33 research outputs found

    Cryptic Eimeria genotypes are common across the southern but not northern hemisphere

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    The phylum Apicomplexa includes parasites of medical, zoonotic and veterinary significance. Understanding the global distribution and genetic diversity of these protozoa is of fundamental importance for efficient, robust and long-lasting methods of control. Eimeria spp. cause intestinal coccidiosis in all major livestock animals and are the most important parasites of domestic chickens in terms of both economic impact and animal welfare. Despite having significant negative impacts on the efficiency of food production, many fundamental questions relating to the global distribution and genetic variation of Eimeria spp. remain largely unanswered. Here, we provide the broadest map yet of Eimeria occurrence for domestic chickens, confirming that all the known species (Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria brunetti, Eimeria maxima, Eimeria mitis, Eimeria necatrix, Eimeria praecox, Eimeria tenella) are present in all six continents where chickens are found (including 21 countries). Analysis of 248 internal transcribed spacer sequences derived from 17 countries provided evidence of possible allopatric diversity for species such as E. tenella (FST values ⩽0.34) but not E. acervulina and E. mitis, and highlighted a trend towards widespread genetic variance. We found that three genetic variants described previously only in Australia and southern Africa (operational taxonomic units x, y and z) have a wide distribution across the southern, but not the northern hemisphere. While the drivers for such a polarised distribution of these operational taxonomic unit genotypes remains unclear, the occurrence of genetically variant Eimeria may pose a risk to food security and animal welfare in Europe and North America should these parasites spread to the northern hemisphere

    Rhabdomyolysis and myogloginuric acute renal failure in the lithotomy/exaggerated lithotomy position of urogenital surgeries

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    Objective: To evaluate rhabdomyolysis and it′s management in lithotomy and the exaggerated lithotomy positions during urogenital surgeries. Design: Retrospective study Setting: Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research (IPGME & R), Kolkata, India. Materials and Methods: Patients undergoing urogenital surgeries (lithotomy and the exaggerated lithotomy positions). Intervention(s): All four cases of rhabdomyolysis which occurred after such positional urogenital surgeries were treated with conservative management for prolonged period with hemodialysis. One case which developed compartment syndrome underwent fasciotomy and also managed with conservative approach as other cases. Main Outcome Measure: Rhabdomylysis is now a rare complication in any open or laparoscopic surgery. But prolonged lithotomy or exaggerated lithotomy position surgeries have been shown to expose patients to the risk of rhabdomylysis and acute renal failure. Results: In our institute patients undergoing urogenital surgeries in lithotomy and the exaggerated lithotomy positions only developed rhabdomyolysis and myogloginuric acute renal failure. All procedures were of prolonged duration (mean five hours and ten minutes). Three patients developed rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure without compartmental syndrome and one with compartmental syndrome. Rhabdomyolysis with the appearance of acute renal failure is discussed. Conclusion: Overall, our cases showed that rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure can develop in such operative positions even in the absence of compartmental syndrome, and that duration of surgery is the most important risk factor for such complications. So we should be careful regarding duration of surgery in lithotomy procedure to prevent such morbid complications

    Successful management of auto knotted intravesical infant feeding tube by minimal invasive technique

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    We report a case of acute urinary retention due to intravesical auto knotting of infant feeding tube in a child treated successfully by endoscopic approach

    Collecting duct carcinoma: A rare renal tumor

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    The most common primary malignant renal tumor is renal cell carcinoma (RCC), which accounts for 3% of all adult malignancies. Bellini duct carcinoma or collecting duct carcinoma is an unusual rare variant of RCC. This histologically distinct tumor is very rare, with less than 100 cases reported in the literature, and accounts for approximately 1% of all malignant renal epithelial tumors. We report two cases of collecting duct carcinoma and highlight the rarity of these tumors and their similarity to RCC

    Minimally-invasive management of prostatic abscess: The role of transrectal ultrasound

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    <b>Context and Aim: </b> Prostatic abscess is an unusual condition. The prevalence of prostatic abscess is about 0.5&#x0025; of all prostatic diseases. The purpose of the study is to present and discuss the role of transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) in the management of prostatic abscess. <b> Settings and Design: </b> Retrospective study. <b> Materials and Methods: </b> We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of all eight patients diagnosed and treated for prostatic abscess in the last threeyears. TRUS was used for diagnosis in all cases. Four patients had TRUS guided aspiration for management of prostatic abscess. Data collected regarding etiology, clinical features, investigations and treatment was compared with the available literature. <b> Results:</b> The age of patients ranged from 18-65 yrs (mean 47.12 yrs). Out of the eight patients, six were diabetics. TRUS revealed one or more hypoechoic areas within the prostate in all the patients. Successful treatment of prostatic abscess with TRUS guided needle aspiration was done in all fourpatients in whom it was used. Mean hospitalization time was 9.4 days, and most frequent bacterial agent was <i>S. aureus</i>. <b>Conclusions: </b> TRUS is useful in diagnosis as well as in guidance for aspiration of such abscesses. TRUS guided needle aspiration is an effective method for treating prostatic abscess. Most of the patients are diabetics and usually grow Staphaureus. So an antibiotic with staphylococcal coverage should be used empirically

    Laparoscopic adrenalectomy: A single center experience

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    Aims : To evaluate the efficacy and safety of laparoscopic adrenalectomy in benign adrenal disorders. Methods and Material: Since July 2007, twenty patients have undergone laparoscopic adrenalectomy for various benign adrenal disorders at our institution. Every patient underwent contrast enhanced CT-abdomen. Serum corticosteroid levels were conducted in all, and urinary metanephrines, normetanephrines and VMA levels were performed in suspected pheochromocytoma. All the patients underwent laparoscopic adrenalectomy via the transperitoneal approach. Results : The patients were in the age range of 18-57 years, eleven males and nine females, seven right, eleven left, two bilateral. The mean operative time was 150 minutes (120-180), mean hospital stay four days (3-5), mean intraoperative blood loss 150 ml and mean post-operative analgesic need was for 36 (24-72) hours. One out of twenty-two laparoscopic operations had to be converted into open adrenalectomy due to intra-operative complications. Conclusions : Laparoscopic adrenalectomy is a safe, effective and useful procedure without any major post-operative complication and is the gold standard for all benign adrenal disorders

    Sutureless circumcision - An Indian experience

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    Context: Traditionally, circumcision wounds are closed by absorbable sutures. However, certain alternative methods are also being utilized to overcome the shortcomings of the conventionally used method for circumcision wound closuring. In the current study, the use of tissue glue ((iso amyl 2-cyanoacrylate) has been compared with traditional suturing for the approximation of circumcision wounds. In our study, both the methods were found to be comparable with significantly less time consumed in glue group. Aims: The purpose of the present study has been to compare directly cyanoacrylate as a better alternative to conventional suture material in terms of cosmetic result, time consumed and incidence of infection (comparative study). Materials and Methods: The results of all the patients seen in outpatient department for circumcision were included in this study. The study was conducted from Aug 2009 to May 2010. The tissue glue (iso amyl 2-cyanoacrylate) was compared to sutures as a method of wound approximation in circumcision. Results: Tissue glue group has been observed to have less wound inflammation, bleeding or hematoma rate and was cosmetically superior as compared to suture group; however, none of these findings could reach statistically significant level. The mean time taken for circumcision was 14.2 min (SD 2.42), when tissue glue was used for wound approximation. However, it was 24.4 min (SD 5.06) in case of the use of sutures. This difference was found as highly significant (P value < 0.001). However, regarding postoperative pain no significant reduction was observed when glue was used. Conclusions: This study showed that the use of tissue glue in comparison to sutures is having the following advantages: Cosmetically superiorLess time consuming All other parameters measured were nearly the same and statically insignificant

    Extracellular Matrix Remodeling, Integrin Expression, and Downstream Signaling Pathways Influence the Osteogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Poly(Lactide-Co-Glycolide) Substrates

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    The possibility of using multipotent adult bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for tissue-engineering applications hinges on the ability to predictably control their differentiation. Previously, we showed the osteogenic potential of adult bone marrow–derived MSCs cultured on thin films of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) depends in part on the identity of extracellular matrix (ECM) ligands initially deposited onto the material from serum in the culture medium. Here we have addressed the hypothesis that remodeling of the PLGA surface via the de novo synthesis of ECM proteins by the MSCs may also play an important role in governing their osteogenic differentiation. Supporting this hypothesis, increasing amounts of fibronectin and type-I collagen were synthesized and deposited onto thin-film PLGA substrates, whereas vitronectin levels diminished over a 28-day time course. Integrin expression profiles changed accordingly, with higher levels of α2β1 and α5β1 than αvβ3 at three different time points. The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and phosphatidyl inositol-3-kinase (PI3K) pathways were also activated in MSCs cultured on these substrates, and their inhibition significantly inhibited osteogenic differentiation as assessed according to alkaline phosphatase activity and mineral deposition. These data indicate that initial ECM deposition, subsequent matrix remodeling, and corresponding integrin expression profiles influence osteogenesis in MSCs cultured on PLGA in part by engaging MAPK and PI3K signaling pathways. Understanding the mechanisms by which stem cells respond to different polymers will be critical in their eventual therapeutic use