selective abstraction due to the effect of the mother\u27s job, and the differences came in favor of the working mother. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences due to the effect of the educational level of the mother and the number of children in the family in all areas of cognitive distortions. The results also showed the presence of statistically significant differences in the “dominant” domain, and the differences were in favor of the age of less than 35 years. The results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences (α = 0.05) due to the effect of the mother\u27s educational level, the number of children within the family, and the mother\u27s job in all areas of life styles

    Characterisation of arsenic contamination in groundwater by statistical methods

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    Statistical investigation on groundwater arsenic concentration data of southwest Bangladesh was performed. Two data sets of 1998-99 and 2002-03 were selected for this analysis. Summary statistics of the data shows that the mean concentration exceeds the Bangladesh limit (0.05mg/l) in all areas. Normality of arsenic concentration data was checked by frequency histogram, skewness coefficient and chi-square goodness-of-fit test and found that the arsenic contamination is not normally distributed. The data were checked for spatial distribution by plotting contour maps and it shows substantial spatial variation. Temporal variability was tested by students t-test and found that the area closer to the confluence of Ganges-Meghna-Jamuna river showing significant temporal variation. Vertical variability of arsenic contamination shows that more than 80-90% of the shallow aquifer (<150m) are contaminated with arsenic (>0.05mg/l). Though deep aquifer (>150m) is still considered as arsenic free but 1-3% of deep tubewells water was also found contaminated with arsenic


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    This research aimed to specify the influence of physical bullying behavior on the motivation and learning outcomes of elementary school students in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The approach used was a quantitative method with ex post facto. The samples were 100 students of SD Negeri 53 Banda Aceh. Data collection was conducted by using questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The technique of data analysis was conducted by a t-test. The results of the data analysis of physical bullying behavior on learning motivation obtained at the value of 2.834 and table of 2,04841, so that t count > t table and judging from the level of significance, the variable physical bullying behavior had a value of 0.008 t-table and seen from the level of significance, the variable value of physical bullying behavior was 0.000 <0.05. Based on the data obtained, the results of this study concluded it can be concluded that physical bullying behavior affects the motivation and learning outcomes of SD Negeri 53 Banda Aceh students

    Hydrologic impact of climate change on Murray–Hotham catchment of Western Australia: a projection of rainfall–runoff for future water resources planning

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    Reduction of rainfall and runoff in recent years across southwest Western Australia (SWWA) has attracted attention to the climate change impact on water resources and water availability in this region. In this paper, the hydrologic impact of climate change on the Murray–Hotham catchment in SWWA has been investigated using a multi-model ensemble approach through projection of rainfall and runoff for the periods mid (2046–2065) and late (2081–2100) this century. The Land Use Change Incorporated Catchment (LUCICAT) model was used for hydrologic modelling. Model calibration was performed using (5 km) grid rainfall data from the Australian Water Availability Project (AWAP). Downscaled and bias-corrected rainfall data from 11 general circulation models (GCMs) for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emission scenarios A2 and B1 was used in LUCICAT model to derive rainfall and runoff scenarios for 2046–2065 (mid this century) and 2081–2100 (late this century). The results of the climate scenarios were compared with observed past (1961–1980) climate. The mean annual rainfall averaged over the catchment during recent time (1981–2000) was reduced by 2.3%with respect to the observed past (1961–1980) and the resulting runoff reduction was found to be 14 %. Compared to the past, the mean annual rainfall reductions, averaged over 11 ensembles and over the period for the catchment for A2 scenario are 13.6 and 23.6% for mid and late this century respectively while the corresponding runoff reductions are 36 and 74%. For B1 scenario, the rainfall reductions were 11.9 and 11.6% for mid and late this century and the corresponding runoff reductions were 31 and 38%. Spatial distribution of rainfall and runoff changes showed that the rate of changes were higher in high rainfall areas compared to low rainfall areas.Temporal distribution of rainfall and runoff indicate that high rainfall events in the catchment reduced significantly and further reductions are projected, resulting in significant runoff reductions. A catchment scenario map has been developed by plotting decadal runoff reduction against corresponding rainfall reduction at four gauging stations for the observed and projected periods. This could be useful for planning future water resources in the catchment. Projection of rainfall and runoff made based on the GCMs varied significantly for the time periods and emission scenarios. Hence, the considerable uncertainty involved in this study though ensemble mean was used to explain the findings


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    Abstract: In the province of Aceh, gender equality is still not fully understood by the community, and many face limitations in comprehending the concept. In the implementation of counseling in schools where Islamic law must be adhered to, alongside the demand for guidance and counseling teachers to understand gender equality, it becomes a challenge for them, especially in higher-level schools.The purpose of this research is to gain a deep understanding of how guidance and counseling teachers perceive and face challenges related to gender when providing counseling services under Islamic Sharia Law (Qanun). Additionally, it seeks to uncover the efforts made by these teachers to enhance their own understanding and that of their students regarding gender. This study employed a qualitative descriptive research design with a sample size of four individuals from four different schools, selected purposively through interview techniques. The research findings indicate that guidance and counseling teachers' understanding of gender in school counseling services is influenced by Qanun Islamic Law. There is a variety of perspectives regarding gender differences in Islam, the roles of gender in society, and conservative views on leadership. However, within the school context, gender equality in leadership and students' rights are upheld. In counseling practice, teachers share similar concepts, emphasizing the importance of location and ethical considerations when dealing with adult male students. Challenges include discomfort in addressing the needs of adult male students that require physical contact while adhering to the Islamic prohibition of being alone with unrelated individuals (khalwat). These challenges can be overcome with time. Notably, Qanun Sharia Law does not impose specific limitations on gender in the context of children. Guidance and counseling teachers provide children with the space to resolve their own issues, in accordance with counseling principles in Islam. To improve their understanding of gender based on Qanun Sharia Law, guidance and counseling teachers seek additional information and references that are relevant to the Islamic legal framework.Keywords: Gender; Guidance and Counseling; Qanun Islamic Law.Abstrak: Di Provinsi Aceh, kesetaraan gender masih belum sepenuhnya dipahami oleh masyarakat, dan banyak yang menghadapi keterbatasan dalam memahami konsep tersebut. Dalam penerapan konseling di sekolah dimana syariat Islam harus dijalankan disamping guru BK dituntut untuk memahami kesetaraan gender menjadi tantangan sendiri bagi mereka khususnya di sekolah tingkat atas. tujuan penlitian ini adalah untuk mencari tau secara mendalam seperti apa pemahaman dan kendala para guru bimbingan dan konseling terhadap gender dalam memeri layanan konseling dibawah qanun syariat Islam. Disamping itu juga untuk mencari tau apa saja usaha yang dilakukan oleh para guru bimbingan dan konseling untuk meningkatakan pemahaman mereka dan para siswa mengenai gender. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan jumlah partisipan sebanyak 4 orang dari 4 sekolah yang berbeda yang diambil secara purposive sampling, data yang dikumpulkan menggunakan teknik wawancara secara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemahaman guru Bimbingan dan Konseling tentang gender dalam layanan konseling sekolah berdasarkan Qanun Syariat Islam. Terdapat variasi pemahaman mengenai perbedaan gender dalam Islam, peran gender dalam masyarakat, dan pandangan konservatif tentang pemimpinan. Namun, di sekolah, kesetaraan gender dalam kepemimpinan dan hak-hak siswa dijunjung. Dalam praktik konseling, guru memiliki konsep serupa, memperhatikan lokasi dan etika saat berhadapan dengan siswa laki-laki dewasa. Kendala-kendala termasuk ketidaknyamanan dalam menangani siswa laki-laki dewasa yan memerlukan sentuhan fisik, namun harus mematuhi larangan berkhalwat dalam Islam. Kendala ini dapat diatasi seiring berjalannya waktu. Qanun Syariat Islam tidak memiliki batasan khusus mengenai gender anak-anak, dengan guru memberi anak-anak ruang untuk menyelesaikan masalah mereka sendiri, sesuai prinsip konseling dalam Islam. Untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang gender berdasarkan Qanun Syariat Islam, guru Bimbingan dan Konseling mencari informasi tambahan dan referensi sesuai konteks syariat Islam.  Kata Kunci: Gender; Bimbingan dan Konseling; Qanun Syariat Isla

    Metal Removal Kinetics, Bio-Accumulation and Plant Response to Nutrient Availability in Floating Treatment Wetland for Stormwater Treatment

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    Floating treatment wetland (FTW) is a recent innovation to remove nutrients from stormwater, but little is known about its effectiveness for metal removal. This study aims to test the hypothesis that the metal removal performance of FTWs will be affected by nutrient (NH3-N, NO3-N, and PO4-P) availability in stormwater. Two experiments were carried out in nutrient-deficient tap water, and two experiments were carried out in nutrient-rich lake water using four native Australian plants, namely Carex fascicularis, Juncus kraussii, Eleocharis acuta, and Baumea preissii. Up to 81% Cu and 44.9% Zn removal were achieved by the plants in 16 days in tap water. A reduction in Cu and Zn removal of 28.4–57.3% and 1.0–19.7%, respectively, was observed in lake water compared with tap water for the same duration. The kinetic analysis also confirmed that plant metal uptake rates slowed down in lake water (0.018–0.088 L/mg/day for Cu and 0.005–0.018 L/mg/day for Zn) compared to tap water (0.586–0.825 L/mg/day for Cu and 0.025–0.052 L/mg/day for Zn). A plant tissue analysis revealed that E. acuta and B. preissii bioaccumulated more than 1000 mg/kg of both metals in their tissue, indicating high metal accumulation capacities. To overcome the slower metal uptake rate problem due to nutrient availability, future studies can investigate multi-species plantations with nutrient stripping plants and metal hyper-accumulator plants

    PENGARUH RELIGIUSITAS SISWA ETNIK BETAWI TERHADAP KESALEHAN SOSIAL DALAM IMPLEMENTASI KURIKULUM 2013 : Studi Kasus pada Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri se-Kecamatan Jagakarsa Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan Provinsi DKI Jakarta Semester Genap Tahun 2016/2017

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    Penelitian ini menggambarkan pengaruh kebudayaan Betawi terhadap pendidikan di DKI Jakarta. Peneliti mengukur sejauhmana pengaruh aspek religius siswa etnik Betawi terhadap kesalehan sosial dalam implementasi kurikulum2013. Hal ini disebabkan karena banyaknya penyimpangan perilaku sosial di kalangan pelajar yang terjadi di DKI Jakarta sering menjadi sorotan terutama perihal tawuran, seks bebas, dan narkoba. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain Pre- Experimental Design dengan bentuk One-Shoot Case Study yang dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri se-Kecamatan Jagakarsa. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah ; (1) Kebudayaan berpengaruh terhadap proses pendidikan; (2) Religiusitas siswa etnik Betawi menunjukkan sikap positif sebesar 80,66% dengan kategori tinggi. Jika diklasifikasikan sesuai jenis kelamin maka laki-laki memperoleh persentase 80,11% dengan kategori tinggi dan perempuan memperoleh persentase 81,08% dengan kategori tinggi. Sehingga religiusitas siswa perempuan lebih tinggi dibanding siswa laki-laki; (3) Kesalehan sosial siswa etnik Betawi menunjukkan sikap positif sebesar 73,77% dengan kategori sedang. Jika diklasifikasikan sesuai jenis kelamin maka laki-laki memperoleh persentase 82,18% dengan kategori tinggi dan perempuan memperoleh persentase 82,55% dengan kategori tinggi. Sehingga kesalehan sosial siswa perempuan lebih tinggi dibanding siswa laki-laki; (4) Dalam Implementasi kurikulum 2013 dapat menjelaskan bahwa KI-1 aspek spiritual mempengaruhi KI-2 aspek sosial. Implementasi kurikulum 2013 dalam penelitian ini adalah tingkat pemahaman terhadap pelaksanaan ibadah pada siswa etnik Betawi akan saling bersinergi dengan tingkat pemahaman norma dan nilai moral pada siswa tersebut, apabila dipahami dengan kesungguhan hati nurani. Sehingga semakin tinggi tingkat religiusitas pada siswa etnik Betawi akan diikuti tingginya pula tingkat kesalehan sosial siswa etnik Betawi SMP Negeri se-Kecamatan Jagakarsa. Nilai keislaman yang melekat pada etnik Betawi dapat menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi religius seseorang dan yang berdampak pada kesalehan sosialnya.----This study illustrates the influence of Betawi culture on education in Jakarta. Researchers measure how far the influence of religious aspects of ethnic Betawi students to social piety in the implementation of curriculum2013. This is because the number of deviations of social behavior among students who occur in Jakarta is often in the spotlight, especially about brawl, free sex, and drugs. The method used in this research is to use the experimental method with Pre-Experimental Design design with the form of One-Shoot Case Study conducted in SMP Negeri in Jagakarsa Sub-district. The results obtained are; (1) Culture affects the educational process; (2) Religiosity of ethnic Betawi students showed a positive attitude of 80.66% with high category. If it is classified according to gender then men get 80.11% percentage with high category and women get percentage of 81,08% with high category. So the religiosity of female students is higher than male students; (3) Social piety of ethnic Betawi students showed a positive attitude of 73.77% with medium category. If classified according to sex then men get 82.18% percentage with high category and women get percentage 82,55% with high category. So that the social piety of female students is higher than male students; (4) In the implementation of curriculum 2013 can explain that KI-1 spiritual aspect influence KI-2 social aspect. Implementation of the 2013 curriculum in this study is the level of understanding of the implementation of worship on the students of ethnic Betawi will synergize with the level of understanding of norms and moral values on the students, when understood with sincerity of conscience. So that the higher level of religiosity of the Betawi ethnic students will be followed by the high level of social piety of the Betawi students of SMP Negeri in Jagakarsa sub-district. The Islamic values attached to the Betawi ethnic group can be one of the factors affecting a person's religious and which impact on his social piety
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