3,557 research outputs found

    Estimation of kinetic parameters related to biochemical interactions between hydrogen peroxide and signal transduction proteins

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    Copyright © 2014 Brito and Antunes. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.The lack of kinetic data concerning the biological effects of reactive oxygen species is slowing down the development of the field of redox signaling. Herein, we deduced and applied equations to estimate kinetic parameters from typical redox signaling experiments. H2O2-sensing mediated by the oxidation of a protein target and the switch-off of this sensor, by being converted back to its reduced form, are the two processes for which kinetic parameters are determined. The experimental data required to apply the equations deduced is the fraction of the H2O2 sensor protein in the reduced or in the oxidized state measured in intact cells or living tissues after exposure to either endogenous or added H2O2. Either non-linear fittings that do not need transformation of the experimental data or linearized plots in which deviations from the equations are easily observed can be used. The equations were shown to be valid by fitting to them virtual time courses simulated with a kinetic model. The good agreement between the kinetic parameters estimated in these fittings and those used to simulate the virtual time courses supported the accuracy of the kinetic equations deduced. Finally, equations were successfully tested with real data taken from published experiments that describe redox signaling mediated by the oxidation of two protein tyrosine phosphatases, PTP1B and SHP-2, which are two of the few H2O2-sensing proteins with known kinetic parameters. Whereas for PTP1B estimated kinetic parameters fitted in general the present knowledge, for SHP-2 results obtained suggest that reactivity toward H2O2 as well as the rate of SHP-2 regeneration back to its reduced form are higher than previously thought. In conclusion, valuable quantitative kinetic data can be estimated from typical redox signaling experiments, thus improving our understanding about the complex processes that underlie the interplay between oxidative stress and redox signaling responses.Supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal (PEst-OE/QUI/UI0612/2013 and VIH/SAU/0020/2011).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Zastosowanie metod terapii tańcem/ruchem u dzieci z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu jako czynników ułatwiających kreatywny ruch i komunikację niewerbalną

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    In the article there were presented the results of research conducted among the children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), aged 4–7, in which there were used dance/movement therapy methods to promote creative movement and nonverbal communication. The research was based on works by different authors. They focused on the dynamics of development in childhood and dance/movement therapy in articulation with pedagogical methods for pupils with ASD. By observing and recording the sessions, it was possible to identify a qualitative evolution of nonverbal communication and creative movement in the participants. Based on the conducted research it was concluded that further studies using dance/movement therapy should be provided to identify and confirm the expansion and consistency of the evolution of creative movement.W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych wśród dzieci z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu (ASD) w wieku 4–7 lat, w których zastosowano metody terapii tańcem/ruchem w celu promowania kreatywnego ruchu i komunikacji niewerbalnej. Badanie oparto na pracach różnych autorów, w tym odwołujących się do dynamiki rozwoju w dzieciństwie i terapii tańcem/ruchem w artykulacji metodami pedagogicznymi wprowadzonymi u uczniów z ASD. Obserwując i rejestrując sesje, można było zidentyfikować jakościową ewolucję niewerbalnej komunikacji i kreatywnego ruchu u uczestników. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że należy przeprowadzić dalsze badania z wykorzystaniem terapii tańcem/ruchem w celu zidentyfikowania i potwierdzenia ekspansji i spójności ewolucji ruchu twórczego

    SPP Toolbox : supporting sustainable public procurement in the context of socio-technical transitions

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    ABSTRACT: Public procurement can shape production and consumption trends and represents a stimulus for both innovation and diversification in products and services, through a direct increase in demand. In recent years, the interest in demand-side policies has grown and several approaches have emerged, such as Green Public Procurement (GPP), Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) and Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI), representing strategic goals to be achieved through public procurement. In this context, there is a need to guide and support public organizations in the uptake of GPP, SPP and PPI practices. To respond to the challenges raised by the operationalization of such strategies, this paper proposes a new tool—the SPP Toolbox—for guiding public organizations as they re-think the procurement process, raising their ambitions and broadening their vision, thus changing the organizational approach towards culture, strategies, structures and practices. This toolbox integrates insights from GPP, SPP and PPI objectives and practices, in the context of the emergence of socio-technical transitions. The toolbox coherently links GPP, SPP and PPI, allowing flexibility in terms of goals, yet promoting an increasing complexity of institutionalized practices and skills—from GPP to SPP and then from SPP to PPI, organized in a framework fully integrated into the organizational strategy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Zaburzenia ze spektrum autyzmu. Jakie metody interwencji należy wybrać?

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    Considering that the child’s development is a network of interactions between the family, peers, caregivers and society forces us to look at the child with differentiated skills using lenses with different perspectives. Such an approach implies a choice of both the instruments that are used to observe or intervene, and method of interpreting the child’s behavior, which, while not following the typical development path, does not lose the features of being an actor acting on the basis of his own will, but also an organizer of his own actions, based on changes and their dynamics. Based on the ecological development theory, research was conducted to understand the perspectives of various actors (experts, professionals, parents) regarding educational intervention related to specific programs for students with autism spectrum disorders. Using the qualitative case study methodology, different views were noted that emerged in the narratives of children with autism spectrum disorders.Rozumienie tego, że rozwój dziecka to sieć interakcji między rodziną, rówieśnikami, opiekunami i społeczeństwem, skłania do spojrzenia na nie poprzez pryzmat soczewek o różnych perspektywach. Takie podejście implikuje wybór zarówno instrumentów, które są wykorzystywane do obserwacji czy interwencji, jak i sposobu interpretacji zachowań dziecka, które nie wpisując się w ścieżkę rozwojową uznawaną za typową, nie traci cech bycia aktorem działającym w oparciu o własną wolę, ale i organizatorem własnych działań bazującym na zmianach i ich dynamice. Opierając się na teorii rozwoju ekologicznego, przeprowadzono badania, aby zrozumieć perspektywy różnych podmiotów (ekspertów, specjalistów, rodziców) w zakresie interwencji edukacyjnej związanej z określonymi programami dla uczniów ze spektrum autyzmu. Korzystając z jakościowej metodologii studium przypadku, odnotowano różne opinie, które pojawiły się w narracjach dzieci z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu

    Supporting sustainable public procurement in the context of socio-technical transitions

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    LIFE + programme (contract number LIFE 09 ENV/PT/50). Pest-OE/AMB/UI4085/2013 from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation.Public procurement can shape production and consumption trends and represents a stimulus for both innovation and diversification in products and services, through a direct increase in demand. In recent years, the interest in demand-side policies has grown and several approaches have emerged, such as Green Public Procurement (GPP), Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) and Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI), representing strategic goals to be achieved through public procurement. In this context, there is a need to guide and support public organizations in the uptake of GPP, SPP and PPI practices. To respond to the challenges raised by the operationalization of such strategies, this paper proposes a new tool-the SPP Toolbox-for guiding public organizations as they re-think the procurement process, raising their ambitions and broadening their vision, thus changing the organizational approach towards culture, strategies, structures and practices. This toolbox integrates insights from GPP, SPP and PPI objectives and practices, in the context of the emergence of socio-technical transitions. The toolbox coherently links GPP, SPP and PPI, allowing flexibility in terms of goals, yet promoting an increasing complexity of institutionalized practices and skills-from GPP to SPP and then from SPP to PPI, organized in a framework fully integrated into the organizational strategy.publishersversionpublishe

    Diálogos entrefronteras: deseo y violencia en Guillermo GómezPeña y David Aniñir

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    IX Congresso Brasileiro de Hispanistas realizado nos dias 22 a 25 agosto 2016El desarrollo del capitalismo en las sociedades poscoloniales ha sido acompañado en todo el mundo por nuevas orientaciones para la colonialidad del poder y por migraciones, tanto internas como internacionales (CANCLINI, 1989; CORNEJO POLAR, 1996 ). Las “zonas de contacto” (PRATT, 1997) se han multiplicado, principalmente en las zonas urbanas, y se establecen como un espacio conflictivo y articulador de tiempos y espacios distintos. Así como indica Avtar Brah (1996), las colonizaciones son experiencias de violencia que ocurren de diferentes maneras en cada tiempo/espacio, de esa forma es también posible afirmar que las ciudades poscoloniales y las fronteras que en ellas están circunscritas son vividas y trabajadas artísticamente de diferentes formas. En este ensayo propondremos una lectura de esas heterogeneidades relativas a partir de los conceptos de “deseo” y “violencia” contenidos en el sentido propio de la colonización (YOUNG, 1995) en las obras del performerescritor chicano Guillermo GómezPeña, en Estados Unidos y del poeta mapuche David Aniñir, desde la periferia de la ciudad de Santiago, Chile. Los dos autores que, hablando desde las más distintas fronteras, articulan, en sus obras artísticas desde diferentes posiciones, los conflictos y negociaciones en los márgenes de las ciudades globales en la contemporaneidadUNILA­-UNIOEST

    Literatura, fronteras y (pos) colonialidades en América Latina: una mirada hacia la obra Mapurbe Venganza a Raíz, de David Aniñir Guiltaro

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    IX Congresso Brasileiro de Hispanistas realizado nos dias 22 a 25 agosto 2016Con el desarrollo del capitalismo en el mundo colonial/moderno los homogeneizadores proyectos literarios nacionales abrenespacio para obras de grupos y autores particulares que escriben desde la realidad rota de una América Latina poscolonial.Las fronteras, además de haberse convertido el enfoque de diversos estudios, fueron artísticamente abordadas por artistas de distintas nacionalidades, etnias y (in)habitantes de distintos espacios/tiempos, constituyendo una forma estética contradictoria y heterogénea que acompaña, más allá de la creatividad artística, los sobrepuestos diseños enunciativos articulados en el seno de las distintas colonizaciones y experiencias/vivencias de sus autores. El Poemario Mapurbe. Venganza a Raíz, del escritor Mapuche David Aniñir (2004), es una de esas obras que nos habla desde el espacio conflictivo que es el ser mapuche en las periferias de Santiago y trabaja, en su propio texto, esta condición anfíbia de entrelugar. En este ensayo buscamos identificar, interpretar y analizar algunos procesos de hibridación/transculturación en la contemporánea obra. Entre los procesos observados, destacamos el trabajo con el lenguaje, la elección y la organización de temas, cosmovisión y la estructuración de la obra, comprendidos de manera interdependiente para la articulación creadora de un tercer espacio discursivo y literarioUNILA­-UNIOEST