145 research outputs found

    Developing and Developed Countries, States and Corporations at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, 2015

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    Two simple rankings tell much about what is at stake, when world leaders meet in Paris in late November to negotiate a global treaty on climate change. One is the ranking of top economies in the world, and the changes in this ranking from 1992 to today. The other is the ranking of the largest corporations in the world, and what these corporations invest in

    Moral justifications in the media debate on globalization in Finland, 1995–2014

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    This article presents a methodological tool, Justifications Analysis, and uses it to analyze the debate on globalization in Finnish mass media between 1995 and 2014. Justifications Analysis focuses on the moral principles evoked to justify arguments, something that tends to be overlooked by most established approaches to media content analysis. Regarding the frequency of coverage, it is found that the debate in Finland deviates from the global issue attention cycle and lasts longer, driven by national key events. Concerning the groups of speakers, the Global Justice Movement is found to have initiated the debate; the elites are divided into two groups, one defending and the other opposing the movement. Moral justifications are used extensively. All parties to the debate justify their arguments by referring to the common good, but disagree over whether it should be defined in terms of market worth, equality and democracy, national values, or some combination of these.Peer reviewe

    Affective blocs : Understanding affective polarization in multiparty systems

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    Research has suggested that affective polarization (AP)—the extent to which partisans view each other as a disliked out-group—has increased, especially in two-party political systems such as in the US. The understanding of AP in multiparty systems remains limited. We study AP in Finland, characterized by a strong multiparty system and a low level of ideological polarization, between 2007 and 2019. We find that AP has increased, driven mainly by voters evaluating their least favorite party more negatively. We also propose an approach that goes beyond earlier literature, which has mostly used a single aggregate metric to measure AP. Using latent profile analysis, we find that voters are grouped into blocs that view some parties positively and others negatively. This suggests that the complex dynamics of AP in multiparty democracies involve relationships between not just individual parties but between what we call affective blocs that span across party lines.Peer reviewe

    Who got their way? : Advocacy coalitions and the Irish climate change law

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    Which organisations saw their positions on two contentious issues reflected in the Irish climate law of 2015, and what role did advocacy coalitions play in the policy process? These questions are answered drawing theoretically from the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) and by conducting a network analysis of survey data collected from the organisations involved in the national climate policy process. The study finds that several institutionally important or economically powerful organisations, particularly those involved in the agricultural sector, as well as the government parties saw their preferences reflected in the law. This resulted in legislation that excluded binding emission reductions targets, differentiating it from similar laws introduced in other European countries. Organisations in favour of stronger regulation formed a coalition to advocate for their positions, but they largely failed to get their way.Peer reviewe

    The Science–Policy Interface as a Discourse Network : Finland’s Climate Change Policy 2002–2015

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    In this article, we argue that the science–policy interface can be understood as a discourse network constituted by discursive interaction between scientific organizations and other actors that both use scientific arguments in conjunction with other policy arguments. We use discourse network analysis to investigate the climate change policy process in Finland between 2002 and 2015, focusing on the role of and relationships between scientific actors and arguments in the discourse networks. Our data consist of policy actors’ written testimonies on two law proposals, the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol (2002) and the enactment of the Finnish Climate Law (2015). Our results show that two competing discourse coalitions have influenced the development of climate change policy in the 2000s. In 2002, the dominant coalition was economic, prioritizing economic growth over climate change mitigation. In 2015, the climate coalition that argued for ambitious mitigation measures became dominant. The majority of scientific actors were part of the dominant economy coalition in 2002 and part of the dominant ecology coalition in 2015. The centrality of scientific arguments increased over time, and both discourse coalitions used them progressively more. These developments reflect the increasingly central position of science in Finnish climate policymaking. We contribute to the literature on the science–policy interface by operationalizing the interface as a set of connections in a discourse network and by showing how the analysis of discourse networks and their properties can help us understand the shifts in the role of science in policymaking over time.Peer reviewe

    Lantapohjaisten kierrätyslannoitteiden markkinatutkimus

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    Ravinteiden kierrätykselle on Suomessa valtava potentiaali, mutta kierrätyslannoitteiden markkinat ovat vielä kehittymättömät. Markkinoiden kehittämiseksi kierrätysravinteista tulee kehittää lannoitetuotteita ja niiden ympärille liiketoimintaa. Lannoitteiden täytyy olla taloudellisesti kannattavia sekä viljelijälle että lannoitteen valmistajalle. Tämän vuoksi tuotteet tulee hinnoitella oikein. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, mitä viljelijät ovat valmiita maksamaan erilaisista lantapohjaisista kierrätyslannoitteista, mitkä asiat vaikuttavat heidän lannoitevalintoihinsa ja millaisia näkemyksiä viljelijöillä on kierrätyslannoitteiden ominaisuuksia ja käyttöä kohtaan. Lisäksi tutkittiin markkinoilla olevien kierrätyslannoitteiden hinnoitteluperusteita suhteessa niiden ominaisuuksiin, kuten ravinnepitoisuuksiin ja olomuotoon. Näiden tulosten mukaan viljelijöiden maksuhalukkuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä olivat lantapohjaisen kierrätyslannoitteen olomuoto, luomukelpoisuus ja hinta, sekä tilan pinta-ala, tuotantosuunta, tuotettu lantamäärä, kuuluminen ympäristökorvausjärjestelmään ja viljelijän suhde maatalouteen (sivutoiminen, päätoiminen) sekä aika, jonka hän on harjoittanut maataloutta. Viljelijät suosivat kuivia olomuotoja, ja luomuviljelijöiden maksuhalukkuus oli tavanomaisia viljelijöitä korkeampi. Maksuhalukkuudet olivat pääasiassa selvästi markkinahintoja alempia, mutta varsinkin luomutuottajista on löydettävissä potentiaalisia asiakkaita.Nutrient recycling has a huge potential in Finland, but the recycling fertilizer market remains immature. Recycled nutrients should be developed into fertilizers and business activity around them to develop the market as well. Fertilizers must be profitable for the manufacturer and cost-effective for the farmer. Therefore, the fertilizers must be priced correctly. The aim of this study was to find out farmers willingness to pay for different types of manure-based recycling fertilizers, which factors affect farmers fertilizer choices and what are farmers opinions on recycling fertilizer attributes and use. Moreover, the pricing of existing recycling fertilizers was compared to their attributes like nutrient content and form. According to present results, the factors affecting farmers willingness to pay were form, eligibility to organic farming and price of the recycling fertilizer, as well as cultivated area and production sector of the farm, amount of manure produced on the farm, being part of environmental compensation scheme, and also the farmers relation to farming (part-time, full-time) and how long has he been farming. Farmers preferred fertilizers with dry form, and the willingness to pay of organic farmers was higher than that of traditional farmers. Willingness to pay for different recycling fertilizers was mostly much lower than market prices, but there are potential customers to be found, especially among organic farmers

    sWOIS Automation System Monitoring

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    This Bachelor’s thesis was done for the Cyber Security department of Wärtsilä Finland Oy. The objective of the thesis was to design and implement a network monitoring solution using the PRTG Network Monitor software in Wärtsilä’s sWOIS (server based Wärtsilä Operator’s Interface System) automation system. The aim of this thesis is to provide a centralized monitoring solution for the sWOIS hardware and software. This allows a more efficient way to react to network and hardware malfunctions. Devices connected to the Wärtsilä sWOIS Human Machine Interface environment are designed to monitor the operation of engines in different production facilities and ships. SWOIS enables the monitoring of different hardware components from a centralized control room and provides a view of the facility on a single computer screen. PRTG Network Monitor software was implemented to sWOIS environment to monitor the hardware, software and network traffic running in sWOIS using various networking protocols. The main purpose of the software is to send an alarm to the sWOIS operator if the predefined failure thresholds are exceeded and the system is malfunctioning. In this thesis requirement specifications were used to define the required properties of the monitoring software before any actual testing was done. The program selected using the specifications was installed to a test environment where the actual testing took place. Based on these tests and the final documentation, it is possible to make a profound decision on whether to continue this project to a production environment. The result of the thesis is a working network monitoring solution implemented to the sWOIS environment.Opinnäytetyö tehtiin Wärtsilä Finland Oy:n Cyber Security -osastolle. Insinöörityön aiheena oli suunnitella ja implementoida verkon ja verkkoon liitettyjen laitteiden valvontajärjestelmä käyttäen PRTG Network Monitor -ohjelmaa Wärtsilän sWOIS-järjestelmässä (server based Wärtsilä Operator’s Interface System). Valvontajärjestelmän tarkoituksena on saada keskitetty valvontapiste koko sWOIS-jär-jestelmän laitteistolle, jolloin reagoiminen laitteiston ja verkon toimintahäiriöihin on tehokkaampaa. Wärtsilän sWOIS-järjestelmäkokonaisuus on suunniteltu ympäristöksi, johon liitetyillä laitteilla pystytään valvomaan eri tuotantolaitosten ja laivojen moottoreiden toimintaa. Se pohjautuu Wonderwaren InTouch HMI -sovellukseen, joka eri asiakkaille sovellettuna mahdollistaa tuotantolaitosten eri komponenttien tarkkailun valvomosta, jossa operaattorilla on näkymä koko järjestelmän toimintaan yhdeltä ruudulta. PRTG Network Monitor -ohjelmalla on tarkoitus valvoa sWOIS-ympäristössä olevia laitteita käyttäen eri verkkoprotokollia. Ohjelman tarkoituksena on lähettää sWOIS-operaattorille ilmoitus, jos sovellukseen määritellyt vikasietorajat ylittyvät ja järjestelmän toiminta häiriintyy. Opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin vaatimusluettelon avulla valvontasovellukselta vaadittavat ominaisuudet ennen työn aloittamista ja sopivan ohjelman valitsemista. Tämän luettelon perusteella valittu ohjelma asennettiin testiympäristöön ja suoritettiin varsinainen testaus, jonka tulosten perusteella pystyttiin tekemään päätös, jatketaanko projektin kehittämistä tuotantoympäristöön. Projektin lopputuloksena on toimiva verkon valvontajärjestelmä sWOIS-ympäristöön