51 research outputs found

    New two-equation turbulence model for aerodynamics applications

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    Two-equation turbulence modelling for computational fluid dynamics and especially for analyses of high-lift aerodynamics applications is studied in depth in this thesis. Linear Boussinesq-type modelling is abandoned and a more sophisticated explicit algebraic Reynolds stress modelling (EARSM) approach is chosen as a constitutive relation between the turbulent stress tensor and the mean-velocity gradient and turbulent scales. The proposed techniques to extend the EARSM method for significantly curved flows are critically discussed and assessed. The main focus of this study is on development of a new scale-determining two-equation model to be used with the EARSM as a constitutive model. This new k – ω model is especially designed for the requirements typical in high-lift aerodynamics. In the model development, attention is especially paid to the model sensitivity to pressure gradients, model behaviour at the turbulent/laminar edges, and to calibration of the model coefficients for appropriate flow phenomena. The model development is based on both theoretical studies and numerical experimenting. A systematic study is carried out to find the most suitable operational second scale-variable for this model. According to this study, ω itself was chosen. The developed model is finally assessed and validated for a set of realistic flow problems including high-lift aerofoil flows.reviewe

    Sisävesien vesikasviseurantojen laadunvarmennus

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    Vesistöseurannat olivat ennen EY:n vesipolitiikan puitedirektiivin voimaantuloa painottuneet veden fysikaalis-kemialliseen laatuun, ja biologisten laatutekijöiden seuranta oli jäänyt kasviplanktonia lukuun ottamatta vähäiselle huomiolle. Etenkin vesikasvitutkimukset ovat olleet harvalukuisia ja menetelmiltään vaihtelevia. Tässä hankkeessa Eurooppalaisille tutkimuslaitoksille tehdyn kyselyn perusteella vesikasvillisuuden seurantamenetelmien kehitystoiminta on vilkasta. Laadunvarmistuksen menettelytavat ja ohjeisto puuttuvat kuitenkin miltei täysin lukuun ottamatta jokitutkimuksiin kehitettyä MTR-ohjeistoa. Kyselyn perusteella voidaan todeta CEN-standardeja tulkitun melko väljästi ja menetelmien olevan erittäin kirjavia. Käsillä olevassa kehityshankkeessa käydään läpi yksityiskohtaisesti vesikasvitutkimukseen liittyvät CEN-standardit ja niiden antamat suuntaviivat menetelmien kehittämiselle Suomessa. Suomessa järvien vesikasvitutkimusten menetelmäkehitys on ennen Life-Vuoksi (v. 2001-2004) projektia ollut vähäistä lukuun ottamatta biologitoimisto Jari Venetvaaran kehittämää Najas-ohjelmistoa ja siihen liittyvää linjamenetelmää. Life-Vuoksi hankkeessa suositeltu ns. päävyöhykelinjamenetelmä noudattaa hyvin CEN-standardia ja muodostaa siten perustan myös laadunvarmistuksen kehittämiselle. Jokien osalta ei vastaavaa menetelmäkehittelyä ole tehty eikä sen suhteen voida antaa suosituksia. Raportissa kuvataan yksityiskohtaisesti järvissä tehtävä vesikasvitutkimus vaiheineen ja laaditaan suuntaviivat laadunvarmistukselle. Kansallinen ohjeisto perustuu SYKEn toimimiseen vastuullisena koordinoijana, kun taas varsinainen kehitystoiminta voi keskittyä edelleen alueellisiin ympäristökeskuksiin. Laadunvarmistuksen kehittämisessä tarvitaan yhteistyötä eri toimijoiden ja viranomaisten kesken sekä selkeää työnjakoa ja resurssien yhteistä suuntaamista. Raportti on suurelta osin kirjoitettu viranomaisten tekemän perusseurannan tarpeita varten, mutta soveltuu suoraan myös toiminnallista seurantaa tekevien konsulttien käyttöön. Ehdotettu laadunvarmistuksen menettelytapa käy myös tutkinnallisen seurannan tarpeisiin

    Large-eddy simulation of the optimal street-tree layout for pedestrian-level aerosol particle concentrations – A case study from a city-boulevard

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    Street vegetation has been found to have both positive and negative impacts on pedestrian-level air quality, but the net effect has remained unclear. In this study, the effect of street trees on aerosol mass (PM10 and PM2.5) and number in a boulevard-type street canyon with high traffic volumes in Helsinki is examined using the large-eddy simulation model PALM. Including a detailed aerosol module and a canopy module to comprise permeable trees, PALM allows to examine the effect of street trees in depth. The main aim is to understand the relative importance of dry deposition and the aerodynamic impact of street trees on the different aerosol measures at pedestrian-level and to find a suitable street-tree layout that would minimise the pedestrian-level aerosol particle concentrations over the boulevard pavements. The layout scenarios were decided together with urban planners who needed science-based knowledge to support the building of new neighbourhoods with boulevard-type streets in Helsinki. Two wind conditions with wind being parallel and perpendicular to the boulevard under neutral atmospheric stratification are examined. Adding street trees to the boulevard increases aerosol particle concentrations on the pavements up to 123%, 72% and 53% for PM10, PM2.5 and total number, respectively. This shows decreased ventilation to be more important for local aerosol particle concentrations than dry deposition on vegetation. This particularly for PM10 and PM2.5 whereas for aerosol number, dominated by small particles, the importance of dry deposition increases. Therefore the studied aerosol measure is important when the effect of vegetation on pedestrian-level air quality is quantified. Crown volume fraction in the street space is one of the main determining factors for elevated mass concentrations on the pavements. The lowest pedestrian-level mass concentrations are seen with three rows of trees of variable height, whereas the lowest number concentrations with four rows of uniform trees. The tree-height variation allows stronger vertical turbulent transport with parallel wind and largest volumetric flow rates with perpendicular wind. Introducing low (height <1 m) hedges under trees between the traffic lanes and pavements is found to be a less effective mitigation method for particle mass than introducing tree-height variability, and for particle number less effective than maximising the tree volume in the street canyon. The results show how street trees in a boulevard-type street canyon lead to decreased pedestrian-level air quality with the effect being particularly strong for larger aerosol particles. However, with careful planning of the street vegetation, significant reductions in pedestrian-level aerosol particle concentrations can be obtained.Peer reviewe

    Numerical framework for the computation of urban flux footprints employing large-eddy simulation and Lagrangian stochastic modeling

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    Conventional footprint models cannot account for the heterogeneity of the urban landscape imposing a pronounced uncertainty on the spatial interpretation of eddycovariance (EC) flux measurements in urban studies. This work introduces a computational methodology that enables the generation of detailed footprints in arbitrarily complex urban flux measurements sites. The methodology is based on conducting high-resolution large-eddy simulation (LES) and Lagrangian stochastic (LS) particle analysis on a model that features a detailed topographic description of a real urban environment. The approach utilizes an arbitrarily sized target volume set around the sensor in the LES domain, to collect a dataset of LS particles which are seeded from the potential source area of the measurement and captured at the sensor site. The urban footprint is generated from this dataset through a piecewise postprocessing procedure, which divides the footprint evaluation into multiple independent processes that each yield an intermediate result. These results are ultimately selectively combined to produce the final footprint. The strategy reduces the computational cost of the LES-LS simulation and incorporates techniques to account for the complications that arise when the EC sensor is mounted on a building instead of a conventional flux tower. The presented computational framework also introduces a result assessment strategy which utilizes the obtained urban footprint together with a detailed land cover type dataset to estimate the potential error that may arise if analytically derived footprint models were employed instead. The methodology is demonstrated with a case study that concentrates on generating the footprint for a building-mounted EC measurement station in downtown Helsinki, Finland, under the neutrally stratified atmospheric boundary layer.Peer reviewe

    Study of Realistic Urban Boundary Layer Turbulence with High-Resolution Large-Eddy Simulation

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    This study examines the statistical predictability of local wind conditions in a real urban environment under realistic atmospheric boundary layer conditions by means of Large-Eddy Simulation (LES). The computational domain features a highly detailed description of a densely built coastal downtown area, which includes vegetation. A multi-scale nested LES modelling approach is utilized to achieve a setup where a fully developed boundary layer flow, which is also allowed to form and evolve very large-scale turbulent motions, becomes incident with the urban surface. Under these nonideal conditions, the local scale predictability and result sensitivity to central modelling choices are scrutinized via comparative techniques. Joint time–frequency analysis with wavelets is exploited to aid targeted filtering of the problematic large-scale motions, while concepts of information entropy and divergence are exploited to perform a deep probing comparison of local urban canopy turbulence signals. The study demonstrates the utility of wavelet analysis and information theory in urban turbulence research while emphasizing the importance of grid resolution when local scale predictability, particularly close to the pedestrian level, is sought. In densely built urban environments, the level of detail of vegetation drag modelling description is deemed most significant in the immediate vicinity of the trees

    High-resolution large-eddy simulation of indoor turbulence and its effect on airborne transmission of respiratory pathogens - Model validation and infection probability analysis

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    High-resolution large-eddy simulation (LES) is exploited to study indoor air turbulence and its effect on the dispersion of respiratory virus-laden aerosols and subsequent transmission risks. The LES modeling is carried out with unprecedented accuracy and subsequent analysis with novel mathematical robustness. To substantiate the physical relevance of the LES model under realistic ventilation conditions, a set of experimental aerosol concentration measurements are carried out, and their results are used to successfully validate the LES model results. The obtained LES dispersion results are subjected to pathogen exposure and infection probability analysis in accordance with the Wells-Riley model, which is here mathematically extended to rely on LES-based space- and time-dependent concentration fields. The methodology is applied to assess two dissimilar approaches to reduce transmission risks: a strategy to augment the indoor ventilation capacity with portable air purifiers and a strategy to utilize partitioning by exploiting portable space dividers. The LES results show that use of air purifiers leads to greater reduction in absolute risks compared to the analytical Wells-Riley model, which fails to predict the original risk level. However, the two models do agree on the relative risk reduction. The spatial partitioning strategy is demonstrated to have an undesirable effect when employed without other measures, but may yield desirable outcomes with targeted air purifier units. The study highlights the importance of employing accurate indoor turbulence modeling when evaluating different risk-reduction strategies

    Ventilation and Air Quality in City Blocks Using Large-Eddy Simulation—Urban Planning Perspective

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    Buildings and vegetation alter the wind and pollutant transport in urban environments. This comparative study investigates the role of orientation and shape of perimeter blocks on the dispersion and ventilation of traffic-related air pollutants, and the street-level concentrations along a planned city boulevard. A large-eddy simulation (LES) model PALM is employed over a highly detailed representation of the urban domain including street trees and forested areas. Air pollutants are represented by massless and passive particles (non-reactive gases), which are released with traffic-related emission rates. High-resolution simulations for four different city-block-structures are conducted over a 8.2 km domain under two contrasting inflow conditions with neutral and stable atmospheric stratification corresponding the general and wintry meteorological conditions. Variation in building height together with multiple cross streets along the boulevard improves ventilation, resulting in 7-9% lower mean concentrations at pedestrian level. The impact of smaller scale variability in building shape was negligible. Street trees further complicate the flow and dispersion. Notwithstanding the surface roughness, atmospheric stability controls the concentration levels with higher values under stably stratified inflow. Little traffic emissions are transported to courtyards. The results provide urban planners direct information to reduce air pollution by proper structural layout of perimeter blocks.Peer reviewe

    A nested multi-scale system implemented in the large-eddy simulation model PALM model system 6.0

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    Large-eddy simulation (LES) provides a physically sound approach to study complex turbulent processes within the atmospheric boundary layer including urban boundary layer flows. However, such flow problems often involve a large separation of turbulent scales, requiring a large computational domain and very high grid resolution near the surface features, leading to prohibitive computational costs. To overcome this problem, an online LES-LES nesting scheme is implemented into the PALM model system 6.0. The hereby documented and evaluated nesting method is capable of supporting multiple child domains, which can be nested within their parent domain either in a parallel or recursively cascading configuration. The nesting system is evaluated by first simulating a purely convective boundary layer flow system and then three different neutrally stratified flow scenarios with increasing order of topographic complexity. The results of the nested runs are compared with corresponding non-nested high-and low-resolution results. The results reveal that the solution accuracy within the high-resolution nest domain is clearly improved as the solutions approach the non-nested high-resolution reference results. In obstacle-resolving LES, the two-way coupling becomes problematic as anterpolation introduces a regional discrepancy within the obstacle canopy of the parent domain. This is remedied by introducing canopy-restricted anterpolation where the operation is only performed above the obstacle canopy. The test simulations make evident that this approach is the most suitable coupling strategy for obstacle-resolving LES. The performed simulations testify that nesting can reduce the CPU time up to 80 % compared to the fine-resolution reference runs, while the computational overhead from the nesting operations remained below 16 % for the two-way coupling approach and significantly less for the one-way alternative. © 2021 Antti Hellsten et al

    A nested multi-scale system implemented in the large-eddy simulation model PALM model system 6.0

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    Large-eddy simulation (LES) provides a physically sound approach to study complex turbulent processes within the atmospheric boundary layer including urban boundary layer flows. However, such flow problems often involve a large separation of turbulent scales, requiring a large computational domain and very high grid resolution near the surface features, leading to prohibitive computational costs. To overcome this problem, an online LES–LES nesting scheme is implemented into the PALM model system 6.0. The hereby documented and evaluated nesting method is capable of supporting multiple child domains, which can be nested within their parent domain either in a parallel or recursively cascading configuration. The nesting system is evaluated by first simulating a purely convective boundary layer flow system and then three different neutrally stratified flow scenarios with increasing order of topographic complexity. The results of the nested runs are compared with corresponding non-nested high- and low-resolution results. The results reveal that the solution accuracy within the high-resolution nest domain is clearly improved as the solutions approach the non-nested high-resolution reference results. In obstacle-resolving LES, the two-way coupling becomes problematic as anterpolation introduces a regional discrepancy within the obstacle canopy of the parent domain. This is remedied by introducing canopy-restricted anterpolation where the operation is only performed above the obstacle canopy. The test simulations make evident that this approach is the most suitable coupling strategy for obstacle-resolving LES. The performed simulations testify that nesting can reduce the CPU time up to 80 % compared to the fine-resolution reference runs, while the computational overhead from the nesting operations remained below 16 % for the two-way coupling approach and significantly less for the one-way alternative.publishedVersio

    Implementation of the sectional aerosol module SALSA2.0 into the PALM model system 6.0 : Model development and first evaluation

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    Urban pedestrian-level air quality is a result of an interplay between turbulent dispersion conditions, background concentrations, and heterogeneous local emissions of air pollutants and their transformation processes. Still, the complexity of these interactions cannot be resolved by the commonly used air quality models. By embedding the sectional aerosol module SALSA2.0 into the large-eddy simulation model PALM, a novel, high-resolution, urban aerosol modelling framework has been developed. The first model evaluation study on the vertical variation of aerosol number concentration and size distribution in a simple street canyon without vegetation in Cambridge, UK, shows good agreement with measurements, with simulated values mainly within a factor of 2 of observations. Dispersion conditions and local emissions govern the pedestrian-level aerosol number concentrations. Out of different aerosol processes, dry deposition is shown to decrease the total number concentration by over 20 %, while condensation and dissolutional increase the total mass by over 10 %. Following the model development, the application of PALM can be extended to local-and neighbourhood-scale air pollution and aerosol studies that require a detailed solution of the ambient flow field.Peer reviewe