865 research outputs found

    On the localization of discontinuities of the first kind for a function of bounded variation

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    Methods of the localization (detection of positions) of discontinuities of the first kind for a univariate function of bounded variation are constructed and investigated. Instead of an exact function, its approximation in L2(-∞,+∞) and the error level are known. We divide the discontinuities into two sets, one of which contains discontinuities with the absolute value of the jump greater than some positive Δmin; the other set contains discontinuities satisfying a smallness condition for the value of the jump. It is required to find the number of discontinuities in the former set and localize them using the approximately given function and the error level. Since the problem is ill-posed, regularizing algorithms should be used for its solution. Under additional conditions on the exact function, we construct regular methods for the localization of discontinuities and obtain estimates for the accuracy of localization and for the separability threshold, which is another important characteristic of the method. The (order) optimality of the constructed methods on the classes of functions with singularities is established. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd


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    In order to determine the total content of hydrocarbons (HCs) in natural and waste waters the sum of HCs was extracted, and the possibility of incomplete extraction of most soluble and most toxic HCs – monocyclic arenes – was neglected. The recommendations on the optimal extraction conditions were found to be quite contradictory, while the data for arenes losses was not studied. The purpose of this research was to examine the possibility of quantitative extraction of arenes during HCs determinations. We have measured the extraction degree (R, %) for the most soluble C6 - C9 arenes from model aqueous solutions in optimized conditions by IR and UV spectrometry with hexane and carbon tetrachloride as extractants. The influence of different factors on the extraction degree was investigated. It was established that the optimal phases contact time was 5 minutes. R values for a single extraction made up 30% - 80% depending on the arenes and the extractants nature. The influence of the initial concentration of arenes on R value was not statistically significant. The introduction of salting-out reagents, the increase of extractants volume and the repeated treatment of the sample reduced the losses of arenes, but did not lead to their complete elimination (in all cases R 90 %). The incompleteness of arenes extraction led to the underestimated results of water analysis.  The bigger was the share of arenes in the sum of HCs the bigger was the error value by modulus.Keywords: hydrochemical analysis, aromatic hydrocarbons, extraction, extent of extraction, systematic errors of the analysis(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2017.21.4.004T.V. Antonova, S.V. Usova Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Russian Federation, 644077, Omsk,Mira str., 55a Для определения углеводородов (УВ) в природных и сточных водах сумму УВ экстрагируют, пренебрегая потерями наиболее растворимых в воде и самых токсичных УВ – моноциклических аренов. Рекомендации по условиям экстракции противоречивы, потери УВ не изучались. Цель работы – оценить возможность количественного извлечения аренов при определении УВ в водах. Для этого методами ИК- и УФ-спектрометрии определяли степень извлечения (R, %) наиболее растворимых аренов С6 -С9  из модельных водных растворов, используя обычно применяемые экстрагенты (гексан, тетрахлорметан) и варьируя условия экстракции. Установлено, что оптимальное время контакта фаз при извлечении аренов равно 5 минутам. Значения R при однократной экстракции составляют 30-80 % в зависимости от природы арена и экстрагента. Влияние начальной концентрации аренов на величину R незначимо. Введение высаливателей, увеличение объема экстрагента и повторная обработка пробы экстрагентом уменьшают потери, но не приводят к их исключению (во всех случаях R 90 %). Таким образом, экстракция суммы УВ даже в оптимальных условиях ведет к заниженным результатам анализа. Систематические погрешности будут тем выше (по модулю), чем выше доля  аренов в смеси УВ.Ключевые слова: гидрохимический анализ, ароматические углеводороды, экстракция, степень извлечения, систематические погрешности анализаDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2017.21.4.00

    Видавнича продукція Української вільної академії наук (УВАН) у Німеччині з фонду відділу зарубіжної україніки Національної бібліотеки України імені В.І. Вернадського (Publishing Products of the Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences (UFAS) in Germany From the Fund of Vernadsky National Library Department of Foreign Ukrainistics)

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    Дослідження розкриває наявні у фонді відділу зарубіжної україніки Національної бібліотеки України імені В.І. Вернадського видання Української вільної академії наук у Німеччині, які репрезентують процес її становлення, діяльності, розвитку, імена науковців, зусиллями яких постала УВАН. З’ясовано джерела фінансування наукової установи, видавничі можливості та здійснено книжкову характеристику документів, зібраних у фонді зарубіжної україніки НБУВ, їх змістовне наповнення (The study reveals the publications of the Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences in Germany that are available in the fund of Foreign Ukrainistics Department of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine and represent the process of its formation, activity, development, and the names of scientists whose efforts led to UFAS. Sources of funding the scientific institution and publishing opportunities was found out, and the book description of the documents along with their meaningful content was carried out. A significant number of documents published by UFAS reveal its scientific directions and opportunities. Through the efforts of UFAS in Germany, the scientific world has been replenished with dozens of important works which represent Ukrainian science. The review of UFAS publications was published in a separate series “UFAS Chronicle”, and the publication “UFAS Bulletin” published monthly reports on the activities of the institution. Some groups (sections) prepared their “Collections” for printing. Monographs on current research were being published. The first issue of the bibliographic journal “Ukrainian Bibliological News”, the main topics of which are bibliology, archival science and library science, was published in the series “Bibliography”. The magazine kept records of Ukrainian printed materials in exile, published articles-reviews of UFAS leading scientists, analyzed the history of the magazine and reviews of new books about the figures of the Ukrainian word. Separate editions were published in the same series. An important task of the activities of FUD is to open the fund and popularize the diaspora book culture. The foundations for the further development and activities of UFAS in Canada and the United States were laid precisely in Augsburg, Germany. By organizing a center for the preservation and development of Ukrainian science in Germany, Ukrainian scientists have launched activities to establish strong scientific ties with European scientists and made it possible to integrate Ukrainian science into the world)

    The system of educating pre-service teachers to implement civic education in schools

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. Russia is undergoing difficult time changes in social development and radical changes that cause ambiguous consequences in social sentiments, behavioral practices and values of younger generation. In this regard, one of the socio-political challenges of Russia at the present moment is formation of civic society. This article concerns the development of the preservice teacher readiness to implement civic education of younger generation. The primary result of the article is the developed by the authors system of future teachers’ training for implementation of civic education among future students. The article submissions may be useful for school teachers, teachers of vocational education institutions, as well as for the preservice teachers

    Кардиоваскулярные аспекты HBV-инфекции

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    The overview presents the data on the cardiovascular system (CVS) conditions adherent to cases with different forms and variants of HBV-infection. The main mechanisms responsible for CVS functional and organic disturbances in cases with acute and chronic hepatitis B have been characterized. The highlighted is the vascular lesion role in the forming of the disease extrahepatic signs. The results of the researches dedicated to reveal the association of HBV-infection with the development of myocarditis, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases have been discussed.В обзоре представлены данные о состоянии сердечно-сосудистой системы при различных формах и вариантах течения HBV-инфекции, охарактеризованы основные механизмы, лежащие в основе функциональных и органических нарушений ее деятельности при остром и хроническом гепатите В; подчеркивается значение сосудистых поражений в формировании внепеченочных проявлений заболевания. Обсуждены результаты исследований, направленных на выяснение связи HBV-инфекции с развитием миокардита, атеросклероза и других сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний

    Loss of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during the extraction from the aqueous phase

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    In order to determine the total content of hydrocarbons (HCs) in natural and waste waters the sum of HCs was extracted, and the possibility of incomplete extraction of most soluble and most toxic HCs – monocyclic arenes – was neglected. The recommendations on the optimal extraction conditions were found to be quite contradictory, while the data for arenes losses was not studied. The purpose of this research was to examine the possibility of quantitative extraction of arenes during HCs determinations. We have measured the extraction degree (R, %) for the most soluble C6 - C9 arenes from model aqueous solutions in optimized conditions by IR and UV spectrometry with hexane and carbon tetrachloride as extractants. The influence of different factors on the extraction degree was investigated. It was established that the optimal phases contact time was 5 minutes. R values for a single extraction made up 30% - 80% depending on the arenes and the extractants nature. The influence of the initial concentration of arenes on R value was not statistically significant. The introduction of salting-out reagents, the increase of extractants volume and the repeated treatment of the sample reduced the losses of arenes, but did not lead to their complete elimination (in all cases R < 90 %). The incompleteness of arenes extraction led to the underestimated results of water analysis. The bigger was the share of arenes in the sum of HCs the bigger was the error value by modulus.Для определения углеводородов (УВ) в природных и сточных водах сумму УВ экстрагируют, пренебрегая потерями наиболее растворимых в воде и самых токсичных УВ – моноциклических аренов. Рекомендации по условиям экстракции противоречивы, потери УВ не изучались. Цель работы – оценить возможность количественного извлечения аренов при определении УВ в водах. Для этого методами ИК- и УФ-спектрометрии определяли степень извлечения (R, %) наиболее растворимых аренов С6 -С9 из модельных водных растворов, используя обычно применяемые экстрагенты (гексан, тетрахлорметан) и варьируя условия экстракции. Установлено, что оптимальное время контакта фаз при извлечении аренов равно 5 минутам. Значения R при однократной экстракции составляют 30-80 % в зависимости от природы арена и экстрагента. Влияние начальной концентрации аренов на величину R незначимо. Введение высаливателей, увеличение объема экстрагента и повторная обработка пробы экстрагентом уменьшают потери, но не приводят к их исключению (во всех случаях R < 90 %). Таким образом, экстракция суммы УВ даже в оптимальных условиях ведет к заниженным результатам анализа. Систематические погрешности будут тем выше (по модулю), чем выше доля аренов в смеси УВ.The paper was written with the financial support of RFBR (RFFI)1 and the Ministry of education and science of Omsk oblast (grant RA 16-43-550479, 2017). The authors express their gratitude to the Senior Doctors of Chemstry V. I. Vershinin, I. V. Vlasova and A. S. Fisyuk for their participation in the discussion of the project, and to the students A. V. Mamontova and D. V. Petrov, who also took part in the experiment